MTL - After the Big Guy Wears the Abusive Text-Chapter 54 she is drunk

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The emperor looked at him for a while, then leaned back, leaned lazily on the back of the chair, and played with the ring that was as smooth as water on his fingers.

The hall was silent for a while, Huang Xueshi glared at Song Canzheng angrily, but was ignored by him with a smile.

"Send the order, shut down the rumors, and if anyone talks about this rashly, they will be punished. In addition, let me investigate the places where the Weiya goes in and out, find out who did it, pay attention to secret investigation, Don't let the rumors leak out and hurt my royal face." The emperor put his hand on the table and tapped, making a da da sound.

"Yes, Your Majesty." When the two ministers heard the words, they bowed their heads and bowed to resign.

come here.


When Ye Youqing arrived at the gate of Ganlu Temple, the surging heart in his heart had calmed down.

She knew that things would not be solved so easily, but when she saw the rumors in the city quickly returning to silence, she couldn't help but feel a suffocation and anger that was covered by her mouth.

What a prince.

Liang Guogong had already arrived, and was standing aside at this time, his brows furrowed and his expression serious.

"The minister and daughter have seen His Majesty." Ye Youqing's voice was clear, neither happy nor angry.

The emperor looked at the woman who couldn't see the expression in front of him, the speed of his fingers on the table became faster, and then he sighed: "Don't be cautious, today is just to close the door and talk about relatives words."

"Come here, give me a seat." The emperor stretched out his hand.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Ye Youqing said politely.


Ye Youqing looked at the broken water stains of the teacup on the ground from the corner of his eye and sneered in his heart. Knowing that Wei Yanei was murdered by a traitor, he never mentioned anything else.

On the face, she pretended to be more natural than the emperor.

The emperor's words paused, and then continued: "Liang Guogong has always been the most popular close minister, and he has a title. , used to be more effective in the court. Today, the Queen Mother invited your mother again. As the daughter of King Sirong, she has suffered a lot in recent years, and her body is weak. The Queen Mother also invited the imperial doctor to see it. I thought about it. , after the two of you get married, seal her the position of life wife, and recuperate well for the rest of your life."

Ye Youqing heard the words, Yingying smiled and glanced at Liang Guogong, then got up and blessed: "Thank you for your great kindness, the ministers and daughters can't repay."

As soon as she said these words of thanks, she choked the emperor's words.

The emperor opened his mouth and finally laughed.

However, her attitude reassured the emperor a lot. It seems that just as Huang Xueshi said, she is just a woman, and she can hold it in the palm of her hand.

He also let go of his thoughts, waved his hand, and said: "Okay, there are many political affairs today, and there are affairs between the DPRK and China, let's go."

Ye Youqing heard the words, left the palace door, followed behind Liang Guogong, saw Liang Guogong in front of him without a word and strode out of the distance, he knew how angry he was.

Ignoring the rumors and insisting on marrying his daughter to Wei Yanei, it is obvious that he does not pay attention to his Liang Guogong, and it also means suppression, he will definitely be angry.

And Ye Youqing felt that this anger had nothing to do with the suffering she might have suffered in the past, she was just a **** in the power field.

Thinking of this, Ye Youqing could not help clenching his fists, turned around and looked at the red-hot hall and palace walls under the bright sun.

Imperial power, something that can easily control the fate of others.

Ye Youqing suddenly laughed.

"Sister, elder sister!" An angry voice came from outside the arch, and a tender but thin hand greeted her, Ye Youqing put away the momentary thoughts, strode over, and let the hands After she pulled in the stone lion.

The black and white eyes collided into the eyes, the boy was wearing a dark red brocade clothes, with a high bun tied on the top of his head, looking much neater than before, just like a rich and noble boy.

It's just the anger in her eyes.

"You can't marry that surnamed Wei, I just sneaked into the imperial physician's office, the rumors in Beijing were true, and the imperial physicians were secretly searching for all kinds of good remedies, thinking about how to save him. "The boy clenched Ye Youqing's wrist tightly, his eyes gradually gloomy, "I have a way to make him survive tonight."

"Shh." Ye Youqing put her finger on her lips to stop her words.

"This can't be heard." Ye Youqing said lightly, reaching out and patting the boy's head, "I don't need you to do anything."

"But sister, you are a good person, and a good person can't marry such a bastard." The boy's eyes were red, and his thin chest kept heaving up and down.

"There are many good people, but good people suffer." Ye Youqing smiled, "In the future, you must work hard and be a person who will not let good people suffer."

The teenager almost cried.

Ye Youqing patted her on the shoulder: "Don't cry, you are a prince, you can't be seen as weak by others."

"Isn't Yan Jieyu's place anymore?" Ye Youqing asked.

The young man gritted his teeth fiercely, until the blue veins burst on his forehead, then he held back the tears, and said in a hoarse voice: "Yan Jieyu died last night, I heard that the father and emperor tortured the master behind the scenes. She was so frightened that she hanged herself."

"Frightened to hang herself?" Ye Youqing shook her head, and she said, "How can such a vicious and unscrupulous person hang himself when he hears the wind?"

The boy bit his lip as if he understood something.

"If you want to stand out among the many princes, you have to find a backer." Ye Youqing saw a row of palace servants walking towards here, so he speeded up his speech, "You have to learn Forbearance, protect yourself, but you can't just say murder, with your intelligence, you won't be anonymous in the future."

"We have to stand at a high place to protect the people we want to protect." Ye Youqing said, pointing to the palace servants who were getting closer.

The boy was about to bit his lip and blood came out, but her hand was still holding Ye Youqing's arm, and she slowly stepped back.

The eyes are like obsidian and uncut jade.

"Sister, can I still see you?" she said suddenly.

"Perhaps." Ye Youqing pursed her lips and smiled gently.

The teenager stared at her for a while, then turned around and slipped away along the palace wall, and soon disappeared.

Ye Youqing looked back at the towering Nectar Hall again before leaving.

Married, this is the first daughter of the Ye family.

But most people are just watching the fire from the other side, and even thinking about watching the biggest joke in Beijing.

For a time, there was a strange phenomenon in the capital. Teahouses and restaurants were overcrowded, but they did not speak loudly. They made eye contact, lively and silent.

Ye Youqing in the center of the whirlpool, as if nothing happened, she would stay behind closed doors as usual, and occasionally she would go to Jinling Zhai, sit down for a while and then go home.

People love to watch the children of big families get shriveled, not to mention Ye Youqing's slowness, so there are more people waiting to watch the show.

Ye Youqing is not in a hurry here, but someone is in a hurry for her.

In the Autumn Water Hall, several palace servants surrounded the door of the wing, holding dishes and water basins in their hands, looking like they didn't know what to do.

"What's the matter?" A female voice sounded, and Zhou Ziqiu, dressed in Chinese clothes, came from outside the palace and stood behind several palace servants.

When the palace people heard the words, they hurriedly turned around and knelt down, raised their eyebrows and said: "Miss, Miss Cike still can't eat anything, she just keeps herself in the room, we are worried and dare not go in. Look…"

Zhou Ziqiu raised his eyebrows with worry, and waved his jade finger full of rings, signaling the palace people to go down.

"Chunhong, leave the dishes." Zhou Ziqiu said, took the tray from Chunhong, knocked twice, and pushed open the door.

The curtains were drawn in the dim room, making it even darker. The woman was dressed neatly and was sitting on the couch, staring at the pieces of candy in front of her in a daze.

"Ci Ke." Zhou Ziqiu slowly stepped forward and put down the tray, "Why don't you eat."

"Aunt." Ci Ke was taken aback by her words, then he gradually relaxed and shook his head silently.

"There is no news from her side yet?" Ci Ke asked softly.

"No." Zhou Ziqiu replied, she turned and sat beside Cike's bed, "I am preparing for the dowry, it should be, accept it."

She was getting married and she didn't come to her. Cike's eyes were lowered, and his heart was full of grievances for some reason.

What qualifications does she have to be wronged, she has always thought of herself.

, I can't even protect you?"

"You are too daring." Zhou Ziqiu half reproached, picked up the teacup and put it in her hand.

"Don't worry, Aunt, I won't think about anything else in the future, but I'm still in a trance." Ci Ke said, putting down the teacup, she would find a way to break this absurd thought, can't cause trouble for others.

Zhou Ziqiu looked at Ci Ke, a little stunned, and whispered: "If it weren't for my aunt, you wouldn't be like this."

"How can you blame my aunt." Ci Ke heard the words and smiled, with two dimples on her cheeks that were even lighter than her smile.

"Aunt, I want to go out for a walk." Ci Ke said, pulling on the corner of Zhou Ziqiu's clothes as a prayer.

"No." Ci Ke said softly, "I just want to go to Jinlingzhai to sit."

It is night, because the next month is the full moon, so the weather today is like a burning coal fire, suffocating and steaming.

Ye Youqing accompanied Zhao Qingrou to talk for a while, and when she returned to her room, she only felt hot and sweaty, so she could only ask Qin Xin to bring some winter wells Ice in the cellar and put it on the table to cool down.

She seemed to be busy these days, but she was too busy to touch the ground, so she sat by the ice and looked at a map, and circled a few places she still remembered.

Although the early wedding date made her a little busy, it did not break her plan.

But on Cike's side, she always wanted to say a few words to her, but now her every move is being watched, it is difficult to find an opportunity to approach, and she is afraid that she will be too close to Cike, would be suspected by the emperor.

It's just a matter of procrastination.

The night was getting darker, Ye Youqing kept the map firmly in his mind, then put it in front of the candle to burn it, and looked up at the night outside the window.

No moon and stars, it was a cloudy day.

"Who?" she whispered.

"Me." The voice of Shili came.

Ye Youqing dodged subconsciously, letting the thing fall softly to the ground.

The picturesque profile of the face is clear under the lights.

He said, "Don't worry, everyone who was stalking outside the house was taken away."

As she spoke, she met Ye Youqing's surprised eyes, and then they both bowed their heads.

Shili was silent for a while, then said a good dream, then shook his body and left.

Ye Youqing hurriedly squatted down, grabbed the woman's arm, pulled her body like a puddle of drunken water from the ground, and landed in the crook of the arm: "Ci Ke?"