MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 2 Divine bone

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  Chapter 2 Divine Bone

  Although the belly was punctured, it didn't bleed much anymore—it was seriously injured so far, and it was almost bleeding out.

   After taking the medicine, if you lie on your stomach quietly, you can last for a while, but if it wants to kill two people in a row, the effect of the medicine will be evaporated quickly.

   "I don't want to die." Although the small pills he persuaded are still taking effect, He Lingchuan can still feel his vitality draining away with the blood bit by bit. He looked up at the cliff, and just now the tall man said that there were bloodstains on the stone on the top of the cliff. It was probably left over from the previous fight between the original body and the sand leopard.

  If these two people can find out, others will naturally be able to find out too. In other words, he still has hope of being rescued!

  Thinking of this, he was refreshed.

   "You are better than me, after all, you put me on the back." Sand Leopard was also the one who killed two people in a row just now, and He Lingchuan only played a support. This also overdraws the last bit of its power.

  If there were still two points of vitality after persuading the medicine, it is now gone. "Unfortunately, the great revenge has not yet been avenged."

  He Lingchuan wondered: "These two people don't count?" He didn't want to sit still, remembering that he still had wound medicine on his body, he quickly took it out to stop the bleeding.

   It is common sense to bring medicines when you go hunting. And the original body also often fights, there is no lack of self-help knowledge in memory, and the movements are quite skilled.

   "Look at the skills of these two minions, how could they push me to a corner?" Leopard panted, "The real culprit is someone else!"

  He Lingchuan saw that its belly was rising and falling with difficulty, and there were still several bleeding wounds on it, and finally couldn't bear it: "If you don't move around, I will help you with the medicine."

  Even though this guy attacked him in a daze, he also killed him and saved his life later. Is it considered as compensation?

  The leopard demon nodded.

  He Lingchuan moved forward to the leopard demon, and applied the gold-creating medicine on it.

   After looking closely, I realized that its injuries were really shocking. Several vital points were injured, and a sternum was broken, directly piercing into the lung.

   Much more serious than him.

  Of course, there are a few places here that the original body stabbed out with a dagger, and there are all kinds of others, which he can't understand.

  He only knows one thing: This guy probably has no way out.

  The cool feeling from the wound comforted the leopard demon in pain. It opened its eyes and looked at He Lingchuan, and said in a low voice, "Sorry, thank you."

  Thank him for repaying evil with kindness.

While applying the medicine, He Lingchuan said, "There are no sand leopards around here. You came from Xishan, right? I remember that the local county government has an order that sand bandits on Hongya Road are not allowed to kill and plunder in the border of Heishui City. This order has been implemented It's been so smooth for many years, how dare you cross the line?"

   As soon as the words came out, he was also stunned. How does he know this?

   No, the original body knew this and said it casually.

  After the battle, many memories slowly surfaced from the depths of my mind.

  He remembered that the sand leopard's lair was in Xishan, which was still far from Heishui City.

  He remembered that the entire litter of sand leopards were sand bandits, and there were not a few people and monsters living on plunder on the Red Cliff Road.

  He also remembered that all these years, whether it was humans or monsters, everyone obeyed the orders of the local county government and dared not stretch their hands to Heishui City.

   It was his father, He Chunhua, who promulgated this law with his own hands!

  The question is, why did the leopard demon in Xishan go to Calabash Mountain near Heishui City to make trouble?

   "Foreign strongmen broke into Xishan and killed my father, who is also the patriarch of our clan." Leopard Demon gritted his teeth, "We almost wiped out our clan, only a few brothers escaped."

  He Lingchuan was taken aback.

   More than 30 such powerful leopard monsters, almost wiped out?

  He tentatively asked: "It's an army, how many people are there?"

"No, there are only seven or eight people, and the two leaders are the most powerful." Leopard Demon spat out the necklace in his mouth to He Lingchuan's feet, "They will definitely send people after them, these things cannot be left to them. I ask you one thing , take them away. It would be best if I can find my other brothers, but if I can’t find them… it’s up to you.”

   Anyway, the murderer can't be cheap.

  This necklace is the root of all evil? He Lingchuan hesitated: "That's what they're chasing? Is it okay if I don't want it?"

  He suddenly noticed that the leopard demon said "these", that is, other than the necklace?

   "It's up to you." The leopard demon was already very tired, and closed his eyes after speaking.

  This leopard is so strong that it can bite two good players when it is dying. Why did he take this kind of trouble on himself?

  He Lingchuan picked up the necklace and looked at it.

  The chain pendant looks like jade but not jade, but it looks like polished ivory, with a few hints of yellow halo.

  The weirdest thing is that he actually feels very friendly holding the pendant, as if this thing has been worn on him for many years.

   "Your enemy, why do you want this?"

   "I don't know." The leopard demon said, "I just returned to the nest, when I encountered the other party's attack, my father was killed."

   "..." He Lingchuan sighed, "It would be great if I could keep a mouth open for questioning." However, this old man was so fierce that he silenced his mouth too quickly.

"This pendant is a family heirloom 'divine bone chain' left by our ancestors more than a hundred years ago. It is said that it is made of the finger bones of the gods and is kept by our patriarch. Only the patriarch knows its origin and use. I only know that it can avoid fire injuries. "Leopard demon said, "When I returned to the nest, I seemed to hear my enemy say something, hand over... token."

   "Where is the token?"

"I didn't hear clearly, the mountain wind was too strong at that time, and I was far away." The leopard coughed up blood again, "My broken tooth fell into the crack in the ground behind you, if you are alive, pick it up, there is something in it too .”

   "Is there anything your enemy wants?"

"Maybe." The leopard demon rested his head on his front paws, "I don't know what they want, but the patriarch said that everything else can be handed over, except this necklace! You must put it away and never show it to others , otherwise our clan will be a lesson for you!"

  He Lingchuan looked at the necklace and smiled wryly: "Don't let people find out? It seems a little difficult." And assuming that he can get out of here alive, "Huh?"

   Before the words fell, the shape of the pendant's **** bone changed.

   From a crescent moon to a round pendant, there is a small hole in the middle, just to allow the thread to pass through.

   "This?" He Lingchuan touched his chest, and pulled out a necklace from his skirt, which was also a round pendant!

  When the two pieces are put together, the shape, size, color, and weight cannot be said to be exactly the same, only the same.

   In other words, this crescent moon actually understood his worries, and simply disguised itself as the jade pendant he had been wearing all along!

   Just looking at this point, it is not a mortal thing.

   There was another soft "click", and the jade pendant on his neck cracked along several small cracks, and then—


  The owner fell from a height of more than ten feet and fell to the bottom of the ravine. Several bones in his body were broken, and this pendant was not spared. When the seam was touched by him, Yupei died.

  He Lingchuan stared at the divine bone necklace in a daze for a while. Does this mean that you have to wear it?

  (end of this chapter)