MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 4 hard work

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  Chapter 4 Suffering and happiness come

  At the same time, the great shaman commanded the people to change the position of He Lingchuan and his bed so that the afterglow of the setting sun could shine on him.

  The bumpy movement caused the divine bone necklace to slide from He Lingchuan's skirt to the pillow, just in time to reflect a ray of afterglow into the eyes of the great shaman.

  The big shaman felt a strong light coming, and quickly turned his head.

  He picked up the pendant casually, looked at it twice, and threw it back again.

  It's just an ordinary jade pendant, although it is of high quality.

  "The yin and yang alternate at sunset. The yang qi has not dissipated, and the yin qi has arrived. It is the most appropriate time to not hurt the soul." After speaking, he lit the black incense stick, "This is the incense for ecstasy."

   Then, he burned the cloth and the cicada slough one by one, and threw them into the rootless water together with the ashes of the Ecstasy Incense. At the same time, he took nine drops of the neck blood of the little rooster, and while stirring, he muttered.

  He Chunhua probed to look, and saw that the rootless water in the tank was originally light red with fine particles floating, but as the mantra of the great shaman continued, the water quality became more and more clear, and in the end it was no longer different from clear water.

  At this time, the setting sun in the west is about to sneak behind the mountain and is contributing its last ray of light.

  It also shines on the jade pendant that slipped from He Lingchuan's neck.

   "The timing is just right!" The big shaman held up the can, took a big sip of rootless water, and then sprayed it over He Lingchuan with a "poof"!


  The water vapor in the form of spray does not disperse in the air, but slowly gathers a little shape.

  He Chunhua shook his head: "It's too blurry to see clearly."

   "He has not healed from serious injuries, his spirit is weak, and he is not easy to show." So the big shaman added water and sprayed again.

   So again and again.

  In the afterglow of the setting sun, a human face outlined by water vapor was illuminated in mid-air. The eyebrows, nose bridge, and face shape were all exactly the same as He Lingchuan who was sleeping with closed eyes below.

   It seems to be painted according to his facial features.

   "This time, the soul-taking technique shows that the soul is like a real person, as if it were a fake." The big shaman chuckled, "Master County Sheriff, are you satisfied?"

  His exclusive and secret art of illuminating the soul can directly illuminate the appearance of the soul. If the appearance of the person and the soul are the same, and the lines are clear and clear, it means that there is no evil upper body; if the appearance of the soul is different, then the great shaman will start to exorcise the evil.

  He Chunhua also knew that the great shaman is powerful in astralizing the soul, so he finally felt relieved and let go of his heart: "Thank you, great shaman!"

   As soon as the voice fell, the face formed by the water vapor dissipated. At the same time, the setting sun did not enter under the Western Mountains.

  Governor He waved his hand, and the servant hurriedly offered his salary.

  The rest moved He Lingchuan's bed back to its original position.

   "The governor is still as generous as ever." The big shaman's face was gentle, "I will go on a long journey the day after tomorrow, and I will come again tomorrow. I hope the eldest son can wake up."

   After talking, the two went out the door.

  No one noticed that the divine bone necklace around He Lingchuan's neck flashed red.

  Zhao Mandu paused in his footsteps, suddenly felt a sense, and looked back.

  Everything in the room is as usual, the patient's eyes are still closed.

   "What?" He Chunhua asked, "What's wrong?"

  The big shaman looked around the room, but didn't see anything unusual, so he shook his head: "It's okay." He turned around and strode away.


   It has been more than a month since he was reincarnated as a human being, but He Lingchuan can always think of the past.

  At that time, he was working in an ordinary unit, doing an ordinary job, and receiving an ordinary salary. As a vigorous young man, he often finds it difficult to calm down, but no matter how impassioned and verbal and pensive he is behind the scenes, when he is in front of others, he must be quiet and peace is the most important thing.

  Society's beatings can always turn people into the cogs it wants.

  Coinciding with the economic downturn, the unit delayed the salary for three months. That day, I wandered around the entrance of the restaurant for two or three times, and finally decided to kindly take care of the small stall business on the corner of the street. After all, in the winter, it is not easy to do business under the wind and cold.

   "Boss, let me set pancakes, add more green onions, more eggs or meat...yes, neither."

   As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a car crash into the little **** the side of the road. The driver panicked and drove even faster.

  The tragedy was right in front of him, and without even thinking about it, he actually did the bravest and most reckless thing in his life:

   One stride rushed up and picked up the girl...

   Thought he was hit by a car? No, not at all.

  He was unharmed, returned the child to the couple who rushed up, and gave the child a few words to tell her to watch the road more, and then turned around.

  Just after passing the intersection, a heavy object fell from the sky and hit the head with precision.

  He only felt that his eyes were dark—

   "Hey!" He Lingchuan sat up and rubbed his eyes.

   Immediately someone beside him laughed and said, "Young master is awake?"

  He Lingchuan immediately came to his senses. In front of you is an exquisite small hall, with two screens, mountains and waters, and a stage in the middle. The people on the stage are well-dressed, and the audience in the audience are eating melon seeds, drinking tea, and chatting about mountains. There are more than two hundred people in total. Let's look up here together.

   That's right, he is the eldest young master of the He family, and he is currently lying in a private room on the second floor, with sweet goose pear incense burning in the corner; on the silver plate next to him, there are still drops of water hanging on the grape honeydew melon.

  This is the theater building, called Jiexiantai, not outside the Baizhang cliff. He Lingchuan pressed his neck subconsciously, and lay back on the couch comfortably: "Wake up, let's continue."

   There used to be four deep tooth cavities here, only half an inch away from the aorta, which were left by the leopard monster, but now they have healed up, and new tender red flesh grows. He has more than a dozen scars like this all over his body.

   There was also a young man from a rich family named Liu Baobao in the private room, who snapped his fingers to the boy beside him when he saw this. The latter immediately moved to the side of the fence, and sang down: "Young master is awake, continue!"

  The popular operas in Yuan Country are mainly short and fast, seeking novelty, and often straight to the theme without lengthy singing, so young people also like it very much, so they read it as a story. Today, two new plays were prepared in Xiantai, with famous actors playing the role, but not long after the show started, Young Master He fell asleep upstairs. What followed was a fierce fighting scene. Liu Baobao stopped midway for fear of disturbing his sweet dreams.

   This wait lasted for more than half an hour, and the audience below complained slightly. Fortunately, the master woke up at this time.

  The sound of silk and bamboo downstairs rang out, and a clear male voice sang: "Let's say that the golden bull, the guardian beast released by the Xiluo Kingdom, is invincible—"

  He Lingchuan frowned.

  Why is it still this drama?

  He just fell asleep listening to this play, and now again?

  Liu Baobao saw his expression, and immediately smiled and said, "Brother Chuan doesn't like it?"

  He Lingchuan said slowly: "It's lukewarm."

  Actually, this is an additional special show held by Liu Baobao. He is the one who spends the money, and even the characters were hand-picked by him more than two months ago. Picking Xiantai cost a lot of money to invite this entire troupe from the mainland to Heishui City, where birds do not lay eggs.

  (end of this chapter)