MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 453 local bully

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  Chapter 453 Local Tyrant

  He, Shimen Caravan, and Li Qingge temporarily separated in Tai'an City. The two continued to go north, while He Lingchuan followed the clues to leave the team and traveled to Shuangyi City.

   Before leaving, Li Qingge actually gave him a recipe.

  The upgrade formula of the Golden Armored Bronze Guard is somewhat different from the one obtained by He Lingchuan in Panlong City.

  Songyang Mansion is best at casting.

  Obviously after hearing about the deal between He Lingchuan and Fu Shanyue, she immediately understood what he needed.

   This woman is amazing.

   Now that He Lingchuan has received Fu Shanyue's reward, he has to find the whereabouts of the Lingxu City messenger for him—the clues obtained from Tai'an City point to this.

   Right at this moment, there was a ringing bell coming from ahead.

  The sound seemed to be magical, and the residents who heard it put down their business and ran to the place where the sound came from.

  He Lingchuan even saw a few shopkeepers leaving their shops alone and running with their necks stretched.

   "What's the fun ahead?" This scene seemed familiar.

  Tiger demon Jiao Yu has long been used to this kind of voice, licked his lips and said, "Execute criminals."

   That's right, He Lingchuan immediately remembered that when he first entered the border of Baoshu, he also saw the scene of the execution of criminals. Men, women and children all grabbed the best viewing seats in the front row, and the town was as lively as New Year's Eve.

   It seems the same here.

  He Lingchuan walked away with the flow of people, and saw a high platform at the entrance of the vegetable market, the audience was already crowded with spectators, and there were two guards on the platform holding a prisoner awaiting execution, and the other read out the crime.

  Although he came late, there were fierce tigers around him who followed suit. The townspeople nearby, some demons and others, all retreated ten feet away, and no one dared to approach.

  The officials on the stage also saw it, and stared at them a few times but could not make a sound.

  He Lingchuan heard that the crime was serious:

   Stealing the official medicine fields and killing the field monsters?

  The prisoner on the stage had a pockmarked face, sharp mouth and shrunken cheeks, and twinkling eyes. He looked like a social idiot. The most daring thing he could do was to tease the big girl and the little wife on the side of the road.

  This kind of person dares to kill official monsters?

   Is it true that people cannot be judged by their appearance?

  He Lingchuan took a few steps to the side, and asked an old man with his hands behind his back and his neck stretched out to watch the excitement: "Old man, is this prisoner from your town?"


  He Lingchuan thought the clue was broken, but the old man continued: "This is Baiyang Township's eel, whose surname is Wang. Everyone calls him Wang Mazi."

   "Bass eel?"

"Oh, it's our local dialect. They are called **** and bums." The old man coughed and spat on the ground. Demon?"

  Master Antelope? "What did he do before?"

   "Stealing, doing something worthless." The old man chuckled, "It's almost thirty, and I heard that even a daughter-in-law can't marry." At this time, the guards on the stage announced the crime and pronounced the verdict:

   Chiseling punishment.

  In the demon country, stealing official fields and official mines, and stealing military rations are all serious crimes, and local officials can handle them by themselves without reporting to each level for approval. It took a year and a half before the superior sent someone down to look through the files.

  When Wang Mazi heard this, his legs went limp, and he shouted:

   "I was wronged, I was wronged!"

   But where is it useful? He was quickly tied to a post in the center of the platform.

  There was the sound of fluttering and flapping wings in the air above the entrance of the vegetable market. He Lingchuan looked up and saw that there were hundreds of crows circling.

   At this moment, a deep voice suddenly sounded from the audience:

   "Seven or eight members of my clan disappeared for no apparent reason, and the county government wants to send us away with such a **** as a crime?"

  He Lingchuan heard the sound and saw five or six giant lamb chops coming out.

   This is not a young goat raised by the farmer in the back mountain, with fragrant bones and tender meat, but a big man with a head as tall as a horse, a blue body, and only a black arc on his side. In particular, the leading giant sheep was more than one foot tall, with well-proportioned muscle lines visible all over his body.

  He Lingchuan knew at a glance that this thing is probably good at agility and speed, so the offensive weapon is the long spiral horn on the head. This pair of big horns protrudes forward, the tip is as sharp as a dagger, and there is a small fork in the middle, which seems to be used to let the opponent bleed.

  It was the first time He Lingchuan saw such a ferocious looking sheep. Whoever is hit by this kind of monster is really bad luck for eight lifetimes.

  "Middle Ancient Stories" records that this monster is called "Drilling Wind Beast", and it is good at committing crimes against the wind, no, killing people against the wind. Its talent is "Ling Feng", which can summon the wind to speed up and reduce its weight.

  This thing is like a barge, it can eat meat.

He Lingchuan remembered that the book said that the wind-drilling beast had a very bad temper, and even ferocious beasts would often die under its horns, and then saw the giant sheep leading the sheep step forward, with one side of its head on the high platform, almost breaking the platform pillar .

  The officials on the stage and the prisoners screamed together.

  Not only was the official not angry, but he immediately laughed along with him: "Master Ling, why bother to get angry? The county didn't say that the case will be closed."

   "The case is not closed?" Ju Yangwen said in a low voice, "Is this what you said, or the county magistrate?"

  Officials dare not take responsibility, just said: "After this one is executed according to law, if evidence is found, we will do it again!"

   Ju Yang glared: "If you can't find it, then you won't do it?"

   "Where is it, this will definitely be traced to the end!"

  Even He Lingchuan can't listen to such perfunctory words, let alone the Wind Drilling Beast? "The mouth of the government, you deceitful ghost! I have endured you for many days, so hand me over now, and I will take you back to torture and hunt down the murderer myself!"

   "Ah this?" The officer was startled, "Master Ling, you are robbing a prisoner on death row, it is a serious crime!"

  Drilling Wind Beast hit another head hammer on the pillar, apparently turning on the "I don't listen, I don't listen" mode.

   With a click, the platform collapsed and dust flew up.

  The surrounding crowd and other monsters dispersed one after another, and no one touched the bad luck of these giant sheep.

  Officials on the stage rolled down like prisoners gourds.

  He Lingchuan stood far away, and then asked the old man next to him in a low voice: "Drilling Wind Beast also lives here?"

   "The large territory at the east end of the county belongs to their family." The old man knew everything, "Master Antelope is a general in the court, and he returns to his hometown to recuperate when he is not fighting. The Zhuanfeng beast clan is very loud in our place—"

  He lowered his voice: "They are local tyrants, and the government is afraid of them. Even the largest and most valuable medicine field in the county is entrusted to them to take care of them."

  The officer coughed non-stop as soon as he got up, and the other end of the wind-piercing animal lowered its head and went towards the prisoner.

   But it didn't kill the prisoner, but bit his hand rope and pulled him over.

  The prey was robbed, and the crows yelled, not happy.

  At this time, people discovered that the crow had circled in the sky several times without landing, because a goshawk with a black head and a gray back was still parked on the roof next to the high platform.

   Taking advantage of this opportunity, the prisoner yelled: "I'm so wronged, these spirit beasts disappeared by myself, and have nothing to do with me! How can I kill them even if I'm crippled!"

  He limps as soon as he walks, and his legs and feet are really not flexible.

  He Lingchuan learned early to keep his nose in mind, but he still felt moved when he heard the word "missing".

  He stepped forward and asked loudly: "How did they disappear?"

Wang Mazi was afraid that outsiders would be numb and unresponsive. He played a one-man show by himself until he died, and now he got feedback. He was so excited that he seemed to have found a life-saving straw: "There is a light on the mountainside, and they will disappear after chasing it! There must be more Powerful monster!"

   The Wind-Drilling Beast would not allow him to argue, so it wanted to tear him away.

  At this time, two crows couldn't bear the longing, landed, stretched out their beaks, and pecked at Wang Mazi's face.

  They wanted to peck out his eyeballs, but Wang Mazi didn't cooperate by turning left and right, so they only dug two blood holes on his face.

  It was only then that He Lingchuan realized that "chisel punishment" originally meant this.

  There were hundreds of crows in the sky, if they all fell, Wang Mazi would really be chiseled to death.

  Yao Kingdom’s punishment is indeed very creative, and the punishment for this crime is not far behind.

  He pursed his lips and whistled, and the goshawk on the roof next to him changed his mode of leisurely watching the show, fluttered his wings and swooped down.

  When it passed the high platform, it frightened the two crows and flew back to the sky.

   Then the goshawk stood on the big horn of He Lingchuan's mount, the blue sheep.

  The officer who came to his senses patted the dust off his body, rushed over and shouted: "Master Ling, don't be confused, let go of the prisoner!"

  General Antelope ignored it, and asked his subordinates to pull Wang Mazi back and leave. The wind drill beasts behind it turned to face the officer, lowered their heads and dug the soil, as if preparing to attack.

   How dare an official send forward?

   Just then, there was a roar of a tiger from behind the crowd!

  The shocking howling sound calmed down the chaotic scene at once,

  The old man next to He Lingchuan held his chest and was almost knocked to the ground.

   Then the tiger jumped out and took two steps before uttering the words: "I am the general of Baishan Zhonglang, and I am ordered to handle the case. Who dares to do it?"

  The colorful tiger approached suddenly, and the officer took two steps back intimidated by it, only to find that there was a bronze medal tied around its neck, and it emitted a unique light of Yuanli.

  Seeing the words on the bronze medal, the official was first surprised, then overjoyed: "Lord Baishan, you came just in time! Here..."

   "Back off."

   "Okay." The official officer immediately shut up and left happily.

  It's great that the sky is falling and there are tall people on top. Someone should kill the majesty of these wind drilling beasts.

   But he will be disappointed.

  The seemingly irritable leader of the Drilling Wind Beast did not get angry, but said leisurely: "Master Jiao, long time no see."

Why? The onlookers were suddenly disappointed:

   Recognize these two?

  Jiao Yu nodded to Ju Yang: "General Ling, the military order should have arrived, why haven't you left yet?"

"The younger generation of my family disappeared inexplicably, how can I ignore it?" Master Ling looked at the official, and spit on the ground, "I am here, and these scumbags dare to evade and argue. When I take the order and go out, this case is not for the public. Is it yellow?"

  It asked Jiao Yu again: "You don't come here to deal with the disappearance of my people, do you?"

  It has a bad temper, but is self-aware. The disappearance of seven or eight wind drilling beasts, how could it be possible to alert the eldest son's subordinates?

   "No, but there may be a connection."

  Master Ling was overjoyed: "Okay, okay! As long as there is a connection, you can check it out for me!"

  Jiao Yu retreated to He Lingchuan's side: "The prince's special envoy is the master, and I'm just accompanied by orders."

   Ask for a monthly ticket~~~



  (end of this chapter)