MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 457 clues in the jungle

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  Chapter 457 Clues in the jungle

  It is also amazing, it can fly backwards under such circumstances.

  He Lingchuan got annoyed and swished out three throwing knives.

  The leader of the crow dodged dexterously, dodging two of the knives, but was stabbed in the wing by the third knife, and nailed to the wall with a "do" sound!

  The crows outside the window were clamoring, and the dozen or so crows wanted to break through the window and come in to rescue the leader.

  Just a graceful figure came in from the outside over the wall, swiped its wings, and the steel claws went straight to the crows.

  The natural enemy is coming.

  The crows were terrified and fled in all directions.

  He Lingchuan opened the window again, and the goshawk folded its wings and turned over, and slipped in from the bottom of the window lightly and skillfully.

  It stood on the cabinet shelf, only one foot away from the crow leader, and the steel beak could pierce through its head.

   And it seems willing to do so.

  He Lingchuan didn't care how noisy the crows outside were, he only said to the crow leader: "Now, let me see if you make another price?"

   "No, no more!" The crow leader couldn't be reconciled, and he was terrified when he saw the eagle's beak beside him, "I'll tell you that!"

  It croaked twice, and the crows outside became quiet, and fell to the trees one after another, no longer restless.

  It took He Lingchuan less than a dozen breaths to clean up the group of crows, very neatly.

   "About five or six days ago, my children found many remains in the forest, including those of humans and animals." The crow leader said, "Or maybe they belonged to monsters."

   "You know, it's not surprising to find the remains of humans or monsters alone, it's weird to find them mixed together." It continued, "There are a few wind drills inside."


   "Zhitian Township, thirty-two miles away." The crow leader tilted his head, "It was originally buried, but it seems to have been dug out by wild dogs. Because there are dog paw prints in the nearby soil."

   "Can you lead the way?"


  He Lingchuan pulled out the throwing knife, and asked it again: "Since you have this clue, why didn't you report it to the government, but sat and watched Wang Mazi wait to die?"

   "Who will push the meat that is close to the mouth?" The crow leader flapped his wings, feeling that he could still fly, "Let's talk about the government... Haha!"

  It sneered: "Xiaoqi also disappeared half a year ago. We reported to the officials, but the county officials have not responded yet. They only do things for human beings and never care about us!"

  The county seat of Beja Kingdom has a special official position, called the county priest, who specializes in dealing with monster affairs, including complaints, accusations, and so on.

  Xianfu himself is a monster, so he can compare his heart with his heart.

   "You also have a companion here, who disappeared half a year ago?" He Lingchuan's eyes moved slightly, "Have you become a demon?"

   "It has become a demon." The boss of the crow replied truthfully, "It is thanks to the blessing of the emperor's blood at the end of last year."

   "The emperor's liquid became a life-threatening talisman instead." He Lingchuan hummed, "These guys specialize in catching monsters. If you don't get rid of them for a day, you will all be in danger."

  This is the kingdom of monsters, how dare someone dare to catch monsters here?

  Once exposed, it is a near death.

   "Specialize in catching monsters?" The crow leader flapped his wings, "Don't lie to me, don't they also eat people?"

   This guy is really not easy to cheat. He Lingchuan didn't argue with it, and changed the subject: "Lead me the way, and be my eyeliner. As a reward, you can receive one hundred catties of fresh beef and mutton every month, and thirty baoling pills, which will last for a year." .”

If these words were put before the action, the crow leader would only laugh at his wishful thinking; but now, it thinks that the conditions seem to be quite good. When food is scarce in winter, there are fresh beef and mutton to eat, and there is no need to go to the snow to find food. Happiness in pecking at unripe berries and not having to hunt around for frozen corpses...

   "It's a deal!" It gave He Lingchuan the feather from the flying knife as a token of promise.

  Since the Sanxinyuan incident, He Lingchuan has not had a good impression of crows. He is really a greedy and snobbish opportunist. But he also had to admit that the eyes and ears of crows are everywhere.

   He even heard that there is a crow army in Lingxu City, which specializes in spying on intelligence.

  With this group of leading thieves, He Lingchuan immediately set off for Zhitian Township.


  Zhitian Township is thirty miles northwest of Shuangyi Town.

  He Lingchuan traveled all the way, and found that there were fewer and fewer crops on the side of the road, replaced by various crops, and herbs.

   "Huh?" He pointed to the field beside the road, "Is that Ganoderma lucidum?"

  Ganoderma lucidum does not all grow under the roots of trees? Why does it grow here like wheat on the ridges of the field?

   "This is Zhitian Township." Tiger Jiao Yu was also sitting in the car, explaining to He Lingchuan while looking at the scenery, "They use cut wood to grow Ganoderma lucidum."

  Yes, Zhitian Township is famous for planting spiritual grass in the north-central Chiyan, which can be seen from its name.

   "The local atmosphere is especially suitable for the growth of elixir. Thirty percent of the conventional herbal medicines in Chiyan come from here." Jiao Yu stretched his waist. The interior of the carriage is too small for it to stretch its limbs.

  He Lingchuan simply leaned on it, using it as a tiger skin armchair. Oops, comfortable! Still self-heating with vibration.

   "Especially around some hot springs, the medicinal materials grown are the only ones in Chiyan."

  Supplies 30% of the medicinal materials of the Chiyan Kingdom, which is a very high market share.

   While speaking, the carriage passed by a large shed, at least He Lingchuan looked like a shed. That is to use bamboo and wood as the frame, covered with linen, and then coated with putty to keep warm.

  Kite country does not have this kind of technology, so Vega has a lot of new things.

   "What is this?" He asked shamelessly.

   "Shed." Jiao Yu replied, "There are burnt stones inside to keep the herbs warm."

  The so-called burnt stone is a rock that can generate heat by itself. Pile up a few ladles of water in the corner of the room to keep it hot like a sauna.

  He Lingchuan said with a smile: "It's midsummer now, add more heat to keep warm, aren't you afraid that the herbs will dehydrate?"

"Spiritual grasslands like Huoyunzhu and Longyanya originally lived in the crater, and they need to be kept warm if they are to be transplanted to flat ground." Without a constant temperature above 50 degrees, they can't grow, "But you are right , this kind of hut is also used to dehydrate and dry medicinal materials."

  He Lingchuan said with a smile: "Master Jiao can be so precious?"

  Jiao Yu said bluntly: "I have worked as a poor job in a neighboring county for several years, and I am very familiar with all the towns and villages here."

  He was promoted to Zuo Zhonglang, and he had practiced here for a while before being promoted.

  He Lingchuan understood. Fu Shanyue really sent him a good helper. Not only is he powerful in force, he is also familiar with the human affairs in this land, which is convenient for him to communicate with the place.

   Sure enough, there is no good bird who can become the crown prince, no, no one is really reckless.

  The goshawk was parked on the roof of the car, and the crow was afraid of it, so he could only sit on the horse and show the driver the way.

  He Lingchuan didn't expect General Ling to follow him again, but this time he only brought a few guards.

   Didn’t it mean that big bosses like to sit in the back and send younger brothers out to inquire about news? Why is this guy doing the opposite? However, looking at the countless scars on General Ling's body, it is obvious that he also likes to lead the way when he charges into battle, probably because of his nature.

  The carriage quickly left the main road and headed for the mountains.

  Zhitian Township is mountainous, with hills and dangerous peaks, rift valleys and stone forests. It is like a geological encyclopedia.

  The carriage circled around in the mountains, and sometimes the crow had to fly up to the sky twice to determine its position.

   Half an hour later, there was no road ahead, and the carriage couldn't move.

  He Lingchuan rode a blue sheep to move forward, with a tiger and a wind drill beside him.

   This speed is much faster than taking a horse-drawn carriage, but it took more than an hour to arrive at the corpse dumping point mentioned by the crow.

   This is a dense forest at the foot of the mountain, and the sun can't shine in at all.

  There is a thick layer of dead branches and leaves on the ground, which can sink to the ankles when stepped on, and all the rotten leaves and humus black soil are brought up.

  The strong musty smell and the humidity are mixed together, and the mixed smell is not very pleasant.

  The big crow flew to a thick branch and flapped its wings:

   "It's here, it's here!"

  Here is already the shade side of the mountain, the rocks are covered with moss, whenever you reach out to touch it, it will be wet.

  He Lingchuan saw a big pit under the root of the tree, which was full of corpses.

   The crow is right. It was originally buried here, but was dug open by wild dogs. There is floating soil everywhere, and there are footprints of wild dogs everywhere.

  He probed down and looked down. It seemed that the big pit had only been dug in half, and there were still many bones that had not been seen.

   This place is already a paradise for mosquitoes and flies. As soon as they got close, they exploded with buzzing buzzing.

  Of course no mosquito is willing to approach He Lingchuan. He wears the insect repellent kit presented by Zhu Xiuer. However, the air here is damp, the corpses decompose quickly, and the smell is particularly unpleasant.

  If he hadn't been baptized by incense dumplings, magic nests and various animal dens, He Lingchuan would have been fumigated by now.

  But tigers, goshawks and crows don't care about the smell of corpses. Jiao Yu even went down to the pit and continued digging until he found two or three complete animal bones.

   General Ling took a look twice and said sadly:

   "It is indeed my children."

  There are no human bones to identify, but General Ling saw the corpse of the wind driller at a glance.

   "These boys have been working under me for a long time. I didn't expect that they didn't die on the battlefield in the end." Instead, they buried their bones in the wilderness for no reason.

  He Lingchuan also went down to the pit to check, and even touched and picked: "Although there are traces of wild dogs eating, these corpses look like, uh..."

  Goshawk stopped beside: "Has it been digested?"

  He Lingchuan snapped his fingers: "Exactly!"

  Although it had been covered by mud for many days, the surface of the remains was still a bit sticky, and the flesh and blood were gone. Only the bones, fur, and hair were left, but they were all wrinkled into balls.

  Wild dogs gnaw on the wreckage, and they can't make it so clean, not to mention that there are still a few corpses buried deep in the soil that have not been gnawed by dogs, and the situation is the same.

  The reason why the goshawk can be accurately described is because the residue excreted by the raptor after digestion is roughly the same.

  General Ling turned his head in anger, and cut off the small tree with his big horn: "When I find the murderer, I will trample him into mud!"

"So our goal is a monster with a huge appetite. It can eat more than a dozen people and seven or eight goats at a time. Then it walked thirty or forty miles to find a toilet?" He Lingchuan asked Goshawk, "Among the birds of prey, are there any monsters?" Is this kind of big eater?"

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  (end of this chapter)