MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 459 jade wheel mountain

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  Chapter 459 Moon Mountain

  Everyone was startled.

  Teammates already trusted his judgment quite a bit, and the door panel wondered, "Why?"

  Hu Min hurriedly said: "Wait a minute, bet first and then listen to the explanation!"

  He followed He Lingchuan to bet a tael of silver. After thinking about it, Aluo also bet on the side of "Xihui".

  The door panel took out the silver, looked at this side, looked at that side, hesitantly said: "Then I, I will bet..."

  He also wanted to return to the west, but just as he mouthed the word "west", he saw Willow's slender eyebrows stand upright, and his eyes narrowed.

  He immediately changed his words: "I bet on the east!"

   "Where's Lao Yu?" Beast Master Lao Yu is also in their team.

  Old Yu scratched his head: "I don't gamble."

  Everyone "cut", feeling bored.

  Hu Min returned the money, and He Lingchuan coughed:

   "The Jinjiang in the east is already prepared. I heard that its military personnel are much better than Xilong, and there are many mountains. It occupies a convenient location and people. I'm afraid this battle will not be easy to fight."

  Wicker shook his head: "No matter how difficult the battle is, we have fought it."

"Again, it's because the teacher came out of nowhere." He Lingchuan analyzed, "The Red General led us like a broken bamboo. Isn't the reason why the capital suspected us to call us back? Now that the monarch has made it clear that we are not allowed to go back, then we continue to go east. As high as before."

"The teacher comes from no name, not only invincible, but also the way to endanger oneself." He sighed, "This is the third thing I want to say: Xixiang used to jump up and down on us under the orders of the Baling Kingdom. Now Xixiang is taken by us. It's hard to guarantee that Baling won't move. If we can't attack the golden pole and Panlong City is invaded by Baling again, it will be an enemy on two fronts, which is very dangerous."

  When the team members heard this, they all felt very unwilling.

  He Lingchuan didn't say anything else:

  If Zhong Shengguang led millions of people back to China, such a huge population would definitely have a huge impact on the current Xi Luo.

  So many people have to have a place to stay, have to eat, sleep and do business, right?

  Establishing a country within a country is enough.

  Therefore, when Zhong Shengguang returned to China, at least he had to demarcate a territory and call himself a vassal. He has no territory in the country, so he can only grab it from others.

   That is the beginning of a new round of turmoil. Isn't the Xiluo Kingdom chaotic enough now? Do you dare to let Zhong Shengguang go back to add trouble?

  If he returns to Ciro, it will not help but make the situation worse.

   It's strange that the monarch is willing to let them go back to the country!


  The next morning, Moon Mountain.

  The straight-line distance from this place to Youtian Town is only twelve miles, but there are eighteen bends in the middle of the mountain road, and it takes more than an hour to actually walk.

  The county magistrate of Baishi sent a local villager to lead the way, nicknamed Zhao Dazui, who has been hunting in Moon Mountain for the past 20 years, and was even the person who discovered the incident last year.

  Yunlun Mountain is composed of more than a dozen peaks. The further you go into the mountain, the more spiritual energy He Lingchuan feels. Not only does he breathe very comfortably, but he can even induce the true power in his body to flow when he walks.

  The efficiency of practicing here is higher than other places. In today's world, this can already be called a paradise, right?

   No wonder the boar demon refuses to move.

  Don't say that the plants here are denser than other places, and the plants are taller than other places. Even all kinds of exotic flowers and plants are everywhere here.

  He Lingchuan even saw a shadow flashing past on the cliff, like a person.

  However, it is a ginseng doll in shape.

  He Lingchuan asked Zhao Dazui as he walked: "Haozhu's whole litter is taken over, who are the monsters who occupy this land now?"

  Zhao Dazui smiled and said: "Such a good land, of course it belongs to the county."

  He Lingchuan was greatly surprised: "Is it confiscated?"

"The ancestors of this group of pigs have made meritorious deeds, so they got Moon Mountain as a fiefdom. Now that they are all destroyed, and there are no descendants left, Moon Mountain has become a land without an owner, and it is logical that it belongs to the county." Zhao Dazui said, " The county sealed off this land as a treasury of wild herbs, and monsters or villagers are usually not allowed to enter and harvest them privately."

   Planted ones are not as good as wild ones, everyone knows this truth.

  General Ling sighed: "It seems that this group of pigs only have the little credit accumulated by their ancestors, and they have no relationship or background in the village. No wonder no one cares about them when they die."

  Everyone is silent, it doesn't sound good, but Daniel is right.

  Because General Antelope is here, the disappearance of the Zhanfeng Beast is a major case, and if the local government does not give an explanation, it will not pass the test; in Zhitian Township, more than a hundred pigs died in this litter, but the county just hastily conducted an autopsy and sealed the nest.

  Relationships, background, and background, it seems that these things are not only common in the human kingdom.

   Along the way, He Lingchuan also saw the water source in Zhitian Township.

   Those are two long rivers like jade belts, first passing through the territory of the Haozhu tribe, and then flowing to the fertile soil of Zhitian Township. The river water is extremely clear and has been widened. The river surface is at least five feet above.

   There is even a large lake, with a vast expanse. He Lingchuan pointed to the dam and asked Zhao Dazui: "Is this built last year?"

"Ah, yes, it was only repaired this spring." Zhao Dazui told the truth, "The village has always wanted to build two lakes to store water, so that there will be no shortage of water in winter. But the piglets strongly objected, saying that it took too much of their territory. Too much logging again. It's been a stalemate for years, and now it's sorted out."

   "This is not called solving the problem." He Lingchuan said, this is the person who solved the problem...or the pig, "Two lakes? Then there is another one?"

   "It's seven or eight miles to the east, and it's still being dug, and it's not in use." Zhao Dazui said, "I passed by twice, and there are people working there all the time. It is said that the water will be dug and stored in the next year."

   Soon, Zhao Dazui led him to the hog nest.

  There have been no visitors here for a long time, weeds have grown in the cracks in the ground, and there are even small trees three feet high rising from the ground.

  But it does not prevent He Lingchuan from seeing the landform here clearly.

  There were several ground fissures, or honeycomb-like caves, which were still three-dimensional, with several layers up and down, as if they were eroded by flowing water or glaciers in the early days.

   It is more than enough to house more than a hundred piglets.

  But now the honeycomb hole is completely collapsed by hundreds of boulders, the largest of which is more than three feet high.

   No matter what your cultivation level is, if you are hit by this thing falling from the sky, you will have no way to survive, right?

  He Lingchuan raised his head, and saw that the rock wall above was cut off.

   "This kind of mountain wall can accumulate snow in winter?" He remembered that the county recorded that the accident was attributed to an avalanche.

   "It's either an avalanche or a rock avalanche, what's the difference?" Zhao Dazui didn't have the same research as him, "Anyway, if you get hit, you will die."

   "Why did you report that it was an avalanche?"

   "Uh..." Zhao Dazui scratched his head, "It seems that there were many avalanches last winter, and people were killed in two towns. The scene was similar to this, with snow falling and rocks falling."

   Dare to love this guy is guessing.

  He dared to guess, and the county also dared to report it. He Lingchuan couldn't laugh or cry.

  He Jiaoyu said, "Go in and have a look."

  Zhao said loudly: "Do you want to go down again?" His legs didn't want to move. How long has this been going on? "The entrance has been sealed."

  He Lingchuan only showed half an ingot of broken silver.

  Zhao Dazui: "I'll lead the way!"

  He led He Lingchuan and others into the nest hole on the side.

  The county found that after the whole litter of piglets had been crushed to death, they didn't dig them out, but sealed off several entrances and exits of the nest, which was regarded as burying them.

   Although cutting corners, there is nothing wrong with it.

  Only living people pay attention to being buried in the ground.

  He Lingchuan took out the sledgehammer and smashed open the entrance with a few bangs.

   It can be seen that the tunnel eroded by running water originally extended in all directions. At the widest point, two or three people could stand side by side, and at the narrowest point, even a watermelon could not fit in.

  But the tunnels have been crushed by boulders and collapsed everywhere, and many of them have become dead ends.

  Zhao Dazui led them into a stone nest, pointed to the front and said, "This is it! They were piled here at the beginning, like a hill."

  In this place, one cannot stand upright at all.

  He Lingchuan could only walk forward with his back bent.

  As for the wind drill beasts, they have become the size of ordinary goats again, and they can advance and retreat as freely as tigers.

  This stone nest is very spacious, but it seems cramped with a pile of hundreds of boar demon corpses. Tiger Jiao Yu just glanced at it and said, "Wang Mazi is right, their stacked posture is too weird."

   These are pigs! No matter how close the relationship with each other is, it is absolutely impossible to hold together like this.

   This is not intimacy, this is hurting each other.

  He Lingchuan asked Zhao Dazui: "Have many people been here?"

   "Not much." Zhao Dazuo covered his nose and tried to recall, "It's just me, the county worker, and a few diggers." Few people are willing to do this kind of pickling work.

   Therefore, the site is still quite well preserved.

  Although the boulder cracked the cracks in the ground, it still smells too bad here. Zhao Dazui retched a few times and couldn't help begging for mercy: "My lord, when can we go up?"

   "Wait a little longer." Jiao Yu was inspecting the bones, and He Lingchuan was inspecting the surroundings of the stone nest. There are scattered pig back stabs everywhere, each one is black and white, sharp as a needle.

  There are barbs and venom on the thorns, and bad luck will happen to those who are stabbed.

   There are even a few thorns that go deep into the stone wall.

  Even He Lingchuan took a lot of effort to pull them out, which shows how hard it was to get in at the beginning.

  He asked Jiao Yu: "How does the hairy pig demon attack?"

   "They?" Jiao Yu thought for a while, "Retreat quickly, or simply shoot out the poisonous sting."

   "How many shots can you shoot at one time?"

   "Dozens of them." Jiao Yu said, "And at the same time."

   "It's awesome." He also thought about making a rainstorm pear blossom needle, but it turned out that the millet pig was born with it.

   "These guys won't shoot and play in their own nests?" Let alone shoot flowers and plants, it's not good to shoot your companions.

  Jiao Yu walked over to have a look, and smelled it: "There are enemies in the nest. The way these piglets die is the same as that of the wind driller."

  General Ling also said angrily: "After the murderer killed the piglets, he threw them back to the nest, and didn't even bother to cover up the flaws. Those guys in Zhitian Township don't do anything, they don't even understand this!"

  He Lingchuan was thoughtful.

  The underground is dark, but fortunately a few bunches of fluorescent grass illuminate the place clearly.

  He Lingchuan pointed to the thorny rock wall and said, "Aren't these reds blood?"

   There are red spots on the rock wall, but they don't look like blood.

  (end of this chapter)