MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 479 miracle medicine

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"Twisted melons, eccentric and detached." He Lingchuan laughed, "Although they have 100,000 soldiers on the west side of the Panlong Plateau, I guess that since the Red General has returned with the Panlong Army, the 100,000 troops will not attack rashly. .”

   "Why?" Sun Fuling blinked, "I've come here, how can I return without success?"

"These two countries have been coveting the Panlong Wasteland for many years, but they don't really want to stop us from returning to the east, right? After all, after Master Zhong took all the soldiers and civilians away, this place is likely to be theirs." He paused, "In the past few decades This piece of land is what they want for life and death; now that they have the opportunity to take it for nothing, it’s too late for them to be happy.”

   "Then they not only came but joined forces, what do you say?"

   "Under pressure?" He Lingchuan had already gnawed a pear, "They have been supporting those small countries in Xixiang, so it's hard to let them go?"

  Sun Fuling smiled and said, "What's wrong? They don't pay attention to such a small country."

"The pressure comes from other places, such as... Bega?" He Lingchuan stood up to fetch water and rushed, "Bega always wanted us to return to China from the Jinxi Corridor, and he wanted to send troops to suppress the rebellion in Xiluo, and he also talked about Baling Open the Jinxi Corridor. Why are they so kind?"

   "You think, they want to destroy us on the way?"

   "Sure." He Lingchuan sneered, "At worst, our strength will be cut to pieces. As a result, we refused to take the Jinxi Corridor and wanted to find another way, so Bega quit."

"That's why I judge that the Baling and Xianyou coalition forces are just out for show. They will fight a few small battles at most, and they will soon withdraw their troops and go back to their homes." He deduced, "The reason for the withdrawal is easy to say. , and successfully prevented the Panlong Army from advancing eastward, we can now explain to all parties."

   Unknowingly, he has begun to analyze the battle situation, and he speaks clearly.

  Sun Fuling's eyes flickered slightly, and she turned her head to look at him: "I hope it is as you expected. By the way, you have been away for so long, have you practiced the flute and xun well?"

  He Lingchuan also spoke almost at the same time: "By the way, I still have something to ask."

  The atmosphere between them had calmed down, and Sun Fuling laughed again: "Say, don't be too polite."

   "Have you heard of the 'elixir of youth'? It is also called the elixir of longevity."

  Sun Fuling wondered, "Where did you hear that?"

  He Lingchuan scratched his head: "I saw it when I was reading idle books in Wenxuan Pavilion."

   "Which one?"

   "Uh, I can't remember." It was originally just an excuse, "It seems that you have heard of it?"

   "That's the legend of the Beijia country. Aluo's master is a great pharmacist, and he may know more." Sun Fuling stood up and went to the tank to feed the fish. "Why don't you ask him?"

   "Now?" He Lingchuan looked at the sky, "It's a bit late."

   "He went to Aluo's house today, I just met him."

  A Luo’s house is nearby. After all, everyone lives in a wooden house. He Lingchuan immediately stood up:

   "Are you going?"

  Sun Fuling smiled and shook her head: "I still have to approve my homework. People have been unstable for more than half a month, and even the little guys have been perfunctory in their homework. We must rectify it!"

  He Lingchuan saw the murderous look in her smile, couldn't help shivering, and hurried out.


   More than a quarter of an hour later, he knocked on Arlo's door.

  The master and apprentice had just eaten, and A Luo was washing the dishes. When he came to open the door, his hands were wet:

"How did you come?"

   "Ask your master for advice." He Lingchuan squeezed in after speaking, and saluted He Lianchen who was sitting at the table, "Master Helian, long time no see."

  He Lianchen was reading a book wearing a pair of crystal glasses, when he heard the words, he took off the glasses: "Xiao He? Long time no see."

He Lingchuan took out a few prescriptions from his sleeve and handed them over: "Last time, I thank you for prescribing the two prescriptions of Diliujiang, and I benefited a lot. I collected a few prescriptions and jars of medicinal wine in Yuheng City, and I would like to express my gratitude." .”

  He took out a few more jars of wine from the storage ring, and Arlo stepped forward to take them.

  The wine comes from Yuheng City, it is real, but the prescription is not.

  They come from Zhitian Township in reality.

  As the main producing area of ​​herbal medicine in Chiyan Country, Zhitian Township certainly has many special elixir, and the main formula is not difficult to get. Of course, each pharmacy will fine-tune the ratio, and there are so-called secret recipes.

  The great pharmacist specially prescribed him the last time to help him maximize the profit of the second emperor's flow, and this favor must be repaid.

  He Lianchen took the prescriptions and checked them one by one, nodded quickly and said:

   "Not bad, not bad, Bai Zemaru, Karin Dan... that's a really interesting name."

  With his accomplishments, of course he can see the essence at a glance, and even his smile is warmer: "This Qilin Dan seems to be a special product in the middle of Bega, how can I find it in Yuheng City?"

  He Lingchuan is sweating profusely, this old man has extensive knowledge in medicine and medicine, it is really not easy to deceive. He could only vaguely say: "Perhaps it was passed down from Bega? Merchants travel all over the world to communicate with each other."

   "Well, it's possible!" I don't know if He Lianchen noticed it, but he nodded anyway, "This recipe is somewhat different from what I know, and a lot of improvements have been made."

   This kid is very sincere, very good, very good, not as rigid as Arlo.

  He Lingchuan laughed. After all, what he sent was a prescription that was more than a hundred years later. Could there be no improvement?

   Seeing He Lianchen smiling all over his face, he strikes while the iron is hot:

   "By the way, I want to ask the master, have you ever heard of the 'elixir of youth'?"

  He Lianchen's reaction was the same as Sun Fuling's. He asked him where he came from, and after being perfunctory by He Lingchuan, he stroked his beard and said:

   "It's been a long time since anyone mentioned it."

  He Lingchuan was playful when he heard it: "You know that, right?"

"Well, this is the so-called 'miracle medicine' passed down by Bega, which can prolong the life of the person who takes it. If you are weak and sick, you can quickly strengthen your body after taking it." He Lianchen recalled, "I studied Bega in my early years. Coincidentally, Baoshu Wang Hui bestowed an elixir to the officials, who took it on the spot. Well, this kind of medicine is required to be taken on the spot, and it is not allowed to take it home."

   "How many years can you prolong your life by taking one pill?"

   "There is no definite number. After all, each person's physique is different, and the physique of demons and humans is also different." He Lianchen thought for a while, "I heard that there are at least ten years, and at most decades?"

   "Dare to call it a magic medicine in just ten years?"

"You are so young and don't know the old man's worries." He Lianchen laughed loudly: "If this person reaches the end of his life, let alone ten years, if he can live ten more days, he will be willing to exchange all his wealth! What's more, this medicine It also has the effect of strengthening the body, and if you are a practitioner, it can also keep your cultivation from regressing."

  Cultivation is the same as age and strength, and will eventually decline.

  He Lingchuan immediately asked: "Who made this medicine?"

"The prescription is in the hands of a few people in Lingxu City, and even the demon kings of the feudal kingdoms don't know about it." He Lianchen shook his head, "I don't know exactly who is in charge. I heard that the formula was leaked once before. Bega should be stricter in the future."

  He Lingchuan asked the key point: "Do you know the pearls? It is said that this is one of the ingredients for refining the elixir."

"I haven't heard of this." He Lianchen thought, "But my friend when I was young came from a wealthy family in Lingxu City. He once mentioned after drinking that his father had taken the medicine of elixir, and said that the most important medicine The introduction is bestowed by the gods. Without this medicine, the elixir cannot be made at all. Therefore, only Lingxu City can produce the magic medicine in the whole world."

   "Only from the gods?" He Lingchuan thought of Mr. Mai's hunt for the pearl.

  If what Wan Song said is true, these jelly beads will eventually be kneaded into the alchemy furnace to refine the elixir. That is to say, how many saliva beads should be matched with how many medicine primers.

  Beja country has been poaching the lives of its own people to refine the magic medicine?

   This is a bit weird.

   It’s not that it won’t do this, but… it could have done it openly, but at worst, some people would give their lives willingly, so why be sneaky?

   Could it be that someone is privately making medicine?

  But medicine primers are bestowed by gods, can myrrh primers be made into yarn?

  There is no reason at both ends of this matter.

  He thought for a while: "I can understand that human beings yearn for the elixir, but so do monsters?"

"The direct consequence of the weakening of the spiritual energy is that the lifespan of the living beings is shortened. Whether it is a monster or a human, as long as you live in this world, you can't escape this reason." A Luo offered warm water, He Lianchen took a sip, "Ghosts generally live longer than humans, but there is an end to it."

  He Lingchuan's heart skipped a beat: "Is this also the case? It was originally transformed from a dead person, so there is also a saying of lifespan?"

   "魃?" He Lianchen was a little surprised when he heard the name, "Is there still such a thing now? I heard that it was never seen again after the Middle Ages."

   "Yes, in Bega." That's right, the Chiyan Kingdom had not yet been established at this time, and Fu Shanyue's father had just emerged.

"It's not surprising that there is nothing in the place of Becca." He Lianchen shook his head, "Although Ba is born of turbidity, he relies on Yang Qi to survive like other creatures. Otherwise, why would he absorb blood essence? The more time goes by, The older it is, the more stale air in its body will increase and the less angry it will be, which is no different from that of human beings, except that its lifespan is longer, and it will return to dust after three or four hundred years."

  He Lingchuan thought for a while and asked again: "Then what about Zhu Erniang, the great demon of Ghost Needle Stone Forest? She is a demon fairy who has lived since ancient times. How did she get rid of the shackles of life and death?"

"This big monster is very interesting!" As soon as he mentioned Zhu Erniang, He Lianchen cheered up and even threw the book on the table. "Panlong City has been neighbors with it for so many years, and it has never had a chance to know. Just right After the Ghost Needle Stone Forest battle, the Red General brought back a piece of the spider demon's claw tip, so we had the opportunity to study it!"

  He Lingchuan looked at the light in his eyes, and subconsciously stroked the cold hair on his arm: "Have you reached a conclusion?"

"No, how can it be so fast? There are too many secrets in these ancient demons! Just trying to figure out how the demon power works on them can be studied for many years, but—" He Lianchen's eyebrows are about to take off, " This fairy masters at least two abilities, one is dormancy, and the other is moulting!"