MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 481 Quickly solve the case

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  Chapter 481 Quickly solve the case

   "Now?" Zhong Sunmou immediately stood up, "Let's go."

  A few people walked slowly along the lake and headed for the city. Along the way, there were willows and willows, and the breeze was blowing.

  Baishaha receives the cool breeze on the water, and the temperature is lower than other places. It is a well-known summer resort. Even in midsummer and July, walking by the lake for a quarter of an hour will not sweat through your clothes.

   Then, Tianxiang Tower arrived.

   This is also the top restaurant in Baisha, and the price of each signature dish is worth three to two months' salary of an ordinary migrant worker.

  Zhong Sunmou picked up the ladder and went up, and sure enough, he saw a familiar face at the best place by the window.

   Sure enough, it was Cen Boqing.

   Cen Boqing got up to greet the ceremony, and the two exchanged greetings before taking their seats.

  The delicacies are presented like flowing water.

Zhong Sunmou had no love for human food, so his expression was a little indifferent, but what was served on the table were some expensive fish, and even emerald crabs were transported from the seaside thousands of miles away, marinated with rice wine, and the diners uncovered and sucked, trembling Yoyo's ointment is like bean curd, but it has the fishy smell of sea water.

  Zhong Sunmou had the best bite, and stopped after eating two: "That's right, I didn't expect Chiyan Kingdom to have such delicious food."

   "Where there is no delicacy, it is nothing more than a matter of price."

  The two talked about court affairs for a while, and Zhong Sunmou asked Cen Boqing: "Didn't your subordinates find me by chance?"

  He reckoned that it was related to the case he investigated, after all, the clues gradually pointed to the northwest of the city.

  Zhong Sunmou regretted it a bit.

   At the beginning, he heard that the messenger's disappearance case was handed over to Fu Shanyue, so he intervened.

   I didn't expect to get myself involved this time.

  Cen Boqing put his chopsticks on and laughed: "I don't know how your father is doing now? I heard that the old man's complexion is getting better every day in the past two years."

  A look of displeasure flashed in Zhong Sunmou's eyes. These human beings just like to beat around the bush when they speak.

   Obviously Cen Boqing was reminding him.

   "Brother Cen, please speak up if you have something to say."

  Cen Boqing sighed: "It's like this..."


  Three days later, He Lingchuan finally arrived at Baisha.

   Along the way, there are many lakes of water, the sea of ​​grass is spreading, and a hundred thousand gulls and herons can cover the sky and block out the sun. It is a good sight to look anywhere, but it is a pity that he has no time to stop and take a closer look.

  As soon as he arrived in Baishahou, He Lingchuan and Jiao Yu went to the county government office to inform the local county magistrate.

  He is not familiar with the place, so he has to borrow some of his strength. He is not a person who likes to support himself.

  Walking into the county government office and taking a seat, He Lingchuan was looking for a hut just as the handyman served him tea.

  No one can stop this.

  He walked alone under the shadow of the high wall, and a small figure jumped down from the top of the wall and landed on his shoulder.

  The eyeball spider, which had been out for several days, finally returned to its place.

   "Why are you here?" As soon as He Lingchuan entered the county office, he found that he could share the vision with the eyeball spider, so he went to a secluded place to pick it up.

   Shouldn't this guy follow Zhong Sunmou?

   "What, you were found?"

   "He still wants to kill you? Oh, yes, **** it!"

   "Then did you gain anything from following him for the first three days?" He Lingchuan couldn't help digging his ears. The eyeball spider was complaining bitterly about what had happened to him, and it was about to ring in his ears, "No, no, it's not that I don't care about you, I'll definitely take it for you later!"

  The eyeball spider was furious, but still delivered the information very professionally.

  When He Lingchuan returned to the hall, the county magistrate of Baisha had already arrived and was talking to Jiao Yu. When he saw He Lingchuan, he immediately stepped forward to salute.

   This guy's etiquette is more than that of Baishi County Magistrate of Zhitian Township. He bowed so long that his fingertips almost touched the floor.

  The waist is quite flexible.

  The county magistrate of Baisha, surnamed Tian, ​​is white and fat, with a pentagonal face, and his eyes can't be found when he smiles.

  He Lingchuan was very curious, how could he touch the ground when he bent down with such a big belly?

  But now he is putting on the official airs, the old **** is good, and he only sends single-syllable words like um, ah, and ah when he asks all kinds of greetings.

   Once the posture is full, it is like an old man in the officialdom.

  Until the county magistrate Baishayu asked the topic of the soul: "Did the special envoy come for the murder of a messenger in Lingxu City?"

  He Lingchuan was slightly surprised: "How do you know?"

  But he suddenly realized: "Oh, you have already met Zhong Sunmou?"

   "Yes, yes, I met you a few days ago."

  He Lingchuan secretly despised. Shouldn't the inspectors have private visits on micro-services to observe the people's sentiments? Every time Zhong Sunmou went to a place, he would show up his signboard diligently, so he would also check for a P, isn't he just playing the role of domineering on the basis of traveling around?

   Still at public expense.

  The magistrate of Baishayu laughed out his decree pattern: "Lord Zhongsun has already solved the case, and the suspect has also been arrested. He will be escorted to Lingxu City soon."

  He is the county magistrate of a vassal state, but the other party is the inspector of Lingxu City, who specializes in inspecting officials from various countries, so it is not a matter of the official rank.

   Even if the magistrate of Baishayu mentions him, he must be very respectful.

  He Lingchuan's shock was no small matter: "What did you say, he caught the mastermind?"

  After the eyeball spider was kicked out, Zhong Sunmou actually solved the case at the speed of light and captured the main culprit?

  So capable?

  Tiger Jiao Yu also stood up, his tail twisted like a snake, apparently equally astonished.

  As soon as He Lingchuan came back to his senses, the question became a barrage: "When? Is the principal culprit Mr. Mai's previous family? What is his identity, where does he live, and how did he catch him?"

"The lower officials did not participate in the inspection and arrest. They only knew that the inspector had searched for clues to the northwest of the city to find out the suspect's whereabouts, so he was captured yesterday." The county magistrate of Baishaxuan praised, "The arrest process was very smooth, and No damage was done, and no one was harmed."

  He Lingchuan didn't answer, but asked Jiao Yu, "What do you think?"

  Jiao Yu shook his head: "It's so strange."

   "Don't underestimate the inspector, maybe he really caught the real culprit with lightning speed." He Lingchuan asked the county magistrate again, "Who is the main culprit?"

"Last night, it was interrogated overnight. This person was named Fu Hua in Baisha, and his real name was Fu Songhua. On the surface, he was a merchant, but in fact he carried several lives on his back. He was a fugitive wanted by Lingxu City many years ago." Baisha County Ling carefully said, "No matter how many there are, the lower officials will not know."

  He Lingchuan turned his face away, his voice turned cold, and his aura suddenly became fierce: "There is a murderer in your county, who has been a fugitive for many years, and you actually pretend that you don't know?"

  The county magistrate of Baishayu froze: "This case is handled by Mr. Zhongsun, and I really can't get involved..."

  The inspector of Lingxu City is neither humble nor overbearing when meeting the demon kings of various countries, how dare he make a mistake?

"He is from Lingxu City, not an official of Chiyan Kingdom, let alone your superior. How can you let him exercise power with plausibility?" He Lingchuan said coldly, "Or, you regard him as your superior, but Is it nothing to regard Chiyan's national power, responsibility and laws as nothing?"

  The county magistrate of Baishayu was shocked: "I dare not, Mr. Special Envoy, you are serious!"

He is also a shrewd person, and he immediately threw the problem to the other party: "The lower official also asked twice, but the inspector refused to hand over the suspect to me, and I can't even touch the case file, and it's not easy to use violence. You, Do you see?"

   You see how to solve this, don't just embarrass me.

  He Lingchuan fixedly looked at him. The County Magistrate Baisha felt that his gaze was like a sword, as if it could directly pierce the bottom of his heart. The pressure increased little by little, making him feel like he was sitting on pins and needles.

   "You are very comfortable as the county magistrate of Baisha. You usually just greet and send, and no one will offend you."

  The county magistrate dared not answer.

  Baisha is a place with pleasant scenery, warm in winter and cool in summer, and dignitaries often come here to live in health care. He is a small county magistrate, and he has to face the dignitaries of various countries from time to time. If he is not gentle, can he sit in this position all the time?

   "Where is Zhong Sunmou?"

  The county magistrate of Baishayu looked at the sky. It was only afternoon. "It should be resting at the Bailu Inn."

   "Then what about criminals?"

  The magistrate of Baishayu turned around and pointed: "It's also at the Bailu Inn."

   "He actually brought the suspect with him?" He Lingchuan frowned slightly, "How worried is this about you?"

   There are tricks.

  The county magistrate Baisha could only laugh along with him.

   "Could it be that only one person was arrested? What about the other accomplices?" He Lingchuan asked him, "Could it be that Zhong Sun Mouquan took him to the inn?"

"There are also a number of guards and servants of the Fu family, one housekeeper, one concubine, two stewards, and three merchants who have close contacts with them. Mr. Zhongsun did not take them to the inn, and temporarily put them in the county prison. "

   "That's right." He Lingchuan patted his clothes and stood up, "Lead the way, I want to be interrogated."

   "Huh?" County magistrate Baisha was startled, but he met He Lingchuan's eyes, and immediately changed his words, "Yes."

   This is his direct supervisor, He Lingchuan's beating words are still in my ears.

  Besides, the prisoner is in his county prison, what can the magistrate not try?

  The county jail in Baisha was just as dark and damp as the cells in other places, and the vermin and rats lined up to enter and exit.

  The county magistrate led He Lingchuan and Jiao Yu in, pointed to a row of cells and said, "These are all accomplices in the Fu Songhua case. Which one do you want to try?"

  He Lingchuan saw that several female family members and servants were locked in one room, and the remaining men were locked in three rooms.

   "Let's start with the women. Didn't you say that he has a concubine?"

  The concubine's surname is Li.

  When Mrs. Li was interrogated alone, she kept shouting at He Lingchuan for grievances. She is about seventeen or eighteen years old, and even with tears in her eyes, she can't hide her good looks.

   "I was sold to the master, ah, I was only fourteen years old when I was sold to Fu Songhua, and I didn't know anything." Li cried, "I didn't know that he was a fugitive, or that he had killed someone before!"

  He Lingchuan leaned back: "Has anyone interrogated you?"

   "Yes, there was once. A few adults came to ask questions, but they didn't look like people from the government."

  The magistrate of Baishaxuan added on the side: "Master Li's bodyguard once came to interrogate Mrs. Li once."

   "Are you there all the time?"


  The county magistrate Baishayu was sweating again, it was really hot in the prison.

  He Lingchuan snorted, ignored him, and asked Li Shi: "What did they ask?"

  From Li's answer, he knew that the other party only asked some panacea questions, such as how long she had been with Fu, and where she usually went when she saw who he was with.

   Sounds like routine.

  (end of this chapter)