MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 483 If you can't agree, you'll be tough

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  Chapter 483

  The tower is seven stories high and is located on the south bank of Chaohu Lake.

   It is not so much a lake as it is an endless wetland.

  Climbing the tower and looking into the distance, you can see the sparkling water, dotted with small islands, birds flying on the sandbar, and there is vitality everywhere.

  There are so many tourists in Chaohu Tower, all of them are idlers who have climbed the Range Rover.

  After He Lingchuan ascended the pagoda, he frowned secretly:

   Not only are there many tourists here, but there is even a teahouse on the fourth floor!

  Tourists can have tea and view the scenery, listen to books and meet friends here. When they sit at the table, the cool breeze blows from the lake, blowing away half of the summer heat in July.

  Because of the comfortable stay, all ten tables here are full, and there is no free time.

   No wonder Mr. Mai is doing business with others here. The tourists and tea drinkers who come and go are the best cover.

  He Lingchuan remembered what he had deciphered again.

  It only said the time and place, but there was no code word for the joint.

   That is to say, Mr. Mai and the other party recognize each other, and there is no need to use code words to identify them.

   This is troublesome, you can't impersonate.

  And the other party will know that Mr. Mai has changed before he waits here, and he should leave soon.

  How can we accurately distinguish Mr. Mai's accomplices from so many tourists?

   "My lord?" The county magistrate Baisha was staring at the scenery outside the tower in a daze for a long time.

   "Are there always so many people in this tower?"

   "Yes, this is one of the local scenic spots." Baisha County Magistrate thought he was interested in traveling, "The tea cakes in this teahouse are unique in our locality, and many people bought them back to their hometowns as gifts."

   "Let them add a table on the porch, we have tea."

  The shopkeeper set up a four-corner table for them on the verandah on the fourth floor of the pagoda, serving tea, fruit and food.

  Tea cakes are good, but He Lingchuan prefers dried sweet potatoes, which are peeled sweet potatoes and then steamed and roasted three times. It tastes sweet, soft and chewy, very suitable for chatting with tea.

  The county magistrate of Baishayu came here nervously, but seeing that he was amiable and happy, and no longer made things difficult yesterday, he also breathed a sigh of relief and became more attentive.

  He Lingchuan arrived yesterday for the first time, so he will definitely give him a blow. Otherwise, this kind of veteran in the officialdom will be sure that he can be bullied when he is young, and he can be bullied by others.

   Today, it is not suitable for you to speak harshly anymore. With a little reassurance, the county magistrate Baishayu will be more obedient, and will cooperate with him in the future.

  This is He Chunhua's usual way of controlling his subordinates. He Lingchuan has been by his side for many years and has a lot of experience.

   There are many ways to be an official.

  Sitting here with the breeze blowing on my face, my eyes are open and my chest is stretched.

   Such a beautiful day, but there are always people in the world who have to live up to it.

  He Lingchuan sipped his tea slowly, thinking about Fu Songhua who was captured by Zhong Sunmou. How likely is it that he was the real murderer?

  However, I haven't heard anything about Mr. Mai, and he seems to be still at large.

  If Fu Songhua is the mastermind, the transaction on the Chaohu Tower will naturally be cancelled, and will not continue;

  If he was not, would Mr. Mai and the mastermind behind the scenes have both escaped? Then the Chaohu Tower transaction is impossible.

   Pushing back and forth, there is no need for this transaction maintained by code words, so why should he bother?

   Well, is that true?

  He Lingchuan looked up occasionally, and saw the majestic body of the pagoda with fine stone carvings, which shows that the construction took a lot of labor. But after being exposed to the wind and the sun for a long time, a large stone slab above it has fallen off, exposing the plaster underneath.

  He stretched out his hand and pointed upward: "This is not very elegant."

  The county magistrate of Baishayu looked up: "Oh, I wanted to send someone over to repair it, but old general Ling said he wanted to donate it for repairs, but he didn't do it for a long time. This is what it looks like."

  He Lingchuan stroked his chin: "There are countless tourists every day in this famous place, so it's neither good-looking nor safe to leave it like this."

   "Yes, yes." The county magistrate Baishayu didn't know what he wanted, so he could only agree.

  This special envoy is too lenient, right? So many things at a young age.

  He Lingchuan just mentioned it in passing, without going deep, and started to ask about local customs.

  When the atmosphere finally became harmonious, He Lingchuan seemed to have inadvertently mentioned: "By the way, what are the inspectors doing these days?"

   "Are you trying a case?" The county magistrate thought for a while, "I heard that he rejected many meetings and banquets."


   Three days later, Zhong Sunmou was about to leave for the north.

   There was another person asking to see him outside, and he let out an annoyed breath.

  The person who came was here to deliver materials, a thick stack.

  Zhong Sunmou signaled to the guards to take it, and then said: "Don't keep running to me, there are too many people."

   "This is the last batch of materials, my master wishes you a good journey."

   Having no choice but to do so, Zhong Sunmou piled up the materials on the desk and checked them one by one.

  Before returning to Spirit Void City, he had to make sure that the accounts were in perfect order without any mistakes.

  Fu Songhua was arrested six days ago. The safest way is to **** him to the north immediately to avoid long nights and dreams.

   But he can't.

  He's going to have to review the evidence word for word here!

   These evidences will be repeatedly checked by countless pairs of eyes after returning to Lingxu City, and may even be presented to the emperor. Just thinking about this one made him feel a lot of pressure.

  The people and the evidence were all brought back by Zhong Sunmou. He has to make sure everything is correct, otherwise...

   His eyes were sour, and he was about to ask someone to serve another cup of cassia seed tea, when a guard came to report:

   "The prince's special envoy, He Xiao, and the magistrate of Baishahou County seek an audience!"

   Zhong Sunmou's expression changed, and the kid finally came.

  The so-called special envoy of the prince also came to Baisha. He knew about it a long time ago, but ignored it. As a result, the other party was also very patient, and only now came to the door.

  Zhong Sunmou put away the case, walked back to the courtyard and said, "Let him in."

  He Lingchuan paced in, accompanied by a fierce tiger, and a county magistrate Tian behind him.

   "The scenery here is also good, you can see the lake from the window."

   "I'm very busy." Zhong Sunmou didn't greet him or give him a good face, "What's the matter with you?"

   "I heard that Master Zhongsun has made great contributions and brought to justice the spy who killed the white-shouldered eagle messenger!" He Lingchuan said with a smile, "I have to come and see."

  This man has been traveling in Baisha for the past few days, so why "come here"? Zhongsun Mou sneered slightly: "Yes, the evidence of the crime is solid, the murderer has been arrested, and the special envoy can go back and explain to the prince."

   "Then I have to ask, what is the identity of this murderer?" Even if Fu Songhua is not the real murderer of the messenger case, he must have some background. Otherwise, how can Zhong Sunmou push this person to go back to work, how can he convince Lingxu City?

  If he dares to grab a cat or a dog and go back to replace him, let's see how the emperor will deal with him.

"Fu Songhua, a native of Tao, was promoted to the commander of Hong Chenglue's Xiaodu 12 years ago. He fought bravely. Ten years ago, he escaped after assassinating Zhang Guangyi, the governor of Lingxu Hezhou. .”

   Unexpectedly heard the name of an old acquaintance, He Lingchuan wondered: "I heard that I was an assassin in the past, why is it now a spy?"

Seeing that he still has the title of the special envoy of the prince, and he was standing on the land of the Chiyan Kingdom, Zhong Sunmou suppressed his impatience and said: "He was originally a secret agent of the Tao Kingdom, and it was also a mission to attack and kill the Governor of Zhang. You don't know about the affairs of the royal court in Lingxu City. Zhang Guangyi's death had a great influence at that time, and directly changed the emperor's decision-making. This time Fu Songhua has been hiding for many years and made another move, just to interfere with our army's war on the Eastern Front."

   "He is Mr. Mai's superior?"


   "How to check?"

  Zhong Sunmou couldn't help laughing: "I have collected a whole set of criminal evidence here, which is as solid as a mountain. Do I need to report it to you page by page?"

   "Alright." He Lingchuan glanced straight at the study, "That would be the best."

  Zhong Sunmou restrained his smile: "Okay, special envoy, don't joke. The prisoner has pleaded guilty and the file has been sealed, so you can't open it lightly. You don't have any fun staying here. Go back and give Fushan Yue the good news and receive the reward."

  He Lingchuan also said sternly: "If the messenger surnamed Fu just wants to delay the information, then what is his intention of sending his subordinate Mr. Mai to kill demons and get pearls in various places in Chiyan?"

"Separation between the monster clan and the government, and instigating troubles are the old professions of secret agents. Otherwise, what do they usually do when they are idle? If you stay in Bega for a long time, you will know that these guys are really pervasive, trying their best to stir up trouble " Zhong Sunmou said calmly, "Those beads are the materials for refining Chiyu Pill, and this time they will also be reported to Lingxu City as evidence."

   Scarlet Jade Pill? Aren't saliva beads used to refine elixir? He Lingchuan raised his eyebrows: "Lord Zhongsun solved the huge case lightly, which is amazing. But the crown prince wants me to interrogate the principal criminal. Where is Fu Songhua?"

   "Fu Songhua will be escorted back to Lingxu City for trial, after that it has nothing to do with you."

   There seemed to be footsteps outside, and there were a lot of people. Zhong Sun Mouli felt that something was wrong, and stepped back, the guards beside him immediately stepped forward and pressed their hands on the handle of the knife.

   "If we can't reach an agreement, let's have a showdown." He Lingchuan gave Jiao Yu a wink, and the tiger suddenly roared!

  The roar of the tiger shook for ten miles, and immediately more than a hundred people rushed in from outside the courtyard, and surrounded Zhong Sunmou and others.

  There was a crackling sound outside, it was the sound of thick boots trampling on the ground, obviously there were a lot of people waiting.

  A general strode in and saluted He Lingchuan: "Master Special Envoy!"

   This is the garrison of the Chiyan Kingdom 30 miles away from Baishazhen. When Jiao Yu went out to do business, he took the special envoy token and seconded them here.

  Not many, only five hundred people were borrowed.

  Fu Shanyue said at the beginning that the token can mobilize the army.

   This is definitely not a joke.

  The two sides suddenly clashed with each other, and the county magistrate Baisha was standing in the middle, sweating profusely: "You two adults, you have something to say!"

  He can't afford to offend either side, why is this?

  What kind of blood mold did I encounter, and my luck was so bad recently?

  The door of a wing room on the side opened, and the two guards were startled, and they poked their heads out, and they were all stunned when they saw the confrontation.

  Zhong Sunmou said angrily: "Go back!"

  The guard obeyed the order to close the door, but one step too late, the tiger swooped in and scratched the door with a scratch of its paw.

  This is an inn, not a fortress wall. How can a wooden door have such a high defense?

  Faced with the force of the Tiger Demon's 3,000-jin palm, it's already a face that it didn't shatter to pieces on the spot.

  (end of this chapter)