MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 487 unexpected clue

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  The owner of the house opened the door and welcomed him in person.

   "You are being polite to your lord."

  The house owner He Lingchuan came to visit was famous as Xiang Yan, an official from Sikong of Chiyan Country, who only became an official last winter.

  The old man has retired, but he still looks very young, with less than half of his gray hair, less wrinkles around his eyes, and a ruddy complexion.

   "My lord, I've already retired." Xiang Yan said cheerfully, "It's good that the special envoy calls me to Lao Er."

  He Lingchuan smiled, took out a brocade box from his arms, and handed it over.

  Xiang Yan was taken aback: "How can I ask the special envoy to give me a gift?"

   "I didn't give it to you, General Ling entrusted me to give it as a gift." He Lingchuan opened the lid of the box, and there was a pink gem lying on the brocade cushion inside, with a perfect cut.

  Xiang Yan was slightly surprised, wondering why General Ling got involved with the special envoy. Jiao Yu said from the side: "General Ling, a member of his family was killed. He originally followed the special envoy to investigate the case, and then rushed to the front line due to military orders. Before leaving, let us bring you the gem."

"So that's how it is." Xiang Yan took the box, and although he knew that the special envoy was in front, he was still delighted to see Shi Xin, and couldn't help taking out the Fendai Stone to compare it with the light, "Good thing, there is actually a red thread inside, which is naturally in the shape of a dragon. "

   "I like strange stones, and the old sheep likes me. You two are laughing at me."

  He Lingchuan asked him: "General Ling claims to have been best friends with Mr. Xiang for decades?"

"He has lived much longer than me, and I have only been an official with him for sixty years." Xiang Yan stroked his long beard, "General Ling has a blunt temper, and he doesn't get along with many colleagues, but he can get along with him." Let me say a few more words."

   This is the difference between monsters and humans.

  General Ling talked about Xiang Yan, he only said that this person is my friend and can help investigate the case.

  He mentioned General Ling to Yan, but downplayed his friendship, waiting to see what card He Lingchuan would play next.

  The maid served tea, He Lingchuan took a sip, and at the same time glanced at Jiao Yu. The latter had a tacit understanding with him, and immediately said: "General Ling said, I can ask you for help in investigating the case."

  He is a monster, and he likes to go straight when he speaks, without taking many detours.

  Xiang Yan was taken aback: "Investigate the case? But I heard that the real culprit in the Lingxu City messenger case has been arrested. This news is about to spread all over Baisha."

   "Fu Songhua, the suspect arrested by Zhong Sunmou, today changed his words and retracted his confession, saying that he was coerced by others to come out to take the blame."

   "To blame?" Xiang Yan frowned, "Why did Fu Songhua suddenly change his mind?"

   "Because Fu Songhua was the murderer who attacked and killed the governor of Hezhou, but the messenger's case is related to the elixir, so I'm afraid he can't get involved."

  Xiang Yan's brows were about to lock out the word "Chuan": "An elixir?"

"My preliminary investigation found that someone was secretly hunting demons to obtain beads. These blood beads, or plasma beads, made from the blood of the demon clan, are one of the main medicines for refining the elixir. All clues point to the people of Baisha City. Northwest."

   "There are a lot of nobles in the northwest of the city."

  He Lingchuan asked him: "Why doesn't Mr. Xiang live in the northwest of the city?"

   This is the east of the city.

   "Not for that fun." Xiang Yan waved his hand, "Besides, the houses there are too expensive. One house in the northwest of the city is worth two here."

   "I'm new here and I don't know much about Baisha. Can Mr. Xiang tell me who are the people living in seclusion in the northwest of the city?"

   Xiang Yan also roughly understood his intention of visiting the door. "There are several types of residents in the northwest of the city. The first class is the dignitaries of Lingxu City; the second class is the old men who have served in Lingxu City, as well as the officials who are serving in Chiyan; the third class is from the Chiyan Royal Court Officials, such as me; the fourth class, it is the turn of rich businessmen and gentry from all walks of life."

  The grades are distinct.

  He Lingchuan nodded. Fu Songhua listed all the families in the northwest of the city for him, but he just couldn't explain clearly in a few words like Xiang Yan.

  People who have been rolling in the sea for decades and can retire safely are just different.

   "I heard that Mr. Xiang also knows the officials of Lingxu City very well?"

"Know a thing or two." Xiang Yan also took a sip of tea, "The few temples I presided over were praised by the gods, so when Lingxu City rebuilt the Xushan Mountain, they seconded me there. Where am I? seventeen years."

   "Rebuild Xushan?" He Lingchuan's surprise was not feigned.

   Isn't this his destination for Lingxu City? Unexpectedly, the information fell from the sky. "Isn't this a huge project?"

"That's right. The former Tiangong was built on the basis of the Xianzong ruins. Although it has been constantly renovated and repaired, it is not useful after all. The first emperor started to rebuild the Xushan Mountain in his later years as a gift to the gods. At the same time, he also Rebuild the Spirit Gathering Formation. The Ruins Mountain is the source of the essence of the entire Lingxu City's veins, and with the continuous nourishment of spiritual energy, the Lingxu City will be more prosperous."

  He Lingchuan wondered: "Now that the aura of the earth is weak, can you still do this?"

  Lingxu City's rich aura is of course beneficial to the big demon and practitioners.

"The original formation can't gather much spiritual energy, and it is gradually abolished. It is useless to develop and repair it in the future. Fortunately, the gods and the emperor worked hard to participate in the business, and they created a new spirit gathering formation. It was borrowed from ancient times. The treasure is used as the eye of the formation, so that the formation on the ground can echo with the stars in the sky, it is the unity of heaven and man, and it has the ability to defend."

  He Lingchuan immediately pricked up his ears: "What kind of treasure is so awesome?"

  Stroke his beard to Yan and said, "I don't know either."

   "..." Xiang Lao, you are not being kind.

"The supervisor of the formation is someone else, and the process of returning the treasure is a secret, how can we low-level officials have the right to watch it?" Xiang Yan shook his head, "I asked many colleagues in private, but no one knew about it. What the **** is baby?"

   "Before I went, the Tiangong had been under construction for nine years; by the time I left, this huge project was finally coming to an end. When the special envoy goes to Lingxu City in the future, he can go to Xushan to have a look. It's really majestic."

  He Lingchuan's heart skipped a beat: "I heard that there are countless treasures in the Xushan Mountains. How many treasures have Xiang Lao seen?"

   "What treasure is hidden?"

   "The ancient magic weapon spirit treasure?"

   "Who did you hear that from?" Xiang Yan laughed loudly, "That's all rumors. Xushan is where the emperor enshrines the gods, and it is also the earthly residence of the gods. Why hide treasures?"

  This answer was beyond He Lingchuan's expectation: "Then where are the ancient treasures hidden?"

"Lingxu City is so big, can't find a place to collect it?" Xiang Yan shook his head, "Qinggong likes to collect ancient secret treasures, and the treasury of Lingxu City is also huge. It's not good to hide the treasures, Why not in Xushan?"

   "Really not hidden in Xushan?" Zhu Erniang clearly said that her remains are in Xushan. "That's the old site of the Great Return of the Sect. Maybe there's a hidden treasure house behind it."

   "If it's the undiscovered Xianzong secret library, then it's possible." Xiang Yan didn't say anything, "Other than that, there shouldn't be any. I've seen the blueprint."

  He Lingchuan frowned secretly. Isn't this a bad dish? If Zhu Erniang's slough is not in Xushan, where can he find it?

  Don't say that Yishui is big, but Lingxu City is a giant capital with millions of people. Isn't it looking for a needle in a haystack if you look for things like a headless chicken?

  However, the accidental information obtained from Xiang Yan is also very precious, and he has to digest it carefully later.

  He Lingchuan changed back to the original topic: "I still want to ask Mr. Xiang, which noble family in Lingxu City lives in Baisha and has a better relationship with Zhong Sunmou?"

"The dignitaries in Lingxu City have a good relationship with the inspectors? In this city, there are quite a few nobles in Lingxu City who know Zhongsun's family." Xiang Yan is also a good person. "My lord special envoy, you don't think that the inspector is also involved..."

   "I don't think it's important, and finally we need to look at the evidence."

  Although ice was piled up in the corner of the room, Xiangyan began to sweat on his back: "My lord, does the inspector know what you think?"

   "Well..." He Lingchuan rubbed his chin and said, "He's not stupid, does he feel something?"

  Jiao Yu hastened to hold back his laughter by yawning.

  Xiang Yan suddenly felt that the old sheep didn't send gems, it was clearly here to stab him twice.

  How can he have such a bad friend?

   "My lord special envoy, you must be very careful with this assumption."

   "I saved it. If there is no evidence, how can I get him?" He Lingchuan laughed, "Compared to Zhong Sunmou, Mr. Xiang should be more worried about me."

   said to the core, I worry about myself.

   "Among the nobles in the northwest of the city, there are those who have good relations with Zhongsun's family..."

  He Lingchuan waved his hand: "The scope is narrowed, only the dignitaries of Lingxu City."

  Jiao Yuqi asked, "Why?"

   "Zhong Sunmou boasts that he was born in Lingxu City, and his eyes are on the top of his head. How can he associate with Chiyan characters?" He Lingchuan lazily said, "He will only cooperate with people in Lingxu City."

   Xiang Yan said: "Then, there are only five left." After finishing speaking, he made a list.

  He Lingchuan listened to them one by one, and kept them in his heart.

  He looked at Xiang Yan, and suddenly said: "Ask the old man again, have you heard of the elixir before?"

   Xiang Yan smiled, with two points of complacency: "Not only have I heard it, I have served it."

   "Oh?" He Lingchuan suddenly became interested, "You live a long life this year?"

   No wonder General Ling wanted to introduce Xiang Yan to him, that's why. Sure enough, Lao Yang is not as heartless as he appears on the surface.

   "It will be my eighty-fifth birthday next spring."

  He Lingchuan was taken aback: "Are you eighty-four?"

  Looking at his appearance alone, Xiang Yan is at most in his early fifties, with piercing eyes. It is said that when people get old, their legs get old first, but when he walked in, his legs and feet were healthy, and the soles of his feet were as light as a spring, and he seemed to have no problem running a marathon.

The surprised gazes of others have always made Xiang Yan happy, he couldn't help stroking his beard and said, "Yes, this is the effect of the elixir. Thirty years ago, Wang Hui gave me the elixir, and the spots and lines on my body gradually faded away. Old illnesses disappear on their own, and the body is light and healthy. Otherwise, even if I am still alive, I will still be trembling, with tooth loss and baldness."

   "Where did this elixir come from?"

   Xiang Yan gave him a strange look: "Did the special envoy not answer the question from the palace?"