MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 514 reverse twist

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  It hastily slipped away, as hastily came. Nothing was left but a puddle of slime.

   A gust of lake wind blew past, chilling everyone's hearts.

  Uncle Wu took advantage of the confusion to recruit someone and quickly whispered a few words.

  The man nodded, turned around and ran into the crowd, and disappeared.

   "Uncle Wu?" Cen Boqing came to his senses, looked around, "Uncle Wu!"

   Uncle Wu quickly followed.

   "Go home!" Cen Boqing turned around and walked back, "Go back home immediately, hurry up!"

  The civilians were still screaming and backing away. The magistrate Tian's legs were weak, and he almost fell to the ground, his mind was full of thoughts.

  The Inspector of Lingxu City was swallowed by monsters in broad daylight?

   Zhong Sunmou had an accident in his field, how would he explain to his superiors?

  The officials even went to dig in the sand for a while, expressing that they had tried their best, and then came back to report:

   "My lord, that monster has escaped!"


  A long ax broke through the water and chopped off He Lingchuan's waist, intending to cut him in two.

  Even if it enters the water, the qi on the ax still condenses and does not dissipate. He Lingchuan has nowhere to rely on in the water, and it is difficult to dodge. If he is chopped down, it will really become two sections, the first half and the second half.

   Obviously, the muddy water he stirred up failed to confuse Fan Sheng's eyes and ears.

  He didn't know that before this person came after him, Zhong Sunmou gave him a small bottle of liquid medicine, which could allow him to see in water without being disturbed by turbidity, and it lasted for a quarter of an hour.

  Underwater light and visibility are ever-changing, and some underwater monsters have ways to deal with it.

  Even He Lingchuan swam two feet away thinking it was safe, but in fact Fan Sheng on the water followed him like a shadow, chasing after him.

  He left the bottom of the boat and stepped straight into the water.

  As soon as the soles of the feet touched the water, a faint blue light immediately appeared.

   Then, he can walk on water as if walking on flat land. No fear of sinking—unless he dunks **** his toes or heels.

   Both the merman and the Yasha Xunhai have this ability, which is called "Lingbo Xing". Zhong Sunmou knew that he was coming to hunt down He Xiao, so he temporarily lent this method to Fan Sheng, and he was able to hold on for about two hours.

  Fan Sheng originally held a hatchet, but this magic weapon can be lengthened according to the owner's wishes, and the long pole can be extended to eight feet.

  Fan Sheng's attack was full of murderous aura. Before the blade of the ax touched the water of the lake, a dent appeared on the water surface; when he struck it, there were six neat cut marks at the place where the ax fell, covering a radius of two feet!

   Swinging the ax cut off the water, even the lake was cut off in an instant, and it still caused a large area of ​​damage, just because I was afraid that this kid would be slippery or use tricks.

   In this way, He Lingchuan in the water can still be intact?

  The ax struck through his waist, and several piranhas around him were hacked to death, and the water was stained red with blood.

   Huge momentum.

  Of course, the scene of "water cut-off" is only for a moment, and the lake fills up instantly.

  Fan Sheng frowned again.

  Why do you say "again"? Because there is still no feeling of cutting into flesh and blood.

   This is the second time.

  Last time in the battle outside the Tongfu Inn, he wiped He Lingchuan's neck, but it was just a phantom, and the enemy teleported behind him.

  This combat very similar to "Li Daitao Zombie"!

  Fan Sheng turned around before he had time to think about it, in case the enemy attacked from behind.

   As a result, there was a splash of water, and the broken boat without a tail smashed towards him.

   Fan Sheng is certainly not afraid of this kind of trick. But he was not even eight feet tall, and he was still within the range of a normal human being. A boat that big could easily block his sight.

  When Fan Sheng cut the broken ship in half with a throwing axe, there was a sound of piercing through the air behind his head, but it was mixed with the whistling wind of the broken ship, which was not obvious.

  Fan Sheng's spiritual thoughts spread out like long eyes in the back of his head, and the other ax was backhanded, knocking the hidden weapon away.

   Those are four or five red needles, the length of which is less than the little finger. I don’t know what material they are made of.

  As soon as Fan Sheng knocked them into the air, a spherical object flew out of the lotus wall, bounced with a whizzing sound, and hit the face. It was about four feet in diameter and shaped like a stubborn stone.

   There will definitely be no good end if you get hit, not to mention that this round thing suddenly expanded in size when it fell, protruding eight legs, and it looked like it was about to hug Fan Sheng's face!

  A few breaths ago, he first used a hidden weapon to attack He Lingchuan in the water, and then took advantage of him.

  Now the scene reappears, but the two sides have changed positions.

  No matter how skillful and daring Fan Sheng was, he didn't dare to let this thing touch his face, so he had to take a big step back.

   This thing landed on the water, just like walking on the ground, and its eight legs rushed towards him.

  Fan Sheng finally realized that this guy is actually a giant spider, it can stand more than four feet tall!

  Its specialized mouthparts have two outstretched serrated fangs, which can be folded in the lower abdomen at ordinary times, and pop out suddenly when attacking, like the forelimbs of a praying mantis.

  The slash was as fast as lightning, even if Fan Sheng took it, it felt heavy and full of weight. He just blocked two blows, suddenly more than a dozen light green liquids sprayed out from the serrations of the fangs at the same time, making several hissing sounds to smear his face.

   This was really caught off guard.

  However, wiping poison with fangs is the talent of many monsters.

  Fortunately, he had stellar qi and Yuanli to protect his body, only a few drops of venom splashed on his face, which made him tremble with pain.

   This thing is very corrosive, if it is collected according to the regulations, the face will be rotten.

  Fan Sheng gritted his teeth, and drove the spider back with two axes. This thing also knows how to advance and retreat, attack and defend, and is not blindly reckless, but it couldn't hold back Fan Sheng's rapid attack, so he was still cut off by a leg.

  He still remembered that the real master was He Lingchuan. While attacking, he looked around with his spiritual sense, but he didn't find this person.

  Four or five red needles were shot from the side, followed by a handful of white, sticky things under the hood.

   Only then did Pan Sheng discover that there were actually two other spiders hidden in the lotus wall!

   One is chubby and stocky, and even its chelicer feet are thicker than a watermelon. As long as it shakes its legs, the sharp needle will shoot at him.

   But it is probably heavy and not flexible enough, so it can only leap forward by stepping on the driftwood debris on the water surface.

  The one who threw the net bag was another little spider, less than one-third the size of the two companions, hiding in the lotus leaf and refusing to come out.

  Where did these three monsters come from?

  The local monsters and beasts should all be driven out of the Lotus Palace by Mizusawa.

  Arranged by He Xiao?

   Then this is a trap, Fan Sheng was stunned.

  His slash has the technique of ice crystal hysteresis, the two big spiders fought him for two rounds, their joints were frozen hard, and they were no longer as flexible as before.

   Yuanli has an advantage against the wild monsters.

   With a few knives, he chopped off several spider legs, and the monster hissed and hurt at both ends.

   Unexpectedly, these legs turned into a finger-long little spider in a blink of an eye, and quietly came over to hug his thigh.

   Is it over?

  Fan Sheng took the time to kill two of them, he was really irritable.

  Where is the master He Lingchuan hiding!

   At this moment, the spider in the lotus leaf squirts out its web for the second time.

   And it is still spraying twice.

  This net is very sticky, but it does not cause any damage, so Yuanli has no effect on it. However, this thing is like super glue, and it is really hindering when pulled. The spider web that Fan Sheng was hung on last time has not been removed yet, so when he saw the spider web flying from the corner of his eye, he immediately jumped sideways.

   As a result, this little thing escaped, but the other side of the ridiculously large web fell from the sky, including a person and two spiders, and caught them all!

  Fan Sheng was shocked, and turned his head desperately, only to realize that a bronze man with golden armor stood up diagonally behind him at some point, holding something in his hand, throwing it as much as he wanted!

  The bronze man is one and a half feet tall, and the water depth is not up to his knees. It can stand firmly on the lake bed and throw a big net towards Fan Sheng.

  Yes, what it throws out is a whole net intact.

  The mesh is small, but the area is large, almost covering this long and narrow body of water.

  Fan Sheng didn't jump out of the way in a hurry, and the fishing nets came all over the sky, covering him in one fell swoop.

  The golden-armored bronze man immediately pulled, retracted, and twisted, and the deputy commander of the dignified Tongxinwei was caught in the net!

  Fan Sheng pulled back hard.

  How powerful he is, if he is on flat ground, the bronze man may not be able to knock him down; it is a pity that this is Chaohu Lake, no matter how strong Fan Sheng is, after all he lacks experience in water combat, he subconsciously pushes back with his heels—

   With a snap, he fell into the water with a big splash.

  The blessing state of "Lingboxing" was trampled on the spot by him.

  So the action of collecting the net behind the golden-armored bronze man was quite smooth.

  Fan Sheng was furious and swung his ax to chop the net.

   But the net is very soft and tough, the axe's edge will be empty when it is cut up, and it will not sink when it falls.

  This is the large net that He Lingchuan used to receive the emperor's slurry in the Sanxinyuan. It is made of brocade woven by Zhu Erniang himself.

  Even if Fan Sheng's attack has additional energy, if he wants to tear away Zhu Erniang's efforts purely by brute force, then he has to work harder, harder.

  How could the golden armored bronze man give him such a chance? Twist it hard, twist him tightly in the net like twisting a towel, and wrap it with two more layers inside and outside.

  That movement is very skillful, and it seems that he has practiced a lot.

  Fan Sheng didn't even have room to reach out to stretch the net, so how could he swing his axe?

   Not to mention that there are two spiders in the spider web, poking his eyeballs, feeding his venom, and stabbing his vitals.

  The distance between the two sides is so close, Fan Sheng was trapped by the giant net and couldn't lift his elbows, how could he swing an axe? But the opponent's two spiders together have several legs, plus two sets of fangs to attack!

  In such a narrow and difficult place to maneuver, the spiders' attack is more dominant.

  He was at a loss just to resist the black hands of these two villains, so how could he have the energy to cut the big net?

  The big net was twisted twice more, and Fan Sheng was wrapped into a cocoon, with three layers inside and three layers outside.

  At this time, only one person jumped onto the forearm of the golden-armored bronze figure, and it was He Lingchuan.

  He wanted to put on a handsome pose, but there was a piranha on his head biting his hair and flicking his tail.

  He Lingchuan squeezed it off, threw it on Fan Sheng, and then raised the tip of the knife to the deputy commander's neck.

   "Master Fan, do you want to die or live now?" He was too lazy to be polite with this guy.

  The winner is king, an unbreakable truth through the ages.