MTL - After the Rebirth, I Counterattacked and Became An All-around Boss-Chapter 489 Cherish the people in front of you

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  Chapter 489 Cherish the people in front of you

   "The king told me to cherish the people in front of me." At first, she also thought that the king would let her separate from Qinghe, and she was ready. Although she was very reluctant, she didn't want to betray the king.

   "Really?" Qinghe couldn't believe it. You must know that when he was with Yue'er, everyone in the Phoenix Realm opposed it.

   "Yeah." Feng Yue'er nodded with a smile.

   "Great!" Qing He breathed a sigh of relief. When he just heard Yue'er say that Mu Xi is the king of the Phoenix Realm, he was really worried to death. He knew that in Yue'er's heart, the most important person was her king. If it weren't for the fall of the king of the Phoenix Realm, she would not have been heartbroken and left the Phoenix Realm to meet, know and love him.

Feng Yue'er held Qinghe's hand, her eyes were serious, "I want to go back to the Phoenix Realm with the king." The Phoenix Realm is in chaos now, the Great Elder and Wang's younger sister both want to take the position of the king, but they are equally powerful , the power is also comparable, so far, the two are still fighting for the position of the king, the current Phoenix world is full of smog, and the people are in dire straits.

  Before, she didn't want to stand in line and kept neutral. In her heart, even if the king had fallen, only the king could be worthy of that position. She also knows that the Phoenix Realm will continue to be chaotic if there is no owner, but she really doesn't know how to choose. Fortunately, now that the king is back, the Phoenix Realm will soon return to its former prosperity.

   "You want to go back to Fengjie?" Qinghe's heart raised again.

Feng Yue'er smiled sweetly, "Don't worry, I'm just going back with the king. When the situation in the Phoenix Realm stabilizes, I will come to you." With the king's ability, it shouldn't take much to stabilize the Phoenix Realm. long time.

   "I'll go with you." He didn't want to be separated from her, only by her side could he feel at ease.

   "Then I'll ask the king." Feng Yue'er didn't want to be separated from Qinghe for too long.

  At this time, kicking and shouting sounded from outside.

   "Open the door, open the door, if you don't open the door, I will kick the door."

  When Feng Yueer and Qinghe heard the voice, anger appeared on their faces at the same time.

   These days, Yancheng is conducting an alchemy competition, and the inns are already full, so those people are targeting them who have houses. A group of people came before, but they were rejected, but they came again unexpectedly.

   "I'll go and have a look." Qing He stood up and walked outside.

  In the yard, Mu Xi and Ling Mochen were drinking tea. Hearing the sound, Ling Mochen got up and opened the door.

   "You guys vacate the house for me now, or don't blame our fists for not having eyes." Seeing someone open the door, the middle-aged man who took the lead threatened with a sullen face.

   "What if we don't." Ling Mochen's tone was casual, and he didn't pay attention to the other party's threat at all.

   "Toast, don't eat fine wine!" The middle-aged man directly attacked Ling Mochen.

  Ling Mochen raised his hand, and then heard a crisp sound of "click!"

  The middle-aged man hugged his broken hand and took several steps back, "Give me all of them, not one left." He dared to break his hand, and he left them without bones.

  Ling Mochen's figure flashed, and in just a moment, everyone fell to the ground, wailing incessantly.

  A look of panic flashed in the eyes of the middle-aged man, "Do you know who we are? We are the magic alchemists who came to participate in Danby. If you offend us, the Lord of Yancheng will not let you go."

  Ling Mochen glanced at the middle-aged man with cold eyes.

  The middle-aged man immediately felt a chill, and took a few steps back uncontrollably, "What do you want to do?"

  Ling Mochen was too lazy to talk to the other party, so he turned and closed the door.

  The middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief, took out the healing elixir and took it, glanced at the closed door in front of him, and led everyone away in despair. Now that he knows that this family is tough, he naturally won't provoke them. Although Yancheng has regulations against fighting, everyone knows that those rules are only for the weak, and in front of the real strong, those rules are just fake.

  He doesn't know how strong the opponent is, but he knows that the opponent didn't use all his strength just now.

  Qinghe came out, just in time to see Ling Mochen closing the courtyard door, "Those people are gone?" Although he drove those people away last time, he was also seriously injured.

  Ling Mochen nodded.

  Qinghe admired secretly in his heart, he was indeed the man chosen by the king of the Phoenix Realm, and his strength should not be underestimated.

  He looked at Mu Xi, "Feng Wang! I have heard Yue'er just now, please take me back to Fengjie together, I don't want to be separated from Yue'er." There was a hint of pleading in his eyes.

  Mu Xi put down the teacup in his hand and looked at Qinghe.

   Qinghe clenched his fists nervously. He was worried that Mu Xi would refuse.

   "Good!" Mu Xi said with a smile.

  Qing He heard the words, his eyes were full of surprise, "Thank you!"

   "As long as you treat Yue'er well." She could see that Qinghe really loved Yue'er, and seeing Yue'er happy, she was also very happy for her.

   "I will definitely." Qing He promised solemnly. Yue'er is more important than himself in his heart.

   "I hope you will do what you say, otherwise I will not show mercy." She believed in Qinghe, but the ugly words must be said first.

   "If I'm sorry for Yue'er, I'll be struck with a thunderbolt, and my soul will be wiped out." Qinghe raised his hand and swore. Once you swear in the God Realm, if you don't keep the oath, it will come true, so people in the God Realm dare not swear casually.

  Mu Xi nodded in satisfaction, "Go and accompany Yue'er."

   "Yes." Qing He turned and walked towards the room.

Feng Yueer saw Qinghe coming in, cried and threw herself into his arms, "You big fool, why did you make such a poisonous oath?" She heard what he just said outside, she was really moved, very touched . But if there was a day when he betrayed her, she didn't want him to die.

   "Because I know there won't be such a day." Qing He gently patted Feng Yue'er on the back, his eyes full of determination. He is not a person who is easily emotional, once emotional, it will be a lifetime.

   "Fool!" Feng Yue'er lightly tapped Qinghe's shoulder. My heart is full of emotion, it is enough to have him in this life.


  Overlapping mountains, pavilions, towers and pavilions, surrounded by spirits, a few cranes flew across the clouds and landed beside a lake, bowing their heads to drink water.

  A woman in pink stood by the lake, her face was a little ugly, "Is the news true?" Has she really returned?

   "It's news from the Demon Realm."

   "Go down." The woman waved her hand, her eyes were tainted with ruthlessness. So what? Ten thousand years ago, she could make her soul fly away, and she can do the same now. The position of king of the phoenix world can only be hers, no one else can think about it.

  Thinking of this, she laughed out loud.

   The cranes that were drinking water not far away were so startled that they flapped their wings and flew to the sky.

  (end of this chapter)