MTL - After Waking up Beside the Villain-Chapter 167 Wearing "Pear Garden of the Republic of China" 11, they just want to...

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Chu Yunsheng still learned about Chinese patent medicine from Yu Jingzhi.

It just doesn't need to say much, seeing Yu Jingzhi's attitude, Chu Yunsheng roughly guessed his thoughts.

However, these intrigues have nothing to do with him for the time being.

With the successful clinical trial of penicillin, he has completely stabilized his position in Yu Jingzhi, and the strength around him to protect him is increasing day by day, like a baby who is afraid of falling and containing fear of melting Gold knots.

After dinner, Yu Jingzhi suggested to go out for a walk.

the outside world. He doesn't force it, but if he has the opportunity, he is of course willing to shop around.

At eight o'clock in summer, it was already dark, and most of the streets in the concession were lit up with street lights.

At this time, electric lights were not fully popularized in the concession. The hospital was not the center of the concession, and there were no electric lights on the road. The street lights are all gas lamps, which are also considered new. They were built after the settlement was built. They have a French flavor and are romantically and exaggeratedly carved in relief.

The light of the gas lamp is not clear and dim, always like a misty twilight. The brightly lit site is also narrow, barely squeezed into two shadows.

Chu Yunsheng walked side by side with Yu Jingzhi.

It is the last extravagance at the end of the flowering season.

There are also some very light lotus and willow scents, floating from the direction of Suzhou River, with a misty damp water vapor.

There are few pedestrians around, and occasionally cars or rickshaws pass silently.


Walking on a summer night is actually a very pleasant thing, especially if it is done with a lover, it is more comfortable and happy.

After just a few minutes of walking, Chu Yunsheng's nerves that had been tense for the past few months slowly relaxed, and he suddenly looked at the three or two flowing clouds in the sky, his shoulders back stretch.

Yu Jingzhi seemed to feel the change in Chu Yunsheng's mood, stepping forward on the shadows of the two, while introducing the surrounding buildings to Chu Yunsheng, his voice was gentle and gentle.

"This area was probably entered into the concession when you were studying abroad. Those are all newly built houses, not a few years old... That Spanish-style house with a dark green flower wall is a The old school of the Jianhaicheng Society was renovated. I studied there for two years, it was a primary school, and then I transferred to Mingde Middle School..."

"Chao Shimin and I were classmates of Mingde Middle School. At that time, Mr. Fang Jiming taught us Chinese. He was very knowledgeable and humorous, and was very popular with the students. Later, I graduated from middle school and went north. After studying, he entered the preparatory class of the Normal School, but Chao Shimin went abroad and studied medicine..."

"When I was studying in a private school, my father often said that he wanted me to at least be admitted as a scholar, and people would not expect it... But the world is changing fast, and it will be a new era in the blink of an eye."

Yu Jingzhi's voice by the ear was flat and indifferent, as warm as the cool wind of this night, and there was not much emotion or sighing in it.

If you really taste it, you can only relax.

Chu Yun said: "I was still young when I left home, and I haven't stayed in Haicheng for a few days since I came back. Now it seems that all eyes are unfamiliar. But you said this, I also I'm familiar with this place."

Yu Jingzhi turned his face to the side, raised his eyebrows and glanced at Chu Yunsheng. This man is younger than him, but he is more than half a head taller than him. He is usually used to a cold face, but when he looks at it seriously, he can always feel a strange warmth, like water, as if he can reach from the apex of his heart. overflowing.

Chu Yun said: "Okay. Chu remember."

While chatting, the two of them turned the corner and saw from a distance the pompous and lively scene of the Suzhou Riverside, with bursts of fragrant wind and melodious music floating in the air, and a singer was leaning against the door and sang in a low voice. They are all decent people in suits and leather shoes and robes and jackets.

Chu Yunsheng stood under the lamp and stared at the completely different scene on the other side of the street. It was almost unimaginable that this drunken man was only a hundred meters away from the tranquility and tranquility.

"Young Master Chu likes those?" Yu Jingzhi's voice sounded in his ears.

Chu Yunsheng retracted his gaze, looked at Yu Jingzhi beside him, then suddenly reached out and grabbed his wrist hanging by his side.

"I like these."

The wrist wrapped in the palm of the hand is generally carved with jade, cool and smooth. Being suddenly grasped, there was a moment of tension and stiffness, as if it had become a dull dead branch.

But only for a moment.

Yu Jingzhi's eyes are very black, like two rounds of black full moons in a silver plate, in the dim yellow and soft light, the sharpness is hidden, showing a kind of breathtaking Sincerity and clarity.

He looked at Chu Yunsheng and said softly, "Why don't you like women?"

"It's born." Chu Yun said.

Yu Jingzhi laughed, didn't speak any more, let Chu Yunsheng pull him, walked to the bottom of a willow tree by the Suzhou River, and sat on a bench that was half-covered by branches.

The two of them were sitting side by side, but when they were sitting, Yu Jingzhi's head slid down, his long legs were lifted again, and he just changed his posture and lay down on Chu Yunsheng on the legs.

"In addition to Jiuliuhui and Du Tianming in the affairs of Jihetang and Peiyuantang today, there should be Xuanjia intervening."

Yu Jingzhi suddenly said.

The sparkling waves in front of her eyes and the gentle breeze made you feel at ease. The slightly hot breath blew into Chu Yunsheng's abdomen through the thin shirt, causing his muscles to tighten slightly.

Chu Yun said: "Xuanqing River?"

Yu Jingzhi nodded: "He picked up Li Lingbi from Fengxiang Class, although I lost my land, he still had to set up a factory and make western medicine, but this thing The foreigners haven't made much of it yet, and their progress can be imagined."

Naturally, the pharmaceutical factory will not be able to open."

"But Xuan Qinghe, the young master of the Xuan family, is not very talented, his heart is smaller than a needle, and he will pay for it. , this time, I pushed the boat along the way, and did something to get in the way."

This news is not a surprise to Chu Yunsheng.

The original plot did not describe Li Lingbi's golden finger in too much detail, but only said that it was recalling the memory of the previous life, and many things were remembered very firmly and deeply, even if I just glanced at the penicillin extraction method and The drawings of some weapons can also be recalled after crossing, and they are not bad.

Since this is the case, it means that all the things that Li Lingbi moved from later generations are just copied, and there is no breakthrough or combination with the current era.

So the fact that the drugs Li Lingbi researched could not beat the improved Chinese patent medicines can be said to be within Chu Yunsheng's expectations.

However, Chu Yunsheng didn't quite believe that Li Lingbi gave up the pharmaceutical factory like this, and Li Lingbi was still holding penicillin.

It's just that Chu Yunsheng has really done penicillin experiments step by step in the real world, so only one person and today's equipment can overcome difficulties and get penicillin out.

And Li Lingbi should succeed in the end, but it will take a long time. That may not be a big deal in the original plot, but now that Chu Yunsheng is taking the lead, Li Lingbi is slow, but he is slow.

Yu Jingzhi said in a chatty manner: "In addition, Bai Chu also went to the Zhouji dim sum shop two months ago, and I don't know what happened with that Li Lingbi, but this time it will be Heartless, sent a bunch of information about Li Lingbi... There is indeed something strange about Li Lingbi."

"If you have a chance, look carefully."

Chu Yunsheng listened at will without saying a word.

No matter how weird Li Lingbi is, can he be more weird?

It's just that he has chosen to take the risk of exposure, so there is no need to worry about it.

At the same time, Li Lingbi, who was being discussed by Chu Yunsheng and Yu Jingzhi, was also sitting with Xuan Qinghe.

But unlike the warm atmosphere of Suzhou Riverside, there is quite a bit of tension between Li Lingbi and Xuanqinghe.

But at the moment he looks at his lover's eyes, but it is definitely not affectionate and gentle, and even hides a bit of cruel coldness under the calm.

"Ling Bi, I'm not forcing you."

Xuanqinghe frowned and said in a low voice: "As you know in my family, I'm not just a junior, I can't count many things. I'm a little dissatisfied, and now you want to do that lipstick, or go to a movie, I'm naturally supporting you, but what's the use of my words?"

Li Lingbi's understanding of the Xuan family is limited to what Xuanqinghe said, but he has no doubts about Xuanqinghe's statement. After all, it was written in many novels in his previous life. involuntarily.

It's just clear and clear, but Li Lingbi is not reconciled.

"You mean, you're blaming me for not running the pharmaceutical factory?"

"Ling Bi, you know how I treat you. If it is possible, I would rather wrong myself than you. I just have to ask you to be considerate of me. , The lipstick you mentioned can make money, but where is the Xuan family who is short of money."

"If you, like before, want to set up a business like a pharmaceutical factory to benefit the people, I will naturally have a way to persuade the family to do something. If it is good for the nation, the family will support it. Otherwise, if you and I fall into this sea city, you will not be able to stir up any waves at all, and you will be swallowed by the big fish."

Li Lingbi's face moved slightly, and the angry and cold expression melted a little.

Seeing this, Xuanqinghe's eyes flashed, and he said, "Or wait a moment, when the penicillin is researched, my family has to believe you and me, and everything is easy to say."

"Where did that thing come out so fast."

Li Lingbi pursed her lips, she couldn't help but complained that she was running a factory and rolled onto the bed with Xuanqinghe, who just started to take care of everything and listened to him He looks like he is, but in reality he lives in the shadow of his family and doesn't count anything.

If he wasn't really afraid of that Mr. Yu and didn't like this scumbag, why would he come here. In this Haicheng, Yu Jingzhi had nothing to say.

"Forget it."

Li Lingbi thought for a while, and said, "It's not good to argue with you. If you don't make lipstick, then don't do it first. Speaking of industry, I have an idea. Let's open a machinery factory and produce some machines. How about it…"

Xuanqinghe's expression changed, he raised his hand to embrace Li Lingbi, and said softly, "Machine...Ling Bi, talk about it."

Chu Yunsheng and Yu Jingzhi rarely had a leisurely solitude. Just got up and walked back.

The two came back from the back door of the hospital. As soon as they arrived at the door, they saw Lu Yun and someone hurriedly greeted them.

Chu Yunsheng saw Lu Yun's expression, and there was an ominous premonition in his heart. The next moment, he heard Lu Yun say: "Sir, something happened at the pharmaceutical factory!"

Yu Jingzhi and Chu Yunsheng looked at each other and frowned, "Speak."

Lu Yun said quickly: "It was the water that burned down most of the factory building. Fortunately, the workers didn't live there, there were no casualties, but the goods were about to be broken..."

Yu Jingzhi's face was slightly cold: "Where's the last batch?"

Lu Yun: "The last batch of goods took the waterway ahead of schedule and was transported from another wharf. According to the news just now, the wharf of Tianminghui that we got was checked tonight, but they I don't know it's just a pretense, our goods don't go that way."

Yu Jingzhi's eyes were light, and the corners of her lips twitched into a smile: "You went to the police station and the patrol room to lead someone in the afternoon, and said the surname of the Chinese patent medicine business was Yu, right?"

"Said." Lu Yun said.

"Since it's said, if you don't know what's good or bad, that's their problem."

Yu Jingzhi smiled warmly, and lowered her head to light a cigarette: "There are always people who think that the fewer people there are at this gambling table, the greater his chances of winning, but in fact it may only be that there are fewer people. , and die faster. If they want to see it, then I'm not stingy, and it's okay to show them. "

"Young Master Chu, do you think that they are really greedy when they use proprietary Chinese medicine, and they are not afraid of me at all?"

"Greed is true, not afraid of false. I'm afraid they just want to see if Mr. Yu has changed over the years." Chu Yun whispered.

Yu Jingzhi was wearing a clean white shirt with a gentle and gentle smile on his face, and raised his legs to get on Lu Yun's car parked on the side of the road: "That's naturally the same. I have always been a A good man with a good heart."

Chu Yunsheng looked at Yu Jingzhi's vivid and beautiful eyebrows and smelled a strong **** smell.

It's okay for you and me to practice guns, but the situation is not good right now, so I can only feel sorry for Chu Shao."

Chu Yunsheng is not surprised by Yu Jingzhi's decision, although he doesn't mind feeding those **** who dare to burn the pharmaceutical factory with a few guns, but he is Yu Jingzhi's first-level protection after all Objects, before the value is drained, it is still not appropriate to take risks.

He nodded slightly: "Come back safely."

Yu Jingzhi smiled and nodded.

The door closed, the car started, and it quickly drove off the street.

Chu Yunsheng did not see Yu Jingzhi for the next two consecutive days, but the news of Yu Jingzhi came from a tabloid.

The front page of the tabloid is about Yu Jingyi's bloodbath in half a sea city in one night.

The words used in this newspaper are quite fantastic and exaggerated, and it almost describes Yu Jingzhi as the king of Yama. His kung fu has also become over-the-top, omnipotent, like living in a martial arts novel.

Excluding those conjectures, there is not much real substance, but it is said that Yu Jingzhi led people to copy Tianminghui's old nest, almost shot Du Tianming into a sieve, and dared to go straight In the French Concession, the foreigner's mansion was kicked open, and a woman was shot.

It can be said that the entire Haicheng has been turned upside down, lawless and arrogant.

This Mr. Yu has been cultivating his body for two or three years since he sat in a high position without touching the sword. He never expected that he would break the killing precept once again, causing the entire Haicheng to be shaken. So many people had no choice but to recall Haicheng Yu Jingzhi's brutal reputation in the past, and regarded him as a madman.

In the past, some people thought that he had lost his prestige and his temperament was tolerant, but now that two days and two nights have passed, no one dares to think so.

For a time, there were a lot fewer articles in the newspapers that scolded Yu Jingzhi in secret.

On the third day after this **** incident, the security forces in the public concession area and Haicheng County have all changed their surnames to Yu, and they are no longer hiding in the slightest.

Someone posted about this, saying that Yu Jingzhi has been planning for a long time, and the ambition of the wolf.

Some people also say that this is a brocade with flowers, and a fire to cook oil. If you want to destroy it, you must first make it crazy.

But Chu Yunsheng already knew Yu Jingzhi quite well, he knew very well that Yu Jingzhi was neither a long-planned plan, nor was he set on fire, crazy, he was just in In the first tentative game in which all parties finally entered the market, they made the safest and most appropriate choice, and officially became the dealer at the gambling table—a dealer who dared not be easily provoked and doubted by others.

At this point, Haicheng, where the explosive barrels were usually detonated at any time, suddenly calmed down.

In the tranquility before the storm, a nurse suddenly came to report to Chu Yunsheng, telling him that his parents were here.