MTL - Age of Elves: God-Level Landing-Chapter 220

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Mewtwo's giant half-moon-shaped light waves. Flying fast in the air, very fast. Dong Ling knew very well the strength of his Dark Ice Bear. He thought his Dark Ice Bear's powerful block could block any Pokémon's attack. Because the dark bear's powerful block has never failed in combat. But this time it seemed a bit beyond his imagination.

The moment when Mewtwo's spiritual light waves meet the Dark Ice Bear. It doesn't seem to be blocked. It's still running continuously. The Dark Icefield Bear is trying hard to block the spiritual light wave. This time Dongling can feel that the Dark Icefield Bear's power does not seem to be as strong as Chaomeng's.

The Dark Icefield Bear was a little unsteady and was pushed backwards by Chaomeng's spiritual light waves.

Luochen seemed to be unable to resist when he saw the Dark Icefield Bear. Then he loudly mocked and said to Dong Ling: "Haha, white-haired monster, your dark icefield bear seems to be unable to hold on. Why is he a little unsteady?"

Chapter 648: The world of ice and snow

Dong Ling heard what Luo Chenchen said, then turned to look at the Dark Icefield Bear, and said angrily to the Dark Icefield Bear, "Dark Icefield Bear, give me all your strength. Don't back off!"

But the power of the Dark Icefield Bear is only those, and he has already exerted his full strength.

The Dark Icefield Bear seemed to be unable to hold on, and suddenly he relaxed a little, and the spiritual light wave, huge energy, quickly pushed it behind him. And Dong Ling was standing behind the dark ice field bear, and the dark ice field bear flew directly behind him with Dong Ling.

Behind his body is a row of trees. Dong Ling suddenly hit a row of trees. The Dark Icefield Bear pressed in front of him, and poor Dongling was constantly attacked by the trees and the Dark Icefield Bear. Because the energy of Chao Meng's spiritual light wave has not stopped, it has been constantly pushing forward.

After a few seconds, when the energy reached a certain level, it suddenly exploded and bursts of smoke appeared. The Dark Icefield Bear and Dongling fell to the ground abruptly in the smoke. Dong Ling was also attacked by the huge body of the Dark Icefield Bear. Almost suffocated.

Luochen looked at everything in front of him and said loudly to Chaomeng: "Haha, Chaomeng didn't expect that the energy of your current spiritual light wave is so huge? It's too strong."

After Chao Meng heard Luo Chen's praise, he smiled and said, "Haha, I also want to thank Dongling and the others for the energy of the blackening potion they injected into me."

After speaking, Luochen and Chaomeng looked towards the direction of the smoke explosion. The smoke slowly dissipated, and I saw Dong Ling and the Dark Icefield Bear struggling to get up in the smoke.

Dong Ling said angrily to the Dark Icefield Bear: "Damn, you stupid bear, you almost squeezed me to death."

After Dong Ling finished speaking, there was a burst of laughter not far away. Dongling took a closer look, and it was from Luochen and Chaomeng.

Dong Ling looked at the two people who were constantly laughing at him, and said angrily: "Damn, you two, stop laughing, don't give you some color to see, you really don't know - I'm amazing! "

Seeing Dong Ling, Luo Chen seemed to have lost his mind. So he continued to sneer at him and said: "Slightly, white-haired monster, use all your moves."

?0 for flowers 0...

Luo Chen kept sticking out his tongue to Dong Ling, Dong Ling felt that this was like a child's trick, very childish. Dong Ling's current mood is to give them some color to take a look, to obliterate the arrogance of Luo Chen and Chaomeng.

Then Dongling said loudly to the Dark Icefield Bear: "Dark Icefield Bear, use absolute zero!"


After the Dark Ice Bear heard it, it roared a few times, and a cold air slowly emitted from its body. This cold air was clearly visible under the illumination of the moonlight, reflecting a faint white light. Then, the Dark Icefield Bear opened his mouth wide and spit out a burst of cold air.

This cold air also changed the surrounding weather, the trees and flowers were all frozen to death, and the leaves were covered with frost and covered with tree hangings. On this dark and windy night, as the moon's light shines on the tree, the frost on the tree keeps reflecting the moonlight. The dark night around him seemed to be a little brighter.

The cold air kept spreading to the surroundings. Chunlei, Qiurong, Xiaoxia and Xiaogang, who were fighting beside them, all turned their battlefield into a world of ice and snow.

Chapter 649: Energy Pulse Big Bang

Xiaogang was still puzzled by the side, and when he fixed his eyes, it turned out to be the absolute zero degree of the dark icefield bear again. Xiaogang couldn't help but said angrily: "Damn, why is it so cold in this big summer? Freeze all the surrounding rocks. The big steel snake that fired me was obviously a rock, but it turned into an ice stone, which made me mad."

But Qiu Rong, who was opposite them, said with a smile: "Hahaha, this cold air "Nine Zero Seven" is coming at the right time. Double the damage of my dark water arrow turtle's skills!"

Everyone's battlefield has become cold and icy. But only on the battlefield of Shabby and Ash, there are constantly burning flames and magma constantly erupting from the ground. Such a melee really needs to open up a certain distance on the battlefield! Otherwise, like Dongling's Dark Icefield Bear and Shabby's Dark Fire-breathing Dragon, the two Pokémon on your side are interfering with each other.

Seeing the absolute zero degree emitted by the Dark Icefield Bear, Luochen couldn't help saying loudly to Dongling: "Hey, white-haired monster, this is the trick again! Why do you always make the surrounding environment extremely cold when you fight? Aren't you cold?"

Dong Ling also seemed to be trembling and said, "It's a bit cold, but it's nothing to be cold to beat you."

Luo Chen was so cold that his teeth collided with each other, and he said, "You, you, you are also a little too heartless. You are like hurting the enemy and hurting yourself."

Dong Ling looked nonchalant and said, "Stop talking nonsense, if you can't stand it, surrender now!"

Luo Chen couldn't help laughing when he heard it: "Surrender, that's when you surrendered to me."

Dong Ling said angrily: "Boy, then you will die, Dark Icefield Bear, use Blizzard!"

The Dark Icefield Bear slapped his two thick bear paws against each other. A dark purple airflow suddenly appeared on his body, his mouth widened, and countless snow and ice spit out from his mouth. Slowly following the cold airflow, a tornado was formed, which was mixed with countless ice and snow, and came in the direction of Chaomeng.

Seeing the dark icefield bear's skills, Luochen immediately said loudly to Chao Meng: " Chao Meng, use the spiritual light wave again to smash his tornado!"

After Chao Meng heard it, he stood steadily on the ground and kept accumulating energy. A dark purple airflow appeared around his body again. The blade of light was swiping into the air, and a wave of light was drawn, which was directed at the dark ice bear. The direction flew to .0, but this time Mewtwo seems to feel that the energy of the spiritual light wave does not seem to be very powerful?

So Chao Meng noticed his surroundings, and after a closer look, his knees were frozen, because the entire battlefield was covered with countless snow and ice.

Chaomeng suddenly understood, turned his head and said to Luochen: "Damn, Luochen, his absolute zero can absorb part of the energy of my moves, look at my 0.7 feet."

Luochen took a closer look at Chaomeng's feet that were frozen on the ground. At this time, Dong Ling said with a smile: "It seems a little too late to realize now. The reason why I summoned absolute zero is that

It is because in this environment, it can not only enhance the energy of the Dark Icefield Bear, but also weaken the energy of the other party. "

Chapter 650: Pulse Confrontation

The blizzard of the Dark Icefield Bear and Mewtwo's spiritual blade met in mid-air. This time, Mewtwo's spiritual blade did not split the blizzard of the Dark Icefield Bear, but generated a powerful energy pulse. These two energies interacted with each other. The collision bounced everything around, and it seemed that the people next to him felt the oppression of the space.

Luochen said loudly: "Damn, there is a pulse confrontation again, which is a huge damage to Mewtwo and the Dark Ice Bear!"

Dong Ling said with a smile: "Now it's time to see who is more powerful. If you are afraid, you can let your Chaomeng stop."

Luochen knew that if he stopped at this time, the damage he received might not be less than the damage caused by the pulse confrontation, so Luochen said firmly: "Let me stop, it is impossible!"

The two power pulses have been fighting for a long time. Both Pokémon are using their full strength to provide energy to their skills. No one wants to suddenly withdraw at this time. If the situation is now against the side that withdraws, no Causing death can also result in very serious disability.

The two pairs of pulses were evenly matched, and neither one let the other. It could be seen that these two Pokémon were using their full strength. The pulse confrontation lasted for more than a minute.

Luo Chen thought to himself: If this consumption continues, whether it is Mewtwo or the Dark Ice Bear, there is a possibility that the energy will be too powerful and the explosion of energy pulse will occur again. It is possible that the energy brought by the pulse explosion will reverse all the energy output just now. For the user, this is also a huge damage to the user. I really don't know if Chaomeng can resist it now!

However, just when Luo Chen thought so. The gathering point between the two forces suddenly exploded. This big explosion spread all the energy just output from a very small point to all around in an instant.

The big explosion spread energy waves from the middle like all around, crushing everything around it, smashing all the surrounding rocks, and breaking all the surrounding trees.

Since Mewtwo and Dark Ice Bear are the closest people to the location of the Big Bang, and the two Pokémon are also energy users, both of them have been attacked by a powerful force.

Although Mewtwo and the Dark Ice Bear have powerful powers, they are insignificant in front of this energy. The Dark Ice Bear is ejected, and there is a forest behind it. It hits the trees in the forest, and a row of trees does not block it. With the power of the backlash of the energy, the energy took him to break a row of trees. The same is true here in Super Dream.

The huge energy light waves generated by the pulse confrontation explosion shocked everyone and every Pokémon on the other battlefields. The two Pokémon, the Dark Fire-breathing Dragon and the Fire-breathing Dragon, who were fighting against 907, were attacked by these two Pokémon before they had any skills. The pulse generated by the explosion was pushed aside.

Then everyone looked at the place where the explosion occurred, and they saw the pulse explosion produced by the Dark Ice Bear and Mewtwo again. They paused for a few seconds and resumed the fight just now, because they didn't take it seriously anymore, they thought: Only Mewtwo and the Dark Edge It is not the first time that the male can produce such a powerful pulse confrontation. So everyone feels like normal one


The two Pokémon that were repelled by the explosion fell to the ground. Both Xiaozhi and Dongling ran to their Pokémon.

Chapter 651: Super Dream Shame

As soon as Dongling ran to the side of the Dark Icefield Bear, he saw the Dark Icefield Bear stand up with difficulty. Then he smiled at the Dark Icefield Bear and said, "Haha, Dark Icefield Bear, I know you can still resist this damage."

However, the Dark Ice Bear was also attacked by the energy, causing powerful damage. It was still a little difficult to support the body.

And Dong Ling turned to look at Luochen's side again, and saw Chaomeng still lying on the ground. It was taking a few steps forward with the Dark Icefield Bear. So he said mockingly: "It's no big deal after the god-level Pokémon is blackened. Didn't it fall to the ground in the face of this powerful pulse explosion?"

Just as Dong Ling finished speaking, Chao Meng lay on the ground and supported her body with her arms. Then he shook his head and tried to wake himself up.

After a while, he stood up and said to Dong Ling: "White-haired monster, why are you so mad? Your ordinary Pokémon can withstand such damage, why can't I bear it?"

Luochen hurriedly ran to Chaomeng's side and saw Chaomeng who was blown away by the explosion and tried to stand up. Worriedly asked: "How does Chao Meng feel? Does the pulse explosion that happened just now matter?"

Chao Meng touched all parts of his body and carefully checked every part of his body. Then he smiled and said to Luochen: "Luochen, I found that the body after the blackening is really much tougher. If the previous pulse explosion may still have a certain impact on the damage I caused. But this time I feel that it is a little bit stronger. It's just a skin injury."

After hearing Chaomeng, Luochen said with a smile: "Hahaha, of course, Chaomeng after blackening will definitely be stronger than before. Thanks to Dongling all of a sudden!"

After Luochen finished speaking, he turned his head to look at Dongling. Dongling heard the conversation between Chaomeng and Luochen just now, and his teeth itch with hatred. I am a little regretful now, why did I blacken Chaomeng.

At this time, a question suddenly flashed in Dong Ling's head: why this mockery was injected with two bottles of blackening potion and did not have an effect on his thoughts. Could it be that Dr. Yamaki moved his hands and feet in it?

This question gave Dong Ling a headache, and he didn't know if it was Dr. Shan's hands and feet, so he didn't want to wrongly wrong a person who helped the dark organization a lot.

Seeing Dong Ling thinking without hesitation, Luo Chen asked loudly, "Hey, white-haired monster, what are you thinking about? It's a little hard to use the huge explosion to blow your head.

Seeing such a powerful Dark Chaomeng, I was a little scared. If you're really scared, just let us go! "

When Dong Ling heard Luo Chen's ridicule, he regained his senses. Looking at this innocent boy, he said angrily and loudly: \'Boy, are you talking too much? You think I'd be afraid of you. I just don't know, if you are being caught by us into the dark organization, what should we do against you? "

Luo Chen looked at the shameless Dong Ling in front of him, and (Nord's) turned his head and said to Chao Meng: " Chao Meng, how much energy do you have in your body now? How sure are you to deal with this dark ice bear?"

Chaomeng thought about it carefully, and then confidently said to Luochen: "Luochen, to be honest, I have the energy of this blackening potion, I really don't know. How much energy is still in my body, which has not been used up. .But I have enough confidence to defeat this dark icefield bear in front of me."

Chapter 652 : The Hanging Begins!

When Luochen heard what Chaomeng said, he nodded confidently, and then said to Chaomeng: \" Chaomeng, then today we will be ashamed. Fight back your failures in the previous battle with the Dark Ice Bear."

Chaomeng looked at Luochen with a confident look, and he was full of energy in his heart, and nodded vigorously.

Then Luochen turned his head and said to Dongling: "White-haired monster, your dark icefield bear was really too wild in the past. Today, I will show you a different super dream."

Dong Ling knew that the power of the dark super dream is indeed somewhat incomparable. But he also believes in his own darkness, and other bears are not ordinary Pokémon.

So, he turned his head and said to the Dark Icefield Bear: "Dark Icefield 910 Bear, today you give me all your strength and defeat this Super Dream for me once again."

After the Dark Icefield Bear heard it, he lifted his feet off the ground and slapped his chest with his thick bear paw. Let out bursts of roar. In this dark night, the owls, bats, crows and other things in the forest were shaken and fled.

Dong Ling said loudly: "Dark Ice Bear takes advantage of the absolute zero battlefield advantage to launch an icicle crash again!"

After the Dark Icefield Bear heard the order, countless cold currents were accumulating all over his body, and I gathered all the cold air around me in my body. Countless icicles appeared again around his body. This time the icicles seemed bigger and sharper than the previous ones.

Dark Icefield Bear's scarlet-black body was surrounded by a layer of light blue cold air. Suddenly there was a roar, if the icicles struck in the direction of Mewtwo.

When Luochen saw the Dark Icefield Bear attack, he said loudly: "Super dream, give him a break. Use the spirit to break it!"

After Chao Meng heard it, he clicked. Chao Meng jumped into the air suddenly, the purpose is to stop letting the ice and snow on the ground absorb Chao Meng's energy all at once.

Chao Meng clasped his hands in front of his chest, and slowly a circle of dark purple airflow continued to appear (baah) around his body. This layer of airflow is clearly visible by the moonlight. Suddenly Chaomeng opened his arms violently, trying to explore a control point.

He seemed to have found a point of control, and then tried to press his two hands down in the middle. The distance between the hands is only a little bit, but the field has changed a lot.

All the huge icicles flying towards Mewtwo have been stopped in mid-air. Moreover, the leaves and snowflakes that had been blown by the night wind before the surrounding ice and snow stopped suddenly. It was as if they were stuck in mid-air. It's as if Mewtwo controls all the space around it.

Mewtwo tried again to shrink the distance between his hands a little bit. The Dark Icefield Bear felt that his body was a little uncomfortable, and it seemed that his body was squeezing each other like two walls. The Dark Icefield Bear was squeezed very painfully, and there was a huge roar.

This move of Dongling Chaomeng. Because the last time Mewtwo used this move to call the Dark Icefield Bear to half-death. Dong Ling: I really hope the Dark Icefield Bear can hold on to this move this time.

ask for flowers

beg collection

ask for evaluation

ask for everything

Chapter 653: Complete victory

Chao Meng's two hands are constantly moving towards the middle. On the opposite side, the Dark Icefield Bear felt even more uncomfortable being squeezed by the two walls. There were bursts of terrifying roars.

Dong Ling felt a little distressed when he heard the tragic sound of the dark icefield bear. This time, Dong Ling really had a long memory, and thought to himself: After I go back, I must study and study how to crack this move of Chao Meng.

Dong Ling looked at the pain of being squeezed by the Dark Icefield Bear, and said loudly to Luo Chen: "Boy, do you have any other moves? Why is this move every time."

Seeing Dong Ling's anxious look, Luo Chen laughed and said to Dong Ling: "Hahaha, the white-haired monster, this is called a trick to eat all over the sky. Don't talk about your dark icefield bear, it's just bigger than him. A powerful Pokémon, Mewtwo can also use this trick to control it. If you are afraid, you can let us go quickly, and we don't want to cause unnecessary trouble."

After hearing this, Dong Ling raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said with a pouting smile: "Let you go, stop daydreaming. Stop being delusional there.

Then Dong Ling turned his head and said to the Dark Icefield Bear: "Dark Icefield Bear, hold on to me, this time if you get hurt again, I can't inject the blackening potion into you, and your body won't be able to bear it any more. No matter what. You have to stand up for me!"

In fact, the Dark Icefield Bear also wanted to use all his strength to break free of the surrounding space that squeezed him, but under the control of Chao Meng, the Dark Icefield Bear was too small.

Luochen smiled helplessly and said, "Tan, why do you have to try it once?" Then he raised his head and said to Chaomeng in mid-air, "Super Meng, give him a good time!"

After Super Dream heard it, he used all the strength of his whole body to achieve the purpose of combining his two hands. You can see Mewtwo, pouring all the energy into both arms. Because the two arms now seem to be plated with a layer of light. Bright purple is clearly visible.

Then Mewtwo shouted and slammed the two hands together.

When Chao Meng's two hands are put together, not only can he hear the clap of the two hands. On the side of the Dark Icefield Bear, a sound of tempered glass bursting seemed to be heard. This sound is actually the sound of two spaces colliding and squeezing each other.

?0 for flowers 0...

When Mewtwo put his hands together, everything returned to its original state. The surrounding snowflakes continued to fall to the ground. The leaves blown by the wind fell one by one. However, the Dark Icefield Bear stood there dumbfounded.

Dong Ling watched the bear standing there stupidly on the edge of the darkness, and didn't move for a long time. He looked up and looked at the dark icefield bear at a height of about one floor, and then asked worriedly: "Dark icefield

How is the bear? You made a roar! "


Dong Ling kept asking, and saw that the Dark Icefield Bear seemed to have lost consciousness, and then fell abruptly to the ground. It fell to the ground and made a loud noise, which seemed to burst the ice on the ground.

Seeing all this, Luo Chen laughed happily. At this time, Chao Meng in mid-air also flew to his side. Then he looked at Chao Meng with adoring eyes and said: " Chao Meng, your current power is really too powerful. Looking at the appearance of the Dark Icefield Bear falling to the ground this time, you can see that the power of spiritual breaking is stronger than the last time. much stronger."

Chapter 654: The power of darkness increases strength

Chao Meng also smiled and said after hearing it: "Haha, Luo Chen, I also feel that the dark power in my body seems to have really strengthened me a lot."

Dong Ling saw the dark icefield bear lying on the ground abruptly and fell to the ground. He kicked the Dark Icefield Bear with his feet and shouted loudly, "Get up and cheer me up, and keep fighting."

Luochen saw the dark ice "Nine One Zero" original bear fell to the ground slowly, and asked Dong Ling curiously: "Dong Ling, your dark ice field bear was killed by my super dream. Right? Why is there no movement at all. Hahaha!"