MTL - Age of Elves: God-Level Landing-Chapter 223

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Luochen sees the three dark Pokémon attack Mewtwo together. Luo Chen calmly said to Chao Meng seriously: "Super dream, get ready to fight. Use all your strength to use your spirit to break it again!"

Seeing this skill again, Shabby sneered: "Last time there was only one Dark Fire-breathing Dragon, this time there are three Pokémon, how can you control it?

Chapter 667: Spiritual Breakthrough

Facing Shabby's questioning, Luochen smiled calmly and said, "What about three people? Even if there are a hundred, I'll break them all! Isn't it Chaomeng?"

When Chao Meng heard Luo Chen's question, he did not answer Luo Chen, but tried his best to prepare for battle.

Chao Meng jumped into the air suddenly, clasped his hands in front of his chest, and slowly a circle of dark purple airflow continued to appear around his body. This layer of airflow is clearly visible by the moonlight. Mewtwo is constantly brewing his own energy. The three skills on the face were still flying towards Chao Meng, and suddenly Chao Meng opened his arms suddenly, trying to explore a control point.

He seemed to have found a point of control, and then tried to press his two hands down in the middle. The distance between the hands is only a little bit, but the field has changed a lot.

The three skills flying towards Mewtwo suddenly stopped in mid-air and stopped in the air. It was as if time had stood still.

The most important are the dark fire-breathing dragon, the dark frog flower, and the dark water arrow turtle three Pokémon. All of a sudden it was brought under control. As if there was a rope around their bodies, the three of them were completely entangled together. The dark fire-breathing dragon in the air also fell down, and was closely attached to the dark frog flower and the dark water arrow turtle.

After seeing this, Xia Bi couldn't help but said in surprise: "Damn, how could this happen? What kind of skill is this too shameless?" Similarly, Chunlei and Qiurong were full of hearts.

Same question.

Luo Chen couldn't help smiling when he saw it and said to Shabby: "Shameless? Don't think that all your skills that you can't resist are shameless. How can it be called Shameless if this is Chaomeng's most powerful ultimate skill?"

Chunlei said in a low voice, "This skill is really too powerful, I must find out his flaws."

Luochen said helplessly: "Haha, find out the flaws, let's wait until there is a chance in the future. Chaomeng will increase its efforts and give them a heavy blow."

After Mewtwo heard the order, the hands that were originally far away were trying their best to shorten the distance. And every time these three Pokémon shorten the distance, it is a huge squeeze of energy for them. It was as if the space around their three bodies was compressed together. This is simply unbearable pain for them.

?0 for flowers 0...

The three Pokémon were squeezed by the huge energy and let out a roar after another. The girls' roars were so desolate, it made one's heart shudder.

Chao Meng once again shortened the distance with his hands harder. This time, the distance was shortened. There seemed to be a sound of glass breaking around the three Pokémon. The sound of glass breaking was very clear, as if the surrounding space had been crushed.


This skill is completely a control skill. Mewtwo only needs to exert a certain amount of strength on this side, and the other side needs to use several times the strength to compete with it.

Chunlei heard his Pokémon making bursts of roars, and he couldn't help feeling a little uncomfortable, and shouted to his Pokémon: "Dark Frog Flower, hold on for me, you have to hold on to me no matter what! "

The dark frog flower seems to have heard it, but it is still using its strength to push the space around itself in the opposite direction, but it is too difficult to push the space around from the control point, and it needs to be several times larger. strength.

Chapter 668: Consequences of Betrayal

Dong Ling didn't speak for a long time, and then whispered: "When my dark icefield bear and Chao Meng fought, Chao Meng used this skill. At present, I really can't find a way to crack it, only It is the strength on your side that is strong enough to bounce the surrounding space, and this may be the only way to defeat this skill."

Luo Chen also whispered "Nine-Two" and said: "This skill seems to be like a lever, but the support point in the middle of a lever is different. I only need to consume a small part of the energy here, and I can do it. To offset all the energy over there, if you use all your strength towards the dream, you may need several times more strength than it to compete with it. So it is not easy to defeat it."

When Xia Bi heard what Dong Ling and Luo Chen said, she shouted to the dark fire-breathing dragon loudly: "Dark fire-breathing dragon, you give me full strength. If this is defeated, don't come back to see me in the future. "

When the dark fire-breathing dragon heard what Shabby said, it used all its strength to spread the space around its body. What kind of Pokémon trainer will train what kind of Pokémon. Dark Charizard is naturally a grumpy Pokémon too. Exhausted the strength of the whole body, trying to repel the space around the body.

The space with no one next to it seems to be trying to repel it, and at the same time it is squeezing the space of the dark water arrow turtle and the dark frog flower. The pain of squeezing the dark frog flower and the dark water arrow turtle is even more unbearable, and the roar is even more tragic.

After seeing it, Chunlei couldn't help but said anxiously: "It's useless for you to keep the dark fire-breathing dragon full. Now the space for the three Pokémon is limited, if one of them is full, it will squeeze the other two Pokémon. Space. So the three of you now immediately give me all your power to break the space around this place."

"The three of you can't beat a single Pokémon, so don't stay in the dark organization in the future."

After hearing this, Shabby also said loudly: "Yes, the dark organization doesn't need such **** Pokémon as you. If you lose this battle and return to the dark organization, you must be dead. Because we not only lose. , given to Luo Chen, and will be punished by Captain Rek'Sai. You can imagine the seriousness of the problem for yourself."

The three Pokémon seemed a little scared when they heard Shabby's threat. Because they are really afraid of this dead Pokémon trainer in the dark organization, no one or Pokémon is not afraid of them.

The power of the three dark Pokémon was unleashed together, and the power of this force should not be underestimated. The hands on Mewtwo's side seemed to be breaking free little by little. And the space on their side seems to be spreading more and more around. Originally, the hands that Mewtwo had closed almost immediately by 0.7 were bounced open again.

Mewtwo seems to be unable to control the care power. Even the energy on the side of Chaomeng is several times the energy on the other side, and it is somewhat uncontrollable.

After Luochen saw it, he said loudly to Chaomeng: "Chaomeng, you must do your best! You must not be defeated by them!"

Chapter 669: Seriously Injured Again

The situation remained stalemate for a few minutes. Mewtwo is trying hard to control the squeezing of space, and the three dark Pokémon are also doing their best to repel the space around the body.

The two parties are constantly transporting energy, and if it seems to reach a certain value, when the space cannot withstand a certain amount of energy, the space will immediately shatter. This is not because the energy of the three dark Pokémon is stronger than the energy of Chaomeng, but the space can't bear the huge energy of the two sides and it is broken.

The shattering sound was like hitting tempered glass with a hammer, shattering all the glass. This huge sound of broken glass was clearly heard in the audience.

After the three dark Pokémon shattered the surrounding space, the powerful energy was out of control. The three skills that were originally parked in space pushed them towards Mewtwo again.

After Luochen saw it, he opened his mouth and shouted to Chao Meng: "Chao Meng quickly dodged those three skills and flew towards you again!"

Chao Meng has just controlled the mental break, and has not turned around yet. The three skills flew towards Chaomeng quickly, Chaomeng couldn't dodge in time, and caught the three skills abruptly.

One skill after another hit Mewtwo, sending Mewtwo tens of meters behind, and each skill carried attribute damage, which also caused ten damages to Mewtwo.

huge damage.

Chao Meng, who flew out, collided with a row of trees, and a tree as thick as one person broke in the middle. And it took four or five broken roots to block the energy that Mewtwo was impacted by.

Luochen knew that Chaomeng must have been severely traumatized this time, so he quickly ran towards Chaomeng.

Where Chao Meng landed, there were bursts of smoke, all of which were smoke from the trees in the forest being laid down on the ground. Luo Chen rushed into the smoke and saw Chao Meng, who fell heavily on the ground.

Luo Chen ran to Chaomeng, lifted him up with difficulty, and asked: "Supermeng, are you injured? I didn't expect the strength of these three dark Pokémon to be so powerful. The three of them can break your spirit. Break."

Chao Meng heard Luo Chen's voice and stood up with difficulty. Covering his chest with his hand, he said, "Ah, is it because I am too weak? Qingshan's ability to defeat such a powerful opponent has been broken by them. Am I too weak?"

After Luochen heard it, he smiled at Chaomeng and said, "No, no, you are too weak. It's the three Pokémon of them that really have some means. Didn't Dongling say it? They are a dark organization. The best Pokémon in the world. You just underestimate them."

Mewtwo feels a little weird, but he still doesn't want to believe this fact. He whispered to Luochen: "No, this is impossible. How could I be easily defeated by their 920?

? I must defeat them, I must be the strongest Pokémon. "

When Luochen heard Chaomeng finish speaking, he also expressed his helplessness in his heart. After talking about Chaomeng, he continued to walk back to the battlefield, and Luochen followed closely when Chaomeng was on.

Luochen thought to himself: Chaomeng is now suppressed by this energy. He thought that if he obtained the energy of this blackening potion, his strength would be greatly increased. I used to be a god-level Pokémon, but now I have obtained the energy of this blackening potion, isn't it even more invincible. Alas, it was his own aggressiveness that hurt him!

Chapter 670: Moved, Inspired

But these words were all in Luochen's mind, and did not tell Chaomeng. Because Luochen knew that only by letting Chaomeng try it himself would he know the seriousness of the difficulty. Only in this way can Chaomeng recognize himself and see clearly that there are people outside of people in this world, and there are mountains outside of mountains.

Luo Chen supported Chao Meng and returned to the battlefield with difficulty.

Seeing Chao Meng's embarrassed appearance, Shabby said to him with a sneer: "Chao Meng. Didn't you think you were very strong just now? Why are you standing here in a woeful state now? Is it the three darkness against me? The power of Pokémon is a bit underestimated."

Chao Meng said angrily and loudly: "Don't talk nonsense to me. The battle is not over yet. It's just that you, the three dark Pokémon, have the upper hand. I did see the power of the three of them just now. It's pretty awesome when it arrives. So I'm going to take you seriously now."

After hearing this, Shabby immediately laughed and said, "Haha, didn't you take us seriously just now? Then I hope you will give all your strength now to defeat us.

Luochen heard that Shabby was mocking Chao Meng all the time, and he said loudly to Shabby angrily: "Shabby, don't be arrogant anymore. Your current Pokémon seems to be really powerful.

Harmful. Even if our Mewtwo can't beat you now, one day I believe Mewtwo will step on you. Besides, the outcome has not yet been determined, so don't say it too soon. Otherwise it might hit you in the face. "

After hearing this, Shabby laughed and said, "Haha, slap in the face? I haven't been slapped in the face in my life. Arrogance also requires skill, and I happen to have it!"

Seeing this arrogant guy, I really don't want to pay attention. He turned his head and said to Chao Meng who was beside him: "Chao Meng, how is your situation now? Can you continue to fight?

Chao Meng looked at his wound and said bravely: "Luochen, don't worry, this little injury is nothing to me, I can do it."

Luochen seemed to have some begging eyes, looking at Chaomeng. Said to Chao Meng: "Super dream, or else forget it. The big deal, let's go back with them this time. Find a chance to escape next time."

Chaomeng looked at Luochen curiously and said to Luochen, "Luochen, don't you believe me? Don't you believe in my Chaomeng's strength?"

Luochen replied worriedly: \'Super Dream, it's not that I don't believe in your strength. It's just that I see that your injuries are already so serious, I don't want you to suffer more serious injuries, I'm worried about your body! "

Chaomeng smiled and said to Luochen: "Luochen, my body is fine. Dear, I am a god-level Pokémon, even if my body is injured because of the battle, I will

Rapid recovery through treatment (promised). It's just that I see that everyone has planned to escape for so long, and it is really uncomfortable to feel that they will be arrested before they go out. So I have to work hard for everyone! "

Luochen looked at Chaomeng's firm eyes and felt a little grateful, but he didn't know how to express it in words. Luochen looked at Chaomeng excitedly and said: \" Chaomeng, thank you, thank you for working so hard for everyone!"

The 671 chapter: accompany to the end

When Chaomeng heard that Luochen said this, he replied a little unhappily: "Luochen, what are you talking about? Don't forget, I am a member of our team. How about fighting for everyone? After all, we It's a team and a family."

After Luo Chen heard it, he was a little too excited to speak. Xiao Zhi and Dr. Damu and others heard the words of Chaomeng in their ears behind their backs.

Dr. Ogi saw the feeling that Chao Meng has for everyone. Excitedly, he said to Chao Meng: "Chao Meng, don't worry! As long as I, Dr. Damu, are alive for a day, I will always support you behind your back, so how do you fight and how do you fight? As long as you hurt me I will definitely try my best to help you heal, even if I can't, I will definitely ask someone to help you heal."

After listening to the words of Mengmeng, Dr. Damu was completely relieved of his previous recklessness towards Chaomeng, and he felt a little embarrassed. Even if Mewtwo is reckless, he is reckless for everyone. Therefore, Dr. Ogi feels a little ashamed of the cuteness of Chaomeng.

Chao Meng heard what Dr. Damu said with a smile: "Thank you, thank you, Dr. Damu. I know that Dr. Damu is for my good. Knowing you and Luochen, I have always regarded you as my best friend. Although I used to be very Few friends live in a world where there are few human beings. But now I seem to have some yearning for human emotions. I would like to be with you all the time."

After hearing it, Xiao Zhi said loudly to Chao Meng: " Chao Meng. I have always thought you are very powerful since I met you. I also think that you are a very trustworthy partner. We have already regarded you as our own. Friends, your own family. So don't worry, I will always support you behind your back."

When Chao Meng heard Xiao Zhi finished speaking, he smiled happily at Xiao Zhi.

Luochen also followed at this time and said: "Chaomeng, everyone is right. You treat us as family and friends, and we treat you as family and friends. We are a team, and we are indispensable. I will always stand by you. Behind you, always (baah) support you, come on!"

Chaomeng smiled and said to everyone: "Don't worry, I will not disappoint everyone."

At this time, Shabby, who was on the opposite side, really couldn't hear it. Helplessly, he said to Luochen and the others: "Yoyo, you've deleted the sensationalism, I really got goosebumps all over! You are here to show me parting from life and death. Don't talk nonsense, we are still standing in front of you now. What do you think of us?"

Seeing Shabby's disgusting appearance, Luochen said loudly to Shabby: "Shabby, I'll tell you the truth today. No matter whether we can defeat you or not, we will definitely fight you to the end, Even if the final result is that we lose, we will never surrender to you. So don't worry, Mewtwo and I will fight with you to the end today."

Chunlei not only shook his head after hearing Luo Chen's words, but said helplessly in a low voice, "Hey, these brainless guys. "

Shabby said loudly to Luochen: Hey, since you guys have to decide to fight to the death. Then we will accompany you to the end today, and we will not be afraid of you. bring it on,

Keep fighting! "

Chapter 672: The Power of Inspiration

Luochen looked at Chaomeng beside him, Chaomeng was seriously injured now. But Luochen knew in his heart, and Chaomeng's mind, as long as Chaomeng could stand up in one breath, it would never surrender, so he didn't want to let Chaomeng down in vain.

Chaomeng also looked at Luochen at this time, and nodded confidently to Luochen.

Then Luo Chen said loudly to Mewtwo: "Mewtwo, let's go all out! Mewtwo uses the Eye of Miracles!"

After Chao Meng heard it, he slowly raised his two arms. A dark purple air flow continued to appear all over the body. Mewtwo's whole body was tightly surrounded by this layer of airflow. Mewtwo slowly gathered the energy of this airflow onto both palms. He stroked his forehead lightly with the palm of his hand. I saw a third eye growing on Mewtwo's forehead.

After that, Chao Meng charged again, injecting the energy of his whole body into the eyes inside his forehead. A dark purple light wave emitted from the eyes, and flew directly in the direction of the three dark Pokémon.

After seeing it, Shabby said loudly to the dark fire-breathing dragon: "Dark fire-breathing dragon, use Dragon's Fury!"

The dark fire-breathing dragon soared into the sky. Burning flames appeared all over the body. Slowly, the dark fire-breathing dragon gathered all the flames to its mouth. Then suddenly a column of infinitely growing flames emanated from his mouth, just to compete with the miracle of flying towards the dark fire-breathing dragon.

But it can be clearly seen that the dark fire-breathing dragon's energy is not enough, Chaomeng. Because the flame column of the dark fire-breathing dragon was forced back bit by bit.

At this time, Qiu Rong said loudly to the dark water arrow turtle: "Dark water arrow turtle, use foam light!"

Skills such as foam light are not the forte skills of water arrow turtles. But almost every water-type Pokémon will have some degree of foam light. But for the foam light like the dark water arrow turtle, everyone may think that the power will be very weak. In fact, everyone misunderstood.

The dark water arrow turtle stood up suddenly. The energy of the whole body emits a light from the mouth. And these rays of light are accompanied by countless bubbles, flying directly in the direction of the Eye of Miracle.

I didn't expect that the addition of the foam light of the dark water arrow turtle would force the Eye of Miracle back a little.

Seeing that Chao Meng couldn't resist, Luo Chen shouted loudly to Chao Meng: "Super dream, use high-speed movement to avoid this skill."

?0 for flowers 0...

After Chao Meng heard it, he immediately put away the energy of the Eye of Miracle. The energy of the miracle flame disappeared, and the foam light and the dragon's anger flew directly towards the location of the Mewtwo Station. see super

The speed of the dream is like the speed of light, and it quickly hides in the air. And the ground where Mewtwo stayed was just hit by the dragon's fury and the foam light. A huge deep hole was left in the ground.

After seeing it on the side, Xiaoxia asked questioningly: "Qiu Rong, your dark water arrow turtle, a large-scale Pokémon, should not have a very strong understanding of the skills of this foam light. My mosquito-repellent incense warrior. Using such a foam light has not achieved such power, how can your dark water arrow turtle emit such a powerful foam light?"

After hearing this, Qiu Rong couldn't help but say proudly: "This is a skill that doesn't require any skills like foam light. My dark water arrow turtle had already learned it when it was a Kami turtle. I just feel that this skill is not available. Any challenge, so time will never be used up."

Chapter 673: Tactics

Xiaoxia was a little sad when she heard it. I didn't expect that the foam light that my mosquito coil warriors have been using all the time is a skill that is not worth mentioning in other people's Pokémon. This made Xiaoxia feel a little disappointed.

Xiaogang comforted Xiaoxia and said: "Xiaoxia, don't be too sad. Your mosquito coil warrior's foam light is much more powerful than it. Our light is a skill that many water-type Pokémon have, so it's nothing. "Nine two three"!"

Xiaoxia said unhappily: "But my mosquito coil warrior has never used such a powerful foam light. It is impossible to compete with Chao Meng's skills!"

Xiaogang continued to comfort Xiaoxia and said: "Xiaoxia, don't think too much. Your mosquito coil warrior is an auxiliary Pokémon. And his dark water arrow turtle belongs to that kind of fighting Pokémon. Besides, it is a water arrow turtle. Obtained after blackening. Surely the skills will be somewhat powerful. So you don't need to pay too much attention to these."

Xiaoxia was still very unhappy after hearing this, and lowered her head silently. not talking.

After seeing it, Qiu Rong said loudly to Xiaoxia: "Little girl. This kid is right just now, your Pokémon is indeed a support type. If you want to be stronger, join our dark organization, we can Equip you with a more powerful Pokémon. It may compete with my dark water arrow turtle!"

Before Xiaoxia could speak, Luochen said loudly to Qiu Rong: "Qiu Rong, you don't need to be there anymore. Joining you or not, you will have to wait until you defeat us before making a decision. If you defeat us, We might consider joining you."

After hearing this, Shabby couldn't help but curiously said to Luochen: "Boy, didn't you say that you beat us last time, maybe you will join us? Why do I feel that your words are not credible at all?"

Luo Chen said in a low voice: "If you defeat us this time, maybe we should really think about it. Because you are always defeated over and over again, there is no possibility of defeating you in battle. So for our best choice, it may be true. The only thing is to join your dark organization."

After hearing this, Shabby laughed and said, "Okay, then today we have to defeat you no matter what. Otherwise, how are we going to deal with Captain Rek'Sai?"

Luochen raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said to Shabby, "Just let your horses come over. Otherwise, I might underestimate the ability of your dark organization."

Shabby shook his head helplessly and said, "Hmph, over-the-top guy."