MTL - Age of Mysticism-Chapter 451 Empire Raiders

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  Chapter 451 Empire Raiders

  The gigantic engineering workshop and the scene of thousands of people coordinating the construction had already given Storm Cato an unprecedented shock, but he didn't know that behind these thousands of people was the complete industrial system and scientific research system of Raging Waves City.

  Luke brought him here and didn't give him a detailed explanation, he just needed to watch.

  No one can reject civilization, seeing is more effective than any preaching.

  In the following days, Luke inspected all the key projects. A lot of money was spent, and the results were remarkable. In the course of the new industrial revolution, Raging Waves City's technical reserves have surpassed those of other places by several positions. As Raging Waves City's ability to attract money and talents has become stronger, a new technology eruption has reached a critical point.

  In order to make better use of the first-mover advantage and firmly stand as the leader of the new industrial revolution, Luke also specially led a delegation of the Urban Alchemists Association to visit Oulu College.

  Magic was separated from a branch of alchemy, merged with some magic and mechanical majors, officially became an independent discipline, and was named magic mechanics.

  Jointly invested by Yanyang Group and Raging City City Administration Department, Oulu College and City Alchemist Association sent professionals to jointly establish the Raging City Magic Laboratory and devote all efforts to the development of magic machines.

  Luke concentrated the resources he could concentrate, preparing for the early opening of the new version.

   Then, after the Queen of the Supervisory Kingdom issued five orders to ask the Marquis of Meteor to go to the imperial capital immediately, Luke finally suspended the affairs of Raging Waves City, and brought his staff and guard team to Saint Lun City by airship.

  Overlooked from the air, the lower city has been completely changed after being nurtured by Raging Waves City. Although the wealth level is still far from that of the upper city, it has been raised from a slum to the level of a village in the city.

  The bureaucrats of Rage City know that the lower city is covered by their own governor, and they have a natural feeling of closeness to the lower city. Therefore, as the bureaucrats of Raging Waves City gradually came to power, the investment and support given to the lower city area increased day by day.

  In addition to the uninterrupted delivery of small commodity orders to the lower urban area, some light industries such as clothing and food processing are also diverted to the lower urban area. Luke remembered that the first cannery in St. Lun City was going to be built in the lower city. The human resources here were abundant and cheap. After the security and traffic problems were solved, the factory owners were willing to invest in the construction of the factory.

Kailinna lay on the window of the airship and looked down: "The changes in the lower city are so great. I don't know each other if I haven't been here for two months. Your Excellency, you are always creating magic. Expansion is a headache, and the population is being actively relocated into the downtown area, which is a huge tax revenue."

As the height of the airship dropped, Luke also admired the city below: "Industrialization brings about urbanization, Raging City is rapidly growing, and so is Saint Lun City. There will definitely be cities with tens of millions of people in the future. How to make the city Stable operation is a challenge for any city manager.

  Karina, Raging Waves City should be ready early to become a city with a population of tens of millions. "

   "A city with 10 million people!" Kailina was surprised by such a city, but then she thought again, according to the current rate of increase in residents of Raging Waves City, it seems that becoming a city with a population of 10 million is not too far away. Thinking that she would participate in the management of such a super city, Kailinna suddenly felt heavy pressure and pride: "My lord governor, I will do my job well..."

  At this moment, a dragon roar came, and the guards on the airship were on alert immediately.

   Then a brown dragon quickly passed by the port side of the airship, and the tip of the dragon's wings was almost attached to the airbag of the airship. The giant dragon seemed to find this dangerous action very amusing, and let out a pleasant laugh, turned and flew away, looking for the next target.

   Luke looked out the window and saw at least three dragons doing the same to the other airships, having fun yelling at the frightened passengers.

   Now Luke finally understands why Queen Christina is so anxious to come to the imperial capital as soon as possible. He probably couldn't sleep at night because of these giant dragons.

  The airship landed in St. Lun City. Luke first returned to his Marquis Mansion, and then sent people out to collect what happened in St. Lun City these days.

  Before all the sent people came back, the eldest princess Agatha had already paid a visit.

As soon as Agatha sat down, she said with apology: "I know you didn't have a good rest when you came back from the Tedgar Hills, but first the angels and the shimmering people, then the shadow clan, and now even the dragons flew across the ocean Yes, Her Royal Highness and I are afraid that the volcano will erupt from the middle of the city, and a group of demons will rush out of it.

  We don't know why the ancient civilization, which has been hiding from the world for thousands of years, came to the city of Shenglun one after another during this time. I have a bad premonition, it seems that the war in ancient times, which is not considered to be over, will break out again soon. "

  Kelina brought tea for Luke and Agatha, then opened the window of the room, and the warm wind came in from the outside, with some floral fragrance.

  Luke said: "Most half of the spring has passed, what is the situation in the northern border?"

   Agatha was waiting to hear Luke's opinion on the abnormal actions of the five ancient civilizations, but she didn't expect Luke to ask about the Northern War first.

  Agatha asked Karina: "Is there a map of the northern border here?"

   "Yes, please wait later..." Karina found the map of the North from the filing cabinet next to the wall, and spread it on the table between Luke and Agatha.

   Agatha picked up the teacup and pressed it against a corner of the map, then picked up a pen and drew a few lines and signs on the map.

"The information provided by your friends in Winter Capital is very detailed and accurate. The layout and combat plan of the Yate County Alliance are in our hands. The Snow Army has once again held the snow in the Yate County Alliance's onslaught city.

  The War Reserve of the Yate County Alliance was very consumed. The Raging City Armored Assault Division and the Raging Wave City Fleet were nailed to Pine Tower City, shortening the supply line of the Snow Army and lengthening the supply line of the Yate County Alliance.

  The Snow Army plans to launch an attack to recapture the second line of defense. It was just because the Snow Army was newly established and had not yet fought a large-scale attack, Her Royal Highness the Queen had not agreed to this battle plan for a long time. "

"The northern border is not in a hurry to produce results..." Luke gave his own thoughts: "This war has little significance on the military level. The point is to let the Art County United complete a psychological change and accept that they are a second-rate nation."

   "Second-rate country?"

   Agatha was very puzzled. The Art County United has been very strong since its establishment, and the history of the country is a history of war. The Golden Shield Empire had constant friction with the Yate County Union in the northern border, and no one had ever gotten a big deal.

  Yate County United has extremely cheap thermal energy resources, superb steam technology, and a unique geographical location. No country is willing to go to war with Yate County United in winter.

  How could it be willing to become a second-rate country?

   "Yes! Use this war to let Art County United see its essence clearly, and its upper limit stops at this position. The empire is a mountain that it cannot overcome. Accepting this fact, it can still become a second-rate country.

  If it doesn't accept when it should, then it becomes a third-rate country. "

   "Third-rate country? Is this possible?"

"Let this war continue, there is this possibility. I just came back from the Tedgar Hills, and the situation there is much better than we expected. The Empire can pull a period of time in the northern border and Yate County United." Lu Ke pointed to Snow City in the north and said: "There are too many new recruits in the Snow Army. At this time, we must first stabilize ourselves, conduct a small-scale attack and see-saw with Yate County, and focus on training the army with actual combat.

   Before winter comes, it would be good to take back a few military fortresses for the winter, and it can also cooperate with the Tedgar Hills strategy.

  Agatha asked curiously: "What did you find in the Tedgar Hills? You are so optimistic about the situation there! Even the Northern War has to be adjusted."

  Luke didn't answer immediately, but asked: "Has there been any changes within Yate County United?"

Agatha had no choice but to say: "With the stalemate in the Northern War, there have been many anti-war voices within the Yate County Union. The Freedom Army supported by the Secret Service has done a good job. Some congressmen and officials have proposed to end the war. But they The volume of the voice is too small, far from enough to change the decision of the Attorney General Assembly.

  This war involves the interests of too many people. As long as we don't hit the homeland of the Attorney Union, the other party will not end the war easily. "

   "War money is so easy to earn!" Luke said with emotion.

   "Yes, war money is really easy to earn." Agatha also expressed her feelings: "Has Governor Meteor considered paying more taxes?"

  Luke immediately changed the subject: "Let's talk about the Tedgar Hills."

  Agatha looked at Luke, smiled and said, "Alright, let's talk about the Tedgar Hills. Did the Duke of Celtic get tricked by you?"

   "I didn't lie to him! I still want to help him, and ask the empire to relax its control over the Tedgar Hills."

  Agatha asked: "Why?"

   "Because I want to solve the Tedgar Hills once and for all..."

  In order to get the empire to cooperate, Luke told Agatha about his economic strategy plan for the Tedgar Hills.

  Agatha who listened was in disbelief.

   "Helping the industrialization of the Tedgar Hills can solve the problem of the barbarians? Have you ever thought that if these measures of yours don't work against the barbarians, you are creating a powerful enemy for the empire!"

  Luke picked up the tea and drank it: "Were you curious before, your father summoned me alone, what did we talk about?"

   "I'm very curious... Your conversation has caused a subversive change in Father's attitude towards you."

   "We are talking about another mode of warfare...economic warfare. Simply put, it is to use unequal economic status to complete the plunder and control of weak economic areas.

   This war mode can cross domains and borders, with almost no losses, and gains that cannot be obtained in real wars. And those who are plundered will not have an irreparable hatred for us, and soon we will be able to harvest again. "

   "I still don't quite get it."

   "Let me just give you an example." Luke thought for a while and said, "It's like Raging City suddenly announced that the price of all military orders from the empire will increase by 10%. How will the empire deal with it?"

   Agatha frowned and said, "The empire will pay the money."

   "If Raging Wave City not only asks for a 10% increase in the selling price, but also asks for a 10% reduction in the price of the raw materials provided by the empire, how will the empire deal with it?"

  Agatha said: "The empire has other suppliers of military supplies, and there are heavy factories directly under the royal family."

   "When Raging City made this request, it was certain that other suppliers of the empire were either absorbed, or the technology was far behind Raging City. Your Royal Highness, how will you respond to Raging City's request?"

   Agatha gritted her teeth and said, "Yes!"

   "Look, this is a kind of economic warfare. According to the wisdom of the eldest princess, she must be able to come up with better requirements than these. To fight an economic warfare, the opponent must first have the economy to attack, so as to force the opponent to agree to the conditions.

   Now Raging Waves City has the ability to launch economic warfare to a certain extent. Now that the Duke of Celtic has announced the cancellation of the factory restriction, we can definitely try it in the Tedgar Hills.

  Please rest assured, Your Highness, none of the money spent on Tedgar Hills is wasted..."

   Agatha looked at Luke, and couldn't help but think of the last words her father said to herself.

  Finally understood why he gave up being a man and chose to become a heroic creature; why he chose that sentence in the last words of his life.

   "Kill Meteor! Or marry him!"

  Agatha's body and expression relaxed, she took a sip of tea, and said to Luke: "You advocate fighting the Northern War for a longer time, and another purpose should be to completely control the empire's economy.

  At that time, no matter who is on the throne, he must obey you, the real master of the empire. "

  Luke replied: "Controlling the Empire's economy is not my goal, but Raging City is now having a siphon effect on the world economy, and the Empire is just one of the victims.

  You don’t have to worry about the empire’s economy being hijacked for too long. The increase in the wealth of the empire is definitely higher than the amount absorbed by Raging Waves City. Sooner or later, Raging Waves City will return to its proper position. "

   "But this must be based on the premise that the empire will not break with you, and the premise that the successor of the empire will not break with your successor."

  Luke nodded: "The future is unpredictable... All we can do is to maintain a tacit understanding at the moment, and no one will do anything that crosses the line."

   "You want to know what my father said to me in the end?" Agatha looked at Luke.

  Luke sipped his tea: "I don't want to know."

   "He asked me to kill you! Killing you will hurt the empire, but nothing he worries about will happen."

   "It seems that you didn't listen to His Majesty."

   "Because he gave me another option."

  Luke looked at Agatha: "Are you marrying me?"


   "Our child will be the Emperor of the Empire."

   “What we fear will not happen.”

Luke smiled and shook his head again: "Agatha, His Majesty's death has made you shoulder responsibilities that you shouldn't have. You would never have said this to me before. You didn't even want to be the emperor of the empire. How can you put your own child on that grill.

   Clear your head well, all your worries are imposed on you by your father.

  I still like the Agatha who is more straightforward with principles and is dedicated to the empire. "

  (end of this chapter)