MTL - All Over the World To Save My Wife-Chapter 90 Astrologers and Rebels (19)

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In desperation, Ling Yan called out the name of the sword loudly, Yan Yun paused for a moment, then got out of his hands and ran towards her with joy.

"Gu Zhong, are you crazy or stupid?"

"Master, I made an oath..."

I had never seen Ling Yan so angry before, Gu Zhong felt as if he had made a big mistake, and could not help but explain in a guilty conscience.

"What have you done to harm the people?"

Knowing that what Gu Zhong said was a solemn oath found in Blood Phoenix Mountain that day, Ling Yan couldn't help but start to feel a headache from her dead brain.


He slightly tilted his head and looked at the cultivators who were innocently killed by her sword, a look of shame appeared on Gu Zhong's face.

"...this matter will be discussed later, Gu Zhong, you just didn't feel good."

Pinching her brows, Ling Yan knew that this matter could not end easily, and Gu Zhong would definitely not escape the punishment of Xianmen.

According to Ling Yan just watching, Gu Zhong's posture seems to be enchanted.

There is no demon in this small world. If the cultivator is demonic, most of the cultivators will die by exploding.

Besides, with the tenacity of the mind, it is easy to not fall into the devil, unless - someone deliberately impregnated with the devil.

Ling Yan thought of Xia Xiange again, no matter what she thought, it was this woman who was most suspicious.

"Xingxuan-kun, do you want to give everyone an explanation?"

"Young Sect Master, I said earlier that Xingming's assertion must not be changed."

A sigh followed.

The person Ling Yan was talking about just now also appeared unexpectedly.

"Elder Xia, why is it so arbitrary? Xu Shi, what's the inside story?"

Ling Yan turned around and said word by word, staring at Xia Xiange, as if she wanted to find some traces on her face.

Unfortunately, the result was destined to disappoint her. Xia Xiange just smiled, but she never leaked any emotion. This woman was always used to hiding.

"Now, does Xing Xuan-jun still want to cover up?"

Someone asked.

"Xing Xuanjun, Elder Xia asserted that he never missed it, this son can't stay again!"

"Xingxuan-kun, don't forget your original oath!"

As if in response to this sentence, a thunder suddenly sounded from the horizon.

It seems that everything is forcing them, trying to block all escape routes.

"I did swear that if Gu Zhong did something harmful to the common people, I would give you an explanation."

Perhaps she has been calmer over the years, and some people thought they could bully her at will.

"But now, Gu Zhong is just seeing the enemy and the spiritual roots that she was siphoned off, and he lost control for a while. How can he endanger the common people?"

When Ling Yan saw Yao Yun's corpse and the magic weapon beside him, he understood the reason for Gu Zhong's enchantment today.

With a wave of her hand, she lifted the corpse and the magic weapon into the air, so that everyone present could see it clearly.

"Vengeance is revenge, what is there to do with my sect disciples?"

"Then what about my disciples who died?"

"Xing Xuanjun's remarks are too partial!"

"How can I guarantee she won't get out of control next time?"

However, incentives are only incentives after all, and cannot extinguish the flames of fear and anger in people's hearts.

"If Xing Xuan-jun is really reluctant, if I abolish this son's cultivation base today, I may not be able to save her life."

One person suggested that it seems to be a solution to both.

"Shut up!"

Ling Yan shouted loudly, and waved his sleeves to hit the man two feet away.

This seems to be the best of both worlds, but it just arouses Ling Yan's anger.

She hurriedly glanced sideways at Gu Zhong, only to find an increasingly strong will to die in her eyes.

If you want to abolish Gu Zhongxiu, it must be more unacceptable than letting her die.

"Young Sect Master is so angry, no matter what, you should give an explanation to the now-dead Immortal Sect cultivator?"

Xia Xiange said something more lightly.

There is no room for improvement, Ling Yan sighed softly and half closed her eyes.

The cloud of smoke buzzed in her hand, turning into dozens of streamers.

While the people present panicked, they raised their magic weapons to resist, but never thought that the sword energy would turn a corner and attack the two people surrounded by them.

on the front.

The beauty who has always been cold and arrogant, against the background of this bright blood, looks very delicate, as if another gust of wind can blow her.


Gu Zhong exclaimed and hurriedly stepped forward to support her, his eyes full of chagrin and distress.

She never thought that Ling Yan would protect her so far.

"Are you satisfied?"

Pushing Gu Zhong aside, Ling Yan asked in a condensed voice.

She still has her back straight, trying to stand tall and straight.

The immortals were shocked by what she did for a while and didn't know how to react.

The weight of this apprentice in her heart, they should probably re-evaluate.

If you want to take care of yourself today, you have to turn your face with Lingyan completely.

"If you are not satisfied, then I have nothing else to do. With me here, you can't touch my apprentice!"

The listeners couldn't help but feel timid, and began to hesitate, whether they really wanted to make trouble to such a degree.

"Young Sect Master, Sect Master, you can't stop making fun of you."

As soon as Xia Xiange said this, others seemed to have received some hints, all the magic spells flying towards the two people in the field, and they were about to kill them in.


Ling Yan stretched out her hand to hold Gu Zhong and drank.

I don't know when the drawn formation was launched, and a strong beam of light lit up from under their feet, but it was blocked by the sky attack.

The beam of light went out in an instant, followed by two figures.


Ling Yan and Gu Zhong landed in a lush mountain forest. The place was full of vitality and had a quiet and peaceful atmosphere, as if they had never been ravaged by monsters.

After making sure that the two of them were completely out of danger, Ling Yan, who had been holding on all the time, lost consciousness in Gu Zhong’s arms, and finally heard only Gu Zhong’s anxious and worried call .

When Ling Yan woke up, she was lying on a stone platform in a cave, with a warm tiger skin under her body and a thin white fleece woven from rabbit fur. A blanket, next to a roaring bonfire.

"Master, are you awake?"

The person resting on the side seemed to have a feeling, and immediately opened his eyes. Seeing Ling Yan woke up, he quickly got up and came closer to explore her injury.

"I'm here, how long have I slept?"

Being stunned for a few seconds, Ling Yan slowly asked a sentence, only to realize that her voice was indescribably rough and hoarse.

"It's been half a month."

Gu Zhong immediately took the water bag from the side and approached Ling Yan's pale lips to moisten her mouth, tongue and throat.

"Thank you..."

I didn't expect to be reduced to the point where I need to take care of me again.

"Where is the Master, if it's not for protecting won't..."

Seeing that Gu Zhong's words had already brought out a choked cry, Ling Yan couldn't help but have a headache. She didn't know that Gu Zhong was still a little crying bag.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Also, Ling Yan could only give a dry and pale consolation, and hurriedly changed the subject.

"Ah Chong, tell me carefully, what happened to you that day?"

Sighing lightly, Gu Zhong was a little hesitant, even she felt that she was the one who destroyed the world, so she would act like this, but Ling Yan didn't believe it.

"Ah Chong, what are you thinking about? Don't listen to other people's nonsense, everything must have a reason."

Gu Zhong's appearance was obviously deeply influenced by Xia Xiange's words. It seems that an induced heart anchor has been planted, trapped in the inner demon, and the deeper it is.

Seeing Ling Yan's unhappy expression, Gu Zhong didn't dare to say anything frustrating, so he had to carefully organize his thoughts and tell her about the changes in his mood that day.

After listening to Gu Zhong's description, Ling Yan sat up with difficulty, touched Gu Zhong's forehead with her fingertips, and probed towards her sea of ​​consciousness.

Gu Zhong's sea of ​​consciousness is a chaotic golden color, and the cloud-like entwined silk threads inside are all her memories and thoughts.

Ling Yan slowly unfolded her consciousness, gently covering the entire sea of ​​consciousness, the calm and soothing cloud suddenly violently churns up somewhere, directly contacting Ling Yan's consciousness The confrontation began.

Because she was afraid of hurting Gu Zhong, Ling Yan had to withdraw quickly. Before she pulled away completely, she could vaguely see a touch of black between the surging gold.

"Ah Chong, can you wake up that remnant for a moment?"

As soon as she came out of the sea of ​​knowledge, Ling Yan's request made Gu Zhong stunned.


The author has something to say:

Interested little angels can pre-receive!

Spoilers involved!

//Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-11-2000:53:12~2021-11-2123:18:55~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 9 bottles of Ruanqin; 8 bottles of Z8;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!