MTL - All The Male Leads Have Blackened-Chapter 126 Husband Male X Regrets Female (3)

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After graduating, Lu Mufan did not work in his own company and chose to start a business. Today the company is not small, and still has some status in this industry.

But then Lu Mufan's company went bankrupt because of Wei Si.

A woman beside Wei Si fell in love with Lu Mufan unilaterally, so she wanted to break up with Wei Si. Although the Secretary was timid, he dared not happen when he was with the original owner.

Even he was afraid that Lu Mufan would retaliate when he knew it. He was always suspicious. Every time he met the original owner, he was trembling. But this was because he felt that it was unreasonable to collude with his wife, so he was afraid.

However, the woman around Wei Si has been with him and has a very good relationship, but after seeing Lu Mufan, the woman is determined to break up with Wei Si. Weishi couldn't stand this and felt humiliated.

Even if the woman only liked Lu Mufan unilaterally, she didn't even confess, and the defender subconsciously determined that Lu Mufan robbed his woman.

Therefore, he later set up a trap for Lu Mufan, which failed Lu Mufan's investment and caused the company to go bankrupt.

Cen Simiao looked at the information transmitted by the system, shook her head, and felt very difficult to say. Weishi is not only scum, but also has psychological problems.

She glanced at her phone at nine in the evening.

I was just preparing to lock the screen, and the call interface appeared again.

Cen Simiao hung up again.

She just connected the phone just now, and vaguely mentioned tomorrow that she didn't continue talking to the defender. Weishi seemed to be intrigued, and beat her up all the time.

So far, there are almost thirty missed calls.

Cen Simiao raised her eyebrows and shut down the phone directly. She put her feet down on the back of the sofa and sat upright. Her skin was smooth under the dim light.

Cen Simiao pulled the collar and turned to look at it.

Lu Mufan is still working, has been typing on the keyboard, his suit jacket has not been taken off, his tie is loose and loose, and the three buttons are unbuttoned to reveal the occasional rolling throat knot.

Cen Simiao put on slippers and walked very slowly, like a cat, without making a sound. With the cup in his hand, he walked quietly to the kitchen.

As she passed by Lu Mufan, she narrowed her neck, but stared at him without blinking. Cen Simiao hugged the corner of her mouth and smiled sweetly.

Lu Mufan didn't look up.

She paused for only a few seconds, and then tiptoed toward the kitchen.

He kept typing on the keyboard and stopped suddenly. Lu Mufan still stared at the computer and squeezed his lips. He paused and heard the sound of running water when the kitchen faucet turned on.

A little annoying.

I don't know why.

Lu Mufan closed the computer, untied his tie completely, and looked tired, ready to stand up and take the computer back to the room.

The chair rubbed against the floor, especially harshly. Suddenly, Lu Mufan became even more irritable. He frowned unconsciously, and just after taking a step, he heard behind him.

"Don't go, don't go, wait for me!" The voice was so soft, it fluttered lightly over the heart like a feather.

Lu Mufan's body relaxed subconsciously, and then he became more tense, pursing his lips without turning back, and then moved forward. Cen Simiao froze behind him, his eyes fluttered, and he did not chase.

She stood in place, glanced at the milk glass in her hand, braving the heat and sweetness.

With a loose hand, the cup suddenly fell to the ground.

The sound is extremely crisp.

Lu Mufan's footsteps stopped, and he turned around and glanced, his eyebrows locked, his eyes narrowed.

Cen Simiao bit her lower lip and looked down at the glass fragments on the ground, her shoulders shrinking. She was slender and fragile at first, and now looked downcast, especially distressing.

Lu Mufan rubbed his laptop a few times with his fingertips.

Cen Simao squatted down to pick up the fragments, but did not say a word, but her body was a little trembling. Lu Mufan noticed that he heard a sob, and he was stiff.

Cen Simiao's eye circles were a little red, and she slowly raised her head and said in a crying voice, "I originally wanted to give you a hot cup of milk, but it broke the cup, affecting your work."

He pursed his lips, lowered the computer, turned to get the broom, and then cleaned the broken glass. Cen Simao was still standing stupidly, Lu Mufan glanced at her: "Go to the other side."

Cen Simao didn't respond, her face was still crying.

He put up with it and pulled her arm directly to the side.

The skin was especially white and tender, and the touch was very smooth. After Lu Mufan pulled Cen Simiao, his hands had not been loosened. After a few moments, he reacted and released his hand on Cen Simiao's arm.

Without a word, he lowered his head to sweep the floor.

Cen Simiao stood behind him, bending her eyes. Then walked to the kitchen again, opened the storage room, took out a box of milk from the inside, and poured it into a milk pan to heat it.

She opened the window of the kitchen, and did not turn on the range hood, and kept crying.

Lu Mufan cleaned the ground, didn't walk into the bedroom, and stayed in the living room. Cen Simiao's depressing cry heard clearly.

She was in a soft voice when she spoke, and now she was crying like a cat, scratching the bottom of her heart.

Lu Mufan pursed his lips and rolled his throat knot. After a while, Cen Simiao came out of the kitchen, holding a glass of milk in her hand, her eyes circled red, and she twitched occasionally.

She walked to Lu Mufan carefully, and looked up eagerly: "For you, I have reheated another cup."

Lu Mufan was embarrassed and refused to say anything.

He responded, thanked him and took it, because it was a bit hot and did not drink in front of Cen Simiao. Lu Mufan looked at the laptop, hesitated for a while, and took it back to the living room.

Stay where you left off and continue working.

He had a cup of hot milk on hand, taking a sip from time to time.

Cen Simiao laughed and looked at him with special eyes bent.

She walked briskly to the sofa, almost jumping on the sofa. She put her arm on the sofa back, her chin resting on her knees, and kneeled on the sofa, so she looked at Lu Mufan.

Cen Simiao's eyes were full of tenderness, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help rising, humming the song softly, but she saw Lu Mufan frown, and pinched her brows uncomfortably. She closed her mouth quickly, for fear of disturbing him.

Lu Mufan was busy working late into the night. He noticed Cen Simiao's sight at first, and he felt very uncomfortable. He felt awkward about what he did, but after a long time, he didn't care about it, and then hurry to work.

At the end of work, he rubbed his neck, feeling very tired, and his face was a little tired. Lu Mufan raised his neck and looked at the sofa. Cen Simiao was still lying there, but she had fallen asleep with her head on her side.

The light spilled over her hair, giving a soft light.

Lu Mufan was about to get up. He suddenly didn't want to move anymore. He leaned on the back of his chair and looked at Cen Simiao. He had been supporting his working body just now, and suddenly he was so tired that he didn't want to move.

Cen Simiao slept sweetly, her skin was extremely white and tender, her sleep was quiet, her mouth was still curved, and she could not help seeing her mood and followed her.

But she had cried before, and there were tears on her face, which made her even more affectionate.

Lu Mufan closed his eyes and waited to open them after a while, his eyelashes trembled, he could not see the emotions inside, tiredness had disappeared, and the mildness in his usual eyes appeared again.

He stood up and walked to Cen Simiao, she didn't notice it and was still sleeping. Lu Mufan bent over and hugged her horizontally, her arms touching her legs, especially smooth and delicate.

He walked upstairs, maybe the sound of his footsteps was a little loud, Cen Simiao frowned, his head froze in Lu Mufan's chest, he waited for a while, stopped his feet and did not continue.

But Cen Simao suddenly raised her arms and hooked his neck, closer to Lu Mufan's chest, and her lips were pressed against his chest across the shirt.

Lu Mufan moved his throat, looked down at her, and saw Cen Simiao's skin glowing.

Taking a few steps, Lu Mufan pushed open the bedroom door, put Cen Simiao down, and then hurried out. Cen Simiao was lying on the bed, her body was particularly soft, she was holding the quilt and didn't know what she was mumbling about.

The sound came to Lu Mufan's ear, which was about to go outside.

He closed the door and gasped for a few moments, only feeling hot. Lu Mufan frowned, his eyes were heavy, and his lips were squeezed tightly, and he felt particularly strange.

The next morning, Cen Simiao opened her eyes and went to the kitchen, frying eggs with hot milk, and knocked on Lu Mufan's door while holding it. He didn't seem to be awake, and Cen Simiao knocked on the door a few times before stopping to stand again.

There were footsteps inside, and she bent her eyes.

The door opened, and Lu Mufan's eyes were dark, his face was unsightly, and he looked tired and angry. After seeing Cen Simiao, he stared for a moment, then his voice was dumb: "Is there something wrong?"

Cen Simiao was wearing a short skirt with her skin exposed, she leaned forward: "Here is your breakfast."

Lu Mufan responded, took the breakfast, thanked him, and then prepared to close the door. Cen Simiao looked a little lost, and looked at him unwillingly: "Do you really only want these?"

Lu Mufan didn't understand it, she leaped forward, and her eyes were charming: "The breakfast is more than that."

He said softly, "I count too."

His mind went blank for a moment, Cen Simiao's arm was raised, and he caught Lu Mufan's neck, and his warm breath spilled on his neck: "The eggs are fried, and the milk is a little bit cold.

Lu Mufan's throat moved and his body was stiff.

Cen Simiao stroked his cheek, and slowly rubbed his earlobe, causing a tingling numbness: "Don't you eat those good?"

Her arms slid down, stroking one after the other, and tossing the plate to the floor.

Milk and fried eggs spilled out instantly, and the floor became oily.

Lu Mufan shuddered and looked down on the ground subconsciously, but Ceng Simiao's hand stained with red nail polish came over him.

Cen Simiao kept staring at him with charming eyes and a soft voice: "I'm more delicious."

Lu Mufan's breathing became short.

As soon as the voice fell, her cell phone in the living room rang.

Cen Simiao froze.

Suddenly remembered that Weishi came to pick her up this morning.