MTL - All Things Wrong (Retrograde Gaming)-Chapter 3171 Search

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"Ha?" Li Huailin first glimpsed, and then suddenly it seemed like a flash of light in his mind. Yes, after reminding the Jade Emperor, Li Huailin also recognized who the people in this video are. Yes, this person is really Li Huailin’s wife. Of course, it’s not yet. The wedding of the two will be held soon. It’s still a few days away from my wife. At present, I can only call my fiancee. Yes, she is Su If smoke.

Of course, the woman in the video is not the current Su Ruyan, and the age is already very large. Of course, the appearance is also a little changed, and Li Huailin has not recognized it for a while. Of course, Su Ruoyan is a well-known person. Not only does it often go to the news, but the game channel also appears frequently. After all, everyone knows that Niu Ge is recently engaged, and this gossip news is very good to sell.

It was not surprising that each side had seen Su Ruoyan on that side. The summoning of the Jade Emperor was even more. It was seen in the game and has been seen in reality, so it can be recognized now.

The man recognized it, and Li Huailin didn't have to go to the third floor to find Hoffman, but... why would it be Su Ruoyan. Li Huailin is a bit ugly. Yes, this is a bit wrong. Su Ruoyan is a problem for his wife. The other party has a strong commercial ability. At that time, it would be no problem to become a commercial amnesty, can What is the relationship between the park company?

According to Hoffman’s previous statement, in that era, he seemed to be the sinner who caused the world crisis, and the person who put the crime on his own body, Li Huailin felt that it was the world’s zheng government, and this paradise company should be the world’s zheng government. Force, how can Su Ruoyan participate in this side?

Thinking about it, nothing more than two situations, one is that I understand the mistakes in front of me, and the other is that Su Ruoyan betrayed himself. Really, Li Huailin doesn't know which one is. Of course, if you go to ask Su Ruoyan now, the other party must be a slap in the face. How does she know the situation?

However, this is not completely useless. The situation of Su Ruyan seems to be the big man of the company. That is to say, the identity of the other party is definitely very high. At least it should be a level with Liu Yanjun. In that case, Liu Yanjun’s role is also a little smaller. Li Huailin doesn’t have to look for him every time. It’s not enough to look for Su Ruoyan directly. Then maybe the authority of Su Ruoyan here is higher than that of Liu Yanjun, then it’s even more Ok, I can know a lot of information.

"What is this?" The summoned Jade Emperor next to him also asked after thinking about it. "Why is Su Ruyan participating in this project, is this paradise company open?"

“Hey?” Li Huailin’s direct glimpse, is the summoning of the Jade Emperor how to think that this company is going to go there, and it’s obvious that he has been framed as a world destroyer.

"Yeah, every time I feel that this mess is always a part of you." Summon Jade Emperor said.

"Is really impossible to have a relationship with me?" Li Huailin said. "You have to know if this company is open to me. I can pass it directly when I scan it. I also need to get the identity of this senior engineer." ?"

"This is also true." Summon Jade Emperor nodded, Li Huailin said that this is no problem, but thought and said, "That means that the future of you and Su Ruoyan's feelings broke? Then the other party directly to you Revenge?"

"Dry...Yes, yeah, this is not that I am messing with you, then my relationship with my wife is broken, I think your guess is good." Li Huailin said casually.

"You give me a roll." Summon the Jade Emperor directly.

"If you forget it, there is no way to guess what has not happened yet." Li Huailin said, "I can ask Hoffman. Maybe the other person knows what Su Ruyan is, and he can know something. But Since she appears here, it should be the director of the company. Later, she can let her come in and see."

"Well, this is the case, every time you are in the province, you have to find someone else's wife and children to help." Summon the Jade Emperor said, "Now, let's go to Hoffman to ask?"

"The guy is now still on the third floor. We can't go up here. It's too much trouble to contact the mother and son. We still have to fix the dreams first." Li Huailin said, "I will have time to contact you later." If you smoke, see if she can go online."

"Let's go." Summon the Jade Emperor nodded.

Out of the paradise company, Li Huailin was a little bit annoying. Yes, I didn’t expect Su Ruoyan to pull into this matter. I don’t know what identity I played, and I don’t know why it’s annoying. Fortunately, the next job here is to solve Matthews Lagarde. Of course, Lagarde has not done anything wrong, but there is really no other way. He can only say that he is unlucky.

Li Huailin returned to his own Duke's Mansion directly through the temple. By the way, he also looked at his own palace. I didn't expect the time to come back in the past few days. The palace project here is progressing very fast. The entire main hall seems to have begun. Set it up, it looks very imposing in appearance, and the design is really good.

After watching it for a while, Geerte here also came out to greet it. Yes, Li Huailin, of course, just looked at it when he waited for it. He didn’t care much about the palace. He couldn’t live without it.

"Your Majesty, the melee of the project is still smooth. If the main hall is completed, it will be completed in one month. The other palaces can be completed within four months. You should be able to move in this year." Seeing Li Huailin watching the palace Gert, who is in charge of the project, also immediately explained the progress.

"Know it." Li Huailin replied casually. "I am not here for the palace, I will ask you something."

"Please tell me, Your Majesty," said Gert.

"When I came back from the dark continent, I didn't bring back a few people. One of them is called Lagarde..." Li Huailin said.

"Your Maartus Lagarde is said to be an adult?" Gert here also replied immediately.

"Yes, it is him." Li Huailin nodded. "Where is this person now?"

"Lagarde is arranged in Xiu Mitra." Gert here immediately replied.

Li Huailin asked a little, the specific situation is probably like this. Before Li Huailin was not fooling Lagarde to help deal with the Protoss, and then talking about what to cooperate with the other side, Lagarde here followed Li Huailin, and of course joined Li Huailin's forces.

Then the other party was originally a researcher, and the kind of person of Brian's property. The previous dream fragmentation was not made by this guy. Therefore, to deal with the Protoss, the other way out of the way is of course science. So he wanted to form his own research institute and then study the things against the Protoss.

Li Huailin was a direct person who ran away. It didn’t matter at all, so Gerte was responsible for this incident. Li Huailin did not say anything about it. Although Gert did not know Lagarde, he also knew that this was Li Huai. The people brought back by Lin did not dare to neglect and thought about it, so they sealed Lagarde a piece of land, which is what he said.

So Lagarde went to the land to repair Mitra, where he was preparing to establish a research institute. Xiu Mitra was considered a relatively rich province and could support the research work of the other side. Of course, afterwards, Gert can only say that it is not very clear. The other party seems to have not contacted them afterwards, nor did they say that they lacked anything, or sought financial help. After the other party went there, there was no news, Nagel. It is also an annoyance of the province, and it will leave him alone.

Li Huailin of course immediately asked about the location of Xiu Mitra. In the east of this side, the eastern side of the human empire is a count of the Earl, a small area, a relatively large population, and a relatively stable place. The main cities are also two, the largest of which is the city of Loperance, which should be in the city.

"Let's go." Gert said that he also pleaded guilty, saying that his work on this side was too much, and he did not take care of the people arranged by Li Huailin. Li Huailin certainly waved directly. "Without taking care of it, I am going to hack him now."

"Hey?" Gert said directly. "Hey... Your Majesty is going to kill Lagarde?"

"Yeah." Li Huailin nodded.

"This...what is the reason for your death to kill Lagarde," Gelt asked.

"There is no reason to see if he is unhappy, he will hack directly." Li Huailin said.

"Ha? Your Majesty, Lagarde is now a direct vassal of His Majesty, a vassal of the official seal of the land, you..." Gert said worriedly.

"There is no reason, you just issued an announcement directly, saying that I saw him unhappy, he hacked him." Li Huailin thought about it, yes, I don’t know how loyalty of my people recently, by the way. Wave loyalty, the province's backyard caught fire.

"Hey? No, sire..." Gert didn't know what to do, but Li Huailin didn't listen to him, and flew away when he took off. Yes, Lopeland City does not seem to be far from here. If Li Huailin’s current flight speed, it will take less time to fly, it should be faster than transmission. After all, if you send it, you should find the city on the big map. The flight flew directly.

Sure enough, Li Huailin flew for a while and soon saw the city in the east. However, what he did not expect was that the city he saw was really amazing. Yes, this city is not like a city of human empire. It looks a bit like a city of the undead, and what is the huge black mountain outside the city.