MTL - Almighty Dad-Chapter 12 Patriarchal 12

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Father Wu looked at his daughter and son, and said, "Si Yatou said she would give the child to the Red Army, but now Hongmei regrets that she wants to return the child. It's okay. After all, the Red Army is Si Yatou's uncle, and Hongmei's brother. The older brother helps the younger sister." After raising a child for a few years, my sister gave me money as compensation, none of you brothers and sisters suffered a big loss, and there should be no estrangement between brothers and sisters."

Nian Aiying curled her mouth, trying to say something but was held back by Wu Hongjun, he said: "Father, you are right, I am only the younger sister Hongmei, what difficulties does she have, as an older brother, can I help her?" Do you? Don't worry, Aiying and I won't care too much."

Wu's father sighed in relief. The daughter-in-law wanted to be strong, but she could be controlled by her sensible son, so that the family would not make mistakes.

Father Wu looked at Han Ze and Wu Hongmei, and Han Ze hurriedly said, "Father, Hongmei and I will never forget the help our eldest brother and sister-in-law have given us."

Father Wu looked deeply at his daughter and son-in-law. As a father-in-law, he understood the situation of Han Ze's family better than anyone else. Mrs. Han wanted a grandson wholeheartedly. In order for Han Ze to give birth to a grandson, he wished to give away all the girls. They were already surprised that the fifth girl didn't give it away. What should the fourth girl do when she goes back, and where will the money for the registration fine come from? These are all questions.

Father Wu worriedly asked Han Ze: "If you take the four girls back, there will only be five girls in your family. Does your mother agree? What will you do if she doesn't agree? It won't be the four girls who will suffer then. And you plan to Rebirth? If you regenerate, how do you raise so many children? Have you considered all these clearly?"

People say that a married girl splashes water, but just because she is married, I can't stop worrying about her being bullied by her in-laws, fearing that she won't have a son and be rejected by others...

Han Ze smiled wryly and said: "What kind of life is there? I don't have a son. No matter how many children I have, I'm still a girl. If I take the fourth girl back, even my mother can't say anything, let alone..." He read here The children next to the eyes swallowed the words that came to their mouths.

Father Wu: "..."

Wu Hongjun always has a feeling that he can't bear to look directly at his brother-in-law. This superstitious fan has become an idiot.

Wu's mother saw the situation and asked Nian Aiying to lead the children outside. Nian Aiying knew that this was the elder sister-in-law who had something to talk to her parents-in-law and wanted her to avoid it. She scoffed, but she still took the children to I went outside to pick melons in the vegetable garden, and I didn't want her to hear it. She might not want to hear about the messy things about my sister-in-law's house.

The children were all gone, and Han Ze said awkwardly, "I'm going to have a vasectomy."

After saying this, while he breathed a sigh of relief, he kept scolding Yuan Shen in his heart, why did he have to have a vasectomy.

In the interstellar age with low fertility value, how cruel is sterilization to men, although this is not the interstellar age, although the fertility value here is very high, so high that family planning is needed to curb people's birth, but he does not want to have sterilization, there are many contraceptives This way, why do you have to choose ligation, what kind of broken request is the original body.


Mother Wu looked at Han Ze in disbelief. What did she just hear?

Wu Hongjun almost choked on the saliva. There are male laborers in their village who choose to undergo sterilization because they have at least two sons in their family. The reason why the brother-in-law chooses to undergo sterilization must be because Mr. Han said nonsense that he has no son. I couldn't help laughing, my brother-in-law would have to have a ligation because of his blind fortune-telling, isn't it ridiculous?

Should he go to a fortune teller to settle accounts blindly?

But thinking that his brother-in-law had been circumcised, and his sister would no longer suffer from the pain of giving birth to a son, he thought about it and let it go.

Father Wu's eyes tightened. He understood what it meant for a man to have a vasectomy, and Han Ze must have understood it too. Since he understood it, he was still willing to have a vasectomy, which meant that he really believed that he had no son, and gave up having a son. All of Han Ze's suspicions, the son-in-law really believed that Han Xiazi's words that he had no son's life were not just acting to get Si Yatou back.

Thinking of this, he feels a little guilty towards his son-in-law. Isn't it because his son-in-law is honest and honest that he married his daughter to him? Why would you suspect him of pretending to be honest for a little thing? It should not be.

Wu Hongmei looked at the man in astonishment, unable to believe that he was actually going to have a vasectomy.

After sending off the daughter's family, Wu's mother relaxed, slumped on the chair, and muttered: "Why do I think this is so weird? You said that Han Ze is really going to have a vasectomy, and Mrs. Han has to fight for our daughter?"

Father Wu frowned: "Do you think it's more important for Mrs. Han to find our daughter desperately, or our daughter's body is more important. In order for our daughter not to suffer from the pain of childbirth, I think it's better for Han Ze to have a vasectomy. What's more, it's Mrs. Han's own son who needs to be sterilized. She doesn't settle accounts with her own son, but insists on finding Hongmei to do her best, and think that our mother's family is vegetarian?"

Wu's father said this, and Wu's mother thought about it for the same reason. The girl gave birth to five babies and had many abortions. If you get pregnant again, it is not giving birth to a child, but killing your life.


The fourth girl was hugged by Han Zhaodi in a daze, and her mother said that her aunt and uncle were her real parents and asked her to go home with her parents. At a young age, she couldn't understand her mother's words, but she knew that her aunt liked her and would bring her delicious food every time she came here. Thinking of this, she looked at Wu Hongmei and Han Ze timidly, and whispered: "Auntie ..."

Wu Hongmei asked softly, "Fourth girl, what's the matter?"

The fourth girl wrung her fingers and asked timidly: "Will you hit me?"

Han Ze stepped forward and hugged her in his arms, and looked at her gently: "No one beats you at Dagu's house."

There was a gleam in Si Yatou's eyes, and then it dimmed again: "I eat very little, so don't scold me, and I won't go home, is that okay?"

Han Ze was taken aback, feeling sore, and hugged her tightly: "Did your mother tell you that you are the eldest uncle's daughter when we arrived?"

Han Ze looked at the little girl and nodded, and continued: "Since she is the eldest uncle's daughter, this is your home. You can eat as much as you want in your own home, and no one will scold you."

Si Yatou didn't quite understand what uncle said, but she understood the last sentence, eat as much as you want and no one scolds her. She said with bright eyes, "Can I really eat as much as I want?"

Han Ze smiled and nodded: "Really."

Han Zhaodi came over, holding a pack of biscuits in her hand, and handed it to the fourth girl. Seeing that she took it carefully and hugged it in her arms, she said with a smile: "This is a biscuit, my sister gave it to you, eat it."

The fourth girl knows about biscuits, and her mother bought them for her brothers and sisters. She wanted to eat them, but her mother said that she was small and would get upset after eating them, so she didn't let her eat them. She was very greedy, and she ate a piece secretly. After a meal, she no longer dared to steal anything to eat.

Now that Sister Zhaodi is giving her biscuits, does it mean that she has grown up and can eat them? Thinking of this, she picked up a biscuit and fed it to her mouth, narrowing her eyes, it was so sweet and delicious.

Han Ze smiled and asked her, "Is it delicious?"

The fourth girl kept nodding her head: "It's delicious."

Han Ze smiled and said, "It's delicious and I'll buy it for you tomorrow."

The fourth girl asked him in disbelief: "Really?"

Han Ze nodded: "Really."

Fourth girl suddenly said: "I like eldest uncle."

Han Ze patted her little head lightly, and said with a broken smile, "Little sycophant."

Although the eldest uncle patted her on the head, the fourth girl felt that she liked it very much, so she said emphatically, "I really like my eldest uncle."

"Uncle knows."

Han Ze is funny, he really is a little sycophant.