MTL - Almighty Dad-Chapter 7 Patriarchal 7

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Han Zhaodi saw that her father didn't come to pick up her grandma in person, and her grandma pretended not to care, feeling very disappointed. She understood that her mouth was hard and her heart was soft, and she didn't explain to her father when she got home. Dad said to let grandma rest at the second uncle's house, so then rest.

My mother needs someone to take care of her during confinement, but she doesn’t need a grandma who doesn’t treat her like a human being. Her mother gave birth to a girl again, and grandma doesn’t like her very much, so she asks her to take care of her mother during her confinement. Worried that she would not feed her mother or give away her younger sister while others were not paying attention.

Without grandma, the whole family ate meat until their mouths became oily, and no one was disgusted or scolded. The family was full of happy laughter from the younger sisters when they ate meat. Han Zhaodi felt that the air at this time became fresh and comfortable. , she thought that even without the braised pork, she would feel satisfied, if she could live without beating and scolding every day, how wonderful it would be.

"Father, how long can grandma stay at Second Uncle's house?" Han Zhaodi asked innocently.

The little girl's thoughts were written all over her face, but she pretended to be old-fashioned and serious. Han Ze smiled inwardly, and taught earnestly on his face: "What's the matter, can't you bear your grandma? Or don't you want to help your mother take care of your sister?"

Han Zhaodi pursed her lips, who couldn't bear her, without grandma, they don't know how comfortable they are.

Han Ze had a smile on his face, and said in a gentle voice: "Your grandma is old, you can't be tired, and you can't do anything if you don't want to. You sisters have always been more sensible and filial, and you definitely don't want to tire grandma. Dad believes that grandma is not here. You can also do housework."

Han Zhaodi looked at her father several times, pondered for a while, raised her head and said uncertainly: "So father, in order not to be tired, let her stay at the second uncle's house for a longer time. The second uncle's house runs a consignment store. , eat whatever you want, the grandma lives in the second uncle's house, the most enjoyable thing, who made our family poor."

Han Ze's face was full of guilt, and he sighed: "Father is incompetent, and your grandma has suffered with me. Fortunately, your second and third uncles are capable people, and your grandma will enjoy more happiness with them than with dad. Alas, let Your grandma will stay at your second uncle's house for a while longer and enjoy the blessings with them, your grandma has been a hard-working person all her life, you should be filial to her when you grow up."

Han Zhaodi echoed, "My grandma has worked so hard, we sisters must be filial to her."

Han Ze was very pleased, the eldest daughter became more and more sensible and filial under his education.


When Shuangji Town met again, people found that there was a noodle stall in the ten-meter-long alley next to the meat stall. The noodle stall was very simple, with an awning on it, and a stove on the ground. The inside was smoky, and the thick smell of chicken soup permeated the whole street. There were two tables inside, and a few benches next to the tables.

It is rather strange that there is no customer patronizing such a noodle stall with such a strong fragrance, except for the thin man with an apron sitting next to the pot. It doesn't look like a business, but like a game.

"Han Ze, that's not how business works."

Zhang Lei's business is still not very good today, and he has sold a lot of meat sporadically.

Han Ze's noodle stall has taken a lot of care. After a few days of setting up, he helped to get the certificates. It opened today. He watched from the side, worrying for him. It's almost eight o'clock, and he didn't sell a bowl of noodles. Unfortunately, his noodles are extremely expensive, and most of the people who come to the market are countrymen. Who would pay ten yuan for a bowl of noodles that everyone can cook? I'm afraid that there is too much money and I can't spend it.

"Brother Lei, the noodles I make are worth the price."

Han Ze's self-confidence is not without reason. The original body's cooking skills are already good, and he also lights up the skill of the chef. With this skill, even simple noodles can make mouth-watering delicious flavors. A bowl of noodles cooked by God of Chef costs only ten yuan, and he will feel sorry for himself if he has to bargain with him.

Zhang Lei couldn't persuade him, and pointed at him very helplessly: "You, you have to learn to be flexible in business, not to mention that you think your bowl of noodles is made of gold? Why don't you sell it for a bowl of ten yuan? How much is a bowl?"

Han Ze remained silent, and Zhang Lei shook his head. Han Ze still wanted to make money with this attitude. He thought it was suitable for him to go home and farm, at least he didn't have to worry about starving to death.

"I just can't figure it out, who gave you the confidence to sell noodles so expensive?" Zhang Lei didn't figure it out, Han Ze is honest and honest, but it doesn't mean he is stupid and shouldn't do such a mindless thing .

"My cooking skills give me confidence." Han Ze's tone was simple, his eyes were bright, and he had absolute confidence in cooking skills.

Zhang Lei choked, and said in a strange way: "I want to taste the noodles that cost ten yuan a bowl. What kind of noodles are they?"

"Do you want noodles?" Han Ze looked at him seriously, Zhang Lei nodded, "Give me a bowl."

Han Ze stood and said blankly, "Give me the money first."

"Han Ze, I'm your cousin." Zhang Lei was very annoyed. This Han Ze was too incapable of dealing with others. Fortunately, he ran up and down and worked hard to help him apply for a business license. Is this how he repaid him?

Han Ze looked at him: "The rules can't be broken, my brother will settle the account. You help me with the documents, and I will treat you to dinner alone." In the restaurant, you can only follow the rules in the restaurant.

Holding his breath, Zhang Lei took out ten yuan from his pocket and handed it to Han Ze. Han Ze took the money and put it in his pocket, washed his hands and cooked noodles.

Zhang Lei watched coldly, wanting to see the difference in making the noodles that cost ten yuan a bowl. The more he looked at him, the uglier his face became. When he saw him filling the bowl, he filled the bowl with chicken soup and laid an egg in it, his complexion was a little pale, it was considered that this kid was sensible, and he didn't screw him to the end.

Zhang Lei was busy selling meat in the morning, so he didn't have time to eat. He was already hungry. When the noodles were brought to the table, he couldn't wait to pick up the noodles with chopsticks and eat them. He thought they were ordinary noodles, but he couldn't help squinting when he put them in his mouth. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Han Ze in disbelief. It's so delicious. Are these noodles? Could it be dragon meat?

Han Ze didn't look at him, he was cleaning the chopping board and the cooking stove that were dirty when making the noodles. Zhang Lei gobbled up the noodles in a few mouthfuls. The taste of the noodle soup was still in his mouth. I didn't taste it carefully, so I smacked my mouth regretfully, swallowed and said, "Can I have another bowl?"

Before Han Ze could respond, a ten-yuan bill slapped on the dining table.

Han Ze put the money in his pocket, quickly made him a bowl of noodles, and still laid down an egg.

Zhang Lei looked at the eggs: "Isn't the egg given by a favor?" If it was a gift from a favor, there wouldn't be eggs in every bowl.

"No. Anyone who eats noodles will have eggs." Han Ze explained.

Zhang Lei thought to himself, you might as well not explain. But thinking about the taste of that noodle, he should not say anything, so as not to annoy him, and the noodle made for him next time will not taste good. I can't help but sigh, people can't be judged by their appearance, Han Ze is a farmer in the country, who would have thought that his cooking skills are better than the cooks of the Provincial City Hotel? I underestimated him!

There are a lot of vegetable stall owners in the vegetable market, and many of them are too busy selling vegetables to eat breakfast. Seeing that Zhang Lei went to the new noodle stall to eat noodles, many people came to inquire. Can't help cursing and retreating.

There is a fish seller who has a good business and earns a lot of money. Seeing that Boss Zhang has finished eating the noodles, he is still unsatisfied. He is curious and can't help but pay ten yuan. He wants to try such expensive noodles. What is there? Curiosities.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the noodles came up, he ate them in his mouth. They were so delicious that he didn't even bother to praise them, and just lowered his head and ate the noodles.

The noodle bowls prepared by Han Ze are relatively large. A bowl of noodles contains at least three taels of noodles, eggs and vegetables on top. It can definitely satisfy an adult man with a moderate appetite, but the fish boss has finished picking noodles, and his stomach is almost full, but his appetite has not been satisfied.

In a word, he still wants to eat another bowl.

Another bowl, of course Han Ze has no objection, the chicken soup he made is enough to sell 30 bowls of noodles, and he has to go home to cook for Wu Hongmei after selling out.

Han Ze had no objection, but the fish boss hesitated. He would sell a lot of fish for ten yuan a bowl of noodles. Do you want to eat it or not? Thinking about the hot weather, why are you working so hard to earn money, or is it for eating and drinking? Since we want to eat, let's eat. So he stubbornly took out ten yuan and put it on the table.

The other vegetable stall owners were not too surprised to see Boss Yu's actions. After all, if he dared to sell noodles for ten yuan a piece, it was not delicious. Would he dare to sell it?

Thinking of this, some people are eager to move. They want to try whether the side is worth the price, but they are also reluctant to part with the money, looking left and right, hesitating.

Even so, seven or eight bosses who were willing to spend money ran over. They all finished the first bowl and ordered the second bowl after feeling unsatisfactory. As for the third bowl, no one is willing to eat it yet.

By this time, Han Ze had sold almost two-thirds of the thirty bowls of noodles.

After the group finished eating, they returned to the stall to meet other people's inquiries.

"Is it delicious?" "It must be delicious."

"Is it worth the price?" "It's not worth the price, I will eat the second bowl?"

They are all in business, and no one is a fool. After some bosses asked, their hesitant hearts suddenly settled down. If they are also in business, can others eat the ten yuan a bowl of noodles? Why can't they try it? Do they earn less than others?

So Han Ze sold out the remaining dozen or so bowls of noodles within a short time. If there are any more guests, Han Ze can only say sorry to them, please come early next time.

Those who didn't eat the noodles regretted it and complained why Han Ze didn't prepare more ingredients.

Han Ze smiled and just said: "Next time there is a market, please go early. Forty-five bowls of noodles will be sold that day." After finishing speaking, he started to clean up the stall. He heard that crucian carp is more milky. Wu Hongmei made soup.

When the fish boss saw him buying fish, he thought of the taste of his noodles and charged him a few cents less.