MTL - Almighty Dad-Chapter 73 step dad 6

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Hu Xialan has been married to the Han family for more than ten years, and her life is going smoothly. The original body loves her a lot, and puts her first in everything. Even Han Feiyu and Han Shutao were squeezed out by her ideas. There are only two children left in the family, Liu Mingda and Liu Mingkai.

Without the "obscure" person, she doesn't have to go to work. She only needs to buy vegetables every day, cook a table of delicious food at night, and wait for her husband and children to come back. It is also handy, as if she is really virtuous and gentle.

Hu Xialan thought that even if the gentleness and virtuousness were fake, the accumulation of more than ten years of emotional accumulation was nothing more than a few quarrels with the aunt he invited. Han Ze might have ideas, but the two had a relationship foundation, and he would be angry for a few days at most. She just coaxed it.

She never dreamed that Lao Han would move away as soon as he said he would move out because of this, which shocked Hu Xialan and made him shrivel up.

Liu Mingda and Wang Peining were also shocked, but they had to go to work, so they could only comfort Hu Xialan with a few casual words, leaving the distraught Hu Xialan, and hurried to the company worried.

Everyone in the room was gone, and the room was terribly quiet. Facing the emptiness of the room, Hu Xialan thought of Han Ze's feeling of support when he was at home. At that time, she never felt that the house was so empty. He just moved out. That's all, she felt boundless loneliness. If he didn't move back, would this still be a home?

Sitting quietly for a while, he silently picked up the key and walked out of the house. Lao Han moved away, and he would always come back. Mingda and Pei Ning are coming back for dinner at night, so she has to go out to buy vegetables.

When I got downstairs, I met Sister Liu who had just returned from sending her grandson to kindergarten. Seeing Hu Xialan's listless look, Sister Liu asked, "Yesterday I met your old Han. He said you were sick, sick?" Are you still not well? Why don’t you look energetic?”

Hu Xialan twitched at the corners of her mouth, being cared for, as if she had found someone to complain about, and didn't ask how the person was usually related to her, and said with a lonely expression: "Old Han has moved away."

Sister Liu asked, "Where did you move? Didn't you say that your old Han's son and daughter moved here two days ago?"

Hu Xialan sighed, and said: "The two children are different from our habits. They don't like to eat the meals I cook, and they make a fuss every time they eat. Didn't they call the car to move back in the morning? Old Han may feel that the children have suffered from us. Wronged, I moved there with them."

Sister Liu said disapprovingly: "Lao Han's two children are about the same age as your Mingda, right? Are they still so pampered?"

Hu Xialan smiled wryly, and her tone was extremely helpless: "They grew up with their grandparents when they were young, and their mother is gone. The two old people feel that the children are pitiful, but they don't use their strength to spoil the children. They give them what they want. After a long time, they will raise their unyielding temperament. It's done. However, my old Han felt that he had treated them badly, so he bought his daughter a car worth more than 400,000 yuan in the first two days."

Sister Liu was very surprised. She asked, "A car worth more than 400,000 yuan? Do you agree with that?"

Hu Xialan brushed her hair, and said softly: "Why don't you agree? Lao Han earned all the money in the family. It's just buying a car for the child. It's nothing. I just feel sorry for Lao Han. At such an age, I still have to earn money Buying a car for a child is unbearable."

Sister Liu looked at her and sighed, and she asked, "Since Lao Han bought a car for his own child, and your Mingda is getting married, did he buy a house?"

Hu Xialan shook her head and said, "You know, my family Mingda is hardworking and frugal, and his monthly salary is more than 10,000. What Lao Han meant, boy, if you want him to struggle on his own, let him save money to buy a house, otherwise How can he bring his girlfriend back every day for food and lodging. Boya Xinyuan is so far away from their company, it takes nearly 40 minutes by taxi."

Sister Liu clicked her tongue a few times, and couldn't help but said, "You're willing to do this too?"

Hu Xialan looked like an honest person, and said: "There is nothing unwilling. Lao Han helped me cultivate Mingda and Mingkai. I am already very satisfied. I don't think so much about other things. Let the children work **** their own. You can't rely on your parents for everything. , to cultivate their disposition of liking leisure and loathing work.”

Sister Liu shook her head and sighed: "You are really good-tempered. If it were me, I wouldn't be able to bear it. But you are right, your family is bright and promising, and you can buy a house by yourself. If he didn't talk to someone, I want to introduce him to a girlfriend."

Hu Xialan smiled unnaturally, and she said: "Although his girlfriend has a little temper, but my Mingda likes it, so I like it. I don't know how to be a mother-in-law who beats mandarin ducks."

Sister Liu looked at her and praised again: "You have a good temper."

Hu Xialan smiled and said nothing.


After Han Ze moved to the two children's place, he temporarily put aside Hu Xialan's affairs and focused all his attention on the procedures for the transfer of the property rights of the house. Hu Xialan persistently called Han Ze every day, begging him to move back, but Han Ze just said, "Let's talk about it later."

Hu Xialan was unwilling, and there was nothing she could do. She couldn't live in the house of those two cubs too. The house was given to them by their grandparents. She didn't think the two boys would let her live there.

Han Ze led Han Feiyu and Han Shutao to work for a while, and finally transferred all the property rights of the house to the names of the two children. Han Ze didn't feel anything, but Han Feiyu and Han Shutao looked at the real estate certificate in their hands, but were a little dazed. They couldn't believe that the old man, after neglecting them for more than ten years, gave them the house without hesitation. This makes them feel like a pie in the sky.

Even so, Han Shutao still couldn't help asking: "Dad, you won't regret it, you want to go back to the house again?"

Han Ze said angrily: "The name on the real estate certificate is yours, why should I go back? It's just that I regretted it. Are you two stupid and want to give me the house?"

Han Shutao snorted: "When it's in my hands, it's mine. If you want to go back, don't even think about it."

Han Ze glanced at her: "That's all."

Han Feiyu was smiling and probing beside him: "Dad, what Shu Tao means is that we have four houses in our family, at least one of them is reserved for Mingda Mingkai, and all of them are given to us. Does Aunt Hu have any ideas?"

Han Ze smiled and said, "You two will think too much. What can your Aunt Hu think? She is so virtuous and reasonable, and she never thinks about things that don't belong to her."

The brothers and sisters turned their heads away, and didn't want to talk to him very much.

Han Ze didn't care about the attitudes of the two of them, and continued: "Your Auntie Hu doesn't have that many calculations, don't think too badly of her. Ming Da and Ming Kai are smart and sensible. I originally thought of giving them a share of the family house. set."

At this time, Yuanshen really wanted to give Liu Mingda the family house, and he did.

The house in Boya Xinyuan was the largest of several houses, and he gave it to Liu Mingda directly. This house was allocated by Yuan Bo and his ex-wife's marriage house demolition. Han Feiyu's siblings had already given up on him as a father, and he gave it to his stepson when his mother's wedding house was demolished and allocated, and the two children immediately hated him.

Han Shutao secretly thought that it was dangerous, but luckily she figured it out, otherwise wouldn't the house be given to Liu Mingda and his brothers? Now that the house is in the hands of her and her brother, she is in a very good mood and said with a smile: "Then why did you give us the house?"

Han Ze praised: "But your Aunt Hu always told me that Mingda is so strong. After graduating from university and working, he started to save money to buy a house. I thought, Mingda is so capable, maybe he can really buy a house with his own ability. After all, their father They always want to show that they are different from their biological father. Their self-esteem is so strong, I don’t agree, don’t they look down on them... For the first two years, I was worried that he would not be able to do it. The wages are getting higher year by year. In the past few years, the wages have risen to more than 10,000. I am completely relieved. The house can also be given to you at ease... So, I said that your aunt did not want these things, Don't look at your aunt's lack of culture, but she is striving for self-improvement."

Han Shutao: "..."

Her stupid old man is really a stupid old man, does he really think that Liu Mingda doesn't want his house?

Han Feiyu held back his laughter, and asked Han Shutao's question: "Dad, do you really think Liu Mingda is very capable? Do you really have such self-esteem that you don't want to own a house?"

Han Ze frowned and said, "He doesn't want to buy a house through his own efforts. What is he saving so much for? Do you think any young man nowadays talks about friends and doesn't take them out for dinner? Is there anyone like them who chooses to date at home? You The two of you don’t want to make progress, and like leisure and hard work, you think everyone else thinks the same as you, that is, our family, Mingda and Mingkai don’t compete with you, if you change someone else’s family, do you think they will grab things with you?”

God, his old man really thought so.

Han Feiyu covered his eyes, then let go of his hands unwillingly, and stared at his father intently, wanting to see what was really going on in his heart. After examining him for a long time, he found in frustration that his old man really thought Liu Mingda was capable, and he didn't plan. Not to mention those who want his house.

Han Shutao said, "Dad, don't you think Aunt Hu has changed?"

Han Ze looked at her in confusion: "Yeah, that's why I can't understand why you, Aunt Hu, who was such a gentle woman before, changed so quickly?"

Han Feiyu said coolly beside him: "Maybe it's menopause."

Han Ze frowned: "Don't talk nonsense, she is your aunt, you should respect her."

Han Shutao hurriedly said: "We definitely respect her. But, Dad, you have moved here for so long, and you just let Aunt Hu do nothing? What are you planning?"

Han Ze said displeasedly: "What's the plan? Do you still think I can't get a divorce? Young people's ideas are really dangerous, and they will get divorced every now and then."

Han Feiyu said casually: "Dad, in fact, what you are doing now is quite dangerous. Anyone who doesn't know will think that you are going to divorce Aunt Hu."

Han Ze looked at him with relief: "After all, I have grown up and know how to consider the thoughts of the people around me. You are right, although your Aunt Hu has changed, but I'd better go back and see her, Mingda and Pei Ning are paid , your aunt doesn’t have a salary, I’ll go back and give her some living expenses.”

Han Feiyu thought to himself, you really can't help being excited, but after a few words, you can't help it.

Han Ze went back to his room, changed his clothes, walked out with his bag on his back, looked at Han Shutao and said, "Give me the keys to the off-road vehicle, and I'll drive there."

Han Shutao handed him the key, watched him leave, turned his head and glared at Han Feiyu, "Look at what you've done."

Han Feiyu shrugged indifferently: "Do you think everything will be fine if the old man lives with us? It's not that simple. His marriage relationship with that woman has not been resolved, so it's not a problem to delay it."

Han Shutao frowned, and said distressedly: "I am very concerned about the old man divorcing that woman. Did you not read the old man's words to protect the woman and her child?"

Han Feiyu's shoulders slumped, but he cheered up again: "If you think about it this way, the old man at least gave us the house, at least that woman can no longer make up my mind about our house."

Speaking of this, Han Shutao's embroidered eyebrows stretched, and she said happily: "I think we should thank Hu Xialan's mother and son."

Han Feiyu looked at her, and she said: "If it weren't for them being so good at acting, and the impression in the old man's heart is too stubborn to be broken, how could the old man think that they don't want anything, but just want to buy a house and a car with their own abilities? How could the old man remember to buy me a car and give us the house instead? So I said we have to thank their mother and son."

The smile in Han Feiyu's eyes deepened, and he said: "Thinking about it, they didn't expect things to develop in this direction. If they knew, they wouldn't know how to act like this."

Han Shutao smiled and said: "Even if they knew, I think they would do the same. After all, they want to please the old man. If they don't please the old man, how can the old man spend money to train their brothers? With their father in prison, Without the support of the old man, how can they go to college and get such a high salary? Go to graduate school? It’s a good idea.”

Han Feiyu raised his eyes and smiled wantonly, "This incident tells us that nothing can be done too much, otherwise there is a danger of somersault."

Han Shutao deeply agrees.


Han Ze drove his car to Boya Xinyuan, and just after he parked the car, he heard someone calling her. Han Ze turned around and saw that it was Sister Liu, so he stopped in his tracks.

Sister Liu saw Han Ze's back from a distance, and suspected that she was wrong. After all, Han Ze moved to his children's place and hadn't come back for a long time. When she got closer, she saw that it was really Han Ze. I couldn't help calling him.

"Sister Liu." Han Ze said with a smile.

Sister Liu was carrying a basket full of vegetables, she squinted her eyes and asked, "Old Han, are you planning to move back?"

Han Ze smiled and said nothing.

Sister Liu tried jokingly: "Old Han, your Hu Xialan has a good temper. You have moved out for so long, and she hasn't made trouble with you?"

Han Ze frowned and asked, "Sister Liu, how do you know I've moved out?"

Even though he asked this way, he also knew that Hu Xialan must have preached it again. After all, she always likes to talk about family affairs intentionally or unintentionally in front of the neighbors in the neighborhood, so that outsiders can know Feiyu and Shu Tao's eccentricities, and know the difficulties of her being a stepmother, otherwise others would not know that she is a good stepmother.

Besides, he didn't tell other people about this matter. Sister Liu didn't live in the same building as them. He didn't meet any acquaintances on the day he moved out. Say. There was no one else but Hu Xialan.

Sister Liu glanced at him: "Of course your Xia Lan told me."

Han Ze was taken aback, and he asked in disbelief, "Did Xia Lan tell you about my moving out?"

Sister Liu nodded, and gave him a meaningful look: "Yes, I said that your Xia Lan has a good temper, you should cherish it, don't spoil your child with everything."

After finishing speaking, Sister Liu left with a basket on her shoulders.

Han Ze looked at her back, turned around and walked a few steps and met Aunt Qu in the community. Han Ze knew that Aunt Qu and Hu Xialan didn't get along very well.

Of course, Aunt Qu also saw Han Ze. She rolled her eyes, thinking of the recent rumors in the community, she walked up to Han Ze with a smile on her face, and said, "Xiao Han moved back from your son and daughter?"

Han Ze smiled and said, "No, I'll give Xia Lan some living expenses when I come back, and I'll take a look at her by the way."

Aunt Qu looked at him, and said with deep meaning: "Xiao Han, I heard that your two children are too picky and can't get used to Hu Xialan's cooking. After moving back for a few days, there will be a scene at every meal. I hate it." Hu Xialan doesn’t cook well, and you said that you gave all the family money to your children to buy a car? Liu Mingda’s wedding room needs to be bought by himself?”

She has a bad relationship with Hu Xialan, so she doesn't care whether she should ask this question. Anyway, she was happy.

Han Ze frowned, and he immediately retorted: "Who is spreading rumors?"

Aunt Qu smiled, "It's spreading in the community."

Han Ze said in displeasure: "Xia Lan cooks well. Fei Yu and Shu Tao are just not picky about spicy food. They get along very well. The two children also offered to share the living expenses. Later, Xia Lan became ill. I even asked my aunt to help Xia Lan share the housework, how could I dislike Xia Lan, it's just nonsense."

Aunt Qu secretly satirized in her heart, she knew that Hu Xialan was not so kind, she asked: "You really didn't buy a house for Liu Mingda? Hu Xialan didn't make trouble with you?"

Han Ze was a little impatient: "This is my family's business."

Aunt Qu said embarrassingly, "Well, it's not because everyone in the neighborhood is saying that you are harsh on your stepson, that you are harsh on your stepson, that the money you earn is only used for your own flowers, and your stepson doesn't get anything. I heard that, I met you again, so I couldn't help but tell you, lest your family be seen as a joke."

Han Ze said angrily: "Fart, spread rumors."

Aunt Qu's eyes lit up, and there was an inside story, she said: "Didn't I want to find out from you, and then tell everyone the truth, so that people won't spread rumors and wrong you and the children?"

Han Ze said angrily, "The reason why I didn't give Liu Mingda money to buy a house is because he can earn money and buy a house by himself."

Aunt Qu curled her lips, knowing in her heart that Liu Mingda's unit is really good, she said amusedly: "There is a ready-made house, who wants to work hard to buy it by themselves, and the mortgage has to be repaid for so many years."

Han Ze frowned and said, "Aunt Qu, I know you don't like Xia Lan, but you can't talk nonsense. Xia Lan is very reasonable, she knows that all my houses are demolished and allocated, and the old houses demolished are all from Grandpa Feiyu and others." When I married Feiyu’s mother, she didn’t want to take advantage of me. After Mingda got a job, he was saving money to buy a house. He lived at home, and the money he had saved over the years was more than enough to buy a house for the down payment.”

When Aunt Qu heard the crux of the matter, she hurriedly asked, "You mean, you and Hu Xialan owned several houses in your house before they got married?"

Hu Xialan is really hypocritical, saying that other people's pre-marriage houses are post-marriage houses. People in the deceitful community all said that Han Ze was wrong.

Han Ze nodded and said with a smile: "I originally planned to give Ming Da and Ming Kai a house each, but they are so strong and have self-respect, they don't want to take advantage of the family, so I can only rely on them."

Who doesn't want a house? Aunt Qu seemed to have heard some big joke, but she didn't show it. She still wanted to know more about Hu Xialan, so she would dare to look down on her then. She asked again: "Then your family, Hu Xialan, is really nice. You owned the house before marriage, so your money counts as post-marital property, right? You bought such an expensive car for your daughter, and she didn't say anything."

Thinking about it this way, Hu Xialan is really not too bad. If it were her, she would disagree.

Han Ze smiled and explained: "Xia Lan is indeed very good. But the money to buy a car for my daughter is the money left over from the sale of my father's land. It is not counted as post-marital property, and it is not even my property. After all, I Before my father left, he made it clear that the money from the sale of the land and the house would be given to his grandchildren.”

Aunt Qu said: "It turns out that your father has already agreed to leave the money and the house to the two children. I said why Xia Lan didn't say anything. After all, things don't belong to her. With Hu Xialan's temper, she has already made a fuss."

Han Ze patiently explained: "Aunt Qu, you misunderstood Xia Lan. She never wanted these things, otherwise she wouldn't let Mingda save money. She is very kind to the two children and is a good stepmother."

Aunt Qu curled her lips and said, "You can pull it off, how many good stepmothers are there in the world? Who do you think the words in the community spread?"

Han Ze frowned and looked at her.

Aunt Qu looked at him like a fool: "It's your family's chores. If Hu Xialan doesn't tell you, who do you think we can know? It's not that she said everywhere that your two children have bad personalities and hate her doing it." The food is not good, and they are clamoring for you to move out with them, and they also said that you only bought a house and a car for your own child after earning money, and her son has nothing."

Han Ze pursed his lips and said angrily, "Impossible. Xia Lan, Xia Lan can't do this."

Aunt Qu glanced at her: "What about Xiao Han, you can't be so ignorant, think about it for yourself, if Hu Xialan didn't say this, who else could have spread it?"

Han Ze looked at her: "You and Xia Lan are at odds, you must be sowing discord."

Aunt Qu felt that this person was Yumu-headed, a big fool, and she didn't bother to tell him, anyway, she was happy to laugh at the joke if the provocation was successful, and she didn't lose if it didn't.

Han Ze raised his eyebrows and returned to Boya Xinyuan's house. At this moment, Hu Xialan hadn't come back from shopping, so he sat on the sofa and waited.

Hu Xialan carried the bought vegetables, opened the door and saw Han Ze sitting on the sofa, she said in surprise: "Old Han, are you back?"

Han Ze looked at her steadily: "I'm in the community and heard some rumors."

Hu Xialan was taken aback, and asked, "What rumors?"

Han Ze said: "They say that Feiyu and Shu Tao are domineering and perverse, and they dislike you as a stepmother. Feiyu and Shu Tao were disobedient when they were young, but when they grow up and are sensible, they will hire you an aunt to save you Tired, how could I dislike you? He also said that all the money I earned was left to my own children, and I didn’t leave anything to my stepson. It’s just nonsense. Most of the money I earned was paid for Mingda Mingkai’s tuition. Only Feiyu and Shu Tao I haven't spent much, just the money to buy a car for Shu Tao, or the money to sell the land."

Hu Xialan panicked, how could Lao Han hear these rumors? She only complained about this matter with Sister Liu, she has a good relationship with Sister Liu, and Sister Liu will not tell Han Ze.

Sister Liu would not tell Han Ze, but Sister Liu couldn't keep her words from her mouth. When she met acquaintances, she couldn't help but talk about it, which would cause all the elders and aunts in the community to know about it.

She said angrily: "Who is so wicked, don't you know that there are some things that you can't say nonsense? Destroy people's reputation."

Han Ze looked at her carefully: "You said what they said."

Hu Xialan became even more flustered, and she hurriedly said: "I know that the land belongs to my parents-in-law. They said that the money was left to Feiyu brothers and sisters. I never thought of taking that money for myself. How could I say such things? What about it? It must be those people who saw you buying a car for Shu Tao, and they made random guesses."

Han Ze looked at her disappointedly: "Aunt Qu said that the word came from you. Xia Lan, did you really not say it? If you didn't say it, how could they know what happened to our family?"

The panic in Hu Xialan's heart couldn't stop coming out, she hurriedly said: "Old Han, you have to trust me, I really didn't say that."

Han Ze smiled wryly: "It doesn't matter if I said it or not. I gave all the house, stocks, and the money left over from the land sale to my two children. My retirement salary is not high. After so many years, Ming Kai's The tuition fees are all paid from the money from the land sale. You used to live in the countryside without endowment insurance, and my salary is not enough for the two of us to live on. Fortunately, Ming Kai has graduated, so he doesn’t have to pay tuition fees..."

Hu Xialan took a step back, her face was pale, she stabilized her body, opened her eyes wide and asked, "You, what did you say?"

Han Ze glanced at her: "I said that I gave all the things in the house to the two children, and I really have to live on my little salary in the future. But fortunately, the children are filial and will give us old age."

Although the stocks and the cash in Yuanshen's hands have not been given to the two children yet, since he has said whether to give them or not, Hu Xialan will stop thinking about them.

Hu Xialan looked at him sadly: "Why didn't you tell me..."

After so many years of hard work, isn't this little respect worth getting?

Han Ze smiled and said: "I know you don't care about these things, and I know you never thought about these things, so I didn't tell you. Besides, it doesn't make any difference whether you give them early or late. We are getting older every day , I don’t know when I won’t be able to get up, so let them forget it.”

She doesn't care about these? How could she not care. Ming Kai hasn't graduated yet, hasn't found a job yet, and Lao Han's retirement salary is not high. What do they expect to live in the future? Do you really have to rely on Mingda and Han Feiyu brothers and sisters for living expenses? Not to mention that Han Feiyu's brothers and sisters are unwilling, even Mingda may not be willing to let him raise his younger brother.

Hu Xialan felt aggrieved again, and at the same time hated Aunt Qu, why did she say those things to Han Ze? Are her jokes that good-looking? Lao Han didn't say anything, and he must have doubted her in his heart.

Han Ze glanced at her and took out the money: "Here is the living expenses of 1,000 yuan, which should be enough for you for half a month."

Hu Xialan was taken aback, and took the money: "Old Han, the prices are so high now that you can't help but spend money. One thousand and a half months is definitely not enough."

Han Ze frowned: "I will pay the utility bills at home, one thousand yuan, you save it, although it is not enough for one person, it is not much difference, my retirement salary is only more than four thousand yuan, I will give you two thousand a month, and the rest I have to pay utility bills..."

Hu Xialan was surprised: "My living expenses alone, what about you? Don't you plan to move back? Mingda and Pei Ning also eat and live here, their living expenses?"

Han Ze smiled and said, "Didn't it be agreed before? They will share their living expenses themselves? You just love to worry."

Hu Xialan murmured: "Okay." Then she said: "What about you? Time to move back?"

Han Ze picked up the bag and said, "I'll go back to the two children."

Hu Xialan's eyes were red: "Are you still not going to move back?"

Han Ze took a deep look at her: "When will the rumors in the community change, when will I move back?"

After speaking, he opened the door and strode away.

Hu Xialan slumped on the sofa, the rumors in the community have changed, how to change? Can she take back what she said herself? Even if she can take it back, what price will she have to pay? At that time, will their rumors turn out that she is actually a vicious and calculating woman?