MTL - Almighty Student-Chapter 17 The world's first swordsman

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The breeze in the morning passed, and the summer home was very secluded. Although there were other people in the suburbs, the summer home was about a few miles away from other people's homes. His father's temper was strange and he liked to be quiet.

So I moved my family here, which means that even if people who are quicksand kill him now, no one will find it.

I am not sure about the summer of an enemy. He now only has two strokes of Tai Chi, or he has stolen from Fan Lao. It is not authentic at all. It is okay to deal with some three religions, but when it comes to real masters, this is not enough. It is.

His biggest reliance now is to see through the eyes. The perspective eye can not only see through the clothes, but also see the weaknesses of people. As long as he seizes the opportunity, he can win if he can.

"In the summer, I advise you to think about what your father puts things down. Our patience is very limited." The gray man said coldly, after the escape of the last summer, they have understood, if not fast If you find something, then you will escape their control in the morning and evening.

"I don't know what my father left, I didn't find it. What do you want to do?" In the summer, looking at these people in front of him, even if he found his father's relics, he would never give up. How can the father's relics be given to others casually.

"It seems that you are ironic and want to do the right thing with us." The grey-shirted man who said headed said: "Don't think that the two follow-up classes that defeated A3 can compare us, we are three together. If you shoot, even A San will die."

The name of Ah San is very loud in Jianghai City. People in both black and white have heard of his name, and Xu’s most reusable person.

His reputation is not blown out, but it is actually played out. Xu Qinghua’s status today is based on Ah San’s fight. When Xu’s family’s position competed for blood, Xu Qinghua’s brothers They began to frame each other and even sent people to assassinate, but the person who finally got the position of the Xu family was Xu Qinghua.

Everyone knows that the person who solved the obstacles for Xu Qinghua was Ah San.

Even the three killers of quicksand have no one who can fight against Ah San in a single-handed fight, but if the three of them are joined together, Ah San is not an opponent.

"Summer, who are they?" Zeng Ruo ran out of the house and looked nervously at the three people outside.

"You go back to the house first, no matter what sound you hear, don't come out." Summer smiled at Zengrou, let her rest assured, and saw the expression of summer, although Zengrou was reluctant, but still returned to the room. in.

After Zeng Ruo returned to the room, he looked at the three gray-clothed people in the summer. He did not waste his energy to look at the three looks with a perspective, because their looks have nothing to do with themselves.

"I said, I can't find it. If you want me to hand it over, then do it yourself."

The eyes of the summer stared at the three people in front of him. He knew that today’s war is already inevitable. He must keep the whole **** infused, can’t have any sloppyness, and look at the attitude of these three people. Three people are definitely not the ones who are provoked.

Zeng Ruo hid in the room and looked nervously through the window.

"It seems that you are trying to force us to shoot?" The grey-shirted man headed nodded to the gray-haired man around him.

The gray-haired man rushed to the summer and was very fast. If these people went to the track and field competition, they would get the place. When he came to the summer, a boxing player would face the summer.

It’s a quick killer, and it’s a means of killing.

In the summer, I opened my perspective and caught an attacking route. Then my right foot stepped back and the right hand was on the gray man's arm, throwing the other person directly.

The gray-clothed man is not a good master. The body kicks directly in the air after a tumbling in the air.


In the summer when I was not thinking about it, I used my arms to stop in front of myself. I suffered such an attack. In summer, I stepped back more than ten steps to barely stop my body shape.

"This kid just used Taijiquan. It seems that he has a relationship with Fan Chasing. You can't leave him today. Otherwise, if he goes to Greenwood Mountain to hide, we will take him without any means." The clothesman said coldly.

The arm was filled with a feeling of crispness and numbness. The strength of the other side was too great to make his arm uncomfortable. He knew that if the necklace was not fortified for him, the bones had already been kicked off.

"It seems that I still look down on the three gray people." Although he saw the weakness of the other side in the summer, he could not make the best attack. There was no attack in the mind except for the two strokes of Tai Chi. But Tai Chi Chuan will only be unloading, and he will not be able to hurt the gray man.

The other party did not give him the opportunity to think, once again boxing to his face, the summer rushed to unload, but at this time the other side will withdraw the right fist, left boxing.

The move just happened to be a sham. This method is useless when the masters are in a matchup, but there is no fighting experience in the summer, so it is almost in the other side.

If it is not the perspective of the eye at the last moment to see the trajectory of his punch, then this will probably make the summer lose the ability to fight.

"Damn, what should I do? Do I really want to die here today?" In the summer, I was anxious, and at the same time thinking quickly in my mind, his father did not teach him any martial arts from childhood to large.

Even the method of exercise was not given to him.

"No, I can't die." In the summer, there was an infinite fighting spirit in the body. Looking at the punch of the other side, he didn't evade and directly banged it out. At this moment, he had a body out. The power of golden yellow, this force entered his right arm.

boom! !


"Ah!!" With a scream, the man in the gray coat fell directly on the ground. His arm had been interrupted by the summer just now. He resisted the pain and the gray man stood up.

"How is this possible?" The grey-shirted man, who was headed, frowned and said that the kind of terrorist power that broke out in the summer was even shocked by him. At this time, he remembered his father in the summer.

"Isn't he most unwilling to be involved in the martial arts in the summer? And he never taught summer martial arts. What happened to the power of the summer?"

The gray-shirted people who did not go forward did not come forward, but took a pistol from their arms. They were killers. It was not a famous door that was sent to compete. Since the summer has been out of their control, they must not let the summer live.

Thinking of the summer father, they still have a special fear of growing up in the summer.


In the summer, I was helpless and smiled. I used to see the guns of those people in front of the money-carrying car. But yesterday, today, he has seen two real guns. He knows very well that he absolutely can’t hide bullets. The perspective eye can see the trajectory of the bullet, and he can't hide.

"Although it is very difficult to get rid of your things, but if you let you grow up, it will definitely be a big threat to us." The gray-headed man headed the gun at the summer.

"Hey, are you still dying here?" sighed in the summer. He thought that his fate of seeing eyes had begun to change. He was already qualified to know why his father died and where his mother had gone.

But now that the cold muzzle has been aimed at him, he is still so weak.

Zeng Rou ran out of the house and stood in front of the summer.

"What are you doing?" The summer brow wrinkled: "Hurry back."

"No, I don't go back. Even if I die, I will die with you." Zeng Roo made up his mind. She couldn't imagine what to do after the summer died. The hope of gas will be shattered again.

She doesn't want to go to that kind of life anymore.

"What is your pain? I am only a poor student without a father or a mother." Shakelessly shook his head in the summer.

"Because I don't know when I have already liked you, I can't control my emotions. I can't imagine what I will become after seeing you." Zeng Rou's eyes were full of tears.

At this moment, the heart of the summer melted. Although Zeng Rou used money to insult him, he knew very well that a woman like Zeng Rou must do this for anyone, because she wants to protect herself. She is a woman. She needs to disguise herself.

Now it is a matter of life and death for summer, but it is this life and death that can see a person's heart for you. Zeng Rou stood up at this crisis, which is enough to make up for what she has done before.

"There is still a heartfelt flirtation when you die." The gray-shirted man in front of the gun added a silencer in front of the gun. Although they only have one family in the summer, if they shoot directly here, they will definitely be walking in the distance. The passers-by heard: "Then I will send you a ride, let you be a pair of dead."

Engine! !

Is it the wind? No, is it the sound of sand? No, is that the sound of the leaves? neither.

It is the sound of a person falling on the ground, very light, this person is white, his dress is very weird, his clothes are a bit like the clothes worn by the ancients, and a white jade belt at the waist connects the whole clothes together. Now, in the summer, the other person’s clothes look very hot, even the gray-haired people know the short sleeves wearing a gray coat.

His looks were particularly clean, his eyebrows were very pale, his eyes were deep, and no one could see the secret hidden behind his eyes, holding a sword in his hand.

What age is this? In the 21st century, some people actually hold swords.