MTL - American Comic: Create An Oasis at the Beginning, and the Rise of Mutants-Chapter 27

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Magneto nodded: "Although during this period of time, I have not been wasted, but have been reflecting on the last failure and thinking about the future of the mutant group, but after all... it has been a long time since I appeared in the public eye!"

Accompanied by these words, his eyes suddenly became extremely sharp, and a powerful aura of looking at the sky emerged from his thin and thin body.

"Go check..."

He glanced at Mystique, and ordered unquestionably: "I want to know, who is it that can have such a big influence on Charles..."

Mystique nodded.

Just about to respond.

Suddenly there was a soft response from my ear: "Mr. Lanshere, Ms. Darkholm, in fact, there is no need for you to waste this time..."

"I've been waiting here for a long time."

Chapter Thirty-eight Now, can we talk properly?

The Disillusionment Curse was lifted, and Lynn's figure appeared in sight.

The pupils in the eyes of Magneto and Mystique instantly shrank to the extreme.

The two of us have been talking here for so long, and someone has been peeping secretly? !

"who are you?!"

Mystique screamed in surprise, swiped her hands behind her back, pulled out two pistols from nowhere, pointed at where Lynn was, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Compared with the X-Men, she is obviously much more decisive!

In the face of uninvited guests, the shot is fatal!

bang bang bang bang—

The two guns trembled, and the bullets roared out!

But to her horror, all the bullets stopped half a meter in front of Lin En!

It was as if there was an invisible wall of air that blocked them all!

Three-ring Magic·Air Shield!

"Miss Darkholm, don't be so nervous..."

Lin En waved his hand, and a dozen or so bullets "whoosh" and "whoosh" turned back at a speed ten times faster than before, and all of them passed by Mystique's head.

Before Mystique could react, the ground under her feet suddenly shook violently.

A stream of soil spewed out, turning into five circular shackles in the air, locking her hands, feet, and slender waist.

Soil modeling magic, three rings and soil lock!

Lynn flicked his fingers lightly, locking the shackles on Mystique's hands, and then shrank suddenly.

Severe pain came, and the two pistols fell immediately.


Mystique screamed.

Magneto hadn't thought of making a move at first, but seeing this scene, his eyes suddenly froze.

The plastic prison is located deep underground, of course he can't exert any strength there, but at this moment, he has come out of the underground prison and came to the part above the ground...

Here, metal is everywhere!

"Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi—"

Accompanied by the whistling sound of piercing the sky one after another, the guns on the guards who had been dealt with by Mystique flew up, but they didn't shoot at Lynn, but melted, stretched, and changed into the air. It became a sharp metal needle!

Dozens of metal needles showed their sharpness and shot at Lin En like a storm!

Lynn's eyes flickered slightly.

Facing Magneto, he did not defend as before, but chose to attack against attack.

He flicked his fingers repeatedly, beams of light shot out, and the oncoming metal needles exploded with a "bang" and "bang".

Four Rings Crushing Curse!

"What mutant are you?"

Magneto had a weird look on his face. In the short ten seconds since Lin En appeared, he had already shown three completely different abilities, which made him feel extremely strange.

But after asking, the movements of his hands did not stop at all.

More metal was manipulated into needles, which were shot out in waves, like raging waves cascading.

Lin En shook his head, raised his right wrist lightly, and the ground under his feet suddenly lifted up. The mud and rocks rolled and gathered into a giant more than three meters high, lifting him into the air.

The giant's palms fluttered, like slapping a fly, and the metal needles that struck in front of him were sent flying with a "bang" and "bang".


Magneto frowned slightly, as if he hadn't expected Lin En to be so difficult, and the summoned Stone Giant's defensive power was astonishingly terrifying.

The metal needle he manipulated failed to break through the defense!

He snorted coldly, and the whole building vibrated immediately. All visible metal, even the steel bars in the walls, were pulled out, like thousands of rivers returning to the sea, gathering into a huge metal cluster.

The next moment, the metal group suddenly split and turned into metal spears!

Sting towards the stone giant at Lin En's feet!

The air is torn apart, making a piercing whistling sound!


The power of these metal spears is far beyond the comparison of the metal needles just now. In just an instant, more than a dozen holes appeared on the stone giant's body!

However, there was no joy on Magneto's face!

In the line of sight, Lynn curled his lips in dissatisfaction: "Magneto, the majestic Magneto, has developed his own abilities so rough, that's all... that's all?"

Accompanied by his voice, raging flames suddenly emerged from the stone giant under his feet.

In an instant, he changed from earth to fire and became a fire man!

The fourth ring [Transformation] was used last second!

In this second, it became five rings [Summon Balrog]!


The Balrog roared and roared, and the flames burning on his body were completely different from ordinary flames, presenting a dark purple color.

I saw his arms waving, and flames shot out like ropes, and the dozen or so metal spears that had pierced the stone giant were actually rolled back from behind!

A dark purple flame adhered to it, and within a few seconds, all the metal spears turned into molten iron!

Magneto gasped!

He was shocked by the terrible flame temperature!

In a blink of an eye, his ability had been brought to the extreme, and the entire building collapsed, and all the steel bars, iron sheets, and metal products were pulled out by him and merged into the metal mass in front of him.

But just when he shot again, the ground exploded with a "boom", and a blue pillar of fire spewed out like a volcanic eruption.

In just an instant, the metal ball was burnt red.

Magneto trembled violently, and quickly manipulated the metal ball to avoid the flames, but at this moment, slight ripples appeared in the air, and a burst of intense and low-pitched sound waves pierced his ears like a magical sound, penetrating into his brain.

He only felt severe pain in both ears, and the originally condensed spirit was instantly dispersed!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin En snapped his fingers with his right hand, and thick vines with green branches and red leaves rose from the ground, entwining Magneto's hands and feet.

The vines grew at an unimaginable speed, and when they touched the collapsed floor above their heads, they spread out automatically, forming an incomparably huge hood, supporting the rapidly collapsing building due to the pulling out of the steel bars!

The controlled Mystique stared straight at this scene!

From her point of view, the thick vine has become the only pillar in this space, and in this pillar... Magneto's body presents a large character, with a face full of horror and humiliation.

The red leaf seemed to be on fire, and the position where it touched his body felt a burst of pain like a needle prick!

Every time he wanted to concentrate on manipulating the metal, he would be interrupted by this sharp pain!

He could only watch helplessly as the Balrog under Lin En's feet slowly collapsed, turning into flames and filling the entire space again. At this moment, the whole world seemed to be distorted into a dark purple nothingness!

Lin En stepped on the flame and walked slowly in front of Magneto, with a faint smile on his face:

"Now, can we talk properly?".

Chapter 39 X Academy needs talents like you!

Mystique's heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

And Magneto stared at Lin En, the unbelievable look in his eyes was so intense that he could hardly melt away.

Losing his control, the metal cluster was scorched by the blue flames, and quickly turned into magma. However, in the high-temperature flames that fused iron into gold, the vines that trapped him were not damaged at all!

This is outrageous!

And that weird sound wave!

It's all-pervasive and hard to guard against!

Before that, Magneto was extremely confident in his own strength. Except for Professor X, who could instantly control him without the anti-psychic helmet, he didn't pay attention to anyone else in this world!

Until now, facing Lynn...

He suddenly realized that this young man was different from all the mutants he had encountered before!

"I've never seen a mutant with so many abilities, what's your name?"

After a long time, Magneto felt that the bound vines were a little looser, and the pain eased, and finally said: "Listen to what you just said, are you the one... who influenced Charles?"

After all, it is the leader of the Hawk Faction mutants. In this situation, the momentum is still undiminished.

"My name is Lynn, a student of Academy X."

While introducing himself, Lynn was quite satisfied with his performance in the previous battle.

Facts have proved that his choice on the path of magic was not wrong.

In this world where superheroes walk everywhere, comprehensive ability... is more important than specialization!

Magneto is undoubtedly one of the most powerful mutants in the world. He has an extremely powerful ability to manipulate metal. In the future, he may be able to evolve into manipulating magnetic fields.

But in the face of endless magic, it can't play well at all!

Lynn didn't even use much powerful magic!

Except for the [Blaze Demon] and [Sun Vine] of the summoning system, which are five-ring magic, the others only have three or four rings!

That phonetic magic [Infrasonic Shockwave] even only has the second ring!

However, it is this second-ring magic that makes Magneto's magic sound piercing through his ears, making him unable to concentrate, so that the use of his own superpowers is greatly reduced!

This is also the defect of the mutant group. They may have various superpowers, but most of them are relatively simple, and they may all be targeted.

But Lynn was different.

The comprehensiveness of magic makes him have no shortcomings in all aspects.

Naturally, there is no weakness.


Magneto had an expression of "you're kidding me": "Your strength is far superior to those of the X-Men, what can they teach you..."

Before he finished speaking, he found that Lynn's expression hadn't changed at all.

He immediately understood: "Are you really a student of Xavier College?"

"Replacement as fake."

Lynn nodded.

Magneto's eyes changed again and again: "So, Charles's way of doing things is completely different from before. In fact, he was influenced by you...a student? Are you going to tell me that the X-Men are listening to you now? ?”

"In a way, that's true."

Lynn's answer made Mystique beside her tremble.

Are the X-Men here too?