MTL - American Manga God-Chapter 602 curtain of civil war

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No one knows where the wind comes from and where it will blow.

The chaotic elemental winds roared, scraping the entire riverside area.

Within a five-kilometer radius, no ordinary person can enter, and no outsider can peep.

Whether it was a spy satellite hanging high in the atmosphere, a helicopter trying to fly to the river, or a special forces soldier trying to sneak past, they were all expelled from this area.

"Warning to all civilians, policemen, and soldiers who try to approach this area. Now this area is dedicated to the Avengers. To avoid unnecessary harm, please stay away from this area." Miss Maria's voice continued through dozens of speakers. broadcast.

This statement made the big bosses of the Security Council turn their noses with anger.

That's right, this is Mei Jiezao's clearing.

Directly open the element field and clear the field unreasonably. The swirling airflow was like a level 12 tornado, sweeping across the wasteland outside the city.

In this abandoned wharf area, no one can stand on the entire concrete floor. Not to mention people, even if an armored personnel carrier with a weight of nearly ten tons tried to drive past it, it was directly overturned by the unreasonable wind of elements, and it flipped two somersaults on the ground and smashed the inside. The hard-pressed soldier with the seat belt on his seat fell with a blue nose and a bruised face.

This time, it was really torn.

In the empty dock area, after meeting with the US team, Mei Jiexao and others lined up. They waited quietly for Tony and the others to arrive.

The Kun-style transport plane is here. Even through the depths of the chaotic elemental vortex, it can be seen. The plane is like a meteor streaking across the sky, shining like silk.

However, the hearts of both parties were heavy.

No one knows whether the lights on the plane are the radiance that represents order and tranquility, or whether they represent chaos and evil.

The Kun-style transport plane opened the hatch before landing, and several figures flew out.

The Scarlet Witch pressed her full chest with her left hand, and a flush of color appeared on the face of the melon seeds, which was a mixture of both seductive and pure.

She stared at this scene closely. As one of the youngest members of the Avengers, she had a trance that seemed to be afraid of missing any detail.

She is a member and a witness!

In the sky, it felt like a whole row of Iron Man descended from the clouds.

Among them, of course, is Tony's original red-backed gold-rimmed Iron Man, next to three war machines controlled by James, Sharon and Mockingbird. Plus vision, a row of five square-looking guys lined up in mid-air.

Except for the Vision, they all rely on small jet engines to hover over the dock, and the 'eyeballs' flashing laser pulses on their visors are like a pair of eyes of death, with an inhuman indifference. world.

Everyone knows that there are only high-speed high-definition cameras in the eyes, but it gives people an illusion: they seem to think that behind these electronic eyes, a pair of murderous horror eyes are looking down at them condescendingly.

This feeling made Captain America and others standing below quite uncomfortable!

Behind the five people in the front row was the Kun-style transport plane driven by Mrs. Widow, but as they slowly landed, the three figures flipped out of the cabin, flipped forward flexibly, and landed on the top of the cabin.

The first is the Daredevil familiar to the Avengers; the second is a guy in a black bodysuit, like a black cat hood; the last is a red-and-blue bodysuit with a red mask , a small pervert with two large white triangle-shaped eyes in the orbital area.

The distance was a bit far and the wind was strong, so he couldn't hear what the guy behind was saying, and he felt very excited. The dancing looks like a groupie who sees their idol for the first time.

Falcon Sam frowned: "Who is that kid?"

Captain America sighed, "Tony's backhand."

"Why don't we keep a hand?"

In this life-

On Tony's side, there are nine Avengers.

On the other hand, it is even stronger:

Captain America, Falcon, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Bucky the Winter Soldier, and Asha stand together.

There is also a small group led by Limei who is side by side with Captain America, that is Hawkeye, Erica and Sif!


The momentum of preparing for the film made everyone feel uncomfortable.

The armors of the Iron Man series fell all at once, and with the roar of the transport plane, several flightless Avengers also jumped off the plane lightly.

Tony first took off Iron Man's visor and let the helmet shrink to the dark grid of the armor behind him.

He instinctively wanted to say a quip to liven up the atmosphere, but unfortunately there was a seriousness in the air that he was not familiar with. It was as if he were in the most serious cathedral, with the icon of **** standing on it, watching with far-reaching eyes. his back.

This made him unable to hold back half a word of ridicule.

Instead, Mei Jiedao spoke first: "Oh, Tony, don't you want to introduce our new friend?"

[Black Panther] The first to take off his mask, revealing that dark and rough face - T'Challa, the current king of Wakanda.

He has a pair of fierce and expressive eyes, exuding a burning anger that seems to ignite all things.

"I'll only say it once - the Avengers who didn't sign the agreement! Sign it immediately! Give me all the Winter Soldiers - otherwise..."

"Bang!" With a sound, sharp claws popped out from the fingertips of the dark gloves.

That's the cheetah's claws made of Zhenjin!

Mei Jiecao glanced at the black panther and shook his head: "What a pair of angry eyes, but those are the eyes of the avengers, not the eyes of the avengers! You are still confused. There is neither justice in your It's not hatred either. In this battle, you are not qualified to enter!"

The astonished words caused a startled reaction.

Everyone knows that T'Challa's father died. He joined the battle as a true avenger and a power user. How could Mei Jiexiao say such a thing?

However, everyone saw it for the first time on the black panther... hesitant!

Mei Jiecao pursed her lips.

Very simple, if he really blew up the old black panther, then his offset point should be erased again. If you live more than half a day, you can't talk about changing your destiny.

The system only gave him half, which proves that the old black panther is not dead, but disabled.

Perhaps the old leopard realized something and grabbed his son.

Anyway, looking at T'Challa's reaction now, Mei Jiedao knew that the old leopard must still be alive!

Tony suddenly applauded.

"Clap clap clap!"

"It's amazing! Mei, this is what I admire and hate you. You're too accurate. So, does this one need me to introduce you?" Tony looked like he didn't introduce him, but his gesture was an introduction gesture. .

"Peter Parker, in Hydra's Zola algorithm, one of the top six recommended kills is given priority." Mei Jiedao said from another angle. ...


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