MTL - American Manga God-Chapter 672 keep talking, keep talking

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Gao Tianzun turned his head sideways.

Mei Jiecao smiled like a smile: "Thor is my buddy, although I am glad that Thor has been promoted with you, but I can't accept that you just put an invisible collar on him and forced him to become a gladiator. "

Gao Tianzun didn't answer at all: "So you made that bet [Nine Pearls]?"

"That's another story." Mei Jiecao smiled mysteriously, raised the lottery ticket in her hand, and the seven-color elemental radiance wrapped the ticket. The master who knows the knowledge knows that even if you use an ordinary airship main cannon to bombard the ticket. Neither can destroy this ticket.

"You cheated!" Gao Tianzun was decisive.

"You cheated first!" Mei Jiezao took out Thor's restraint controller: "If I don't stop you. Thor was electrocuted and twitched, and then the stupid Hulk won."

"This is my site! I have the final say!"

Gao Tianzun stepped forward abruptly, his voice was as loud as a bell, and with this step, the entire building, as if the entire city was shaking violently because of this step.

This is not an illusion. As a real fierce man, Gao Tianzun has a very strong energy manipulation ability. As a high-level mage, he is extremely skillful in firmly controlling various elements on this floor of his building.

In terms of his terrifying energy that is enough to spread to half a small planet, this kind of delicate operation is no less than a person playing micro-sculpture on a grain of rice.

The overwhelming aura overwhelmed the earth, and if it was an ordinary person, just by this momentum, his heart would stop beating, and he would be scared to death in an instant.

There was a gust of wind, lightning and thunder, and fire was everywhere.

On the whole floor, the slightly weaker guy couldn't even see where the other party was.

Since Mei Jiexao dared to come out, it would have been settled a long time ago.

"Haha! That's why we can't talk about it." Mei Jiexiao smiled lightly.

Gao Tianzun's pupils shrank suddenly. Even with the naked eye, you can see that within a two-meter radius around Mei Jiedao, all the elements are normal.

The flowing air, the solid ground beneath his feet, the electric current flowing through the surrounding electronic equipment... This kind of normality formed the sharpest contrast with the abnormality caused by Gao Tianzun's energy in his body.

Gao Tianzun spat secretly.

He realized that May's integrity was difficult.

As he expected, he may be a little stronger than Mei's integrity, but it's not necessarily able to stabilize Mei's integrity.

"Sure enough, do we still have to talk?" Gao Tianzun secretly hated in his heart.

Who knew that at this moment, a sharp alarm sound came from the communicator on his arm. He connected it with his mind, and a strange-looking alien immediately said urgently in Saka language: "Not good, master. The new champion fighter Lei People ran off with the Hulk and that **** scavenger 142. Also, they instigated all the gladiator riots by the way!"

"Immediately chase!" Gao Tianzun's face turned dark, and with one look, the fat female bodyguard beside him immediately understood, turned around and rushed out.

Gao Tianzun took another two steps: "Damn boy! You can do it all! You are so confident that you can withstand my anger!?"

Mei Jiezhao looked indifferent and shrugged: "Thor and Hulk will run whether I'm here or not!"

"No! You are the champion fighter who kidnapped me! Ruined my Champions League!" Gao Tianzun's roar couldn't be suppressed any longer, and accompanied by a powerful shock wave of energy, it spread throughout Saka City.

Every VIP guest who was still in the city showed a surprised expression.

"I haven't heard Gao Tianzun get angry for years!" An old guest muttered.


Over there, Gao Tianzun's anger reached its peak in an instant.

"Do you really think I'm too old to carry a knife?" This is not Gao Tianzun's original words. He originally said alien language, and the interstellar translator's down-to-earth translation is so amazing.

"It's so awesome, you can tell Odin when he's still alive. After Odin's death, he came to bully other people's sons right away. What kind of power are you?" . Sif and Sister Bu next to her were snickering.


"Ah! I forgot to mention it. It's useless even if you stay with Thor. Thor, his sister Hela, will be promoted to a Heavenly Father-level powerhouse once he returns to Asgard. Even if Thor doesn't leave, she is still very happy. I'll come to Thor soon. Hehe, you will kneel if you don't leave then! Are you interested in recognizing a queen and licking a dog for the rest of your life?" Mei Jie said happily.

The mouth is cool for a while, and the mouth is always cool.

Mei Jiecao ruthlessly complained about Gao Tianzun.

There is no way, Gao Tianzun is such a standard evil **** who bullies the soft and fears the hard. For him, any strong man he encounters should be captured by him as a gladiator and a **** in his championship battle. He also hates that he has any loss, and he will see it as the greatest betrayal and blasphemy against him.

For example, Gao Tianzun's cousin, no one knows what this poor **** did. Anyway, he was caught by Gao Tianzun's subordinates, and in front of Thor, he was told by Gao Tianzun, "I forgive you", and was melted into one. Tuo blue flying.

To be honest, with a guy like Gao Tianzun, apart from talking about whose fist is harder, there is absolutely nothing to talk about.

Being sprayed mercilessly by Mei Jiedao, Gao Tianzun was also angry, and with a move of his spiritual sense, hundreds of demonic hands with blue flames appeared from the void and grabbed Mei Jiecao at the same time.

"Ha ha!"

With almighty contempt for the auxiliary word, Mei Jiecao smiled and pulled out his real staff.

When the tail of the bent old man's staff tapped lightly on the metal floor of the building, suddenly, the landscape of the entire floor changed, from an alien technology hall full of violent energy turbulence, to a A garden full of flowers.

Gao Tianzun was stunned for a while, and then a look of horror appeared on his face: "Your staff..."

Back in time just now was on Thor's side.

Just as the three guys started plotting how to get out of here, the widow sister arrived. Her slender figure seemed to pop out of thin air.

When she first appeared, Grey was frightened.

"Wait! She's my friend and Banner's friend Natasha!" Thor grabbed Grey and turned to Natasha. Thor showed a smile like a sunny boy: "I'm so glad to see you. To you, Natasha!"

Well, a little girl in her 90s and a sunny boy in her 2000s.

The next moment, Hulk saw two familiar big-bellied women at the gate with a high-tech sensing system that bound Thor and prevented Thor from going out.

Betty turned into a female red giant, came up, and stroked Hulk's big face: "My dear, this is my and Banner's child, as well as my and yours. And Martina."

This complex relationship like tongue twisters is really messed up.