MTL - America’s Big Hero-v2 Chapter 474 : Angry with English

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(I didn’t code for a day, turned on the computer at 9 o’clock in the evening, and my son was playing football in physical education class, and his foot was kicked by a child. It’s not serious. Fortunately, it’s not serious.)

(Recently, I can’t post comments, and I’ve been banned. Sean’s behavior is called “Chicago old-school capitalists in the United States, an industrial center in the 19th and 20th centuries. He prefers to use a Chicago typewriter when resolving conflicts.)

Is Ah San a big country?

In terms of land area, population, geographical location, and natural resources, yes!

Is Ah San a big country?

Ah San is different from 'Everyone!

Will the big ones be colonized?

Also to resist the colonists, other countries either use force or ask for international assistance.

Only Ah San is different. They rely on non-violent non-cooperation. To put it bluntly, they just lie flat...

Let Ah San do things, you can always get a lot of rewards, surprises are accompanied by frights, and you can't run away.

That was the way Major was at the moment.

You obviously made an agreement with Ah San, everyone...cough cough, you charge forward to **** the Americans, we will cheer you up from behind, the result is very good.

Ah San's slogan was really loud, but when it came time to act, she began to procrastinate again.

If this is delayed for a month, who knows what will happen!

In the end, it turned out that Boo called Sean, "We have to act now."

"Okay, I'll be in New York tomorrow!" Sean hung up the phone silently.

The methods used by the British to win over allies are really powerful.

Sure enough, Ah San charged again!

Early the next morning, the Sky Palace took off at Kai Tak Airport.

The tycoons on Hong Kong Island breathed a sigh of relief, the banquet prepared for Sean can be cancelled, and the plague **** is gone.

Thank you Ah San, long live Ah San, next week, all Ah San auxiliary police will add a chicken leg!

At the beginning, Old Bu suggested three methods to Sean, the first one was to let it go, the second one was to cause trouble for the British, and the third one was best used at a specific time.

But now it seems that the time is too late, so it can only be activated in advance.

The third method is preemptive strikes.

God also forgives those sinners who willingly confess to Him.

Rather than waiting for someone else to launch a proposal for the umbrella at the UN General Assembly, do it yourself.

The same question, with different ways of asking, will get different answers.

When Sean arrived in Washington, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations had informed countries that the U.S. was going to hold a U.N. meeting to discuss a regulation for private military contractors.

When countries received the news, their reaction was mixed.

When the British received the notification, Major couldn't control it and still lost his temper, "Damn Malay idiots, **** Asan idiots, you don't accomplish enough, and you fail!"

The reaction of the Malays was panic. They have not yet completed the wooing of other countries, and have not yet formed an unbreakable alliance. Now the United States suddenly wants to intervene, and the consequences are unpredictable.

Ah San's reaction was different. Obviously, the Americans were scared. They were afraid of the huge influence of the Third Brother Empire, and they feared that the Third Brother Empire would destroy their planned plans.

The third brother has already succeeded in half. As for the other half, it is to contact the non-aligned countries and initiate peace talks with the umbrella company.

Let's smash the evil plan of imperialism together!

United States, New York, Manhattan, United Nations Headquarters.

On December 10, 1945, the U.S. Congress unanimously invited the United Nations to establish its headquarters in the United States.

After the United States was selected, the United Nations set up a site selection committee to consider several cities, such as Philadelphia, Boston, and San Francisco. At that time, the site selection committee did not conduct serious research on the crowded Manhattan.

At the last moment of deciding on the location, Sean's great-grandfather, Rockefeller Jr.

Le suddenly offered to donate a piece of land to the United Nations to build the headquarters. So far, the United Nations Building has settled in Manhattan.

Meanwhile, the United Nations Planning Department and its Advisory Board began work in early 1947, with their offices at Rockefeller Center.

Get off the car and stand in front of the United Nations Headquarters building, Sean looked up, what is a landlord.JPG

Damn, who gave you the courage to say you want to deal with me in my Rockefeller territory!

The main reason is that there is not enough convenience. Who the **** is thinking about bidding for various large-scale sports games all day long?

The representatives from various countries arrived in New York. Out of the friendship of the landlords, the U.S. government naturally arranged for a reception. During the reception, some people began to communicate with these people.

"What can the Malays promise? They can't guarantee themselves. To believe a beggar's so-called promise is itself a very unrealistic idea, isn't it?"

"As for Ah San, hehe, it's better to stop making trouble, let's solve domestic food and clothing first."

"Who is the real initiator of this matter, in fact, it is no longer used, isn't it?"

"The U.S. government supports your government and recognizes that your government is the only legal government of your country. I think this is more important to your country, isn't it?" the American diplomat said with a smile.

"Those plots, even if they succeed, have no effect on us."

"In addition, Rockefeller entrusted me to send my greetings to you, and the Umbrella Corporation entrusted me to send you my greetings. They hope for the friendship of your country."

In many cases, a hundred promises from a small country are not as powerful as a single sentence from a big country.

Facing the words of American diplomats, representatives of Caribbean countries, South American countries, and African countries fell silent.

The benefits promised by the Malays have not been seen, but the threat from the Americans is real.

What does it mean to recognize them as the only legitimate government?

Conversely, if they don't cooperate, they will support their domestic armed forces!

Although it is just a threat, in fact the United States will not really take action, but everyone is different in size. When the gods sneezed, there was a **** storm below. If a threat fell into their country, the armed forces might do it. banner.

There is also a representative of Rockefeller saying hello, and a representative of Umbrella saying hello.

Among other things, as long as the umbrella secretly provides a batch of munitions to the domestic armed forces or sends a few professional military personnel to help with training, the consequences...

Where is the example of the Armed Forces of Deepka in Colombia?

When the US government took action, the Malay government did nothing, but Ah San was very active.

In fact, it is not that the Malay government does not want to move, but that something happened in the country.

At this juncture, the MCA has suddenly and frequently contacted the Democratic Action Party, preparing to form a new alliance and launch an attack on the ruling party.

Everything under the umbrella is foreign aggression. Although it has an impact on Malays, it does not harm the foundation, but internal strife is different.

There is a saying that disturbing the outside must first settle the inside!

Sean: When Lao Tzu's policy of investing in Chinese is playing tricks on you?

In the past, the MCA was a mess, with one person becoming a dragon and ten adults becoming insects. What about Guaxue Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Jiaying Association, Guangdong Association, Xingzhong Furnace Repair Workers Union, Gaozhou Association, Miners Club...

In the current MCA, most of the heads of various forces have been integrated into the Asian Investment Bank by Sean!

With Xiao En as the leader to suppress it, the integrated forces naturally have political appeals.

As representatives from various countries arrived one after another, the conference was held as scheduled. As the initiator of this conference, the United States naturally had to speak first.

"With the development of the times and the progress of society, many new things have emerged, such as computers, such as the Internet. I will not list them here. Everything is constantly developing and improving, and I always hold conservative ideas. , Those who cannot keep up with the times are doomed to be eliminated.”

"Existence is reasonable. Since military contractors came into being, they are the market

There is a huge demand for it. According to statistics, the market share of military contracting business will be about 20 billion US dollars each year in the future. This market exists and will always exist. "

"Countries have different national conditions, different geographical locations, and different environments. Not all countries are capable of investing large sums of money in military construction. This is an objective fact that we cannot ignore."

"Take Sri Lanka as an example. The terrorist organization LTTE has existed for many years. For some reasons, Sri Lanka has not been able to complete the task of eradicating the LTTE independently. The long-term existence of the terrorist organization has also caused domestic security chaos and economic development difficulties. The safety of life and property of the people at the bottom cannot be guaranteed.”

"How to solve this kind of real problem?"

"Of course the United States has the ability to help the Sri Lankan government and is willing to shoulder these responsibilities. So, does the Sri Lankan government need the help of the United States?"

It is definitely not necessary for the Sri Lankan representative to remain silent!

Not to mention Sri Lanka, even the third brother would not agree.

The U.S. representative spread his hands, looking ruthless, "The facts are like this, it is undeniable, and at this time, private military contractors that are not controlled by the government are the best answer to the problem."

"They are just a commercial organization. They don't have any political appeals. They don't involve problems between countries. They are the best and help local governments solve problems."

"There are many similar examples, which commonly exist in countries such as the Caribbean, South America, and Africa, so I won't list them here one by one. Faced with this kind of problem, we should face it with a more positive attitude."

After the US spokesperson finished his speech, it was time for Sean to appear.

After all, Umbrella is currently the largest private military contractor in the world, and to put it bluntly, this conference is really Umbrella.

The court also needs to give the defendant a chance to speak.

When it came to the questioning session, no one spoke again, and most small countries still dare not stand out at this time due to the strength of the umbrella.

To put it bluntly, even with weakened umbrellas, cleaning them up is just like playing.

The ambassador of the British Empire looked up to the sky and sighed, God bless me to bring the British Empire!

The British Empire winked at the Malays, and the Malay ambassador could only bite the bullet and ask, "Mr. Sean, what do you think of the more than 30,000 casualties caused by the umbrella over the past few years?"

"Opinion?" Sean spread his hands, "Who can prove that these people died because of the umbrella? You?"

Sean twirled his finger and pointed at the Englishman.

Britain coughed lightly, "We need some specific data for analysis."

Malay:? ? ?

Sean pointed at the third brother again, "It's still you!"

The ambassador of the third brother snorted and turned his head away. The third brother never duels head-on, that's what a reckless man did!