MTL - America’s Road To Fame-Chapter 12 That's my not for sale

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"Mr. Garred, you invited me over today. There must be something to talk about. Just say it. I have something else to do this afternoon."

It was noon now, and William Chen was sitting in a coffee shop near Fifth Avenue, and said to Gared in front of him with a playful smile.

"There is one thing, William, just call me Gared." The temperature in New York is already a little hot, but Gared is still wearing a fitted suit. He looked at William Chen and said, "I hope to buy your hands. Shares in Building 666."

"Oh?" William Chen didn't think that he found himself today for this matter: "It seems that the Kushner Group is preparing to enter the New York real estate market?"

"I have this plan, so I hope to acquire Building 666 and transform it into a new landmark in New York." Gared said enthusiastically:

"I know William, your recent economic situation is not very good. Think about it, if you sell the building, you will not only be able to get rid of the debts of the bank, but also have more funds left to invest in film and television projects. Maybe in a few years you will be able to Become a new force on a par with the Six Great Powers."

Hearing his words, Chen William just thought hehehe, this big cake of his seems to be the wrong person. If it was his predecessor, the silly boy who was still enjoying himself in the entertainment industry, he would still be able to eat him. One set, now replace it with yourself, when you don't know how the Big Six in Hollywood exist?

In his previous life, the only one that could challenge the six successes was Netflix, an unusual Internet company.

Seeing that William Chen didn't show much emotion, Gared did not give up his persuasion, and continued: "I can guarantee that I will give you a good price, and I will help you negotiate with the bank to complete our transaction. And I am in Hollywood. There are also some contacts that can help you develop a film company, how about, William, we can be friends and even allies."

"Sorry, I don't want to waste your time, Gared, I have no interest in the sale of Building 666. I have an appointment in the afternoon, so let's go first." William Chen is no longer here and continues to talk to Gared Interested in talking, so he simply rejected him.

"William, I know that you have just mortgaged your house, so your debt pressure will increase. You know, the bank's interest is not low, and they **** blood on you every second, why not be more decisive, How about getting rid of those shackles?" Seeing that William Chen was about to leave, Gared said quickly.

"You're investigating me? Gared." William Chen's expression turned cold as he looked at Gared and said.

"Since I plan to acquire the building, I must be prepared in advance. You should understand this, William. I just hope you will consider my proposal carefully. I can give the building a price of 2 billion US dollars. There is still 60% of the shares in the company, and you can get 1.2 billion US dollars. With this money, you can make other investments, why are you stuck in this old building?" Gared also tried to persuade him. .

"No need, Gared, I have only one decision, and that is Building 666 is not for sale." After Chen William finished speaking, he ignored him and left.

"F**K!" Gared watched William Chen's back hurriedly leaving, and spit out such a word.

Back in the office in Building 666, William Chen was still thinking about the meeting he had just met with Gared. Now that he thinks about it, it is not surprising that he took a fancy to Building 666. It seems that in his previous life, he used a record two years ago. bought the building at a high price.

But in this world, this building was bought by Chen William's father in 2004. After that, because of the death of his parents, as the most important legacy they left, this building has always been preserved, but his predecessor The prodigal sold 40% of the building.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Garrett now wants to develop the family's real estate business to New York, and he still likes this building.

Because this building is also his best target. It is located at the core of Fifth Avenue and has a high reputation. Moreover, the current controller of the building, William Chen, seems to be in financial crisis. If it is Chen William himself, he will think it is the best. Get out of the phone.

It's just that this time he's going to miss out. William Chen will definitely not sell this building now. However, this incident also reminded him that Gared actually knew about his mortgage loan at the bank. It seemed that the Bank of New York had leaked the news.

However, it is also understandable that although their family is not a local real estate group in New York, from the perspective of Bank of New York, they should be more optimistic about the future after he takes over the building, and if this transaction can be completed, then they would like to The loan issued by the Chen William family also has a guarantee of recovery, so he finally chose to stand with Gared.

Thinking of this, a sneer appeared on William Chen's face, these bankers really had the urge to urinate early. But I just don't know what role the Troup family, or Ivanta, played in this matter.

William Chen was a little skeptical. Gared was able to find out such a secret matter so quickly. Someone should be helping to match up. I hope it's not you, Ivanta, or I'll let you know the consequences.

At this time, there was a knock on the office door.

"Please come in." William Chen said.

"Good afternoon, William, it's time for class." Erica, his teacher, came in. She looked at William Chen with beautiful eyes and said with a smile.

"Okay, Erica, besides, your dress is beautiful today."

"Jos, prepare to sell stocks today, DryShips should be able to stand at $100 today, and the stocks I designated for you will also rise between 100-150%, and the shipping sector will skyrocket collectively, so what can we do today? The harvest depends on your grasp, I will give you the right to all operations, try to complete the sale of all stocks today, come on."

Finally, July 15, the day William Chen had been looking forward to for a long time. In the morning, William Chen called Jos into the office, informed him that the stock could be liquidated today, and revealed to him some information he knew.

"DryShips will rise so high? Are you sure? Is there any definite news?" Jos asked in surprise when he heard that William Chen was so sure that he could even tell where the DryShips stock would rise.

"This is just my prediction, Jos. As for whether this result will occur, it may be known in a while. In addition, I told you these... predictions, I hope only the two of us know, don't disclose it to others, If in the end these predictions are inaccurate and you make mistakes, I will not hold you accountable."

"Take it easy, Jos, don't we have a very good rate of return now? The rest is just a matter of how much. I believe you can do it well." William Chen didn't want to put too much pressure on him. said to him, and finally patted him on the shoulder.

"Okay, boss, I'm going to plan well, and I'll try my best to do the best." Jos heard William Chen say this, and knew that there were some things he couldn't know too much. In the end, he chose to believe William Chen's words, after all The amazing profits on the account during this period are telling him that the young man in front of him definitely knows some inside information.

"That's good, don't forget, if I'm satisfied enough, you will also get a bonus that makes you satisfied."

After explaining Joss, Chen William waited until Erica came over and started today's study. At present, statistics have been completed, and now the course is econometrics.

Erica was no stranger to William Chen's rapid progress. At first, she was afraid that William Chen was swallowing the dates whole, so she just learned it in a hurry. The class was mastered, and her shock at that time can be imagined.

Chen William himself knew that according to his previous life experience and the memory of his predecessor in this life, he definitely did not have such a strong learning ability. In the end, he still attributed this super strong memory and thinking ability to the previous drinking. The bottle of [six walnuts] that I have passed, it seems that the things in the future bank are really not ordinary.

"William, what's wrong with you, you feel a little absent-minded?"

I feel that Chen William's state is a little different from usual today, UU reading www. Erica couldn't help asking.

After all, today is the most important day. He has invested in stocks for half a month, and he will clear his positions today. Although he was relatively indifferent in front of Jos, when the stock market is approaching the opening, William Chen’s emotions are also inevitable. Affected, from time to time I think about the situation of the operation there.

However, after Erica's reminder, he also figured it out clearly. No matter what, since he chose to hand over to Jos's team, he needs to give them trust. No amount of anxiety and worry will do anything now. , even if he used to go to the trading room now, he couldn't do much. After all, his own manipulation of the stock market, that is, the level of a novice, was a little better than that of a layman, but also limited.

"I'm sorry, Erica, I just thought of something else, but now I won't. Let's continue." After thinking about this, William Chen decided to focus on his studies. This is something he must adapt to in the future. When I have more industry in the future, it is even more impossible to do everything by myself. I always need to put the power down, choose the people who execute it, and then trust them.

In this way, William Chen continued to devote himself to his studies. Even at noon, he didn't bother Joss and his team. He now uses this time to exercise his concentration, try to treat it with a normal mind, and still go to lunch as usual, and then go back to In the office, reviewing the morning lessons, Erica started teaching again in the afternoon.

When Chen William finished his one-day course and said goodbye to Erica, he looked at the time. It was almost the end of the day when the stock market closed. Then he called Jos to listen to his operation on the day, and the final report. investment results.