MTL - America’s Road To Fame-Chapter 492 get away

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, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the road to fame and fortune in the United States!

Thinking of this, Chen William checked the inventory again, and sure enough, the [Easter Egg] that was obtained by the lottery was gone.

He remembered that because of the appearance of this [Easter Egg], he was still complaining in his heart, and the description of the Easter egg was that after it was stimulated, events would appear randomly.

Uh, so in the interface of your future bank, this countdown is the result of the [Easter Egg] being stimulated?

Then there are only two possibilities, either you are already in the triggered event now, or, after the countdown ends, the triggered event will happen.

Which would be the case?

But the most important point now is that William Chen wants to determine the current time.

The time is well established. According to the time on my watch and the mobile phone I found in the bedroom, it should be seven o'clock in the evening.

It's just that this time is still the time in France. I was going to adjust the time difference after arriving in the United States. So now his location should be in America, most likely in South America, because before the plane crashed, the pilot's The notification was to bypass the thunderstorm area and turn to the South American route.

In this case, the time difference with France is between 5-6 hours, so now it should be between 1 and 2 in the local afternoon, and according to the flight time of the plane, the time when I almost lost consciousness should be less than two hours. Hour.

That is to say, the countdown in the bank in the future, the initial countdown time should be 72 hours, three days.

Looking at the mobile phone in his hand, Chen William sighed helplessly. He didn't know what the **** this place was. The mobile phone had no signal at all. Maybe he should try to find the signal and make a call for help?

It's a pity that the satellite phones on my private jet are in the cab and the other in the office area.

The cab has been submerged by the river, and the part of the office area has been torn apart. It should have been hit by something when the plane was forced to land.

The most important thing now is to leave here first, because when William Chen and the others were moving together, they already felt some shaking in the cabin. I am afraid that the half of the plane stuck on the river bank is not very stable. If you slide into the river with the front, it will be a little troublesome.

In this tropical rainforest, even if there are no crocodiles in the river, it is difficult to say that there are other dangerous creatures, and such a wide river, coupled with the primitive appearance of the tropical rainforest around him, Chen William has some doubts that this will not be the Amazon rainforest in South America. Well, if it's here, it's troublesome.

Who hasn't heard a few horror stories about the Amazon jungle growing up? Such as piranhas, cannibals, pythons...

Chen William first found a backpack in the locker in the rest area, and put all the medicines in the first aid kit into the backpack.

Then he searched in it again, and found an mp5 submachine gun, two pistols, and several equipped magazines on the side of the escort, which he also put into the backpack.

It's a pity that the kitchen in the first half of the plane has been soaked in water, and there is no way to get the most important food for them to survive now.

No way, Chen William had to put all the compressed biscuits in the emergency bag and the drinking water in the bag into the backpack. Looking at these weights, if three people used it, they should still be able to last for three or four days.

In the end, after the search was over, Chen William put these things into two backpacks, food, fresh water, and first-aid medicine. They were divided into two parts, one for each backpack. These are the most important. If you need to prevent a backpack from being lost, then The one in the other backpack can hold up for a while.

Next, they need to leave here, it seems that it is still afternoon, at least they can find a place to spend the night before night.

In this tropical rainforest, apart from large beasts, the most troublesome thing is actually mosquitoes.

Just like the corpses in the front cabin and the corpse floating on the river, the wounds above were densely covered with flies, which looked very disgusting.

If it seems unbearable now, then in a day or two, I am afraid it will make people vomit, because by then it is very likely that flies have already laid eggs in the carrion, and maggots will be crawling on it...

In fact, Chen William originally wanted them to be safe, but now there is really no tool at hand, and the survival of the three of them is the most important at this time, and they cannot waste their precious physical strength on these things at this time. On, survival is the priority, it is not the time to be the Virgin.

Chen William carried the heavier backpack with weapons on his back, and the other one was lighter, so Zhang Jiao, who was in better physical condition of the two women, carried it on his back first.

Before, she wanted to help Chen William collect items together, but when she walked carefully to the front cabin, she saw the three corpses, especially Aisha Gonzalez, who had been chatting and laughing with her not long ago. I almost vomited on the spot...

In the end, Chen William still asked her to go to the back bedroom to find the spare clothes and shoes in the locker. After all, before, Zhang Jiao and Cheng Biru were all wearing skirts and high heels. Good-looking is good-looking, but in this situation, I am afraid it can only be a burden.

Even though Chen William's spare clothes in the bedroom are a bit too big for them, the women's pajamas are more convenient than the short skirts they wear, and the temperature here is not a problem at all.

Moreover, in the locker between the office area and the rest area, there were already her and Aisha's clothes in it, so finding more comfortable clothes and shoes to replace would also make Chen William less burdensome.

Now for Chen William, if he can escape with the two girls, he will definitely take them; but if he really takes the two, it will affect his own survival, then he is forced to choose himself. Survive first.

Therefore, giving him less also means that the two girls have more chances to survive.

In the end, everything was sorted out. With Zhang Jiao's help, Cheng Biru also changed into Gonzalez's clothes. Relatively speaking, Cheng Biru's body shape was better in Gonzalez's. Zhang Jiao's clothes will inevitably cause her to be too tight in some places...

Chen William didn't care too much at this time. He took off the combat boots on the feet of a person who was similar to him in the **** team. He also took off his shirt and trousers and put on his bedroom. The more sporty attire inside, all of this is to improve your chances of survival.

Supporting Cheng Biru, the three walked to the fault plane of the plane. When the two women walked there, they tried their best to control themselves, not to see the tragic appearance of the three deceased...

Below the fault is the water surface. Chen William took off his combat boots first, put on another pair of shoes, and tried it out. The water here is not deep, only reaching his thighs.

So he tied the combat boots to the backpack, put on the backpack, went into the water, stood in the water, let Zhang Jiao put her on his back, carried her, and slowly walked to the shore.