MTL - Amnesiac Queen-Chapter 45 clue

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Gan Runyang and Cao Cao also arrived shortly, holding a lot of snacks and drinks in their hands. Sweetly cheered, and rushed up. Ye Hao handed his design draft to Gan Runyang. He said to himself before that although the theme of the three designs is the same, the style is different, which not only highlights the characteristics of the model, but also shows the designer's ideas. Although Ye Hao only painted a first draft, it also noted the remaining two general ideas.

Gan Runyang looked very seriously. The wedding dress in the preliminary game was a simple and playful style. The short design differed from the cumbersome feeling of the general wedding dress. The appropriate nude. The dew in the playfulness added a little bit of sexy.

In general, Gan Runyang is still satisfied, and the wedding dress is always a wedding dress. Ye Hao has added a lot of lace edges in the design, and with the pink bow on the back waist, the whole design is full of gorgeous and dreamy unique to the wedding dress.

"Not bad." Until the words were heard from Gan Runyang's mouth, Ye Hao was relieved. When the two men decided to finalize the design, they began to prepare for the clothes. The rules of the game clearly stated that the costumes must be produced by the participants themselves.

This made Ye Hao learn a lot. She found that many design ideas are very good, but it is not realistic to make it, or it is barely made, and it does not achieve the expected effect.

The whole body's input made everyone forget the passage of time, and when it was sweet and shouting, it was already six o'clock in the afternoon. Ye Hao groaned, she found out that they only took a break when they took a takeaway at noon.

"Let's do this today." Gan Runyang saw that time was not too early, and he proposed to dissolve. Several people walked out while frowning. Sweetly took Ye Hao to walk in the end, and she agreed to buy the battle suit tomorrow, Ye Hao pulled the corner of his mouth and felt a bit hurt.

When he walked to the school gate, Ye Hao accidentally saw Ji Zheyan: "Dr. Ji, how are you here?"

Ji Zheyan got hooked and went up: "I will pick you up."

Ye Hao had not had time to be shy, sweet and screamed and rushed over: "Little cute, is this your boyfriend? It looks so handsome!"

Ye Hao’s face was red, and she pulled the sleeve of Latzhe Yan subconsciously: “This is my boyfriend, Dr. Ji.”

"Doctor doctor!" Sweetly excitedly looked at Ji Zheyan. "Can you check my body?"


Beautifully silently pulled the sweetness to the side.

I looked at Ji Zheyan and looked at Ye Hao, a pair of hits: "Men, boyfriend..."

Ji Zheyan looked at him with the trend: "You are the brother of the grass? I am very glad to meet you."

Grass: "..."

Why does he have a feeling of coldness on his back?

Ye Hao was dragged again and walked to the end: "Little cute, is he living with you?"

Ye did not speak at the corner of his mouth, but the more he said, the more excited he was: "Tomorrow's battle suit will be chosen by nurses! Props with stethoscope and syringe?" She leaned into the ear of Ye Hao and blew a slap Tone, "Make sure the doctor is good tomorrow~ Good~ help you check your body~"

Ye Wei: "..."

She actually wants to check her brain more.

In the front, Ji Zheyan didn't know what to do and walked along the front line. He looked at the people around him and smiled a little: "When reading, it is still the most important thing in school. Usually, it is good to go to class. Early love is not good."

Grass: "..."

"Ah, when it comes to class, do you know what class you like most when I study?"

"what class?"

"Anatomy class."

Grass: "..."

"Our anatomy teacher is very interesting. He urged us to study hard and told us a case." Ji Zheyan seems to recall something interesting, and the smile on his lips is more harmonious. "A school sister in our school." Being kicked by her boyfriend, he showed off with his new girlfriend every day in front of the school sister. Finally, there was a day when the school sister couldn’t bear to endure and had a dispute with them in the cafeteria. She ate the knife and smashed the boys’ eleven knives, and each knife avoided the vital organs. Although the boy was greatly traumatized, he was only judged to be slightly injured."

Grass: "..."

It’s terrible to learn medical doctors! Qaq

"But this is just a case, you don't have to be too serious." Ji Zheyan smiled and put his hand on the shoulder of the grass.


I ran out of the grass.

"What happened to him?" asked sweetly strangely.

Ji Zheyan smiled and said: "Probably homesick."


Although I think the doctor must have done something to the grass, Ye Hao did not dare to ask. Just when I went back, I found that the WeChat name of the grass became "I feel that my shoulder is missing a piece."

The next morning, Ye Hao, accompanied by Dr. Ji, went to Dr. Zhang’s treatment room again. Telling his dreams, Dr. Zhang also analyzed the effects of hypnosis and speculated that she might be recovering her memories.

Under the hypnosis of Dr. Zhang, Ye Hao really dreamed of the little boy that day, but the location was not in the park near the doctor's house, but in a small park she was stranger to. The boy sat across from her and looked at her with a smile, while she focused on the sketch in her hand and wrote the word Xiaodou.

After waking up, she still felt that the dream was very real. She could even feel the touch of the tip of the pen rubbing on the paper.

Sitting in Dr. Ji’s car, she still felt that she should tell the left police officer: “Mr. Ji, I want to go to the police station.”

Ji Zheyan’s brow moved and nodded: “Good.”

Zuo Yigang took a cigarette and saw Ye Hao and Ji Zheyan walked in and walked in. Someone has already called before, so he is not surprised.

He moved two chairs and placed them opposite, indicating that they were sitting down. He knows that Ye Hao has been living in Ji Zheyan's home for a while, and it seems that she is doing well. At least it seems more spiritual than when she was at Ye Family.

"Left officer, when I received hypnotherapy, I seemed to think of something a little before." Ye Hao licked his mouth and began to explain the situation. "My real name may be Jia Jia."

Left Yi thought about it and asked: "Which word is it?

Ye Hao is a bit embarrassed: "I don't know, just hear someone call me like this."

"Last name?"

Ye Hao still shakes his head. Zuo Yi Shen Shen a moment, said: "I know, we will start from this side to investigate."

Ye Hao sighed and said: "Yes, I saw a small park in my dream. I guess maybe I live near that, but I don't know where the park is." She said it was here. He paused and asked: "If I draw the park, will it help?"

Left Yi nodded: "If it is accurate enough and has characteristics, it should not be difficult to find out."

"Okay, I will try my best." Ye Hao is a little happy, maybe she will be able to find her identity soon. She would have liked to ask about the progress of the case, but thought about it or dispelled the idea. Did not stop at the police station, she thanked Zuo Yidao, and left with Ji Zheyan.

Li Xinran turned around and looked at Zuo Yidao: "Hey, don't know the surname and don't know which jia is, it's hard to check."

Zuo Yi took a sip of coffee and gave him a look: "There are few girls who will use the name." He picked up the pen and wrote Jiahe Jia on the paper and handed it to Li Xinran. "Check these two first, pay attention to her. It is not necessarily called Jiajia, or it may be a single name. You can ask for police assistance from the city of D."

"Know it." Li Xinran took the note with sorrow, why every time such a difficult task fell on his head.

"Do you have a report on the missing person in the city of D?"

Li Xinran shook his head: "There is no condition, or the family of Ye Hao knows that she has come to a city, or she is living alone."

"Yeah." Zuo Yi nodded and said nothing.

"Head, head! Found!" The monkey flew in from the outside, and looked like a weeping.

Li Xinran bounced excitedly from the chair: "Is it found?"

"No, no..." The monkey's hand was on the table and gasped for a few breaths. "Find the one who bought the electric baton!" He said that he had pulled out a few photos from the bag and placed them on the table on the left. "This is taken from the surveillance video in the store. The dress and body of this person are consistent with the suspect, and the purchase time is the day of the incident."

The left frowned and frowned, picked up a photo and looked at it. The hoodie and the mask were exactly the same as those described by Ye Hao. If the monkey came earlier, she would be able to identify it. He handed the photo to the monkey and told him: "Take it to the owner of the tea shop."

"Know it." The monkey took the photo and scraped it out like a wind.

"Head, do you think like Qin Kong?" Li Xinran looked at Zuo Yi. Zuo Yi smiled and replied: "I will know when I grab a person and ask."

After Ye Hao left the police station, he did not return to the apartment with Ji Zheyan, but went to a sweet place. Although she was abandoning the selection of this battle suit, she couldn’t stand the sweet enthusiasm and had to smack her head.

But it needs to be emphasized that she only intends to walk around and there is absolutely no intention to buy a battle suit.

Sweetness took her seven turns and went to a remote store. After Ye Hao pushed the store door and walked in, she was shocked. All the goods sold were love.

Ye Wei: "..."

She went out without going back, sweetly catching up with her, holding her arm and not letting her go: "Small and cute, don't be shy, men like these!"

Ye Wei: "..."

"If you don't like the inner clothes, that shop also sells pajamas." Sweetly stared at her.

In the end, Ye Hao refused the pajamas of the transparent pajamas and chose a normal pajamas - it was a normal pajamas except for the low-open neckline and the exposed back.

Does she really want to wear this kind of clothes for the doctor? It’s just shameful play!

The author has something to say: Special thanks to Jerair Little Angel threw a mine 2k novel reading network