MTL - An Unyielding Wind-v14 Chapter 61 Famous gods

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The moment the ice and fire exploded, the heavens and the earth changed color, and a dim halo swept the entire Vatican Palace, as if the end of the world suddenly came.

The Vatican Palace has been shrouded in that huge ball of light, and the escaped energy hit the barrier of the enchantment of the Devil's Array fiercely. Under the stunned attention of everyone, the aperture of the enchantment continued to grow. After several laps, it was as if the balloon was getting bigger and bigger, and everyone was frightened, for fear that the balloon would suddenly explode.

Fortunately, the Devil's Array is very strong in the end, and Kankan has blocked most of the energy of the ice and fire two days on the edge of the collapse. This is the case. The light screen also burst at the last moment. Shoot out from it, and radiate a large wave of amazing energy towards the sky!

Looking far away, this light is like a salute for festivals. It is gorgeous and amazing. Fortunately, Vatican City implements an air ban policy. If there are several unlucky ghosts passing by at this time, they will definitely be shot into horse honeycombs.

The radiance gradually annihilated, and the exposed scenes made the people around me unforgettable!

There was no building in the place where the Vatican Palace was originally. Only a semi-spherical deep pit with a depth of dozens of feet was left. In the very center of the big pit, the blue stone pillars of the Altar of the Devil's altar were barely set up. This blow razed the entire palace! El Salvador and others didn't even have a hair!

"His!" Countless strong men watching the battle around looked at each other a few times, and they were all shocked.

This horrible skill is the first time they have seen it, and it is even more incredible that the pride of exerting this skill is just a king! Although her fighting power is not under the King, but without the power of the King ’s soul, how can such a slender little body erupt such a terrifying energy?

A group of people around Ao Feng were also shocked.

Qing Xuan twitched at the corners of his eyes and sighed, sighing: "What a terrible skill! But can't you lower the power a little bit? If that energy was just a little bit more, even we have spread to it!"

Aofeng rolled his eyes angrily and said, depressed; "You think I don't want to, but once the element fusion starts, it will automatically absorb all the strength of the whole body, and I can't control the power of this trick, so I just Rarely. "

She also tried to get two simplified versions of the ice and fire light ball, but the problem is that it can't be done at all. The power is too small when the energy can be controlled. It is not as good as ordinary magic tricks. She can't control it when the energy is large, and it takes time and effort. Although such tricks are powerful and have many disadvantages, they should not be used as common skills.

"Even so, it's amazing enough, you are a demon enchantment that directly broke through so many of us in order to explode a little bit of mouth." Qing Yemulu laughed with approbation, but Aofeng always felt that he The smile of the cheap master is a little ridiculous.

Ji Yong also said with a frown on her face, "Brother Aofeng, I was wrong. I shouldn't doubt the extent of your pervert! Hey, I wonder when you plan to bomb the demon altar together?"

Arrogant: "..."

As soon as Salvador died, the demon altar returned to its normal state, and the devil's formation was completely closed. From the appearance, it was really just a teal altar. The crowd fell on the altar and looked at it. There were no cracks at all. The material hardness of this altar is far beyond the cognitive scope of the gods. It is indeed the ancient devil's handwriting.

Seeing this, Qin Aotian said with a little eagerness: "Since the matter here is resolved, let's set off quickly and return to the Alliance of the Gods. The situation at the Seven Kings City is urgent, and we need to go back to support quickly. "

"This is natural, but we have to clean up the mess in the south before leaving." Ao Feng felt his chin and groaned. "Now that the Speaker of Salvador is dead, the staff of the two fantasy halls on the side of the Southern Alliance have all been wounded." After all, the Alliance of the Gods will not be able to control things here, and we can completely occupy this place as a stronghold. "

Qin Shuo's eyes moved, and under the reminder of Aofeng, he also thought of something: "Xiaofenger said that he used this as our base for the gods?"

"Yes!" Aofeng nodded, then continued: "This southern alliance is our first stop from the north, and it is also an important channel for us to reach the Alliance of the Gods. The Vatican City's teleportation team must It is in our own hands. Brother also said that the situation of the Seven Kings City is very severe now. We are going to support it. It is best to repel the four coalition forces. But if the enemy is too strong, then we have to leave one for ourselves. Road, after all, the Alliance of the Gods is the site of the true gods and the two halls of vision. Their rule has been ingrained for more than 100,000 years. They really moved our minds, and it is difficult for us to stand there. "

Although the goal has always been to bring down the two halls of magic and the true god, but you cannot blindly challenge your opponents. If you do n’t know how to fight hard and powerful enemies before your strength is weak, you are not brave but stupid × Aofeng will never do things that put all of its relatives and friends in danger.

Looking at each other, Qin Aotian and Buchan sighed at the same time.

Stepping: "Although some are reluctant to admit it, the pride of the proud brothers is not unreasonable. It can only be settled safely in a place far away from that one control, such as the Southern League. There is a natural barrier like the rioting Xinghai. They How can we not attack like this time with one mind? "

Qin Aotian frowned, "Though that is the case, if we do n’t master the Alliance Alliance of the Gods, we will not be able to return to the Southern Alliance. The Alliance of the Gods' continents to this area is controlled by Beast King Ridge. , We can no longer invade the territory of Ji Yong brothers' house? "

"This is a problem." Ji Yong said a little bit embarrassedly: "I honestly have been looking at the Dark Fantasy Hall and that true **** for a long time, but my father still refused to be involved in the battle of the mainland forces, even me and Ji Liu helped the Seven Kings City that he had just established secretly, and this time I went to the Seven Kings City, I'm afraid I can't be with you anymore. "

Mu Yan also said, "This is the same situation with Fengdao. This time, the help of His Majesty Aofeng is based on the personal wishes of the husband and the island owner. If facing the mainland war, Hefeng Island cannot be involved. "

"I can understand that the people in the position of Her Majesty the Beastmaster and the Lord of the Wind Island should not only consider their personal interests, but also the rise and fall of the entire force. You can stand on our side today, and we are very grateful. When I look back, please say hello to the two adults. If there is an opportunity, we will definitely come to visit and thank you personally. "Aofeng smiled indifferently, and then turned sharply:" As for the brother's worry, it is not a problem, because It ’s not just the way the gods are going to the Southern Alliance. We are the same from the north. "

"Yes!" Qin Shuang and other people from the northern borders appeared in shock and excitement: "It is true. Aofeng can directly put us into her Fengyun space, and Fengyun space connects to the northern border. Through the northern border, you can directly Come to the gods, with this channel, we can do a lot of things in the future, even if we fight the four major coalition forces this time, we can collectively transfer our positions even if we ca n’t.

"Brother Frost, don't be so unmotivated!" Aofeng rolled his eyes. "How can we say that we can't fight before we fight! No matter what the result, we must try our best to fight them, at least let them know Our Seven Kings are not bullying! "

Qin Shuo also helped him, staring at him with a stare at him: "That's what you, a disappointed boy, said before you went into battle! I want to try out how powerful the light and dark hall is!"

In the face of the unscrupulous master who did not apprentice when he met his daughter, Qin Shuang was deeply depressed.

Aofeng thought for a while, and concluded: "Anyway, we are seated in the south, anyway, but now we can't tell the difference. We also need a high-prestige person to settle down here. Under the night, it would be better for you to take over the Vatican City, Qing Xuan, and Qin Shuang to help you? As long as the staff of the Kecchia Alliance and the Batian Alliance are dispatched, it should be enough. "

Qin Shuo agreed: "This is a good idea, Brother Qing Ye. Your prestige in the south has always been very high, and now you have been revealed as the great king. You now want to stay out of the business, so just be a bit Owner of Vatican City! "

"Brother Qin Shuo, your father and daughter just want to give me some trouble!" Qing Ye shook his head and smiled: "Well, anyway, the owner of the Vatican City doesn't have to do anything, I will do it. But you have to first To organize it, it is best to be an alliance. The leader of the alliance must be your daughter, and I also count as a member of the alliance, otherwise you are not afraid that I will swallow your base in the future. I do n’t want to do so.

Qin Shuo agreed: "Well, this is also the case. There are more and more forces around Xiaofenger, from the ancient fantasy division of Qin Realm to our Seven Kings City and Royal Sword City. Now Qingye Brothers has joined, In the future, there may be other forces. If you want to really compete with that gods alliance, you must form a formal alliance. As for the name, Xiaofenger, you can take it yourself. "

Aofeng touched his chin and thought, "Well, that's called the Alliance Against God, or Alliance against God for short."

"Against the League of God? Haha, this name sounds very prestigious, but it is a bit like the famous **** of extermination. In the future, I am afraid that the light and dark hall and the pagan who really want to treat you as a **** of extermination! Mu Mu laughed.

Qin Shuo, Qin Aotian, Buzha, and others heard the words, and they looked at the old man with strange eyes, and the thoughts were a bit like what was happening to the **** of extermination. Maybe one day, the **** of extinction became the next in the alliance against gods. Branched off, there is a proud wind here, still afraid that the **** of extermination is not honest and diligent to bring people over to help?

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but look at Aofeng a few more times.

Aofeng was horrified by their leisurely gaze, inexplicably: "Why do you look at me like this?"

There was a smile in Qin Aotian's eyes, and he sighed softly, "Xiaofeng, the person who has no regrets for you is very strong today, have you invited him to help us? If there is him Now, we will certainly not lose the battle of the Seven Kings! "

"Uh ..." Aofeng glared, and finally understood who they wanted, and his face turned red a bit: "Ahem ... that ... the kid, I think I came out long ago, last time I Brother Qingxuan met his two subordinates on the way to Keqila and reported him a letter. I also asked him to agree to meet at the Seven Kings City. He should be able to arrive during the war. "

Speaking of him, Aofeng suddenly felt relieved. I heard that he could face the true **** two hundred years ago. Now he must be stronger. It is a joy to think of seeing him soon.

"What! You two have agreed? Why don't you tell me!" Master Qin Shuo opened his eyes narrowly, revealing a rather unpleasant expression, and the idiot really took advantage of his inattention to abduct his baby daughter in the back. It's up!

"Daddy, you didn't ask." Aofeng sweated coldly, and he was secretly defamatory. I can tell you if you don't know the right thing? After all these years, how did Dad's prejudice against Yun Qinghong not decrease? This is really a headache ...

Qin Aotian was the first one to see Qin Shuo's expression, and quietly asked Aofeng with a puzzled look: "What? My father does not like that person?"

Aofeng wiped her tears and answered, "Well, it doesn't matter if you don't like someone, Dad is directly hostile to all the male creatures who are close to me ..."

"..." Qin Aotian stunned: "So, no wonder how I think my father looks so much like the Lord of the Clouds."

Arrogant: "..."

In the laughter of everyone, in the future, mastering the super alliance of the gods half the world, against the **** alliance, was born.

According to the plan, Qing Ye stayed in the Vatican City with a large number of people, confessing his strength and identity, and convened the staff of Cageella and the Deceptic Alliance to rush to this place. The Vatican Palace also began a tense reconstruction. Photo taken at The prestige of the great king, many alliances in the south are all subject to submission. For those alliance leaders, it doesn't matter who is the boss and they have nothing to do with them. As long as the alliance is still their own territory and other dynasties change, it is normal for the Speaker to change hands, and they will never ask.

Ji Yong, Mu Yi, two speakers, and Drizzt of the Daniel family were called by their respective forces and left.

Aofeng formed a light squad with Qin Shuo, Qin Aotian, Lan Suifeng, Bufa, Bufeiyun and rushed to the Seven Kings City.

As for the Qin World ’s manpower and other people in the two cities, they were once again included in the space of Fengyun, and they were summoned directly when they arrived, so that they would not be delayed by the weak king. It is also not easy to notice. However, Fengyun Space was able to avoid paying the transmission fee when using the teleportation array, which surprised many people for a while. I was very envious of this ability. You must know that the tolls are a big part of the land of the gods, and there is nothing better than carrying it with you. The army is more pulling the wind?

In the time when Aofeng and others rushed to the Seven Kings City, the incidents in the Southern Alliance had spread quickly across the land of the gods.

In this world where crystal messaging is extremely developed, many things can become known overnight. The original Millennium League conference of the Southern League has received great attention. The news was so explosive that it was shocked as soon as it spread. Quartet.

Hundreds of thousands of years of extinct gods of ancient fantasy gods once again showed their figures, with an outrageous blow from ancient times, and wiped out all the masters of the light and dark fantasy temple Dragon and Phoenix Shuanggu in the battle of the Vatican Palace, let countless people remember Compared with the name of Qin Aofeng, it is not enough to mention the fact that two great kings have appeared in the south in a row.

Since then, Qin Aofeng, an eight-generation fantasy **** of the ancient fantasy division, has officially entered the arena of the gods.


Northeast of the continent of gods, the bright alliance metropolis Northtown.

In the evening, the setting sun sets and the starry night falls, and the bright moonlight surrounds this bustling city.

Walking on the moonlight, a group of people appeared on the official avenue in the south of the city. In this bright city full of white robe clergymen, this team was full of people wearing black cloaks who could not see their looks.

One of the men in black said to the man in the center of the crowd, "Master, this is already the southernmost city of the Bright Alliance. After leaving the city, we head south for about half a month, and we will soon reach Lopson, Luo The territory of Pusen is the sphere of influence of the Seven Kings. However, the four major coalitions are converging in the Phoenix Valley in the middle of the mainland this time. At that time, I am afraid that the war will start between the Phoenix Flying City in the Phoenix Valley and the dream sea city of the Seven Kings. It will take another month or so to rush to the middle of Menghai City. "

"Hmm ... one and a half months? Time seems a little tight, and it looks like our feet are accelerating a bit faster." The magnetic man's voice emanated from the population, sounding lazy, and seemed a little careless. It looks like, but the people next to him are not afraid to take it seriously, their expressions are solemn, and the speed at their feet immediately increases by three points.

At this time, suddenly, a person dressed like them rushed over with a look of excitement, holding a bright crystal in his hand and shouting: "Master! Lord! Good news from God, I just got important information from the tavern. Now! It's information about the wife! "

"Mrs.?" Everyone gathered together, and then all the members stopped immediately, and even the men's order was ignored, because they all knew that as long as it was about "Mrs.", they had to be at the forefront. Everything else must be postponed, including the adult himself.

This is the rule of Tianzi No. 1 set by men for these believers, and it will always be written on the headlines of doctrine.

"Well, well done." Seeing the response of the crowd, the man seemed very satisfied, nodded his head slightly, and then reached out to take the crystal into his hand, watching it carefully, and the corners of his mouth were rising higher and higher. .

"She really didn't want to be lonely anywhere, how long did she come to the gods? It has caused a sensation in the mainland, and she is not afraid of that person coming to trouble, but her progress is still as fast as ever." After watching the crystal, he looked like a man It was a little helpless chuckle, but among the smiles, it was more gentle and petting.

The crowd watched with horror the rare expressions of their grown-ups, and they even admired the "wife" who had never met before.

Not to mention anything else, the ability to turn the well-known cold-blooded devil in **** into a gentle and good husband is beyond reach!

The one who brought the crystal just now is also excited: "Yeah, yeah, when I heard the news from the southern resident last time, I also said that the husband had just comprehended the rules. I did not expect that this blink of an eye would soon become a great king. "Mrs." is still the eighth-generation fantasy **** of the ancient illusionist, sir, is this true? "

"Eight generations of fantasy gods? The ancient fantasy masters who tensed the gods hundreds of thousands of years ago?" Rao heard of the power of "Mrs." Many of the people in the scene were surprised again.

"Of course it is true, otherwise where do you think this seat of Royal Beast and Royal Armor came from? This seat is also one of her loyal believers, so you have to listen to her better in the future, understand?" The man continued to seduce his own staff.

"Yes! His subordinates must do their best to serve his wife and adults!" The crowd quickly agreed in unison, and consciously brought "Mrs." to the front. It was unexpected that "Mrs." was actually a sturdy ancient fantasy master. God, it is said that almost every generation is comparable to the existence of the true God! It's really their wise adults, and the taste is really amazing!

The worshippers all showed a look of fear and pride.

"Um." The man was even more satisfied, and she groaned again. "Since she has already revealed her identity, we don't have to hide it anymore, and we will create a situation for the two halls of the magic hall. With such a big size, she will be blocked by a large number of people on her way to the Seven Kings City, and the waste in Shenlong Valley and Phoenix Valley will be the only ones. The two halls of the magic hall have a deep foundation or some trouble. Transfer to us. "

The group was stunned again: "What does the adult mean?"

The man lifted the black cloak over his head, exposing his handsome face, and the white-haired young man smiled softly in the moonlight, and the indescribably elegant and noble evil deceived people: "Since we last returned to our hometown, The continents of the gods have been calm for too long. Friends of the light and dark hall should miss us very much. Let ’s start from this North City and let them remember the nightmare of extermination. ”

Hearing what the man meant, a group of militants became even more excited: "Be obedient to Lord Lord!"

After taking a few steps, the man remembered what it was like again, and arbitrarily commanded again: "Yes, and the speaker of the hallucination of the ray of hell, let the five colors staying in Yifeng City take good care of him and bully Passed my goddess, and wanted to jump around on my site? Huh! "

I have to say that the tacit understanding between the Lord Lord and his wife is indeed unparalleled!

Soon, the gods' continent became a sensation again. Just three days after the birth of the ancient fantasy god, the exterminators who made two great halls overturned two hundred years ago also appeared again, directly ending the hallucination Northtown, a metropolis close to the border of the Seven Kings City, caused a mad tracing of the two halls of fantasy.

According to the lucky survivor at the scene, the lead was a young man with white hair, who was extremely wicked, and he left a word arrogantly.

"Tell that one, Yun Qinghong, my **** of extermination, came up again to see the scenery!"

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