MTL - Apocalypse Rebirth: Commander, Don’t Move!-Chapter 20 A personal library full of weapons

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  Nine out of ten men have military sentiments, and they also love guns, and Bai Xiaoxi is no exception. Otherwise, when Bai Ling mentioned it, he would think of it?

  Seeing Bai Lingru's skillful posture with a gun, his eyes shone brightly. Watching her look at all the guns here. Just as he was about to get closer, he found that she had put the gun down again.

   "Hi, Second Sister... Did your sister serve as a soldier?" Bai Xiaoxi said softly into the phone.

"No, but when I was in college, I remember that my sister participated in a field training camp in the form of a competition, and my sister won the first place!" Because it was a huge bonus, Bai Shan remembered it very clearly. Uncle used it to open a shop!

  Of course her sister bought the store secretly, otherwise her uncle would never want it.

But to be honest, for Bai Shan, her elder sister can actually be regarded as the heaven of the family. I remember that three years ago, my grandmother was in poor health and fainted at home. She was checked for heart disease and needed a hundred thousand for surgery, otherwise her life would be fatal. Bao, when grandma heard the news, she started a hunger strike, wanting to commit suicide and not wanting to drag them down.

  Indeed, even though life is already better, where can I get the sudden 100,000 fee? I used to be poor, and I borrowed money from many people, but how could they borrow so much money?

  Bai Shan will always remember that her elder sister silently called her outside to let her watch grandma well. She and her uncle should not worry about the money for the operation. Unexpectedly, she really collected enough money the next day.

As for where the money came from, she didn't say anything. Even when her grandma and uncle asked her later, she laughed lightly, saying that it was saved by her part-time job and the money they called her before, and part of it was paid in advance by signing a contract for work in advance. .

  Anyway, no matter what happens at home, most of them are not big things as long as they are in front of her sister, so Bai Shan trusts her sister very much.

Bai Ling looked at the two people who lowered their heads and chatted, and frowned slightly, but seeing that Bai Shan's mood had completely stabilized from before, his heart became much calmer, so he simply ignored them, after watching the gun, Bai Ling Naturally, he looked at the other things placed here. They were also weapons, and they were all cultural relics, as well as some hidden weapons. Bai Ling took a fancy to the set of ten darts.

Hold it up and look at it. The dart has four corners, but one corner is longer and the tip is very sharp. I weighed it in my upper hand and it was very smooth. I simply held this set and tied it around my waist. !

Then he walked in, passed other weapons, and looked at a sword with a width of ten centimeters. The thickest part of the sword was two centimeters, and it was about one meter long. The whole body looked like a copper coin, but the blade was very Sharp, there are two characters at the junction of the sword handle and the sword wrapped with a thin black rope, she doesn't know it, it should be a relatively old character.

  Picking up the sword with skill, Bai Ling's eyes widened. He couldn't believe it. The sword should be heavy no matter what, but she held it like a feather in her hand.

   It must be made of a very rare material.

  Bai Xiaoxi obviously noticed Bai Ling's appearance, put down the hand holding the gun, and said into the phone, "Let's go and see!"

   Obviously, after chatting with Bai Shan for less than a few minutes, Bai Xiaoxi seems to have established a deep friendship with Bai Shan.