MTL - Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood-Chapter 215 Internal door assessment

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Su Lingyun has appraised a lot of geniuses. In Xiaoyufeng, she also recruited a lot of talented martial artists from the eastern counties, but she did not see any hope for the time being.

"Su tutor!" After Luo collected the news, he immediately went to find Su Lingyun, and found that Su Lingyun was not in the room, only found Su Lingyun in this pavilion.

Seeing Luo Zheng, Su Lingyun cleaned up the lonely expression on his face and smiled. "Are you coming?"

"What do you think of the Soviet tutor?" Luo Zheng’s eyes were extremely sharp. He clearly saw that Su Lingyun’s expression was unnatural.

Su Lingyun avoided this topic and stared at Luo Zheng and asked, "Hey, what have you cultivated recently? How can your eyes be so sharp?"

Even with Su Lingyun's congenital perfection, Luo Zheng faintly exudes a sharp breath, and some breath even has tiny scratches on Su Lingyun's body. This is clearly an extreme understanding. A sharp artistic conception will cause this effect.

Just like those who are strong in the realm of the gods, with a strong momentum, just with a glimpse of the eyes, you can faint people.

Su Lingyun knows that Luo Zheng seems to understand a way of soul attack, but the effect of soul attack and mood is somewhat similar, but the principle is completely different. Soul attack requires himself to actively use the soul to attack, while the mood is a person all the time. A state of exudation that automatically gives the surrounding people a sense of oppression.

Luo Zheng originally could converge his understanding of the body of the sword, but at the moment he instinctively told himself that he still should not do this. He just realized the meaning of the sword and could not do it freely, so he still let these swords naturally spread. Time, wait until the stability is fixed.

When he heard Su Lingyun, Luo Zheng nodded: "I learned a sword in the Seven Star Jianguang."

“Sword meaning?” Su Lingyun heard a surprise. “I remember you didn’t use boxing?”

Among the impressions of Su Lingyun, Luo Zheng only has a flying knife as a weapon. The flying knife is very sharp, but the things in the flying knife are destined to become a common weapon, and only can be used for surprise attacks.

Luo Zheng smiled slightly: "I have only started practicing swords recently."

Luo Zheng’s voice just fell, Su Lingyun suddenly had some speechless gaze. Recently, he just started practicing swords and realized the sword meaning. It also……

In Su Lingyun's view, Luo Zheng did create a lot of miraculous miracles. For example, with one person's strength, he tried to pick the outer door of the vulture peak, and with half-step innate strength, he confronted Wang Yanzhen of the gods. Boxing, this is enough to show that Luo Zheng is not an ordinary genius.

However, this kind of thing is originally a illusory conception. Some swordsmen have to practice swords for a few decades. Whether they are eating or sleeping, they are not separated from their swords at any time. Pursuing the ultimate martial art, and comprehending the sinister sword, even if most people are poor in their lives, they can't comprehend the slightest sword, and finally they will die and die.

However, Luo Zheng began to practice the sword casually, and realized the sword meaning?

If anyone in the future is most likely to walk through Qingyun Road and step into the Yundian Temple, he is most likely to use Su Lingyun’s intuition as long as Luo Zheng grows up and the weapon does not fall.

But... it’s too late.

The Prince has been in the throne for less than a year. The Three Emperors and the Seven Emperors have been eager to move. During this year, they will choose any mature manipulator, and may even start at the moment when the Prince is in position.

The strength of Luo Zheng, although steady and rising, but now he is only congenital, not far enough to see...

Su Lingyun feels a little pity, if she only gives Luo two or three years, she is almost certain that Luo Zheng can become one of the ace of Qingyun Zong!

Unfortunately, since the childhood, Su Lingyun, who grew up in the court, is far more mature than the average person. No matter what, she will not give up until the last moment, even if she thinks that the initial choice of Qingyunzong is so naive, but once The things she decided will go all the way to darkness and will not give up.

"I have only started practicing swords recently, and I have learned the sword. You are too much for this opportunity..." Su Lingyun did not know what to say. Her name was Luo Zheng. It was originally for Luo Zheng and other disciples. Test, enter the inner door, because only the inner disciples are eligible to participate in the full peak ratio.

The whole peak is big, three years, Su Lingyun's original intention is to let Luo Zheng show his face in the whole peak ratio. After all, in the whole peak ratio, all the young talents in Qingyun Zong are gathered. Su Lingyun does not count on Luo. The levy can get a place, he is still young, only 17 years old, the future potential is unlimited! Perhaps in the next full-peak ratio, Luo Zheng can achieve a certain number of places.

No way, there are talents in this world. There are too many young talents who have the opportunity. Luo Zheng can have the chance to win the favor of God, but people can do the same, which is also because Su Lingyun is not very optimistic about Luo Zheng.

Thinking of this, Su Lingyun said the topic on the right track: "You have entered the innate secret, it is reasonable to say that you can enter the inner door, but you must pass the assessment test when you choose the inner door, tomorrow will arrange this assessment, Xiao Yufeng outside the door The top 30 people will participate."

Luo Zheng nodded, this test should not put pressure on him.

Seeing Luo Zheng’s appearance, Su Lingyun immediately asked: “Do you know why I want you to enter the inner door of Xiaoyufeng now?”

"Is it about the whole peak ratio?" Luo Zheng asked.

Su Lingyun nodded and immediately said: "Yes, this time the whole peak is big, I only need you to experience it. I feel the strength of the disciples of Qingyunzong. I don’t ask you to take the place, but... you have to do it. Note that the number of disciples that can be sent to the whole peak is limited. This quota is different on each mountain and is distributed according to strength. We have only seven places in Xiaoyufeng."

The whole peak ratio is the contest between the top disciples of the thirty-three peaks.

However, the strength gap between the thirty-three peaks is huge. Take Tianyifeng, the number one in the rankings. In the inner door of Tianyifeng, there are already many congenital realms, and even inside disciples break through. Come to the gods! Then compare the inner door of Xiaoyufeng, the strongest is just a congenital realm.

If the quotas in each mountain are equal, it will inevitably lead to serious unfairness. For example, the congenital perfection in Tianyi Peak is not even qualified. It represents Tianyifeng, and the strength of the disciples sent by Xiaoyufeng is only Only the innate five or six realm.

Therefore, according to certain rules, this battle place is not fixed.

On that day, the peak strength was the strongest. This time, the number of places in the whole peak was more than forty-three! The last peak of the rainy peak is only seven places.

"These seven places are ranked according to the strength of the inner door. That is to say, they must enter the top seven of the inner door to be able to represent Xiao Yufeng. I can't help you. You must rely on your own strength to get into the top seven. Su Lingyun said slowly.

According to Su Lingyun's view, Luo Zheng is only a congenital strength, but if it is on the real combat power, it should be able to challenge the innate inner disciples.

The first disciple of Xiaoyufeng’s inner door is congenital and perfect, and the seventh place is exactly the congenital seven. If you follow the previous fighting power of Luo Zheng, you should be able to enter the top seven!

The inner disciple ranking is based on the test, automatically generated ranking.

At this point, it is impossible to falsify. If Su Lingyun forcibly inserts Luo Zhengan into the top seven, other inner disciples will naturally not be convinced, and Su Lingyun also feels that she does not have to do so.

"I understand, I will test it tomorrow, right?" Luo Zheng nodded.

"Yes, tomorrow morning, I will arrange for you to continue testing. If you can enter the top seven and represent Xiao Yufeng, you will see your performance." Su Lingyun smiled and saw Luo Zheng’s confident expression. Su Lingyun seems to have some emboldened feelings in his heart. It seems that he is quite confident in his own strength!

The next day, Xiaoyufeng ushered in an annual assessment.

This assessment is very important to Xiao Yufeng's outside disciples, because the results of the assessment directly determine whether he can be promoted to the inner door!

However, those who can participate in the assessment, only the top 30 of the foreign disciples, will eventually rank the disciples according to the results of the assessment, the top ten people can enter the inner door.

On the outside of the school gate, there was a medium-sized illusion, and there were many obscure runes engraved around the illusion. At the moment, the runes are emitting a light blue light, obviously they are The state of activation.

Although the top 30 disciples are conducting assessments, the results of the assessments are still very much for many outside disciples, so most foreign disciples will not miss them.

Su Lingyun and several other mentors have already arrived early. Although this illusion has already been arranged, it has to be placed with spar to activate a series of preparations such as the magical rune.

The top 30 disciples soon arrived, and the 30 disciples included Hao Shige, Zhang Wuxian and others.

In fact, if the ranking is strictly in accordance with the realm, the top ten disciples have great advantages, and they are most likely to hit high scores and enter the inner door.

However, this is often not the case. Some of the disciples have a low level of practice, but the exercises they practice are more powerful. They can get higher scores when testing. They once had a twenty-nine external gate on Xiaoyufeng. Disciples, successfully hit the top ten, thus becoming inside the door.

"Luo Zheng has long been a born soul, with his strength, in fact, there is no need to test, and directly into the inner door!"

"What do you know? It is easy to enter the inner door, but Luo Zheng's strength is superior. It is said that this time he wants to borrow this magical array, hit the front door of the inner door, and directly participate in the whole peak ratio!"

"The first seven are a little bit impossible. Although Xiaoyufeng is not good, but the strength of the top seven in the inner door has reached the congenital six weights. Although Luo Zheng is enchanting, it is impossible to challenge the innate seven-strong powerhouse!"

"Hey, have you seen the limit of Luo Zheng? If not, what do you think of those black robes to observe? You look at the past, the black robes standing on the side, he is called Wang Xufeng, it is our light rain. Peak inside the door ranked seventh, originally he is qualified to represent Xiao Yufeng to fight the whole peak ratio! But this time he is still very nervous, if Luo Zheng broke out a high score, it is likely to squeeze his position!"

Although the test has not yet begun, various news has spread between disciples.