MTL - Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood-Chapter 232 Black

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"Fire, fire?"

At this moment, the black and even the speech was stuttering.

The flame on this flame stone man is not a general flame.

Even if the skyfire kills, the power of the skyfire contained in it is also divided into small and small, and at the same time according to the level of the realm.

However, Heming was very confident in the flame. When he went out to practice, a meteorite fell and the ground was pulled out of a horrible crater. The flame in the big pit burned for three days and three nights. I thought about it for three days and three nights.

It is not every fighter who has the opportunity to observe the flames of the Scorpio. For Heming, this is a big opportunity and a big reliance on Heming.

However, the fire of this day, even if it is black, can not be used freely, only after the arrangement of the skyfire, he has the ability to transform the real element into this powerful flame, using the illusion to release.

The stone man is the illusion of black cymbals, and the fire of the scorpio is a real flame!

But at this moment, Luo Zheng stood there innocently, and his body was even stronger. Why was he not hurt by the fire of the Scorpio? Is he immune to the flame?

Impossible, even the legendary son of the flame, can not completely immune to the damage of the flame, but after the understanding of the flame reaches a certain level, it can greatly offset the damage of the Scorpio Flame!

"I don't believe that the power of the flames is not effective for you! The flame stone man, give it to me!" Heming a bite, manipulating the flame stone people once again toward the Luo Zheng surrounding.

In the face of high temperature burning, Luo Zheng's body will activate this wonderful state, but this time, his body does not seem to change much, Luo Zheng looked at his dense golden Sanskrit and shook his head.

At first, the real fire can be used to calcine the body, and the back is based on the heart fire and the sacred flame. These two strange flames.

Although the fire of this day is powerful, but the purity is far less than the fire of the heart and the sacred fire, not to mention that Luo Zheng has now reached the stage of the Chinese spirit, this day is not enough to calcinate his body. This is also why my body does not absorb this flame.

In other words, his body just dismissed the flames too low, just releasing these golden Sanskrit to help him resist the damage, and did not form a golden vortex to absorb the flame.

Thousands of Sanskrits are attached to the body surface of Luo Zheng. At this moment, he looks like a golden golden man. He is not afraid to face the flame stone people.

Seeing those flame stone people coming to them, there was a sneer on his face.

"Give me broken!"

Luo Zhengyi reached out and punched it.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

A statue of a stone man was smashed by Luo Zheng, and in the blink of an eye, Luo Zheng destroyed four or five flame stone people.

At this time, the remaining flame stone people have all gathered around, surrounded by Luo Zheng, and the black screams, and all the flame stone people detonated at the same time.

"Explosion! I don't believe you can't burn you!"


In the illusion, a red-red flame rises to the sky and rushes to the peak of a few dozen feet. Fortunately, this flame is in a illusion.

According to the law of the magic array, all the energy will be firmly controlled inside the illusion, and will not be scattered outside. If the illusion is broken and the energy is dissipated, it means that the illusion has been broken.

This blazing flame lasted for a long time, and after the fire of the scorpion exploded, it gradually went out.

Heming took a deep breath and said, "Success, I didn't expect to ignite the fire of the scorpio that I had been cultivating for so long to be able to deal with Luo Zheng. The congenital two has such strength, if he stepped into the congenital perfection in the future. I am far from being an opponent!"

The whole illusion is the spiritual projection of black cymbals. The black silence is in the joy of success. At this time, his mood is calm and the illusion is gradually calming down.

But in a short while, the illusion suddenly swelled, and the black-sounding state of mind produced a violent storm. The illusion became as violent as him, and the ground not far away began to vibrate, and the cracks on it began to expand. This shows that Hei Mou is very excited at the moment.

"The fire of the Scorpio broke out at the same time, there is no way to take this kid!" He said in a black whisper, and there was a strong taboo in his eyes.

Blocking all the fires of the Scorpio, Luo Zheng waved his arms, the golden Sanskrit gradually fell into the body of Luo Zheng, Luo Zheng stepped out of the cracked giant pit, his eyes staring at the black, his face floating A faint sneer: "This fight has always been pressed by you. Until now, even your sleeves have not touched the points. Now that you have enough, go to me?"

Heming has been panicked. Unknown is the biggest fear. He can't see Luo Zheng's cards, and he can't understand Luo Zheng's true strength!

Judging the strength of a warrior, the most important thing is to use the realm and cultivation to view, although the realm and cultivation are sometimes not accurate, because the merits of cultivation, the magic weapons carried by the body are different, those excellent geniuses It is easy for warriors to challenge more and more, and even more challenges.

But even if it is a more difficult challenge, there must be a spectrum! The only black-sounding attack, even if it is a master of the gods, will be quite embarrassing.

But Luo Zheng is safe and sound! He is only congenital!

"Did he have already broken through the realm of the gods, compressing and repairing, is it for the Qingyun Road and reward? Impossible! The disciples of Quanfeng Dabi are all screened through layers, and it is necessary to examine the bone age. He cannot compress himself. The cultivation, the sovereign and the elders, and the true people are not vegetarian!"

For Luo Zheng's various unknowns, a huge fear is formed in the heart of Heming.

"Go to death! Hundreds of people will kill!"

Heyin waved his hand and projected hundreds of illusions from his body. The one hundred illusions were the same as his long one. Everyone's strength was not much different from him.

When the illusions landed, waving the long guns in their hands, they rushed toward Luo Zheng, and the black screams would use the illusion to drown Luo Zheng!

In the face of these illusions, Luo Zheng’s expression did not change at all. The energy of Feng Xiang Spar in the right arm rushed out, and the energy flowed into the body of Luo Zheng along the meridians. At this moment, Luo Zheng’s body was light. Zhang white paper.

Then he turned into a thin line and went straight to the black.

"Block him!"

Black and a wave, the illusion of hundreds of black-sounding bodies is strictly in front of him.

Luo Zheng’s eyes are slightly stunned, and the dragon scales in the body are half bright. Even if only the general dragon scales are lit up, the power of horror is unimaginable. Luo Zheng is like a wild and savage beast at this moment, even more terrible. It is not only that he has amazing power, but also has a very fast speed.

"Puff puff……"

Luo Zheng casually finds an angle and directly collides with the past. Whether it is a long gun or an illusion, under the impact of Luo Zheng, it can only be turned into a little bit of crystal mans, dissipated in the magic array, and turned into a trace of energy returning to the flag.

Soon, Luo Zheng broke through a wall composed of a hundred congenital people and directly ran into the black man.

Hei Ming did not think about relying on these illusions to deal with Luo Zheng. The 100-person fantasy killing is not his strongest offensive means. His strongest killing trick is the fire of the Scorpio, but it has no effect on Luo Zheng, so he only hopes that these illusions can Delay for a while, so that he can figure out how to crack.


Hundreds of congenital illusions did not cause any trouble to Luo Zheng, just a moment, Luo Zheng rushed up, which made the black ring unexpected.


Black Ming felt that the front was black, and the whole person was heavily smashed out.

Beyond the Magic Array, this round has already come to an end, and the other games have ended. It is waiting for Luo Zheng and Heming to end. All eyes are concentrated here.

Zuo Yun is meditating in situ, adjusting his body. After eating Chi Yundan, he needs to use the real yuan to dissolve those medicines and spread them into the meridians of his body, so as to stimulate the efficacy of Chiyundan.

Although Zuo Yun is concentrating on the efficacy of Chi Yundan, at the moment he still puts a glimpse of his heart on the battlefield.

Zuo Yun’s mentality is very good. He is a slap in the face. He has suffered many unfair treatments since he was a child. Step by step, with his own efforts and extraordinary talents, he entered Qingyunzong as the first door of Xiaoyufeng, even if Xiaoyufeng is only Ranked the last mountain, but this achievement is enough to make him laugh.

Zuo Yun has never been complacent. With his vision, he also understands that these achievements today are not worth mentioning.

In any case, I have to pay all my hard work and climb towards the peak of the martial arts. But today he was hit by black screams, not only his miserable, but also the whole small rain peak. stand up.

In addition to Luo Zheng, he is the chief disciple of Xiao Yufeng. In fact, many people do not know Luo Zheng, but instead know him Zuo Yun.

However, Xiao Yufeng was the highest disciple, and he was not worth mentioning in front of Heiming. He did not have the power to fight back. This idea has become the demon of Zuo Yun, and he is lingering in any case.

The shame that I received today is like a stagnation of gas, blocked in the chest of Zuoyun, making him difficult to breathe!

If Zuo Yun can't break this demons, his future repairs will be trapped in the congenital perfection, unable to enter!

To break this demons, you can rely on yourself, you can also rely on Luo Zheng, perhaps Luo Zheng can replace Xiao Yufeng, and he will learn the black songs, then his heart will naturally be solved.

"Luo Zheng, you must win!"

On the other end of the battlefield, the remaining mentor of Heiyanfeng is still talking with Xiangyang, and the atmosphere is relaxed and harmonious.

