MTL - Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood-Chapter 254 Empty hand to welcome the white blade?

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Although Wang Yan’s Wang family is also a Da Shi, but it is not in the top ranks among the emperors, it is impossible to have financial resources for Wang Yanzhen to get an ancient fairy.

This ancient fairy ware was actually inadvertently broken into a dusty emperor's tomb. In order to get this gentleman's sword, Wang Yanxi broke the heavy organs in the grave, on the way. It was chased and killed by a group of scorpions guarded by the power of the gods, and almost fell into the emperor’s grave.

"This gentleman sword, once the sword of the Qin Long Emperor of the ancient Yulong dynasty, Luo Zheng your body is as strong as a sturdy iron, I don't know if I can stop my sword." Gently wave the gentleman's sword, and the lotus flower falls down.

Looking at the gentleman's sword in the hands of Wang Yanqi, Luo Zheng's eyebrows were slightly picked. He did not expect that Wang Yanqi had an ancient fairy in his hand.

It is said that in ancient times, the refining master's understanding of the Tianyan Way was far easier than the current refiner, so the ancient refiners were more likely to appear as refining masters, and the refining masters were far more refined. It's simple now.

Later, there was a drastic change between heaven and earth. The way of Tian Yan became more difficult to understand. It was more difficult for the refiner to refine the fairy. As for what kind of dramatic changes occurred between the heavens and the earth, why Tian Yan The way has become more difficult to comprehend, and the mystery is not known.

Therefore, the power of the ancient fairy is far stronger than the power of the fairy, and the sword of the gentleman's sword in the hands of Wang Yanxi is engraved with a fairy streak, indicating that this gentleman sword is a lower product. But because it is the next product, the power of the game can be traced directly to the Chinese fairy!

Luo Zheng has no doubt that this Chinese product can cut his body. After all, Luo Zheng’s body is just equal to the extent of the Chinese spirit.

"Ancient fairy? You are a big hand, but you are sure to be able to hit me?" Luo Zheng’s voice fell, taking a step, the energy of Fengxiang spar was all turned on, and the whole person moved like a gust. !

At the same time, Luo Zheng's six phantom phantoms were launched at the same time, and they ran into the direction of Wang Yan from six directions.

Faced with the phantom of the six gods who rushed to themselves, Wang Yanxi stretched out his hand and unfolded six petals in the white lotus under his feet. Under the roll of six petals, he flew out the statue of the demon phantom. The huge white lotus is actually the offensive weapon of Wang Yanxi!

The white lotus can resist the phantom of the demon, but Wang Yan’s figure is gently floating, holding the gentleman’s sword and chasing it toward Luo Zheng. “I don’t know how you did it, congenital, it’s so fast. The speed, do not know the sword, actually realized the sword step, it is the first wonder of the past and the present, but I have already said, useless, all your dependence is useless!"

Compared with Luo Zheng’s strange sword steps, Wang Yan’s body is much more elegant. Every time he takes a step, a lotus flower blooms on the ground, and the whole person is like a flowing swallow on the platform.

This is because the Wang Yanxuan released the "small flowers and one finger" on the battlefield, and was crushed by a lot of pits and shackles, which affected Wang Yan's body, such as Yan's body, and Luo Zheng's sword step is good at the strange turn and Change direction, so this environment is conducive to Luo Zheng.

Despite this, the distance between the two is constantly drawing closer.

At this moment, everyone’s heart suddenly hangs up. Will Wang Yan’s killing Luo Zheng?

Everyone pays attention to this fight, not only because Luo Zheng is the genius of the whole peak, but also because Wang Yanxi is the leader among the pro-disciples. Their greater interest lies in Luo Zheng and Wang Yanxi. The grudges between the two.

The two men still had a lot of irony in the battle. Obviously, because Luo and Luo had formed a hateful affair, although the whole peak was bigger than every disciple, they rarely tried to fight. The situation, after all, most of the disciples understand that there is no reason to stay in the green hills.

It's good to be able to make a good result in the whole peak ratio, but it is not worth it to pay for it.

However, this kind of grievance in front of the game is different. Whether it is Luo Zheng or Wang Yanxi, they want to step on the other side's feet, and they will never turn over, so the battle will be more intense than before!

Now it seems that every step of Luo Zheng seems to have been sealed by Wang Yanzhen, Wang Yanzhen has occupied an absolute advantage, in this case Luo Zheng only two end.

Either admit defeat or be killed by Wang Yan, the ancient fairy in the hands of Wang Yanqi is not used to cut vegetables and cut vegetables!

Seeing this scene, Elder Xu asked to ask next to Shi Jingtian: "Is the stone lord, do you want to save Luo Zheng?"

The whole peak ratio is the most authoritative competition in Qingyun. It is used to measure the level between disciples. Therefore, the rules of the whole peak ratio are almost old-fashioned and demanding. For example, before the black-sounding or even the abuse of Zuoyun The referee will not intervene if Zuo Yun does not admit defeat.

It seems that Wang Yanxi used his squid to almost split the entire battlefield, but the referee still did not intervene, and would not suspend the fight to repair than the bucket.

Under normal circumstances, even if it is a stone, it will not interfere with the fighting that is taking place in the whole peak and big ratio because of its own affairs.

However, Xu’s elders already know the thoughts of Shi Jingtian. In the view of Shi Jingtian, Luo Zheng is definitely an object worthy of training. The attention and evaluation given to Luo Zheng are very high, which is always on the stone. It is rare.

At this moment, Wang Yanzhen took the gentleman's sword to chase Luo Zheng. If Luo Zheng is really a piece of jade, it would be a pity that Wang Yanyi gave him a sword. It would be a pity.

Shi Jingtian’s eyes stared at Luo Zheng firmly, frowning and said: “No! This kid was chased by Wang Yan’s everywhere, but did you see a flustered look from his face? I guess this kid still Have a backhand!"

Xu Chang Lao saw that Luo Zheng was still very calm, and the footsteps of the different steps of the sword turned left and right, and there was no confusion.

However, this can only explain that Luo Zheng’s heart is steady and not dangerous. This does not mean that Luo Zheng is not afraid of Wang Yan’s sword! In the view of Xu Chang, Luo Zheng has long been the end of the strong, where there is room for resistance? If you do not intervene again, it is estimated that the time of a few interest, Luo Zheng was killed by Wang Yan.

However, looking at the situation of the sovereign, there is no intention to take the shot. What can an elder say?

At this time, Wang Yanqi is getting closer and closer to Luo Zheng. When this distance is shortened to a certain extent, Wang Yan’s elegant figure once again falls, the toes are lighter, and the lotus blooms. The gentleman's sword in his hand has already gone out.

The goal of his sword is not the key to Luo Zheng, but a hand of Luo Zheng.

The power of the ancient fairy is extremely overbearing. The domineering that is released from the sword of his gentleman does not match the appearance of this sword, but this does not affect the power of the sword. Like mud, even if it is used to cut the mystery, or even the spirit, it is also like cutting vegetables and cutting vegetables.

It is conceivable that even if Luo Zheng’s body is beautiful, it will still be killed by this sword.

Wang Yanqi’s past moments of the sword, Luo Zheng seems to grow up after the eyes, hard to slide out from the side, because of this small step, Luo Zheng’s shoulders opened an inch of distance, hard to avoid Opened the sword of Wang Yanqi.

At the same time, Luo Zheng's face showed a sly smile, only to see him turn around, it is facing Wang Yanzhen, the distance between the two is quite close.

"Looking for death!" Wang Yanxi did not expect that Luo Zheng would dare to confront him positively. He took a backhand, and the gentleman's sword retraced and cut into Luo Zheng, but Luo Zheng did not hesitate, even reached out to Wang Yan. Awkward sword.

"Luo Zheng does not want his own hand? He wants to empty the edge of the blade? Is it crazy?"

"Wang Yanxi's sword is able to be picked up by hand. I can be sure that Luo Zheng's hands must be scrapped!"

Seeing that Luo Zheng wants to harden Wang Yan’s sword by hand, many people can’t help but shake his head. It’s not a high-level effort to greet the white-handed blade. Many people will, but the empty-handed white blade requires many conditions and requires its own. The strength is much stronger than the opponent, and the palm of the hand can indeed take over the sword of the other side.

The strength of Wang Yanxi is not only stronger than Luo Zheng, but the sword in his hand is still an ancient fairy. Isn't that looking for death? Many people are imagining that Luo Zheng’s hands have been cut off, a **** scene.

However, the scene in which everyone imagined did not happen.

Because Luo Zheng is not really empty-handed to welcome the white blade!

In the face of ancient fairy sects, it is not foolish to pick up with empty hands unless he really does not want his hands.

His right hand suddenly turned into a fist, and the direction of change was smashed from the side of the gentleman's sword.

With his own body, he couldn't face the edge of the ancient fairy, but his fist was directly on the back of the sword!

Seeing Luo Zheng’s move, Wang Yan’s face showed a slight smile. For Luo Zheng’s small cleverness, he suddenly got bored. The weak is always weak. If he is anxious, he will not be able to force any means. A boring little trick!

It’s very simple to crack the Luo Zheng. He only needs to follow the power of Luo Zheng’s punching out, and then he can go to Luo Zheng, but he just has to take Luo Zheng’s left arm. Now it is necessary to take another direction to take away the right arm of Luo Zheng. This kind of trick can't change the situation.

However, just as Luo Zheng’s fist touched his sword, Wang Yan’s face suddenly changed!

From Luo Zheng’s fist, an extremely strong vibration force was uploaded. When this force of vibration was poured into the blade and passed to Wang Yan’s hand, he was unsteady and the gentleman’s sword in his hand almost flew away. Go out!