MTL - Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood-Chapter 33 Depressed things

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The flying knife, under his slight push, suddenly flew out and quickly fell into the back of the Mozu.

What is even more strange is that the thick body of the Mozu is like the air at this moment. The flying knife shoots in and runs through the chest of the Mozu, breaking the head of the Mozu and flying out to the sky. Liuzhangyuan, after the power was exhausted, fell down.

At this moment, Luo Zheng was shocked and could not speak. There were only two possibilities to achieve this effect, or his own strength was so terrible that the flying knife could easily carry the Mozu through his power. This is obviously impossible.

Another possibility is that this broken flying knife is incomparably sharp and can easily penetrate the Mozu with only a small amount of power.

There is only one possibility in front of Luo Zheng.

What level of baby is this flying knife? Luo Zheng could not help but sigh in his heart.

The Mozu, who looked like a hill, took his own chest and walked a few steps. He finally took his head and turned into a thousand light spots.

The only fifth-level Eudemon on the fifth floor was killed by Luo Zheng!


A piece of pure black crystal fell to the ground and hit the hand of Luo Zheng.

Only need a piece of black crystal to pass the assessment...

I don't know which idiot designed this rule. Luo Zheng took the black crystal shard and couldn't help but cursed the son of life in his heart.

This Mozu is so powerful, he would rather kill a hundred three-level Eudemons, and will not provoke the five-level Eudemons.

The crystal fragments on Luo Zheng’s hand are long enough. He cares more about his own flying knife than this black crystal chip.

He climbed up hard, took two steps, but did not find the flying knife on the ground.

If you don't know the power of this flying knife, you can forget it, but now the finder is absolutely super baby, and you are not allowed to lose it anyway.

How could it be gone?

Luo Zheng went back and forth several times and finally found a small hole in the ground.

Worse... This flying knife is so sharp that even the body of the Mozu can't stop its castration, and now it may fall deep into the ground.

He slammed the ground a little bit, digging two or three meters in a row, and not finding the flying knife.

At this time, the scenery around Luo Zheng suddenly changed color, and a little bit of brilliance emerged.

The whole illusion has slowly collapsed. Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng’s face changed and was bad. It should be the end of the blood test, and these illusions were extinguished.

The place where Luo Zheng was located was also a shift of the stars, completely changing the appearance. He is now in a **** forest. The surrounding land and plants are all blood red. This is the true face of the Scarlet Mountain.

As for the place where Luo Zheng had just dug, it also disappeared.

"This, this... my flying knife!"

Luo Zheng suddenly wants to cry without tears.

Because the illusion was lifted, his previous injuries were completely restored. Those injuries were actually the illusions created by the illusion. Now he has a lot of strength to dig.

Can be such a big **** mountain, who knows where the flying knife has gone, if you want to find a flying knife, is it necessary to turn over the entire **** mountain?

At this time, a flying scorpion flew from the horizon, stayed by her side, jumped off an appraisal person, and asked Luo Zheng to fly to the sky.

The mentor, at this time, are still talking.

However, the focus of their discussion is not on Luo Zheng, but on several other trial disciples who are also excellent in performance and their children.

Although they did not see the final outcome of Luo Zheng, it is already a matter of fact that they must be out of the game. Although they are very much looking forward to Luo Zheng’s next application for Qing Yunzong, at least this month has not paid attention to him.

However, when the Luo Zheng occupants flew down, they actually came over and then asked: "Who should I hand these crystal fragments to?"

"Here!" A yellow-shirted woman looked for a hand in Luo Zheng. She was responsible for statistically testing the crystal fragments obtained by the disciples. There were four color baskets in front of her, and the crystal fragments of four different colors were counted separately. .

The faces of the mentor were a bit confusing at the moment, and they were a bit confused.

According to the rules of blood color trials, Luo Zheng has been out, so even if he has obtained more crystal fragments, it is useless. After all, going out in the magic array means "death", people are already dead, what else? Qualification through blood test?

Zhong Ming certainly noticed Luo Zheng, who only used the magical array to release the five-level Eudemons. At the same time, after locking Luo Zheng as the target, he was afraid of causing other people’s doubts, and he would not dare to touch the magic array. .

Now that Luo Zheng went down the mountain, he was somewhat proud of his heart. He had already passed the blood test and finally got out of the game. This guy is already very painful in his heart now?

Now it seems that Luo Zheng does not seem to have figured out the situation, but still wants to pay for the crystal fragments! He felt that it was necessary to popularize the rules of **** trials with Luo Zheng, telling him that you are already a dead person, even if there are a thousand, 10,000 pieces of crystal are useless!

He had just walked two steps toward Luo Zheng, and his legs seemed to be welded in place. He saw Luo Zheng casually throwing a piece of black crystal.

In Zhong Ming's opinion, the black crystal fragments are very dazzling.

The yellow-shirted woman squinted and asked strangely, "Hey, how can there be black crystal fragments?"

Since she was in charge of statistics, she has always placed only four colors of baskets, but she does not know that there will be black crystal fragments.

She was surprised to say that all the people suddenly understood.

The Mozu Eudemons was killed by Luo Zheng.

This piece of black crystal is naturally the fall of the Mozu Eudemons.

The scene was suddenly silent.

This Eudemons was designed here, and there was no consideration that someone would kill it.

But now, the black crystal fragments have been thrown on the table by Luo Zheng, the black light is very mysterious, even with a touch of temptation.

"How can there be black crystal fragments?" The yellow-shirt woman was somewhat puzzled by the reactions of the people around her, and raised her voice. She wondered if Luo Zheng was cheating, and wanted to use this black crystal fragment to fill it up.

At this time, a middle-aged man with a handsome appearance came out and said: "The black crystal fragments are there, and there is only one. Since the magical array of Scarlet Mountain was opened, no one has ever got it. Xiao Shi, you are responsible for statistics. Nature has not seen it."

The woman with the surname Shi’s yellow shirt nodded suddenly. “It turns out.”

The middle-aged man who was handsome and handsome came to Luo Zheng and said: "Young people, this **** trial is very good. I am the Zhou Tuo of Feng Taofeng. I welcome you to join us."

"What is the good thing about Nu Tao? There are 20 people in the thirty-three peaks. We are coming to our Lingfeng. We are the fifth in the thirty-three peaks. All the benefits are treated. It’s not that they can compare with the peak of the storm.” A bald head rushed out again, and his words were almost smashed out.

"Ginger bald head, what do you mean by this? You mean that my anger peak is worse than your Lingfeng peak? This ranking has changed every year. Our anger peak was ten years before the tenth. You Lingfeng is not worthy of our shoes with the angry peaks!" Zhou Tutor heard the bald head so evaluation of his anger peak, suddenly angered.

The **** tutor wants to rebel, but another tutor has inserted the words, but it is the Xu tutor of Tian Yifeng.

Luo Zheng remembers that Luo Peiran and Na Wangheng are in Tianyi Peak!

Xu Tuoshi stood still and said slowly: "Our Tianyifeng, the thirty-three peaks, has always been ranked first, I hope you can join us Tianyifeng."

In the face of the invitation of Xu Tutor, Luo Zheng is undecided. He will not choose Tianyifeng when he goes there. It is not that he has any prejudice against Xu Tutor, but he simply dislikes everything related to Luo Peiran.

"Luo Zheng does not go anywhere, he will come to my Xiaoyufeng," the crisp voice finally rang, Su Lingyun felt that she could no longer sit still, Luo Zheng was the first to discover her, now these stink What is the guy around here?

The instructors, when they heard Su Lingyun’s eyes, flashed the taboo color. Although Su Lingyun was only a mentor, it was really true. These people had to respectfully kneel and shouted her. ".

Taboos are jealous, but these mentors are also human-like characters. Other things can be made. It is absolutely difficult to let them let them go.

"Su tutor, you are not right to say this. Last time, last time, there were two well-behaved trial disciples who were chosen by you. You have not argued with you, but this time you have to take it away. Let's take the other thirty-two peaks. After that, we will not use them to pick disciples. When you are left, we will choose again," Xu said.

"Yes, Su Mentor, you can't always be like this..."

"What's more, your Xiaoyufeng is still the last mountain in the ranking..."

The instructors have echoed.

Originally, everyone was very dissatisfied with Su Lingyun’s overbearing disciplinary disciples. This time she had to take Luo Zheng, and the tutors finally couldn’t stand it. Under the leadership of Xu’s mentor, they all succumbed to Su Lingyun. .

In the face of these mentor, Su Lingyun suddenly waved his hand, "stop, stop! Don't say it!"

The instructors stopped talking. They certainly didn't dare to anger the Soviet tutor, otherwise they wouldn't have to mix in Qingyun.

Su Lingyun sighed and said: "Well, it is still in accordance with the normal rules, first count all the disciples who passed the blood test according to the ranking, according to the ranking and their own wishes, so it is always possible. What?"

Su Lingyun said that the other mentor suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and of course nodded.

These mentors have forgotten the personality of Su Lingyun. With her character, the things that I have seen from small to large have not been squandered by others.

She is now willing to make this concession because she has already thought of other ways.

When the work of statistics continued and proceeded in an orderly manner, she showed a sly smile.