MTL - Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood-Chapter 3853 Counterattack

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After the fine light released by the magneto-optical pole is broken, the magnetization energy also stops.

The source of the blood of the gods continues to deliver the energy of the life quadrant, making up for the incarnation of Luo Zheng.

The new flesh-and-blood bones are not so good, and now they can only be used together.

Although Luo Zheng’s body was healed, he was still in a state of ignorance and did not understand what happened.

The core of Tianzhi can help Luo Zheng to decipher Sanskrit Sanskrit, and even decipher the picture of the main world, but still can not break the gap of the world level...

Luo Nian looked at his father still worried, he once again issued an order to the Tianhuan, "help him to reinvent the soul! Energy as usual to find him to withdraw!"


This time, the speed of the ring to execute the command is surprisingly fast.

Although Luo Zheng saw the flash of the sky ring, he only saw Luo Nianchao pointing his head, but he was still confused, but soon he felt a sharp pain, almost to his The soul is broken up in general...

The pain of the reincarnation of the soul is indeed difficult to describe. It is equivalent to breaking up and reorganizing the former soul. No matter who is placed on it, it is unacceptable suffering. It is a miracle that Elder Che can reach eight levels in Levita.

When the pain stopped, Luo Zheng slowly opened his eyes.

The eye-catching picture is no longer presented by the core of the day, and everything becomes clear before.

At the same time, the voice of Luo Nian was also introduced into the ear. "Hey! Are you alright?"

"I, what's wrong with me?" Luo Zheng looked at his hands and looked quite shocked.

"The soul is reborn, now you can freely move in the mysterious world!" Luo Nian said.

"That's just Jiangzi's predecessor, what is going on?" Luo Zheng asked again.

He didn't understand what happened, but he saw with his own eyes that Jiang Ziya dissipated in front of his own eyes.

"The Tianhuanian needs to absorb a lot of energy. The energy of the Jiangzi's predecessors is not enough. It should be burning the other side of the token," Luo said in his eyes with a sad expression.

Luo Nian has never stepped into the other side of the land, but he has a good understanding of the other side of the letter and other knowledge, seeing that Jiang Ziya is countered by the other side of the token.

"Burning the other side of the token!"

This has always been the last resort of the strong side of the shore, Jiang Ziya is so decisive!

At the time of Luo Zheng’s shock, the sky suddenly flashed a violent flash.

I don’t know when the starry sky has swam in the sky, the big mouth of the giant clam opens, and the spiral light converges in its mouth.

"Magnetic polar state, magnetic energy shock!"


Those spiral rays turn down at high speed in the air, and the "hexagonal enchantment" that hits Luo Zheng and Luo Nian's head begins to appear between the blinks.


The sound of the enchantment is like a woodpecker striking the trunk.

The destructive power of the magnetic energy shock is amazing, and the surfaces of the hexagonal polygons are constantly sagged, and a crack is formed.

After all, the Tianhuan rod is controlled by Luo Zheng. The origin of the blood of the gods is replenished with energy. The broken hexagonal polygons are quickly restored to the original, and there is no trace of energy to break through the enchantment.

"The multi-polarity is one of the strongest defenses, but the magneto-optical poles just restrain you!"

"I see how long you will stay!"


The degraded madman crushed the power of the starry sky.

The spiral light becomes more dense, and the madness impacts the hexagonal polygon enchantment, which is the multi-polarity in the descending mouth.

Although it knows that Luo Zheng has the origin of the **** of blood, has almost endless energy, but wants to rely on the magneto-optical poles to smash, directly smash the enchantment, kill Luo Zheng and Luo Nian behind the enchantment.


Hexagonal polygons do withstand more stress, and the origin of the gods and the heavenly rings can be seamless.

Under the fully saturated energy supply, as long as any crack occurs, it will be repaired in an instant, and the hard energy will block the energy of the starry sky corner.

"Come back!"

The degraded person must squeeze the power of the starry sky to the limit.

The body of the starry sky squatting in my mind silently, watching the degrading of this operation is also speechless, if it is not the nonsense of the degraded, it has already dealt with these people, as it is now so much effort ?

The starry sky horn is itself an energy body. The energy in the body is the accumulation of countless years. Now the degraded person does not need money to release it. The mood is not heavy.

"Hey, hey, hehe..."

When the degraded person squeezes to a certain extent, the colorful ray of the starry sky corner is quickly dimmed, and the magnetic energy shock is also intermittent and difficult to continue...

"What happened?" asked the degraded.

"My energy is exhausted..." The starry sky is crying.


In fact, the degraded person is also very clear, using the starry sky corner to fight against the origin of the **** of blood is simply an idiotic dream, but this did not prevent Luo Zheng from getting the Tianhuanian, deep frustration and even more angry.

Luo Zheng saw a bleak starry sky corner, and his mouth was slightly tilted. "We should fight back..."

He lifted the sling of the sky and raised it. He looked back and asked some questions. "How do you use the ring?"

"Under the order, it can understand," Luo Nian replied.

Luo Zheng decapitation, raised the ring of the ring and said, "kill it!"


A huge amount of energy is absorbed by the sky ring.

The sky ring rod is exactly the same as the sword. How strong the holder can be.

The energy of the origin of the gods is open to the supply, and the sky ring can be used to the extreme!


As the ring of the sky flashed, a dark red cone gathered at the top of Luo Zheng. Once these cones appeared, they screamed toward the starry sky corner!


The cone flies very fast and is just around the corner.

The soul of the starry sky corner is not right. If you don’t care about anything, you will in turn take back the control of the body. If you wave your tail, you will have to turn around.

The downgrader did not stop anything, after all, it was wrong.

It’s just that in this situation, it’s too late for the starry sky to escape.

Those dark red cones look ordinary, actually in the form of pure energy poles, flying far beyond the starry sky.


A dozen dozen cones hit it.

With its huge head contrast, the cone is as big as a fine needle, and it is not enough to hang its teeth.

Starry horns are still a bit fortunate, I hope this thing is not very powerful...

When the first cone bursts, it understands that it is in jeopardy!

In the sight of Luo Nian and Luo Zheng, the starry sky horn seems to be an inflated ball, and the volume has skyrocketed dozens of times. Then the "啪" burst and burst into a beautiful fireworks. The white spot that belongs to the degraded person finally failed to escape, and was destroyed with the starry sky corner.