MTL - Arbor Siluo Depend on Each Other-Chapter 878 season finale

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  Chapter 878 Finale

  Joy stopped telling the story, but looked at everyone.

   "What's wrong with you? Is there something uncomfortable?"

   "My back is so sore and uncomfortable. Qinghuan, come here and rub it for me."

   "I also have a sore back, maybe it's because I've been lying down for a long time."

  Baili Mingxi also looked uncomfortable.

  Actually, my waist started to ache after dinner, but it was bearable, so I didn't really care.

  But after such a short while, the pain caused my whole body to feel uncomfortable.

   "My stomach hurts a little, maybe it's because I ate too much meat at night?"

  Mu Xuan frowned, he really ate a lot at night.

   I blame myself for being greedy, why didn't I listen to advice and insisted on eating so much meat?

   "I want to eat too much."

  Mu Yun followed suit.

   I don't know if it's a chain effect. After a while, everyone feels uncomfortable.

   "By the way, are you going to give birth?"

  Joy said stupidly.

  She had a detailed chat with the trick doctor and the others.

  This situation is likely to be born.

   "No way, let's count the days, and there are still five or six days left."

  Jiu'er immediately denied Qiao Yi's statement.

   It’s not that he never had a baby, and he didn’t react like this before he was going to have a baby.

  Back then when the child was born, his stomach hurt so much that he wanted to die, but this time the stomach didn't hurt, but the waist was so uncomfortable, like bending over for a long time and not being able to straighten up.

   "I don't think it's possible, I just have a dull pain in my stomach."

  Mu Xuan also denied Qiao Yi's statement.

   "My stomach doesn't hurt, my waist doesn't hurt, it's just a little nauseous."

  The meaning of Yue Xi is also very clear, that is, it should not be born at this time.

  Although it is not impossible to have children early, the situation is not right.

   "I want to go to the latrine."

  Su Ziye spoke at this moment.

  He really wanted to go, but he was too lazy to move. He had never been so lazy.

   "Don't like to move around?"

   Qiaoyi looked at Su Ziye.

   "Well, I want to go, but I just don't want to move."

  Su Ziye nodded, not wanting to move, very much.

   It’s better to bear with it, if you can’t bear it, go again.

   "You wait and don't move."

  Joy got off the ground as he spoke, and ran out.

   Without further ado, I hurried to find the trick doctor.

   Ask about the situation first.

  The doctor is getting old, and he always goes to bed very early.

  No, I lay in bed and fell asleep as soon as it got dark.

  When Joey came, she was drowsy.

   "Deceitful doctor, deceitful doctor, wake up soon."

  As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Qiao Yi standing beside his bed, which shocked the doctor.

   "Master, can we stop being so scary? Your apprentice is old and frail, so I can't help being scared."

   Slowed down for a while, and the trick doctor finally recovered.

   "Aren't I in a hurry, listen to me."

  Joy told the strange doctor about the various situations of her husbands.

   After all, it wasn't her who gave birth, and she didn't have a baby before. She knew this situation because she asked the doctor.

  But just in case, Joey thought it would be better to ask.

   "Isn't this just about to give birth? Hurry up and get them all carried to your room, otherwise you will be nervous about giving birth together. Let Mr. Wen be ready at all times, and let the kitchen boil water quickly."

   Talking, the trick doctor has already started to get up and get dressed.

   "Oh, then I'll go to Mr. Wen first."

   "Go to Qiuyi first."


  When I came to Liang Qiuyi's door, Liang Qiuyi had already come out of the house.

   "I'm going to find Mr. Wen, don't worry about the kitchen, you go and see them first, lest they get nervous when someone passes by."

"it is good."

  Joy nodded, and then walked back quickly.

   "My wife, what did you do?"

   "I went to ask the trick doctor, she said that you are going to give birth. Someone will come and carry you all to your own room. Otherwise, I am afraid that you will be nervous together."

  They both had children, so Joey told the truth.

   "Can't put?"

   "Why can't you? The doctor has checked a lot of literature because you are pregnant, and one of them has written about the various reactions before giving birth. Just in case, it's better to be cautious."

  Joy is so anxious, it's all like this, why do they still think it's impossible?

   "Okay then, I'll go clean up."

   "Don't pack it up, go back first, I'll send the things to you when the time comes."

   "After you and your wife go back, prepare the baby's clothes, scissors and other messy things first, so as not to be in a hurry."


   After Joey finished giving orders, someone came over with a sedan chair.

   Sending all the husbands back to their respective rooms, Qiao Yi followed and took a look.

  Seeing that Mr. Wen has already put everything in place, I feel at ease.

  With such a big commotion, soon half of the entire Qiao Mansion was illuminated.

  The lights came on, like a chain reaction, and Qiao Mansion was brightly lit in an instant.

   Looking at the illuminated Qiao Mansion, Qiao Yi looked at the attendants following him.

   "Is everyone's reaction too intense? It's not yet determined whether I will be born today."

   Attendant: "..."

  The one with the most intense reaction is you.

  If he was not afraid that you would get angry in a hurry and something would happen, he would not rush out of the bed after hearing the news.

   What time is it? It will be Zishi in more than an hour.

   "Mrs. Yue's side has already been activated. I heard Mr. Wen means that she is about to give birth. Now the slave will go to the kitchen and ask someone to bring hot water."

   At this time, a servant ran over, panting and told Qiao Yi, and then ran away without waiting for Qiao Yi to speak.

   "So fast? I'll go and see."

  Joy just took one leg, and before he took two steps, another servant came running out of breath.

   "Mrs. Jiu'er is about to give birth here, so the slave will go to the kitchen to get hot water."

   Qiao Yi didn't go out even ten steps away, but all the husbands started to mobilize.

  For a while, Joey didn't know where he went.

  After thinking about it, Joey decided to kill the chicken and stew the chicken soup first.

  Joy's chicken just got off the pot, and the person who wanted to announce the good news to Qiaoy found the kitchen.

   It is said that the wives have all given birth, and now Mr. Wen is waiting for Qiao Yi to reward the money.

"So fast?"

   This was Joey's first reaction.

   Then quickly ran out of the kitchen.

   Qiao Yi went to Mu Qing's place first.

  Seeing Qiao Yiwen, he immediately came forward to announce the good news.

  After receiving Qiaoyi's reward, Mr. Wen said a few auspicious words, and then two people came out of the room.

   One person holds one in his arms, and the other holds two in his arms.

  A child stuffed a top-quality jade pendant in his arms, after which Qiao Yi went into the room, said something to Mu Qing about your hard work, and then went to other places.

   After ten rooms were gone, Joey went directly to the pond to cool off.

   "Master, what are you doing here?"

  The attendants stared at Joey closely, for fear that Joey would be too distracted to jump off.

  After all, the fact that the master doesn't like children very much is about to become a public issue.

   "I want to be quiet."

  The husband gives birth to a child, and the father and son are safe. Joy was very happy, but when she saw the bunch of children, she was depressed.

   Putting these children together, she couldn't even fit in her big bed.

   It is easy to raise, but how did you get the name?

  Could it be Joe One Two Three Four Five Six Seven and the last one Joe Thirty?


(From the beginning of the book to the present, I have been writing for 11 months, and it is finally finished today. Thank you for your support and company, I love you. The new book will be released tomorrow, "My Lady is Hard to Chase: The Supreme Master" with many male protagonists .)

  (end of this chapter)