MTL - Arcane Age-Chapter 576 Concealed

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“Are you ready to build the materials of the sky?” Olaxa asked again.

"Yes, the **** of Fengshen, I have already traded in your city and got enough crystal of the wind." Xiwei knows that every move since he entered the city must be under the supervision of the ruler, so he directly acknowledges it.

Olaxa directly lost a piece of green crystal: "This is the highest quality Aeolus crystal, used as the core of the sky. For the mortal, you can go!"

Olaksa waved his hand impatiently and ended the meeting.

Xiwei left the Fengshen throne under the **** or surveillance of the giants in the cloud and returned to the vast sea of ​​clouds. Gently throwing away the Fengshen crystal of the size of the fist in his hand, Xiwei revealed a sneer, and sending this high-quality Aeolus crystal is not the kindness of Oraksa. There is the mark of Oraksa on this Aeolus crystal, as long as it is the top of the sky. Built, the owner of this door must be the king of the wind, Oraksa.

Xiwei naturally can't do it on this, but in a short period of time he already has his own way, that is, adding a formal procedure on the top of the sky, his own mark.

Before the token given by Obi Hughes, Xiwei left the wind element plane before returning to the wind element plane, and returned to his own laboratory, and began the process of building the top of the sky.

Building the gates of the eternal space requires a very high space school of magic, and the scorpion is the only channel connecting the Orient plane and the wind element plane, even if it is impossible to use the legendary caster of the astrologer Taylor space school. Completed.

However, as Xiwei, who mastered the singularity of the universal world and the inheritance of Grodick, the creation of the shackles is still within his ability.

The first and most important process is undoubtedly the activation of Fengshen Crystal. This crystal, which is given by the king of the wind, Olaxa, contains the power of the wind element, will provide enough energy for the sky and support it. Its form and kernel.

One thing that Xiwei is carefully doing is to put a layer of etheric essence on Fengshen crystal.

Xiwei's exploration of the mystery of the ether has exhausted the limits that can be achieved at present. Under his subtle manipulation, the etheric essence with the inscriptions of mysterious spells perfectly covers the surface of the Fengshen crystal, forming a new procedure.

This means that on the shackles of the wind elemental plane and the main material plane, Xiwei has the same authority as the king of the wind, Olaksa. Although it is temporarily not cited, the key moments will certainly play a decisive role.

After using the whole five magics, the patch work for Fengshen Crystal was completed, and the construction of the entire sky was completed.

At this time, it was the night of the night, the moon was thin and the west was flying, and it came directly to the place where the most suitable structure was built.

The processed Fengshen crystal is gently placed in the space where the two planes are staggered but the most stable. The right hand of Xiwei gently waved, and the crystal of the wind from the throne of Fengshen turned into a little star, drifting. In the space around the Fengshen crystal, the time is now hidden, and it gradually sinks into the space crack caused by the collision of the two planes.

Xiwei urged thirty-six emptiness inscriptions, and started to break through the Wanjie general sensation. It began to be arranged like a needle thread, which stabilized the turbulent space, and the crystal of the wind around the Fengshen crystal began to gradually gradually. The settlement is attached to it, and the inscriptions of the mysterious oracles begin to expand gradually. The construction process of the scorpion is still in the stage of rapid development.

The mana cost of the whole process is terrible. However, it is not a big deal for the heart of the West Lake. Especially after the wind element and the line, Xiwei has a new inscription on the final element of the wind. The inspiration and thoughts reflected in his heart lake is that the road to Qingyun has expanded by three points.

When the day and night change, the moment of dawn comes, the sky is finally completely completed, this is a blue door above the clouds, the inscription on the door is dense, forming a light blue space vortex, as long as this vortex, You can freely travel through the wind element plane and the Orient plane.

However, there is also a master of the sky, and the master on the bright face is naturally the king of the wind, Olaksa, with the core of the gods he provided as the core of the sky, no one can pass without the permission of Oraksa. of.

And Xiwei is the secret owner of the sky. Once his arrangement is activated, Xiwei will acquire the same authority as Olaxa on the top of the sky, even when the two conflicts, Xiwei also You can use the smuggling method to travel between the two circles.

It’s not that Olaxa or Obi Hughes has no wariness for West Victoria. Whether it’s Oraksa, the king of the wind, or Phoebe King Obi Hughes, they don’t know much about magic, especially space. school. What's more, there is another set of procedures on the surface of Fengshen Crystal and completely overcome the feelings of Oraksa. Only a few people in the world can do it.

"Very good, Tah, I didn't expect you to complete the sky in such a short time!" Pharaoh Obi Hughes was very satisfied: "Follow me to see Olaxsa, it is your pleasure. !"

So one day, Xiwei once again came to the throne of Fengshen. This time, Olaksa will personally take the shot and fix the wind elemental plane to prevent it from continuing to sink. This is full of curiosity.

The king of the wind once again left the throne of the **** of Fengshen. In front of the master of the wind element plane, even the Pharaoh Obi Hughes was much smaller, and all other wind elemental creatures with their respect and worship guarded their king. .

The blue core of Oraksa's chest glitters like a cyan sun. The surface of his tall body begins to shine with cyan electric light. A powerful momentum begins to condense, flying far away and watching Xiwei instantly. change.

This is the pure and powerful element of the wind. At this moment, Olaksa is completely dominated by the gusty wind. The master of the wind and thunder, the power of the entire plane is affected by him. At this moment, all the lords of the wind in the city of the cloud All of them sensed the change of the plane, and they cast their temptations here.

Olaksa raised his right hand high, even though he was extremely slow at the moment, as if he had a heavy burden on his body. In a flash, a horrible dark blue lightning rushed out and swept over the sky. Directly hit the looming sky among the whirlpools.

Innumerable horror storms shredded the original calm sea of ​​clouds, lightning and thunder, and the entire wind element plane began to violently shake, as if the previous calm was completely illusory, only the violent fluctuations of this moment were the elements of the wind in the settlement. The scene that the plane should have.

The dark blue electric light that Olaksa sprinted on the top of the sky, and Xiwei manipulated the etheric essence to compress to the extreme, quietly and deeply lurking in it.

The etheric essence is the most stable energy without any characteristics. Under the control of Xiwei, it is even more dead. Even if it is induced by Oraksa, he is unable to use his own power to strengthen the sky. At the same time, it is also forcibly using the power of the source to compress the space around the stable sky.

It was only a dark blue electric light that Olaksa made, which made the sky of the sky suddenly tripled, and Olaksa did not stop the action in his hands. The left and right hands kept waving, and the dark blue electric light continued one after another. Shot, the coffin of the sky is also continuously strengthened and strengthened until the ultimate limit.

In the clear sense of the space in Xiwei's photo-clearing generalization, the wind element plane that has been rapidly and gradually settled has gradually slowed down the landing trend, and finally it is fixed at the top of the Orient plane. The intersection of the two planes was built by Xiwei, and it was reinforced by the power of the source of the king of the wind, Olaksa!

"Very good, the trouble has finally been lifted! I have to sleep well, nothing to stop worrying about me!" Olaksa, who completed all of this, waved his hand and disappeared directly from the front of Siwei and Obi Hughes.

From the rumors of old ancestors, from the memories of other people, and from the two contacts of his own, Xiwei can finally be certain that the king of the wind is not like the Lord of the morning, Ulysses, the undead king, Bard. These half-god are as good as the rule of the eye, only to be able to seal the success of God, and to be immortal.

Oraksa, who masters the source of the elements of the majority of the wind, is the master of the wind elemental plane. It is almost as immortal as the real god. As an elemental god, he looks a little more funny, and does not have much ambition and pursuit. .

Character determines fate, although the king of the wind, Oraksa, is so powerful, but it is far easier to deal with than the Lord of the Morning or the Undead King.

In this way, the so-called Pharaoh Obi Hughes’s so-called spread of Fengshen’s belief is completely a banner of the tiger’s skin. In other words, being an enemy with Obi Hughes does not mean that the king of the wind and the king of Olaksa and the whole The wind element plane is an enemy.

At this moment, the shackles of the sky are far from the appearance of the construction of Xiwei. When fully expanded, it is tens of kilometers long and wide, just like a city. Perhaps only the scale of the sky can truly be called the door of the two worlds.

Not only that, due to the intrinsic power of Oraksa, the current scorpion is equivalent to the wind element plane pillar set up on the Orient plane, supporting the wind element plane no longer continues to settle, meaning too It’s too big.

After leaving the wind element plane, Obi Hughes revealed the meaning of recruiting Xiwei, and fulfilled the promises of the past, giving Xiwei a lot of treasures, crystals and secrets.

These things are naturally the inheritance of the wind element plane, and Xiwei smiled unceremoniously, but rumors rejected the Pharaoh's recruitment plan.

Obi Hughes is not angry. After all, the strength of the astrologer Taihe in building the shackles of the sky has been respected by him. Moreover, as a Afg, Tah, will also owe allegiance to others instead of loyalty to himself. The greatest emperor in Aphrodite's history?

After returning to the White Tower on the outskirts of Kayata, Xi Wei sighed with a sigh of relief, facing a half-god with a disguised identity, and doing his hands and feet on the top of the sky. The pressure was not too big, but it was finally planned. Achieved, the harvest is not small.

Due to the existence of Oraksa, the method of conquering the wind elemental plane is not feasible, but this does not mean that Xiwei is completely unable to intervene in the wind element plane. On the contrary, he already has a less clear idea. This will determine Violet's next development strategy.

Xiwei has arranged a transmission array between the Violet Castle and the astrologer tower of Kayata. Because of the distance, only he can communicate with him for a while, and a white light flashed, and Xiwei has returned to the Violet.

In the castle's reception room, the hostess Natalya is quoting afternoon tea with the silver-haired beauty Christine. The two talked very happily and their faces were filled with warm smiles.

"Ah, our astrologer, Sivi, is back!" Natalia came forward happily and gave Xiwei a warm hug and a hot wet kiss. Christine looked at her with a smile, but there was still a trace of sorrow on her face.

"What about the wind element plane? Tell me about it!" Curious baby Natalya just sat down with Xiwei and couldn't help but ask.

Xiwei will simply tell the story of more than ten days, and use light and shadow to project and see what he saw and heard in the sky above the coffee table, whether it is Pharaoh Obi Hughes, or the king of the wind, Oraksa, or the vast sea of ​​clouds. It’s still the city of Yunzhong and the throne of Fengshen, all of which are really unreal.

"So, you are also the master of the sky?" Natalya asked excitedly: "Olaxa is so powerful? I am afraid that you are not the opponent of this elemental demigod?"

"If you fight in the wind element I am afraid that neither the Lord of the Morning or the tyrannical master is his opponent!" Xiwei nodded. "But I already have a way, step by step... ..."

Xiwei said his own ideas, Natalia shook her head again and again: "You use the identity of Xiwei to see Oraksa again, launch a war against the Pharaoh, and arbitrate by Oraksa? Isn't this a whimsical? ”

"For other demigods, this certainly won't work, but for the elemental demigod, especially the king of the wind, I am afraid it fits his character best!" Xiwei said with emotion: "The four elements are semi-god The character must be closely related to the power of the source they control. The wind is the wind, the king of the wind is a moody, like a thriller!"

"Is this OK?" Natalia smiled. "Well, Xiwei, then I will wait for your good news!"

"How is the Arcane Corps prepared?" Siwei asked.

"Everything is ready, you can go out with a single order!" Natalya straightened up, she was already impatient at home, and the battle to conquer Sicily was too easy, and the fisherman The first battle did not fight, so she kept thinking that there was no access.