MTL - Arcane Age-Chapter 587 Capital and magic

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The arrival of the birth of the Son made the entire Violet Academy quiet, and most of the students left the school, but there are still many people who are vying for time and refuse to waste even a little bit of time.

In the restaurant on the second floor of the most famous Bay Holiday Hotel in Nanhai Town, Violet Island, the Crete Master is sitting there uneasy, as if waiting for the trial of fate.

He is 30 years old this year. He used to be a well-known young magician in the Kiev region. He entered the field of exemplary ways very early. At that time, he was very angry, and he almost lost himself in the praise and compliments of countless people.

However, when the turbulent year came, his mentor died in the orc royal family. The Master Tower collapsed. He was spared when he went out to purchase the casting materials. He eventually had to embark on a journey of escape, and finally came to the violet after several twists and turns.

Crete naturally refused to give up the magic road, so he took the Violet enrollment exam. As a high-ranking magician, he has a solid foundation and rich theoretical theory. He soon became a member of Violet through the entry examination.

However, truly entering the latest magical sanctuary of the Orient continent, all the pride of Crete is quickly blown away by the rain, even if it is not dazzling with the president of Xiwei, Vice President Yang and Master Meryl. Excessive younger than, but the middle-and-high-level magician in his twenties really took a lot of money, so that Crete had to give birth to his feelings of being old.

In this case, Crete put away all the arrogance and arrogance, and learned the magic system of Violet from the beginning, especially the theory and spirit of the Arcane proposed by the president of Xiwei, which is really like a slap in the face, benefiting a lot, short In three months, Crete published a paper in the Journal of Violet and became a two-star arcane master.

However, Crete's path to growth is not smooth, because he can get the ambition from Violet to meet his growing needs and challenge the master's card.

At present, the high-level magicians in the Violet Academy are really numerous, but the masters of magic are still rare. As long as they have achieved the master of magic, they will stand out as the leader of the discipline, the head of the laboratory, and enjoy the high-level resources of the entire college.

Although Violet College has helped most students to make up the resources needed for growth through the mission system, Crete, who is a high-level magician, is not enough. Crete had to find another way to put his research into the magical incubator project, hoping to get the college investment, become a commercial tycoon like Faawei, and get a lot of spiritual resources.

However, opportunities like the big flighter Treze and the beauty master Faawei are no longer missed. Nowadays, dozens of applications and feasibility reports are sent to the president of the Violet Chamber of Commerce almost every day. Crete's research results have not been approved, but he did not despair, but chose another investment channel that has recently become popular with Violet.

It didn't take long for the guests waiting for Crete to come. A large abdomen old nobleman, wearing a luxurious decoration all over his body, with a sparkling magic ring on his left hand, is a limited edition of the Violet Chamber of Commerce. The space ring, each price is above 100,000 gold coins.

There are also two young girls who are accompanied by this nobleman. They are accompanied by one left and one right. They are similar to his appearance, and are obviously his family's descendants.

And Crete’s eyes have been confronted with another young man who followed the nobles and wore the iconic black suit and white shirt. The two looked at each other and looked at the big aristocrat’s gaze like watching a slaughter. Lamb.

The young man is called Rio, 26 years old, also from the Kiev region, but his talent on the magical path is too ordinary to pass the higher threshold of the Violet entrance exam, but Rio. The mind was very clever, and soon found a huge business opportunity, becoming an intermediary between the magician and the nobility, which made him a day of fighting, fame.

"I will introduce this. This is a high-level Master of Crete. I have only been in the Violet for only three months. I have already published an important paper in the Journal of Violet. I received a title from the Morning Star Tower and became a two-star Arcanist. In the process of change and construction, the research is quite deep.” Riyol waited until everyone gathered, and quickly began to introduce: “This is the Marquis of Ademan from the city of Shiraz, the Aardman family has more than one thousand eight The centuries-old inheritance has been very prominent in the era of Alexander the Great. The Marquis is a noble and pioneering sage. Nowadays, the Adelman family has moved to the Violet collar and just got the West last month. At the invitation of the lord of the Uighur and the fiancée Natalia, I entered the Violet Castle to enjoy the dinner. It was a decent high-ranking man. The Marquis was enthusiastic about the magic industry, and the Cretan Master was a professional. I hope the two can communicate tonight. happy!"

It has been a year since the catastrophe of the catastrophe, and there are countless city-states and principalities that have been overturned throughout the continent, and most of the rulers in these places have been able to move ahead and go to safe places.

Although most chose to take refuge in the Holy Norman Empire and the French Kingdom, there are countless nobles who come to the Violet collar. According to statistics, there are at least 300 barons, more than 100 viscounts, and more than 30 in this year. Earl, more than a dozen marquis and three grand lords settled in the violets. Every nobleman has at least a large number of family members, servants, guards, and a lot of wealth that they have searched and exploited for many years, so the price of the whole violet almost soars in an instant. stand up.

Due to the instructions of Xiwei and the control of the Violet Chamber of Commerce, the price increase of food, clothing and other necessities is not exaggerated, but the price of real estate has climbed to a very terrible high. A set of gardens in the island of Yunzhong is about 500 square meters. The price of the second-floor villas is at least 2,000 gold coins. Even if you look at the entire Kingdom of France, you are already in harmony with Wang Du Pai Li, far more than any other city.

Not to mention the island of Violet, the current housing prices in Nanhai Town are really worthy of money, and the price of various luxury goods has reached a point of interest.

The Marquis of Adelman came from the city of Sila. This city-state across the sea from Kingstown eventually fell into the hands of the Dark Council. The Adelman family, fortunately transferred almost all family members and wealth, but in Violet They need to re-operate the layout.

Unlike traditional countries and city-states, Violet is a magician-centered territory, although Sive and Nataliya hosted a banquet for the nobility immigrants at the Violet Castle last month, which hosted hundreds of guests. But in essence, Xiwei does not value these nobles very much.

The biggest contribution of their arrival was to raise the core of the Violet Bank to a level that would qualify as a national central bank to issue currency separately.

However, the aristocrats may be cruel, perhaps arrogant, but there are not many people who are truly stupid to the extreme. In the face of this new situation, the total organic spirit can find a way to smoothly integrate into the violet and re-enter the upper class.

For example, I want to do everything I can to send my children to the Violet Academy, such as buying various property industries in Violet. However, when the cooperation between Princess Lucia and Faawei Magic Beauty Shop really spread, many people finally realized that they should know what to do next. do.

Soon after, the Grand Dukes of Boland and the Marquis of Kenedi paid a great price and successfully invested in Violet Airlines. In addition to the route from Pai Li to Violet, there are plans to open three other important routes next year.

The poor Marquis of Ademan had been late because of the late fall of the city of Shiraz. When he realized this, almost all the important magic industries of the entire Violet had already had collaborators.

The shares that Xiwei opened to them are between 1% and 10%. It can be said that it is only a small shareholder, and it is completely incapable of affecting the company's decision-making operations. The dominant power is still in the hands of the Violet Chamber of Commerce, but this cooperation has become a slap in the face. Tickets for the society have become the core industry of the family and the long-term gold mines. Therefore, the Marquis of Adman cannot be taken care of.

Both sides have their own needs, one represents capital, one represents magic, one needs to stand on the ground, one needs to grow, one has a tendency to cooperate naturally, and with the intermediaries of Rio, the atmosphere is quickly warmed up. .

“Also ask the Architects to introduce your research results in a language that is easy to understand for me!” The topic finally turned to the topic, and the Marquis of Adelman couldn’t help but ask, as a nearly 60-year-old He will use his rich life experience to judge whether this cooperation is feasible.

Crete knows that today's talks have come to the most critical moments, knowing that there are many gold masters, but there are not so many nobles like the Marquis of Ademan and the transfer of almost all family property. It is not uncommon for the president and President Xiwei to have more valuable research results. Once they can't grasp this opportunity, they can't know how slow they are to become masters. One step is slow, and the future will be dark. Quite a lot.

"The Marquis, my research results are the intersection of the school of change and the school of architecture. It can be called the plan for the disabled to complete the project!" Once it comes to the field of expertise, Crete's eloquence is very good: "Know that the whole The battles of the Orient continent have been raging, the number of victims has exceeded 10 million, and the disabled have been several times. Traditional healing spells and radiant magic have failed to meet the growing needs, not to mention the lowest level of soldiers and civilians. It is a noble knight, a warlock, a magician, and a nobleman. Many people have become disabled people and endure the discrimination and physical pain of others. This is a very broad and valuable market."

"My current research results of magical prosthetics come from the intersection of the school of change and the school of architecture. What can be done now is the re-continuation of the limbs. The school of construction constructs the mechanical prosthetic bones, and the school of change creates the body, not only on the outside. It can be done in a fake way, and it can also let users use them like they have healthy limbs. There is absolutely no inconvenience!” Crete said: “Magic prostheses can be divided into low, medium, depending on the materials used. Three high grades, facing civilians, knights and nobles, not only once sold, but also lifelong maintenance and replacement, can be said to be a long-term industry, even if the future war is over, peace will come again, our industry will never There is no market. And the magical prosthesis is not the result of all my research. In the future, I will continue to explore in this field and strive to solve various disability phenomena such as hoarseness, blindness and forgetfulness!"

"Magic prosthetic?" The Marquis of Ademan nodded silently. According to his rich experience in life, this is really promising, especially in the years when the war is rampant.

A look at the tendency of the Marquis of Ademan to be hooked, Crete quickly took out the assessment report issued by the Magic Industry Audit Committee, which was covered with the seal of the Violet, completely undecided.

“The design is novel, aiming at the market blank, and the feasibility is strong.” This is the final assessment of the Magic Industry Audit Committee. If it is not Crete too urgent, his research results will be dominated by the Violan Chamber of Commerce in the near future.

This time, the Marquis of Ademan finally moved. For him, it is not easy to find a suitable project. Most of the magicians' research results are relatively ambitious, not for the general public, and the market prospect is unknown.

"I don't know the age of the Cretan arcade master?" Marquis Ademan put down the assessment report and shifted the topic.

Crete gave a slight glimpse, and Rio has been busy with the interface: "The Cretan arcade is twenty-nine years old this year. It is already a six-ring magician. It is very promising to attack the master. The future is boundless."

"I have a son and a daughter, the youngest son Joseph, 15 years old this year, just started the magic enlightenment, hoping to enter the Crete mentor, how do you know what to do?" Marquis Ademan began to talk about conditions.

Crete glanced at the young, handsome and clever boy opposite, and nodded.

"My daughter, Helena, is twenty-four years old. She used to study with Master Tyatt. Now she is a three-ring magician. She plans to take the Violet enrollment exam in June next year. You are experienced in Crete. Know if you can allow Helena to study with you?” Marquis Adelman began to introduce his daughter.

Helena is worthy of being a member of the Adelman family. At the age of 24, she has the title of "the Pearl of the Commonwealth of the West". It is beautiful and beautiful. Even if Crete looks at it in the past, it is also a blushing look. .

Riyol naturally knows that this Helena is the most loved daughter of the Marquis of Ademan. When she comes to the Violet, she does not know how many nobles come to the door, but the Marquis of Ademan does not loosen the mouth. Today, this is obviously I want to combine Helena and Crete!

While Rio was envious of hatred, he also quickly opened his mouth and helped Crete to come down.

Helena was not embarrassed at all as a bargaining chip. She was very generous and looked at Crete with a pair of blue eyes. It seemed to be evaluating the future magician who might become her husband.

Since the cooperation was reached, the next time I went to the cooperative negotiation of the shareholding, but Crete was obviously influenced by the beauty, and there was no savvy. Even though there was a help from Rio, I did not get the old Adelaide. The Marquis of Mann was slaughtered.

"The Lord of the Marquis, my research results are from the laboratory of the Violet Academy. According to the regulations, the Magic Prosthetics Project, the Violet Chamber of Commerce must occupy at least 30% of the shares. Of course, the Chamber of Commerce also contributes and fulfills its obligations." Crete did not forget this key. point.

"Three percent, it is not too much. With the shares of the Violet Chamber of Commerce, I am more assured!" Marquis Adelman finally reached an agreement with Crete, he invested a million French gold coins, occupying the newly established magical prosthetic factory With a 45% stake, Crete takes a 25% stake in technology and follow-up maintenance, while the Violet Chamber of Commerce naturally occupies the remaining 30%.

The Marquis of Adelman successfully led this promising project. Although it paid the price of a whole million French gold coins, it became the major and if Helena really married Crete in the future, The 25% stake in Ritter’s hands can also be used for him. It’s really everything in control.

Even Helena’s eyes are a lot warmer. Although Crete is not handsome in front of her, she looks like Zhou Zheng. At the age of twenty-nine, he is only five years older than himself. He has already begun the challenge of the master’s card, the future. Great. And this 25% of the shares can be converted into at least 500,000 gold coins, and the future value is definitely not only that, it seems that it is really a good husband and wife!

Helena firmly believes that a simple magician like Crete will certainly listen to his own command after marriage, and will never be as arrogant as other noble descendants of the old tyrants.

Although Helena is favored by the Marquis of Adman, the young people of the Adelman family are quite a lot. Even if the Marquis of Ademan died in the future, there will be no more heritage that she can share. Crete will be big in the future. Part of the energy will be used to explore on the magical road, certainly not much time to manage the affairs of the magical prosthetic factory, then if you can replace him to manage this part of the stock, what a big authority!

Thinking of this, Helena's privacy is slightly moist, and the look of Crete is burning like a fire.

The guests and the guests enjoyed the cooperation and enjoyed the cooperation. Three days later, in the Violet Chamber of Commerce, the three parties signed a cooperation agreement. The Violet Magic Prosthetics Company was established and began to break ground on the corporate island. It is expected that the first batch of products will be available in March 1789. Bring to market.

And Helena started to move faster. She fell in love with Crete on the last day of the sacred calendar in 1788. The two reached a marriage contract on February 1, 1789, and on March 1st. I have to officially hold a wedding.