MTL - Armor Frenzy-Chapter 1896 Comet life (2)

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All the gases produced by the electrolysis equipment are collected by specialized equipment, compressed and fed into compressed gas cylinders to provide propellant for the thrusters on the armor.

After all the gas ice has evaporated, what remains in the container is a mixture of sand and water. Using the filter equipment on the boat to remove the sediment, I finally got fairly clear water.

But don't get me wrong, the two of them didn't collect this stuff for drinking. Wang Yang immediately sent the water to the electrolysis equipment, and soon collected two different gases from the equipment. The positive electrode is oxygen for breathing, and the negative electrode is used for breathing. It is hydrogen that can be used as fuel.

Comets have been floating in the universe for many years. They are irradiated by cosmic rays all the year round. Without professional equipment, it is impossible to know what is in the water. Even if they die, no one dares to drink this kind of thing of unknown origin.

After a while, a piece of ice the size of a washbasin completely turned into a reserve on the boat. Lin Yi looked at the remaining oxygen reserve and immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "Enough!"

According to the speed of Huo Qubing, it is time to arrive at the comet in the next few days. It is necessary to ensure that the lifeboat has sufficient oxygen reserves to prevent an accident from happening.

Wang Yang yawned: "Just stare, I'll sleep for a while!"

"Okay, go to sleep!" Lin Yi said.

Wang Yang tied himself with the seat belt, closed his eyes and started to sleep, while Lin Yi consciously relaxed his movements to avoid making unnecessary noises.

It was boring to be alone. Lin Yi called out the mini-game that came with the system to pass the time, but after playing for a while, the game interface in front of him suddenly disappeared and became a real-time video outside the boat.

Lin Yi was stunned at first, and then there was a flashing red light spot on the top of the shield, and his expression changed: "Wang Yang, Wang Yang!"

Wang Yang, who was asleep, woke up immediately: "What?"

"There!" Lin Yi pointed to the top of his head, "The enemy's battleship!"

The sleepy-eyed Wang Yang was instantly drowsy, put on his helmet and looked over his head: "Fuck me, where did it come from?"

Lin Yi shook his head: "I don't know!"

The battleship is fully functional, and he can play back the origin of the enemy ship through video recording, but the lifeboat does not have so many functions, and can only display the real-time picture outside the boat.

Wang Yang took off his helmet and rubbed his face vigorously: "Is there any news on the flagship?"

"No!" Lin Yi said.

The comet has been slowly rotating, and the Huo Qubing is currently on the other side of the comet, and the two sides cannot communicate at all.

"Then what should we do?" Wang Yang was a little flustered.

Lin Yi said, "Look at it and talk about it!"

Although there was only one enemy ship in sight of the lifeboat, the enemy ships always acted in groups, and there must be a group of enemy ships near the comet.

And he has a vague feeling that these enemy ships are likely to be the enemy ships that are fighting against Ningwuguan. Maybe they have been hiding nearby and have not reappeared until this time.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi was secretly shocked. If the enemy ship had been hiding nearby, would the actions of Ning No. 1 or the actions of the two of them to spy on the burrow all fell into the eyes of aliens?

At this time, Wang Yang suddenly turned to look at Lin Yi: "Why do I think it's coming this way?"

Lin Yi said abruptly, "It's coming this way!"

At this moment, he was extremely nervous, and his heart was beating violently like a drum, as if it might jump out of his throat at any time.

It was an intact alien warship, and the two of them only had a thin lifeboat. As long as the aliens found a little flaw, waiting for the end of the two of them would be a dead end!

Wang Yang's voice changed: "What should we do?"

A dense layer of cold sweat appeared on Lin Yi's forehead: "Wait!"

Wang Yang almost fainted.

Lin Yi said: "It's not too far away. If they came to us, wouldn't they have fired a long time ago?"

Wang Yang was right when he thought about it, but as soon as Xin put it down, he immediately raised it: "What if they want to catch them alive?"

Lin Yi gritted his teeth: "I'd rather commit suicide!"

"I haven't lived enough yet!" Wang Yang screamed miserably.

"I didn't live enough!" Lin Yi glared at Wang Yang fiercely, "I'll ask you, is it better to die or let the aliens turn you into a bug?"

Wang Yang was suddenly helpless: "Then I'd better die!"

The alien battleship flew closer and closer, and the hearts of the two became more and more unsatisfactory, beating for a while.

Wang Yang licked his lips: "I always thought that seeing death as home must be my eyelids and heartbeats. Why am I ready, and my heart is still so panicked?"

Lin Yi said bitterly: "What else can I do, I haven't lived enough! We definitely can't be heroes!"

"That's not possible!" Wang Yang retorted, "Heroes are also people, and there must be people who are afraid of death. Are fear of death and daring to die the same thing?"

Lin Yi looked at Wang Yang in surprise: "It's all this time, are you still in the mood to talk to me about this?"

"If you don't talk about it, you won't have a chance!"

"I really convinced you!" Lin Yi grinned and shook his head, "You are so skinny, do your parents know?"

"Hey..." Wang Yang laughed dryly, "Where do you think I'm so skinny?"

At this time, the alien warship in the air had already flown above the hole, and the bow of the ship was facing the hole.

The distance is too close, and the details of the enemy's surface are vivid in their minds, but the two of them feel a lot more relieved, because although the speed of the enemy ship is decreasing, it does not mean to stop, and there is no sign of putting anything out.

The two are like ants on a hot pan, and every second is suffering from the inside out.

Until the bow of the enemy ship plunged into the hole, the two men let out a sigh of relief at the same time, but Wang Yang immediately became nervous again: "It won't come over, will it?"

"Probably not." Lin Yi said, "Besides, there is the ice wall. We are in a good position. If it hits the ice wall, it will hit the ice wall first."

"That's fine, that's fine..."

The enemy ship quickly sank into the The two finally put their hearts back into their stomachs, as if they were fished out of water.

Wang Yang looked up and didn't find the second enemy ship: "Lao Lin, what do you think they are for? Repair? Or send crew?"

"I want to know more than you!" Lin Yi sighed, "If only we had drones in our hands."

Wang Yang suddenly seemed to have been shot, his eyes widened and he said: "I can warn you, there is a flying alien warship in the cave now, and you can't tell how many aliens are in it, don't think about it. , you have to go in and see what they are doing!"

Lin Yi smiled: "I really have this idea... Don't worry about me, I just think about it, I'm just like you, I haven't lived enough!"

"That's good, that's good!" Wang Yang just mentioned the heart and put it back again, "Let's wait here, it's serious to report this thing later!"

"Okay, don't worry!"