MTL - Ascend Another Day-Chapter 72 Xu Jiahao Roots Boy

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One of the four suns in Chaozhen Taixu Dongtian has already set, the other two suns gradually come to the mid-heaven, and the other one turns into a sunset.

Strange to say, the sun in this blessed land does not have the fire nature of the outside sun, and the sun is warm and moist. After turning into vitality, there is no need to worry about the fire nature being too strong and going crazy, just feel free to practice.

"One day in the cave, it has been thousands of years in the world. Qi refiners hide in the cave, although it is not a day for a thousand years, there are still a day and a half years, a day and a year." Xi Qi couldn't help feeling emotional.

When Xu Ying was practicing, he also took the opportunity to practice the Dragon Snake Awakening Kung Fu. Although the level of the Dragon Snake Awakening Kung Fu was not very high, but fortunately, when Xu Ying was practicing, he could steal some Dao seeds, and his cultivation speed was not slow.

His own Dao image became more and more obvious, and the blood of the ancient snake snake in his body was awakened more and more. He swallowed clouds and mist between breaths, and gradually released the breath of the ancient snake snake, driving the poisonous mist, and resisting the wind and thunder.

The big bell also encouraged his own guiding breathing method, taking advantage of Xu Ying's Dao Field Dao Seeds to erupt, and withholding some for his own use.

Practicing here for one day does have the same effect as practicing outside for half a year, especially to intercept the Dao Seed, which is more exciting than stealing Xu Ying's blood!

Guo Xiaodie doesn't know how to refine qi, so she was in a hurry. Fortunately, when Yuan Weiyang was practicing, she explained Tuo'er Xianshu to her to help her gather qi. Her comprehension is also good, and she can get started very quickly.

The two daughters were together, practicing qi and communicating, Guo Xiaodie only felt warm and sweet, and put his little affection for Xu Yaowang to the back of his mind, and only enjoyed the tenderness in front of him.

Little did he know that Uncle Xiao was watching from the side, secretly anxious, but he couldn't point out that Yuan Weiyang was also a woman.

Before you know it, another round of the sun sets, and the other two rounds of the sun also set.

It was getting dark.

At this time, an old man with a stick on the mountain came forward and laughed from a distance: "You children, the sun is about to set, why don't you run?"

Xu Ying, Yuan Weiyang and others were shocked: "Is there anyone else in this cave?"

Xu Ying stepped forward, bowed in salute, and said, "Old man, why are you running when it's dark?"

The old man with a cane stopped, paused his cane, and said: "When the sun sets, the underworld will cover this place. At that time, those Qi refiners who died unjustly in the catastrophe will appear. Fierce ghost. I can't bear to see you die, so I came here to warn you. Leave quickly!"

Everyone was startled, and hurriedly looked at the sun, only to see another round of the sun set, and another round of sunset also came to the top of the mountain.

Guo Xiaodie thanked and said, "Does my husband want to leave with us?"

"The old man is a wild ghost here, unable to leave, but his conscience is not lost, so he came to rescue him."

As soon as the old man finished speaking, he disappeared.

Everyone was amazed and hurried down the mountain, and when they returned to the Demon Town Hall, they saw that the night was getting dark and the wind was getting colder. They jumped into the water tank one after another and returned to the Abyss of Cangwu.

Xu Ying was the last one. Just after jumping into the tank, he suddenly felt a flash of blood in front of his eyes, and hurriedly said, "Master Zhong and Seventh Master, do you see a flash of blood?"

Da Zhong and Yan Qi hadn't seen it before, Xu Ying touched his forehead, and there was a blood stain the size of mosquito blood on his hand.

He was surprised in his heart, but after looking inside, he didn't notice anything unusual, so he gave up.

And the old man with the stick suddenly appeared in the Demon Suppressing Hall, but seeing that Xu Ying and the others were not there, he couldn't help stamping his feet, shook his head and shouted: "It's so fast! Let the old man want to eat alone! Don't be afraid, they will get the benefits of the cave , will definitely come again!”

It was already dark in the Abyss of Cangwu, and many Nuo masters wearing impermanent ghost masks came down from Jiuyi Mountain and entered the underworld. The ghost dolls in the underworld are rampant, shuttling through the cemeteries one after another, sucking the yang fire from the shoulders of the newly dead ghosts, and collecting yang energy.

And some ghost babies went to human villages and towns to steal the yang energy of living people.

The underworld invaded, and the yin and yang realms gradually became compatible. Many human villages and towns were divided into Xindi. These ghost babies often gather in the nearby mass graves, and come out to move around when the sky gets dark.

Little do they know that they harvest yang energy, and they will be harvested by the impermanent ghost. I can barely fill my stomach, and I will always be in a state of hunger.

Among those impermanent ghosts, many human Nuo masters also mixed in, and they also exploited them.

Xu Ying watched the Nuo masters enter the underworld, and suddenly thought that the impermanent ghosts exploited the baby ghosts and collected the yang energy of so many ghost babies, so do these impermanent ghosts also come home?

Is it possible that their master controls these impermanent ghosts, waits for these impermanent ghosts to collect yang energy and returns, then squeezes them too, leaving only some leftovers for the impermanent ghosts?

Juan Qi read the unofficial history in this area, and said: "It is said in "Shen Yi Lu" that the impermanence of the underworld will collect yang energy and pay tribute to the emperor of the underworld. There is a scholar who has no way to advance because of the protection of officials. He commits suicide in shame and anger. His ghost enters the underworld. Meeting an Emperor of the Underworld, the ostentation is very grand, just like the Emperor of the Yangworld. The scholar kowtowed at him, and the Emperor of the Underworld laughed, saying that a certain emperor from thousands of years ago would still be the Emperor in the Underworld after death."

Xu Ying was fascinated by what he heard, and asked: "Then did the scholar get his wish and become a high official in the underworld?"

Pi Qi said: "He wanted to ask for an official position from the Emperor of the Underworld. The Emperor of the Underworld said to him that the reason why I can be the Emperor in the Underworld is that all civil and military officials have died. These old brothers have arrived In the underworld, support me as the emperor, so that I can continue to be the emperor. The old brothers will never die in the underworld, but the children in the underworld will die of old age. You have to arrange it? The emperor said that even the little sesame official in the village has died. Ten thousand years later! The scholar was so sad and angry that he felt that he would rather die than live, so he simply returned his yang."

Xu Ying, Guo Xiaodie, Yuan Weiyang and the others were fascinated by what they heard, they were all taken aback, and they asked repeatedly: "Is the underworld also like this?"

"Roll harder."

They grabbed the fishing line and were caught out of the Cangwu Abyss. Ever since Xu Ying, Yuan Weiyang and the others stepped into the underworld with Zhou Qiyun, they have not been able to rest and are exhausted.

Guo Xiaodie arranged a room for them and asked them to go to rest first, while he came to find the beautiful couple.

That beautiful woman is her mother's younger sister, named Li Yingzhu, who comes from the royal family of the Li family, which is also a big family. Although she is not the princess of the dynasty, she still has status in the Li family.

The handsome young man is Guo Yue, a talented member of the Guo family, and Guo Xiaodie's fourth uncle.

The marriage between the two families of Li and Guo is not simply the Guo family marrying their daughter to the emperor to be the queen, the royal family will also marry their daughter to the Guo family. In this way, the interests are intertwined and difficult to separate.

Guo Xiaodie took out the 200-word Yujianjue, handed it to the beautiful woman Li Yingzhu, and said: "Auntie, you are knowledgeable and knowledgeable, and you are a swordsmanship genius of the two families. Please help me to read this Yujianjue, I really appreciate it." can't read."

Li Yingzhu glanced at it casually, then her eyes straightened, she hurried over and said in a broken voice, "Where did you get this Yujian Jue?"

Guo Xiaodie was stunned: "I traded it with Deng Tuzi...Auntie, is there something wrong with this Yujian Jue?"

"There is a problem, of course there is a problem, and it is a big problem!"

Li Yingzhu was so excited that she was walking around, her soul was restless in her body, she wished she could fly out and cheer for a hundred thousand miles before returning, saying: "In the early days of the founding of the country, Wu Nuo was very popular, and even the royal family was very popular in cultivating sword energy. Breathing out half of the prosperous Tang Dynasty! But the three founding heroes failed to comprehend the art of controlling the sword! They searched for famous mountains and rivers, and searched for ancient classics. Swordsmanship! It is exactly the same as the dozen or so words on this piece of paper!"

Guo Xiaodie was stunned, only then did she realize how precious the things she got in exchange for the Bi Luo Fu were!

"Later, everyone didn't cultivate sword qi because there was no sword control technique, so it was still difficult to reach a higher level of sword qi, and it was less elegant than other Nuo techniques."

Li Yingzhu carefully unfolded the Sword Controlling Art, with fire in her eyes jumping excitedly, and said, "If there is this piece of paper, the sword energy will not fade away. It's great, it's great..."

She frowned again. This Yujian Jue has more than 200 words, simple and clear, but she just can't understand it.

Guo Xiaodie said cautiously: "Second Aunt, I exchanged the Guo family's Bi Luofu with him, is it worth it?"

"It's worth it, of course it's worth it! He won't be able to practice even with the Bi Luo Fu, which is equivalent to getting a pile of waste paper. Even if the great ancestor heard about this business, he would have to climb out of the coffin. Applause for you!"

Li Yingzhu excitedly said, "It was given to you by the apprentice who peeked at you in the shower? I can't tell that this kid is a big kid, but he still has such a baby! Why don't you show him for a while? Maybe he can do it." Make a better baby!"

Guo Xiaodie stared blankly, and hurriedly said: "Second Aunt, what are you talking about? Is there any reason for others to look at her innocent body? I am ashamed to death!"

Li Yingzhu quickly hooked her shoulders, stretched out two fingers, pulled down her tube top quietly, and said with a smile: "Xiaodie, go hook him again, and trick him into talking about the two hundred What does the word mean. At worst, you can take another bath and take a longer bath...By the way, you are not married yet, right?"

Guo Xiaodie became alert and shouted: "Second Aunt, what do you want to do? I have someone I like!"

"Master Yuan?"

Li Yingzhu said casually, "Although Mr. Yuan is good-looking, intelligent, and has a good family background, the Yuan family is a declining family after all, and it can only improve our Li Guo. But Deng Tuzi is different. The Imperial Sword Art of the word will make my Li and Guo family stand up for another hundred years! Xiaodie, why don't you cook the raw rice first?"

Guo Xiaodie was startled, and quickly escaped from under her arms.

Li Yingzhu said with a smile: "How many of our big families' marriages are independent? Even you and I, Uncle Yue, were arranged by the elders of the two families. We only met once and became relatives. Now It’s not a good life, too? The apprentice’s face is a bit dark, but I think he has a broad frame, so he must be a good bone. There are some women in the city who like to raise such a boy!”

Guo Xiaodie fled in a hurry and said loudly: "Second Aunt, you are crazy, I'll tell Uncle Yue!"

Not long after, Guo Yue came to the study, and the husband and wife comprehended the 200-word swordsmanship together. After a long time, Guo Yue sighed, got up and said, "I'll go and persuade Xiaodie."

Li Yingzhu said: "If it's really not possible, please ask the clan elders, and the clan elders will tell His Majesty to let His Majesty issue a decree to grant a marriage, and this little girl will not agree."

Guo Yue nodded slightly, and said: "One more thing, I found out that this apprentice named Xu Ying was originally from Lingling, Yongzhou, and was wanted by the Yin and Yang circles for killing the gods. Among them, the Yinting Emperor and Zhou Qiyun , everyone valued him very much, and ordered people to hunt him down at all costs, causing a lot of commotion. After Zhou Qiyun got him, he was inseparable, and took him wherever he went. It is rumored that he can read demon magic!"

Li Yingzhu covered her mouth and exclaimed, her eyes widened and she said, "Really?"

Guo Yue said: "It's absolutely true. And at this moment, Zhou Qiyun is in the mountains. Xu Ying's every move cannot leave his grasp!"

Li Yingzhu calmed down, and said decisively: "Take Xiaodie and his business as soon as possible, and make cooked rice with raw rice! Xiaodie can't figure it out now, but she will figure it out in the future, thank you before it's too late! By the way, does your majesty know?"

Guo Yue said with a smile: "The news I got came from His Majesty. When His Majesty knew it, I also knew it."

The couple looked at each other and smiled.

Li Yingzhu said: "Your Majesty cares so much about Xu Ying, it must be because of the Immortal Law?"

The smile on Guo Yue's face gradually froze. Seeing this, Li Yingzhu also sighed and stopped mentioning it.

Xu Ying slept until midnight, sleeping soundly, suddenly felt a little warm in the bed, stretched out his hand to touch, and touched a smooth and smooth body, the flesh was pink and tender.

The young man woke up from the dream immediately, opened the quilt, and saw that the black hair was scattered and spread all over the pillow, Guo Xiaodie was lying in his quilt, more bare than himself, not a single strand!

The girl was sleeping soundly, not knowing what happened.

Xu Ying hurriedly said: "Master Zhong! Master Zhong! Master Qi! Master Qi!"

Strange to say, the big clock and Juan Qi also disappeared. The big clock usually hangs above Xu Ying when Xu Ying is sleeping, and never leaves it, guarding his iron rice bowl.

But tonight the big clock went somewhere, and even the scorpion seven went fooling around.

Seeing that they were not there, Xu Ying looked at the naked girl in the quilt, and evil thoughts suddenly arose in her heart. She lifted a corner of the quilt and looked at it, thinking, "Sure enough, there is a mole! So, I entered the Tao yesterday. It's a real thing that coincides with each other! Then, Qi Ye lowered his tail to save me, it's also a real thing!"

He sat up, put on his clothes, his eyes flickered, and he pondered: "In other words, the great terror when entering the Tao also happened for real!"

He found a set of clothes that he didn't wear, put them on for Guo Xiaodie one by one, pushed open the window lattice, and threw the sleeping girl out of the window.

"Damn girl, don't you have a place to sleep? Occupy my bed!"

There was an oops from outside the window, and Guo Xiaodie's confused voice came: "Why am I sleeping here?"

Xu Ying thought about it and said: "That kind of terror almost dragged me into the Abyss of Cangwu. So, there is indeed something ominous in the Abyss of Cangwu, which prevents people from entering the Tao, restricts the development of Taoism and supernatural powers, and makes people enter the Tao. Anyone in danger of death! What is in the abyss?"

At this time, there was a sound of knocking on the window outside the window lattice.

Xu Ying was surprised: "Xiaodie hasn't left yet? If she hasn't left..."

His heartbeat suddenly accelerated, he was a little distracted, and he felt agitated in a way he had never felt before.

The Huaichun boy pushed open the window lattice, but the person standing outside the window was not Guo Xiaodie, but a petite girl in colorful clothes, standing pretty and lively outside the window, looking at him with a smile, her eyebrows and eyes like spring.

"Master Xu, do you still remember the appointment yesterday? The little girl has recovered from her injuries, please follow me."

——At 12 o'clock tonight, Flying Ascension will be on the shelves on time, and there are still 4,000-word chapters to be updated! Book a monthly pass, subscribe!