MTL - Ascend Another Day-Chapter 86 Kidnap God

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Xu Ying passed by them, thought for a while, then backed away, and asked the sad old man, "Old man, is there any more tea? I'm a little thirsty."

The sad-faced old man spoke bluntly: "No!"

Xu Ying asked for advice: "Where can I buy this old man's tea? I'll drink it myself."

The corners of the three people's eyes twitched wildly, and each of them swallowed their anger.

Seeing that they didn't answer, Xu Ying walked over.

The old man with a sad face let out a breath of foul air, and said, "Where's the yellow paper? Take it out and see if there is any reply on it?"

The old man in white complained: "I watch it dozens of times every day, and I made a fuss to watch it just now, why didn't I reply?"

Having said that, he still took out the yellow form that the Land Church gave them and took a look. There was still no instruction on it, so he cursed in a low voice: "Is it a turtle? It's so slow!"

The red-clothed woman turned her head to look at Xu Ying's back, feeling unwilling, and said in a low voice: "In the past, one cup was poured, and he could be purified for many years by arranging a random life experience for him. Now, he has started to take the initiative to ask for Meng Po's soup." gone."

She was a little sad and angry: "What is in Mengpo soup? Why can I become addicted if I drink too much?"

Xu Ying walked to the cliff, passed the place where the giant with two chains was standing, and saw two huge footprints on the ground, denting the trees.

"Who is he?" Xu Ying thought.

He suddenly saw a shadow under the moon, looked up, and saw the girl in the coffin also came to the footprints at some time, and was looking at the footprints.

Xu Ying was overjoyed, and said with a smile: "Girl, thanks to the help of your copper basin, I was able to return to Wuwang safely, and I also made a fortune."

The girl looked at him suspiciously, and said, "Qi refiners will also be short of money? Isn't it enough to turn stone into gold?"

Xu Ying's eyes widened, feeling guilty: "I haven't learned it before. Can a Qi refiner like me learn it?"

The girl looked him up and down, and said with a gentle smile, "Have you reached the knockout stage? It's still a little troublesome to cast a stone into gold. You do this first, then this, and then this, that's all."

She gestured, very seriously.

Xu Ying was about to follow suit, when the big bell whispered: "She's teasing you, it's not real magic."

The young girl seemed to have heard its sound. From the looks of her eyes, the big clock sounded as if it had been hit hard. The next moment, she saw herself flying out of Xu Ying's mind and appearing behind Xu Ying's head!

Da Zhong was taken aback, search-search-choose-day*fly*up* read the latest chapter and hurriedly hid behind Xu Ying's head, feeling flustered, feeling the faint pain of the old wound: "The strength of the demon girl has improved again! I Is there any hope of sending her back to Xiaoshishan in this life?"

Xu Ying didn't take it seriously, and asked: "Miss, do you know the giant who left footprints?"

The girl nodded slightly, and said: "He should be my old friend. My old friend is knowledgeable, witty, and settled in Wuwang Mountain. I have benefited from his care and benefited a lot."

Xu Ying thought for a moment and asked: "The White Jade Palace in Qinyan Cave is called Niwan Palace. Is that giant just now the owner of Niwan Palace?"

The girl was surprised: "It should be him. Do you recognize him?"

Xu Ying's heart was pounding, and hot blood rushed to his brain.

He stabilized his mind and wanted to speak, but his throat was a little sloppy. "What kind of person is he?"

The girl shook her head and said: "When I knew him, he was a very enthusiastic person, willing to help others, cautious by nature, far-sighted, ambitious, far-sighted, admired by the world. He was the most dazzling figure in my time, the most One of those who wish to ascend."

She hesitated, and said: "I haven't seen each other for three thousand years, and I don't know if my old friend is still my old friend."

She whispered: "This world has changed a lot, and it has become strange. People, will it change?"

Xu Ying's heart was still beating wildly, and he thought: "The person she described doesn't match the master of Niwan Palace in my impression. The master of Niwan Palace is an insidious and cunning person who laid layers of traps to trap The heirs become his leeks, and they will harvest them when they are ripe."

This is clearly two people!

The girl in the coffin looked at Jiuyi Mountain in the night, and said softly: "Master Tan's crossing the catastrophe will be the first of its kind in the past. Even if this immortal is not successful, he is enough to look down on the world and become a master of the generation."

Xu Ying looked into the depths of the night and murmured: "He won't succeed, it's impossible. He's already a fish on the cutting board"

The girl in the coffin said with emotion: "Yes. Such an amazingly talented person will die in a catastrophe..."

Xu Ying's eyes flickered, and there was also light shining in the night.

Suddenly, Jiuyi Mountain in the distance was lit up like a lighthouse in the dark.

It was the Zhoutian Dojo set up by the master of the Zhou family. The scale of this dojo was unbelievably large. There were three hundred and sixty gods who could be named, the number of heavens in a week.

The Zhou family arranged a total of 360 dojos, spread over the nine peaks of Jiuyi Mountain. Some are on the top of the mountain, some are on the mountainside, and some are at the bottom of the valley.

All the dojos, large and small, were lit up at this moment. It was the Zhou family's Tanshi who was holding the Rangtian Grand Sacrifice in the dojo!

Normally, one worships a **** of heaven, but the Zhou family's sacrifice to heaven this time is the **** of heaven in the whole world of heaven!

When the three hundred and sixty ashrams light up, the mountains hidden in Xindi are also gradually illuminated!

In the silent night, on the top of Wuwang Mountain, everyone was silent, even the donkey whose soul was wounded, forgot to call at this moment.

The scale of those dojos is too grand, not the normal dojos of Rangtian, but the dojos descended from gods!

It is a dojo that invites the gods to descend from the world of heaven!

Even Mr. Xiang and Thirteen Niang were deeply shocked at this moment. They were ordered to summon the God of Plague in Zhudu Kingdom, which was already a big deal.

The plague **** came, spread the plague, and caused the Nai River to divert, thus triggering a series of changes!

And Zhou Qiyun's scale this time is hundreds of times that of theirs!

"It's really rich." Uncle Li squeezed his money bag, and said in a low voice, shriveled.

The old ancestor of the Guo family wiped his beard, and said in a low but loud voice, "How many graves did Colonel Zhou dig and plan? Captain Zhou makes a lot of money. Xiaodie, go back and clean it up. My father and I are also going to dig the graves of our ancestors."

Guo Xiaodie curled her lips: "The old ancestor is not dead, where did our Guo family get the ancestral grave?"

The ancestor of the Guo family was furious: "Bah! I'm talking about digging other family's graves!"

The patriarch of the Shi family said with emotion: "Lieutenant Zhou has been touching gold for more than two hundred years, and we are only now starting to touch gold. Isn't it too late?"

Uncle Li smiled shyly, and said: "Lieutenant Shi, your old Shi family, haven't you already started to touch gold?"

The patriarch of the Shi family didn't care about being exposed by him, and said: "Li Xiaowei is joking. I heard Zhou Xiaowei has other gains in Xindi this time besides digging graves and robbing graves. I heard that he got the Yuan family and Help from a boy who kept a big snake."

Everyone was surprisingly quiet and stopped talking.

There is a big snake on this mountain, and there is a boy who raises a big snake. When they went up the mountain, they all saw it.


The Yuan family is an aristocratic family, although they are old, there is still Yuan Wuji in town after all. There is no such a big force behind the boy who raises a big snake, whoever snatches it will own it.

"Captain Zhou snatched it, so my Guo family can't **** it?" the ancestor of the Guo family stroked his white beard and said.

Guo Xiaodie whispered: "Old Ancestor, has our Guo family become Captain Guo?"

The ancestor of the Guo family spat and said: "His grandma, a real man is aboveboard, how could he do such a thing?"

He paused, and said: "Fortunately, I'm not a real man. If I don't become Colonel Guo, I will be left behind by these old bastards, and I won't even know that I will be eaten raw by them. This world is very dangerous. "

His voice was so loud that the whole mountain could hear his yelling.

Standing on the cliff, Xu Ying unconsciously had a good impression of the ancestor of the Guo family: "He is the only one who is outright bad."

At this moment, suddenly the sky above Jiuyi Mountain was turbulent, as if there was a thick thundercloud above, and there seemed to be a huge monster churning in the thundercloud, which was faintly visible by the light of the thunder.

Xu Ying became nervous and waited and watched.

The girl stood beside him, looked at the past, and said: "It's not a catastrophe, it's them offering sacrifices to the heavens, which brought the world of heaven and this world closer. The things in the clouds are the gods who sensed the sacrifices, stretched their bodies, and followed the induction. Find it."

Xu Ying was deeply shocked. It was not the first time he had seen a god, but he still had a feeling of trembling in his heart. Even at such a distance, he could still hear strange noises, which were the whispers of the gods!

"Is Zhou Qiyun bribing the gods?" Xu Ying asked.

The girl looked surprised, and said: "It's a bribe to the god, but how could the **** be bribed by him? No matter how many sacrifices he offers, the **** will still not be lenient in the face of the catastrophe! These are two things. The gods must follow the way of heaven."

Suddenly, the sky was torn apart, and people thousands of miles away could also see this scene, as if they were seeing a huge star approaching from outside the sky. There were huge limbs rubbing against the sky of China. The scales dragged a long puff of white air, slowly descending from the sky!

It was the gods responding to people, sensing people's calls and sacrifices from the world of heaven, coming from the lower realm, and falling to one of the Jiuyi Mountain dojos!


Above Jiuyi Mountain, the sky was squeezed until it exploded, and another **** accepted the induction from heaven and man, broke through the barrier between the two realms, and descended from the sky.

On Wuwang Mountain, a group of ancestors and many mysterious masters stood up one after another, staring at this scene with wide eyes, horrified.

Even the real body of the Emperor Yinting sat up straight from the coffin at this moment, turned his stiff neck, and looked towards Jiuyi Mountain!

He was pierced through the head by the eight-faced sword. Qi stood not far away, took a sneak peek, and saw that his brain hole was wide open, and the front and back were transparent. Through this brain hole, there was actually a telescopic effect.

Qi Tut was amazed and asked Niu Zhen Niu Gan to come and see.

The two brothers of the Niu family are originally Yin gods who hang around in the underworld. They tremble when they see the emperor of the Yin court. How dare they look?

"What exactly does Colonel Zhou want to do?"

The ancestor of the Guo family grabbed his beard and shouted loudly, "Does he want to summon all the gods to the world?"

Xu Ying was shocked when he heard this, and said in a low voice, "Smart."

The girl in the coffin was greatly shocked, and immediately understood Zhou Qiyun's thoughts, and said in a low voice: "He is not bribing the gods, but kidnapping the gods! He, he"

She was excited, and murmured: "Maybe there is really hope to succeed in crossing the tribulation!"

The extremely dull thunder in the sky continued to erupt deep in the clouds, and more colossal monsters with mysterious power that distorted and interfered with the consciousness of the world, descended from the sky, entered the mortal world, and landed in the magnificent dojos on Jiuyi Mountain to enjoy the sacrifices .

More and more gods descended from the world of heaven, and the sky thousands of miles away seemed to be crushed by the breath of the gods!

In this short period of time, hundreds of gods came down to the mortal world, and more gods are responding to the induction!

The ancestors of the major families clenched their fists and watched this scene nervously. They are all existences who have cultivated to the peak level in today's world, and this road is difficult, they have reached the extreme, and there is no road ahead!

They also went to find other roads, robbed graves, searched for the footprints of their predecessors, and searched for the past of Qi refiners, and obtained many earth-shattering secret treasures.

They have also seen the ceremony of worshiping the gods like the Zhou family in many ancient books or murals, but with such a thorough research and such a large scale, this is the only one, and there is no other semicolon!

This is the only family that acts as recklessly as Zhou Qiyun, there is no other semicolon!

"What exactly does Colonel Zhou want to do?"

The light behind each of them spread out subtly, and the sky suddenly became turbulent and turbulent.

Some of the hidden scenes of the ancestors of the stalls are the palaces and skyscrapers, some are vast rivers, some are endless mountains, some are the sun, the moon and the sky, and there is a scrolling starry sky.

Their respective souls soared to the top of their respective hidden scenes and submerged places, and they could see more clearly from a distance.

"They wanted to refine the primordial spirit, but they all made mistakes." The girl beside Xu Ying said in surprise.

Xu Ying nodded slightly. Although his cultivation base was still shallow, he could tell that none of these male immortals cultivated serious spirits. Suddenly, the wind and cloud surged on Jiuyi Mountain, and the robbery cloud broke out!

The power of this calamity cloud came from outside the sky, and it came so fast that it enveloped Jiuyi Mountain in a short period of time, and the thundercloud continued to expand, surge, and spread to farther places!

The nine peaks of Jiuyi Mountain have a radius of about a hundred miles, and the area of ​​the thundercloud will soon exceed a hundred miles, covering the first major mountain around Jiuyi Mountain, followed by the second and third!

The power of Jieyun comes from the world of heaven, the power of the artifact of heaven!

The so-called feeling the sky and responding to people is precisely because Zhou Qiyun sensed the catastrophe at this time, and received the response from the divine weapon of the heavenly way, and came to surrender the catastrophe!

But the power of this catastrophe is really appalling. The terrifying force gushing out from the world of heaven is still attacking outwards. The rumbling thunder and fire are moving in the thunderclouds, making the sky bright and gloomy!

Lei Yun came to the inner triple layer of the Shiwan Dashan, and it did not stop, and continued to expand outward.

Xu Ying was overwhelmed by an indescribable fear, and watched this scene almost suffocatingly. The thunder cloud centered on Jiuyi Mountain, and quickly surpassed the traces of the 500-mile catastrophe in Chaozhen Taixu Dongtian.

Yet it has not stopped.

The thundercloud is still expanding outward, like a huge millstone, rumbling and rolling, expanding, rolling again, expanding again!

At this time, the radius of the catastrophe has reached eight hundred miles.

The speed of expansion has just begun to slow down.

On Wuwang Mountain, everyone has experienced what it means to be hopeless.

The hopeless are also desperate!

In the face of such a super catastrophe, no one has the chance to overcome the catastrophe!

Beside Xu Ying, the girl in the coffin sighed faintly. It was this kind of super catastrophe that blocked everyone's dream of ascension.


"Zhou Qiyun found an opportunity." Xu Ying whispered.

He kidnapped Tiandao World Zhou Tianshen!

Three hundred and sixty gods were kidnapped to the world by him.

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