MTL - Ask Sword-Chapter 49 reset

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  Chapter 49 Reset

   "Can, can it be cured?"

  Yong Hongzhong asked in surprise and joy. During this period of time, he was tortured by this unknown strange disease that made him dizzy when he squatted down. In order not to be ridiculed, he deliberately kept standing and sitting straight.

   But every night, while lying down in bed and sleeping, it is still possible to experience nausea and even throw up.

   Li Ang nodded calmly, "Yes."

   "Doctor Li, what's wrong with my husband?"

  Yong Hongzhong's personal servant on the side asked respectfully, and his title was changed from "Xiao Langjun" to "Doctor".

  Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.

   Or, otolithiasis.

   Li Ang silently read the answer in his heart.

  As a vertebrate, the reason why human beings can balance themselves during exercise is mainly because there are organs in the ears that regulate body balance.

  This organ is composed of three tubes and two sacs. The three tubes refer to the anterior semicircular canal, posterior semicircular canal, and horizontal semicircular canal, which are responsible for sensing the angle of the head.

  Two sacs refer to the balloon and utricle.

  In the structure of the two capsules, there are some calcium carbonate crystals, which look like small stones or chalk powder, so they are also called otoliths.

  Otoliths are usually fixed in the two sacs, assisting the two sacs to sense the acceleration of the head and transmit the position signal to the central nervous system through the nerves.

   It is precisely because of the three tubes and two sacs that human beings can "perceive" the balance and gravity of their bodies, and will not fall flat or feel dizzy.

  And if due to some special reasons, the otoliths in the two sacs fall off, it will cause a chain reaction-the shed otoliths will swim in the endolymph fluid of the inner ear,

  When the position of the human head changes, the otoliths will stimulate the hair cells of the semicircular canal, causing the semicircular canal to be exposed to wrong signals, causing strong vertigo of the human body.

  Otolithiasis is more common in middle-aged people, and slightly more in women. The cause may be head trauma, strenuous exercise, staying up late for a long time, or it may be middle ear and inner ear surgery, etc.

  Just now, Li Ang first ruled out the possibility of Meniere's disease and migraine through physical examination and questioning.

  Passed the Dix-Hallpike displacement test, that is, supported Yong Hongzhong's head, guided him to lie down on his back quickly, and actively let the otoliths touch the semicircular canal to induce a vertigo response.

   It was finally determined that he had posterior semicircular canal otolithiasis.

(Posterior semicircular canal otolithiasis, that is, the otolith has moved to the position of the posterior semicircular canal. When this happens, the Dix-Hallpike displacement test will only cause nystagmus when the affected side turns its head and lies on its side. The healthy other Nystagmus does not occur on the left side. In anterior semicircular canal otolithiasis, nystagmus occurs on both sides)

  Of course, these processes are not easy to tell everyone in front of you.

  People rely on the stones in their ears to grasp their position?

   This is a bit too unbelievable.

You must know that in the memory of another world, doctors discovered otolithiasis in 1921, but it was not until 1980 that a doctor named John Aprily realized that the cause of otolithiasis was the loss of otoliths. Repositioning manipulation for patients with otolithiasis.

  In the middle of the process, doctors cure otolithiasis by cutting off the vestibular ganglion-the consequence is that the patient will lose hearing and balance.

   Moreover, even after John Epley proposed that otolithiasis could be cured by reset manipulation, his research results were not widely recognized. Instead, he was ostracized and ridiculed by his peers, and even faced legal charges of illegal medical practice.

  Li Ang's thoughts changed sharply. It was difficult for him to convince the people in front of him that the reason why people could feel gravity and position changes was because of stones in their ears.

  Even if you are persuaded, there is no evidence. Instead, you will be suspected of doing some shocking things like dissecting corpses secretly.

  Yu State's medical level is relatively backward compared with architecture, material science, astronomy, etc.

   On the one hand, this situation is because the monks in the academy rarely get sick and have no motivation to promote development.

  On the other hand, it is because the behavior of dissecting and studying human corpses is taboo no matter in the former Sui Dynasty or Yu Dynasty—this is almost a demonic practice.

  Li Ang still remembers Pu Liuxuan's persuasion that one must first be admitted to the entrance examination palace in order to have a social status, a basis for one's life, the right to speak and influence.

  Doctors must protect themselves before they can protect patients.

  In the blink of an eye, Li Ang wove a set of rhetoric that can be accepted by the people around him, and said without changing his face and heartbeat: "Although there are many pathogenesis of vertigo, they are nothing more than two aspects.

  Deficiency is mostly due to deficiency of qi and blood, insufficient marrow sea, and lack of nourishment of clear orifices.

  Brother Hongzhong has been reading too much recently, using too much energy, coupled with weakness, and insufficient blood supply, which led to dizziness. "

"I see."

  Song Shaoyuan and others showed expressions of "Oh, so it is like this, um, I completely understand now", and they all pursed their lips and nodded.

  Qiu Feng faintly felt something was wrong, frowned and looked at Li Ang, hesitating to speak.

   "Doctor Li, do you want my husband to eat more meat?"

  Yong Hongzhong's personal servant asked respectfully,

   Li Ang shook his head and said: "Eating more beef, mutton, and fish that are absolutely cooked, and not drinking raw water is one aspect.

   On the other hand, it has to be assisted by manual reset.

   That is to rotate the head, let the blood in the heart flow to the head, and unblock the air movement in the head.

  The combination of the two methods can be completely cured.

  Come on, brother Hongzhong, sit down again. "

   Li Ang asked Yong Hongzhong to sit on the table again, supported his head again, and turned his head to the left affected ear by 45 degrees.

  Then pull the head and guide Yong Hongzhong to lie down, with the head slightly protruding from the edge of the table, and the left affected ear facing down.

   "Brother Hong Zhong, look straight ahead of yourself."

   "The sun rises on me, I'm dizzy."

   "Dizziness is normal, don't worry, I have never missed this reset method."

   "Then you, you have cured too many people, how many people?"

   "Congratulations, you are the first."

   Li Ang calmly observed Yong Hongzhong who was lying on his back until his dizziness and nystagmus symptoms disappeared,

  Turn Yong Hongzhong's head 45 degrees to the right, and observe for one minute until the dizziness and nystagmus disappear.

   "The last step is to turn the head and torso to the right together, that is, to lie on your side."

   Li Ang asked Yong Hongzhong to lie on his right side, and kept the position for a minute, and finally helped Yong Hongzhong up, "Now, sit up and stay still, concentrate and calm down."

  Yong Hongzhong closed his eyes, and sat obediently. It was not until 5 minutes later that Li Ang asked him to open his eyes, "Okay, it's done."

  Yong Hongzhong stammered and said, "Is this all right?"

   "Didn't you get dizzy when you lowered your head before?"

   Li Ang said calmly: "Try again now."

  Yong Hongzhong carefully got off the table with the support of his personal servant,

  Under the gazes of everyone around him, he slowly bent down and lowered his head, and said in astonishment, "No, I'm not dizzy anymore."


   "You can cure a disease just by turning your head? Is there such a thing?"


  Song Shaoyuan listened to the noisy voices around him, and stood proudly beside Li Ang.

  Ji Linlang and other students from Weizhou raised their mouths slightly, revealing a proud smile.

  The daughter of the imperial doctor, Qiu Feng, pursed her lips tightly and nodded in admiration. At the same time, a trace of doubt, stubbornness and unwillingness flashed in her eyes.

   "Thank you, brother Risheng."

  Yong Hongzhong excitedly bowed his hands to Li Ang to thank him, Li Ang waved his hand, and said casually: "We are all classmates, don't worry about it."

   "No, no, a gentleman must repay his kindness."

  Yong Hongzhong couldn't help but take off a piece of pure white and flawless jade pendant carved in the shape of a fish from his waist, forcefully stuffed it into Li Ang's hand, and kept patting the back of Li Ang's hand gratefully.

   "Brother Hongzhong, you are being polite."

  Li Ang showed an awkward but polite business smile, and his ears keenly caught the murmur of the fat student in the crowd, "Wow, Khotan nephrite"

  Khotan nephrite jade? Is it worth it?

Li Ang thought loosely about the value of the gift money, Yong Hongzhong paused for a while, as if he just remembered, turned around, and respectfully said to the girl in Chinese clothes on the other side of the crowd: "Yes, thank you, Dr. Qiu and He Le Princess An."

   "What princess, just call me cousin."

  The beautifully dressed girl known as Princess Le'an smiled warmly and friendlyly at Yong Hongzhong, and her gaze accurately caught the eyes of everyone present.

  And, Li Ang's strange gaze.

  (end of this chapter)