MTL - Ask Sword-Chapter 536 Ome

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  Chapter 536 Ome

   "In Zhaoming's eyes, Ghost Spade was definitely killed by your hands. After you return to Yu Country, you will suffer even more violent revenge and calculations."

  Lu Yunan said solemnly: "It is true that even Xuan Xiao is the strongest in the world, but he will also grow old and die.

  After his death, who can stand up to protect the State of Yu? Facing Taihaoshan and Zhaoming who are fighting with all their strength, it is only a matter of time before the Yu Kingdom is defeated.

   Now that you have been identified as missing, no one knows whether you are alive or not, so you can just walk away and stay out of it.

  If you are reluctant to part with the friends and relatives you met in this world, I can also help you find a chance to take them away from Chang'an to avoid the massacre on the day Chang'an was destroyed. "

  Seeing that Li Ang was silent, Lu Yunan softened her tone and said softly: "Except for me, no one in the whole world really understands you.

  I can chat and fart with you, play some stalks that only we know, and maybe build a library, store all the memory knowledge of previous lives in it, and rebuild the hometown world we are familiar with.

  I am willing to give up revenge for you. "

  She took Li Ang's hand and said seriously: "Come with me."


   Li Ang took a deep breath, pursed his lips with difficulty, stepped forward and hugged the girl, and said softly, "Sorry."

  He really wanted to leave the mess in Chang'an behind and leave with Lu Yunan who knew him best in the world.

  However, he also shoulders many responsibilities.

  The expansion of the ward, the raging diseases, the coming war, the poverty and ignorance of countless people struggling on the line of life and death

  The grand ambitions he made in Yunzhou City at the beginning have not yet been realized, and the unfinished business is still waiting for him to complete, and only he can complete it.

  Lu Yunan tilted her head and put her cheek on Li Ang's shoulder, feeling the temperature of Li Ang's body.

  Unconsciously, the fingertips exerted a little force, holding Li Ang's shoulder firmly.

  The smoke and dust of cavalry in the distance seems to be approaching slowly,

  The two just hugged each other like this, feeling each other's breathing and heartbeat.

   After an unknown amount of time, Lu Yunan let go of her embrace, with tears in her eyes, looked at Li Ang and said with a smile: "Actually, in my predictive ability, no matter what I say, it will end like this.

   But if you don't try it, you always feel a little regretful. "

  Li Ang had nothing to say, he could only nod with a complicated expression, "Yeah"

   "For your sake, I will continue to take revenge on the Turks, but it is not as cruel as the original plan."

  Lu Yunan's voice returned to the usual calm, and said lightly: "Let's use this mobile phone to contact in the future, and I will notify you as soon as there is news about Zhaoming."


"Situ Zhi did fall into my hands. When the Qixi Festival in Chang'an City changed, I took advantage of Yu Guo and Zhao Ming's inattention, secretly robbed him and imprisoned him. But according to him, his Disciple Yu Shi is even more talented in creating diseases than him, so be careful."


  Lu Yunan rolled her eyes, "Hey, can you give me some other response besides um?"

"Oh, alright."

   Li Ang scratched his head and made an OK gesture.

   "Big fool."

Lu Yunan poked Li Ang's shoulder with her finger, took a few steps forward, looked at the cavalrymen who were getting closer, and said suddenly: "When you return to Yu State, you'd better go back to Weizhou, the well in your hometown is not very good. normal."


   Li Ang was stunned in place. When he was awakening the memory of another world, he had a dream about a water well in his hometown in Yunzhou.

   For a long time, he also suspected that the mystery of his "crossing" was related to the well.

  But no one knows about this matter except him, not even Chai Chai who gets along day and night.

   "Are you scared?"

  Lu Yunan turned her head slightly, smiled sideways, and said, "After I crossed over, or was born in this world, I could vaguely see your life in my sleep.

  Yangzhou, Baoantang Pharmacy, Li Ang. Your father's name is Li Hanquan, and your mother's name is Cui Yi. You have a scar on your calf from climbing and falling from a tree when you were six years old. You like to sleep on your side and usually use your left hand. "


   Li Ang was dumbfounded, unable to utter a complete sentence.

"At that time, I thought I was crazy. Later, life in Montenegro in the north was difficult, and I was often hungry. I wrote letters on the ground, hoping that you could see it—I thought you could see you the same way I saw you, see to my life.

   As a result, you didn't respond, so I knew that this kind of peeping was one-way.

  Your life is happy and happy, but mine is lonely and poor, so when I was a child, I was really jealous and even hated you. "

  Lu Yunan said calmly: "I saw every detail of you and Chai Cuiqiao, saw your parents died of illness, and saw the process of you destroying Yu Miaoshui's conspiracy.

  Shatao Village, Chang'an Post House, Sword Immortal Tomb, Yu Guoxue Palace.

  I have always been by your side, in a sense, I am an invisible childhood sweetheart? "

   Li Ang still opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

   "Remember when I told you before that the reason why I didn't reveal my identity as a time traveler was because I wanted to protect my tribe?

  I lied, and another important reason is that I can't let it go. "

  Lu Yunan turned her head, looked at the vast grassland, and said softly: "Until now."


  Li Ang hesitated for a moment, stepped forward, and gently patted the **** the shoulder.

  A childhood sweetheart who has never met before?

  Lu Yunan took a deep breath, and with a calm smile on his face again, he turned to Li Ang and said, "In a sense, we are quantum entangled with each other.

   So, don't die. Otherwise, I would be very lonely. "

   "Try to,"

  Li Ang paused for a moment, then smiled and said, "With Mosi here, even if I want to die, it's hard for me."

   "Don't rely too much on Mosi, that thing will erode the body. If one day erodes the brain, whether you are still you will become a problem."

  Lu Yunan said: "I will help you search for clues about it.

  Based on your current cultivation base at the initial stage of Xunyun, plus the abilities of the glowing crossbow and arbitrary door, you are capable of fighting at the high level of Xunyun, and you may not be unable to escape against Brother Zhuxiao.

   No need, and try to avoid using moss every time to save the scene—this thing can’t be exposed to the eyes of the world.


  She opened the package, and took out the last taotie-patterned bronze fragment left on the ghost **** through the moss cloth, "Do you want to take this away?

   After all, it is an alienated object with the ability to devour heaven and earth, so it should be quite precious. "


  Li Ang thought for a moment, then shook his head, "This alienated object belongs to the State of Yu, and if I take it away, I have to hand it over to Zhenfusi or Dongjun Tower. It's better to let it here.

  I will also collect its specific usage after returning to Yu Country. If you can activate it and increase your combat power, I can feel at ease. "

  (end of this chapter)