MTL - Ask Sword-Chapter 564 landing

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  Chapter 564 Landing


   Li Ang was stunned for a moment, and some past memories vaguely appeared in his mind, the girl who talked and laughed with him on the way home from school, but later disappeared because of moving.

   "Yeah, I got it, I got it."

   Li Ang was vague and perfunctory, which made his mother hang up the phone.

   After washing and changing clothes, I dragged out the suitcase that I had already packed from under the bed.

   "Wallet, check. ID card, check, passport, check"

  He took the key and came to the door talking to himself, and his eyes stopped at the wooden tray above the shoe cabinet.

  There is a meteorite on the wooden plate, which I accidentally picked up when I went for a walk on the beach. It should be the nickel-iron meteorite fragments mentioned on TV.

  I have a classmate who happens to be studying for a Ph.D. at Yinshi University, should I hand it in?

   Forget it, let’s talk about it later.

  He straightened the tilted meteorite, adjusted it to an angle that was pleasing to his eyes, and then dragged the suitcase out the door, accidentally pretending to be full with a girl passing the corridor.

   "Uh sorry."

  Li Ang subconsciously took half a step back to apologize, but the other party didn't care, blinked his eyes, and asked in doubt: "Mr. Li is going out?"

"um, yes."

Li Ang looked at the delicate-looking girl wearing a dark brown beret, white ruffled shirt, blue knitted jacket, khaki skirt, and holding a box of cakes in front of him, nodded and said: "Go to Tokyo On business trip."

   "Eh? How long have you been going?"

   "About ten days."

   Li Ang said silently in his heart, in fact, he can complete the higher-level task in a week. As a social animal, he took three days off, and naturally he would use it to visit places like Akihabara to satisfy the desire of a boy in his second year of high school.

  Li Ang chatted with the other party for a few words, watched the girl return to the next room, and vaguely heard another sweet female voice coming from the room, "Yeah! Cake! Long live Le Ling!"

   "Lin Lang, you didn't wash the dishes."

   "Wash it right away, hey, isn't this busy shopping on Taobao, why don't we buy a dishwasher for the shopping festival?"

  The female voice is Li Leling, she has a delicate appearance and a gentle personality.

   Besides, her family is in the real estate business and is very rich—she has two Porsches and a Ferrari in the underground parking lot of the community.

   I don't know why she chose to live in this ordinary apartment. Maybe this is the legendary "experience life"?

  Li Ang shook his head, walked out of the community, and drove to the airport.

  The process of boarding the plane was lackluster. In the past few years after graduating from university and becoming a social animal, he has become accustomed to traveling everywhere, but he can't play with his mobile phone when the plane takes off. Just write something.

  He took out a palm-sized portable notebook from his pocket, put it on his lap, and became dazed.

  The pages of the notebook contain the outlines of his recently drafted novels. In addition to his status as a social animal, he is also an amateur author. He spends three days fishing and two days uploading some novel chapters on the Internet. It is not very popular, but more for self-entertainment.

[A young man named ** accidentally traveled to a different world with the background of ancient China. Both his parents died and he lived with a little maid named **. Later, by chance, he came into contact with the otherworldly side of this world and got acquainted with it. Made a friend named ** and **, and met a confidante named ** and ** in the rivers and lakes. 】

  The names of the people on the pages of the book are all replaced by asterisks. There is no way, Li Ang has never been good at naming the characters in his works, so he had to leave them blank for now.

   "The faction the protagonist belongs to should be a college dedicated to teaching extraordinary power"

  He looked at the wheat waves in the fields outside the window, and thought of the name Jixia Xuegong, removed Jixia, and filled in the word Xuegong.

   "As for the villain of the book"

  He emptied his mind, saw the Death Stranding cultural shirt worn by the passenger next to him, thought of Mingtan in the game setting, and filled in Zhaoming in his notebook.

  The plane gradually raised its head, climbed to the altitude, passed the turbulence and then flew smoothly.

   Feeling sleepy, Li Ang put away the notebook that didn't add many words, put on the blindfold, and leaned on the seat pillow.

  Drowsy and drowsy, the storyline of the novel develops naturally in my mind.

  How the protagonist breaks through the initial stage of traversal, how he comes into contact with the strange and alienated object named Moss, how he encounters the villain, how he crawls out of the abyss, and finds a way out of the mortal predicament.

   "Director, the patient has started to convulse again!"

   "Increase the dose!"


  A familiar yet unfamiliar female voice came from far away. The voice was full of anxiety.

   "Wake up!"

  The sound suddenly amplified, as if it exploded in the ear.

   Li Ang opened his eyes suddenly, subconsciously wanted to stand up, and almost hit the luggage rack above his head.

  Everything is safe and sound, and I am still sitting on the plane.

  Li Ang came back to his senses, embarrassedly apologized to the frightened passengers in the lead seat, sat back in his seat, scratched his itchy back of his hand, feeling that his brain was still buzzing.

  He hesitated for a moment, then took out the pen and paper again, and wrote down the fragmented information in the dream.

  Sword Immortal Tomb, Mosi, Six Paths of Reincarnation, Plague, Li Yuan

  The broken memories are blurred, as if Li Ang really experienced a magnificent adventure from the perspective of the protagonist.

  The only strange thing is that I can't remember what happened to the protagonist's last dilemma and the strange voices he heard before waking up.

   A nightmare without logic? .

   "Ladies and gentlemen, the plane is descending. Please return to your original position and do your best, fasten your seat belts, and put away the table"

  The broadcast of the safety inspection when the plane landed came from the radio, which was broadcast in Chinese, English, and Japanese in a loop.

   This sense of stability that daily life continues dilutes the faint uneasiness in Li Ang's heart.

  He exhaled lightly, put away the pen and paper, rubbed his ears that were somewhat blocked due to pressure changes, scratched again and waited for the plane to land for some reason.

  The huge fuselage of the Boeing 787 landed slowly, taxied along the runway to slow down, and finally stopped.

   Li Ang followed the crowd off the plane, received the salute, and walked out of the aisle.

  Many people outside the corridor were holding up the pick-up signs, one of which said [Li Ang welcome], and the name of Li Ang's company and the flight number below it.


   Li Ang pushed the suitcase and walked forward, and greeted the young man holding a name tag.

   "Hello? Is this Mr. Li Ang? In Shimo-Abe Takano, it is the specialist sent by Hijima Trading Company to receive you."

Abe Takano bowed, and said in Chinese with a slight Northeast accent: "Mr. Li is much younger than I imagined. Unexpectedly, he is already the management of the top 500 companies in Yin City. It really makes me jealous. .”

  Dude, have you used the wrong idiom?

   Li Ang's eyelids twitched, and he asked curiously, "Abe-san can speak Chinese?"

   "I learned it from my roommate in your country when I was in Tokyo University. I helped him buy comics and figures, and he taught me spoken Chinese."

  Abe Takano smiled heartily, "The most common greeting he taught me is 'What are you looking at?', which means you look good recently."

   All right, good roommate in the world.

   Li Ang smacked his lips and decided not to dwell on this issue.

  (end of this chapter)