MTL - Asking About Longevity-Chapter 43 study

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Chapter 43 Studying

Moshan and his wife were very happy when they heard that the ink painting master was recommended by the strict master and they accepted an expert in formation as their teacher.

 Mo Shan was a little worried at first, but after thinking about it, he felt that there was nothing to worry about.

Yan Jiaoxi has taught at Tongxian Sect for many years and has a good reputation, and those who can be recommended by Yan Jiaoxi naturally have extraordinary status.

The Moshan family are just ordinary casual cultivators. They have neither spiritual stones nor family property, so naturally they don't need to suspect that others are plotting against them.

Moreover, they may never meet an formation master of this status, but this is a rare opportunity.

Mo Hua is now learning formations and has food and accommodation at home. Liu Ruhua is even happier because she can see her son every day and cook for him.

Early the next morning, after Mo Hua finished the sumptuous breakfast prepared by Liu Ruhua, he set out for Southeast Mountain to visit Mr. Zhuang to study.

Mo Hua arrived at the foot of the mountain this time and followed the path to the bamboo gate. Only then did he realize that there was actually a plaque in front of the courtyard.

The plaque says "Zi Wangju". I don't know why I didn't see it yesterday.

Mo Hua entered Zuowangju, and Mr. Zhuang was sitting boredly by the pool, holding his cheek in one hand and fishing with the other. The fishing rod was just a piece of green bamboo, and there was nothing under the fishing line, without bait.

Mo Hua looked into the pool and found that there were not even fish in the pool.

Mo Hua felt that Mr. Zhuang might have some deep meaning. He looked up at Mr. Zhuang again and found that Mr. Zhuang was not even fishing at all, but just dozing off with his chin on his head.

Fortunately, when the old man saw Mo Hua yesterday, he called Mo Hua aside and said:

"Sir, he often dozes off. When he dozes off, just ignore him, and of course don't disturb him."

"oh oh."

Mo Hua nodded in confusion.

The old man added: "I am the... housekeeper here. I take care of my husband's daily life. You can just call me Pulao Lao."

Mo Hua said politely: "Grandpa Puppet."

Puppet Lao glanced at Mo Hua, but said nothing. He took out a chessboard and asked, "Can you play chess?"

Mo Hua looked at the chessboard and asked, "Is this Five Elements Chess?"

There are many types of monastic chess, including Bagua chess, Wu Xing chess, Tian Yuan chess, Sancai chess, etc. Wu Xing chess is the simplest and most popular one. It is mainly used to enlighten children in monasticism and memorize the common sense of the five elements.

The way to play chess pieces is very simple. Each side holds two types of chess pieces. Five rows of chess pieces with different attributes will be randomly generated on the chessboard. After turning it over, it will be displayed. The chess pieces with the five rows of your own side are stronger, and the chess pieces with the five rows of each other can eat each other.

Simple, fun and effortless, it is a great puzzle game for monks and children.

It’s okay for Mo Hua to play Five Elements Chess by himself, but the old man with a face full of vicissitudes of life also plays...

Puppet Lao seemed to understand Mo Hua's thoughts, "Do you think Five Elements Chess is too simple?"

Mo Hua hesitated for a moment, and said without conscience: "The greatest way is simplicity, return to nature. The simpler things are, the less simple they are."

Puppet Lao was stunned, and after thinking for a moment, he finally realized: "This is a good reason. Next time I find someone to play chess, I will tell them this."

 Ink painting: “…”

 So Mo Hua started to play chess with Puppet Lao.

At first, Mo Hua thought that Puppet Lao must be the master of this game, so he worked hard, but after a few rounds, he found that Puppet Lao and himself were equally matched, and no one was better than the other, so he lost his burden and the two played. What a joy.

It was noon before he knew it, and Mo Hua remembered what he was doing here...

Mr. Zhuang took a rest fishing by the pond and slept all morning. At this time, he opened his eyes, looked at the sun, and nodded, "It's time for lunch."

So I played chess all morning, spent half a day doing ink painting, and had a meal.

 The food was cooked by Puppet Lao. It included meat, vegetables, and rice. It was full of spiritual energy, but the taste was hard to describe. Judging from the old man's appearance, he does not look like he is good at cooking.

But Mr. Zhuang doesn't care. When the grain enters the belly, it turns into blood, and the senses of the mouth and stomach are all empty. No matter how the food tastes, every chopstick and spoonful are demure and elegant, as if what you are eating is not grains, but the wind and dew between heaven and earth.

Mo Hua felt that Mr. Zhuang’s posture was really decent and chic, and he felt a little envious in his heart.

Mo Hua wanted to imitate Mr. Zhuang, eating slowly and gracefully with one chopstick at a time, but he still couldn't learn how to do it. He felt a little awkward, and in the end he picked up the bowl and planed the rice honestly.

Although the food doesn’t taste very good, the ingredients are of good quality and contain spiritual energy. Besides, Mo Hua has never been too picky about food.

Puppet Lao watched Mo Hua eat deliciously and gave Mo Hua a few more pieces of meat.

 After eating, Mr. Zhuang seemed to finally remember what the ink painting was for, so he led the ink painting to a bamboo pavilion in the yard.

 There is a breeze on all sides, and there are waves of bamboo waves.

"I have had disciples before, but they learned different things from you, so it's hard to generalize. Let me see how far you have learned the formation first."

Mr. Zhuang asked Mo Hua several questions, and Mo Hua answered them one by one.

After finishing the ink painting, Mr. Zhuang pondered for a moment, took out a thick classic, pointed at the ink painting and said:

"The knowledge of formation theory about formations is too weak. What I have learned are basically some basic formations, and the bits and pieces are not comprehensive. This foundation is not stable, and it will be difficult to understand more difficult formations later. , On the journey of formation, you will not go far."

Mr. Zhuang handed the classics to Mo Hua and said:

"We still need to learn the most basic things first. Here are some basic formation theories about formations in the monastic world. Different schools, different attributes, and different contexts are included. You should memorize these first, and understand if you can understand them. If you don't understand, come and ask me. Once your foundation in formation theory is solid, I will teach you how to draw the formation."

Mo Hua took the thick formation book and said, "Thank you, sir!"

Mr. Zhuang waved his hand and said, "Feel free to find a comfortable place to watch in the yard. I'm going to close my eyes and rest."

Mo Hua said goodbye, then hugged "The Theory of the Origin of Formation" and found a shady grassy spot under a tree. He lay down on the soft grass and read through it.

The opening chapter of "Yuan Lun" has a clear meaning, saying that the ancient immortals looked up at the astronomy, looked down at the geography, understood the way of heaven from the evolution of all things in the world, and manifested it into formations, and used the formations to imitate the movement of heaven, so as to achieve unpredictability of power.

Among all the monastic disciplines, formation formation is the most direct and fundamental way to understand the way of heaven. It is also the monastic discipline that requires the most stringent spiritual consciousness.

 The division of formation masters is based on the ninth rank. Those above the ninth rank are immortals and are called immortal formation masters.

However, the Immortal Formation Master is just a legend. In the past 20,000 years, no one has truly become an immortal. Naturally, no one has become an Immortal Formation Master. No one knows what the Immortal Formation that can change the world looks like.

Not only the Immortal Formation Masters, there are no records even for the Ninth-Rank Formation Masters. The Eighth-Rank Formation Masters are also legends. There are records of several Sixth- and Seventh-Rank Formation Masters. They are all from aristocratic families, ancient sects, or Daoting Grand Pavilion Elders. The giants on this side are all monks who are just out of reach.

After the fifth level and up to the third level, there are more records of some formation masters, and there are no more records after that. Obviously, no matter how low the level of the formation master is, unless there is an unprecedented pioneering work in the formation method, he is not qualified to be included in the book. of.

 After recording the history of formations, there is a brief analysis of some formation schools and various formation terminology.

  Different families, sects and regions have different formation schools. Even the inheritance of the same formation may sometimes be subdivided into multiple smaller lines. The inheritance of different lines will have subtle differences in the learning, research, use and effectiveness of formations.

All major forces regard the core formations as secrets, and study and apply them separately, resulting in a situation where formations in the monastic world are flourishing and each is stuck in its own way.

The formation methods are divided according to the types of formation hubs, including the Liangyi formation, the Sancai formation, the Four Symbols formation, the Five Elements formation, the Liuhe formation, the Seven Stars formation, the Bagua formation, etc. The most widely circulated and used ones are the Five Elements formation and the Bagua formation, and the others Different formations also have their own uses.


Mo Hua spent most of the day briefly flipping through "The Theory of the Origin of Formation". After reading it, I felt suddenly enlightened, and at the same time I felt even more insignificant.

For Mo Hua, it is not easy to become a first-grade formation master, let alone a seventh-, eighth-, ninth-grade or even immortal grade one. The formation path is like a vast ocean, and an ink painting that is not even a first-grade formation master is now just a drop in the ocean.

There will be a test launch tomorrow, hehe~(=^_^=)



 (End of this chapter)