MTL - Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants-Chapter 18 Ktv Fengyun (3)

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Chapter 18 ktv Fengyun (3) ()

"What monster..." Lei Zi touched his head and said: "I am just a little more powerful."

"You are just a little more powerful! You are already Superman, and our police school teacher is not as powerful as you." Su Yanni squeezed the thunder like her thick thigh, praised.

"Okay, come, Yan Ni, Lei Zi, go one." Zhao Tiezhu picked up the wine, interrupted Su Yanni, and cleared the Leizi.

Su Yanni picked up the wine and had a dim sum: "Iron column, let's go, the man said that he is the son of Vice Mayor Huang."

"I am afraid of him." Leizi poured a sip of wine and cried: "If he dares to call someone again, come and throw me one."

As if to respond to Lei Zi, this is the third time that the door was pushed open. I saw a grim middle-aged man coming in, followed by a waiter dressed up. The man entered the door and looked around at everyone. When he saw Lei Zi, he also stunned. After all, like Lei Zi Physique, where it is placed is not a negligible role. The middle-aged man was obviously eye-catching, and it was obvious that this group of people seemed to be centered on Zhao Tiezhu. The middle-aged man was also welcome. He walked over to Zhao Tiezhu and sat down and said, "This little brother is very raw."

"The first time." Zhao Tiezhu took a sip of beer. Said.

"Don't ask the little brother to honor his name?"

"Zhao Tiezhu."

The middle-aged man greeted the waiter and told him a few words. The waiter walked out of the private room and returned soon. Holding a bottle of red wine in his hand. There are still a few cups. The middle-aged man opened the red wine, poured five cups, picked up a cup and told the waiter to give Zhao Tiezhu and others a cup. He said: "The deaf person, Sun Zhi, is the general manager of this golden world. Today, I am fortunate to know a few young people. Jun, I will do it first." Say it all.

Zhao Tiezhu shook the red wine in his hand and glanced at Sun Zhi and said, "Are you not coming to drive us away?"

"There are all visitors, how can I break my business?" Sun Zhi replied with a smile.

"Okay, give you a face today. Lei Zi, do it." Zhao Tiezhu greeted Lei Zi and sipped the red wine. Then to Sun Zhidao: "You are very smart."

Sun Zhi smiled and said: "It’s just a mixture of rice." Sun Zhi secretly rejoiced that after he heard that Huang Ning was beaten, he thought of bringing people to help Huang Ning. After all, he was the deputy mayor. Later, I heard the waiter downstairs said that one of the cars driving here was a military jeep. Sun Zhi took the person down to check it. This is not a good thing. When I look at the license of the military vehicle, it is the license of the FJ Military Region Chief Executive. . Sun Zhi knew that the group of people who had played Huang Ning was not necessarily smaller than Huang Ning. This is the scene of toasting, and Huang Ning has been sent to the hospital by his own people, this is to try to make both of them guilty, although the behind-the-scenes boss of the Golden World is also very big, but if you face the vice Those who are long and united, that will be very passive.

Sun Zhi waited for a few people to finish the wine and said: "Tonight, everyone in the golden world is counted as my own, everyone is happy, I still have things, go first."

Zhao Tiezhu nodded and did not speak.

After Sun Zhi walked out of the private room, he called a phone to see how the injuries of Huang Ning and others were. Fortunately, after a hospital examination, it is just a few fractures. At this time, Huang Ning’s Lao Zi Huang Qifan has also arrived at the hospital. Seeing that his son was beaten by people, Huang Qifan looked ugly, and said to the secretary next to him: "Help me pick up Sun Zhi from the golden world."

Sun Zhi’s phone just hangs up and rang again. He picked up the phone and the phone whispered: “I am Huang Qifan. Tell me about the situation.”

Sun Zhi said it truthfully, and especially said the jeep that was the license of the military captain's compound.

Huang Qifan hangs up and can't help but frown. When did the military compound have so many people? It seems that Lao Li’s son was also beaten by several troops some time ago. Is there any connection? Huang Qifan told the secretary to contact Li Gang’s phone. He did not know what the two said on the phone. Finally, Huang Qifan said a sentence, give them a lesson, do the secret point, you are responsible for the person, I am responsible for the aftermath. Just hung up the phone.

At the other end of the phone, Li Gang was sullen, picking up a phone that was not usually used, and made a phone call.

After more than two hours, Zhao Tiezhu and others have already killed three boxes of beer. Li Linger drank three or four bottles. Su Yanni also drank a peach flower. Looking at Li Linger has been a little dizzy, Zhao Tiezhu said soberly: "Okay, time is not too late, let's go back." Su Yanni's feet are a bit bleached, the amount of alcohol is not very good, this time has I was a little drunk. And Li Linger has already fallen asleep on the sofa. Zhao Tiezhu pushed Li Linger, Li Linger opened Zhao Tiezhu’s hand and turned over to continue to sleep. Zhao Tiezhu was helpless and continued to call, but Li Linger was not awake. Zhao Tiezhu had to pick up Li Linger and several people walked out of the room.

Out of the golden world, Lei Zidao: "Sit in my car." Zhao Tiezhu nodded, just about to get on the train with Lei Zi, at this moment, suddenly a group of people emerged from all around, some holding iron bars in their hands Some hold a sabre, and some even hold a brick. These people came to the forefront, and at first glance they came to Zhao Tiezhu.

"Hey, how come you will get bored when you go." Zhao Tiezhu sighed helplessly, reaching out and pushing Su Yanni, you advanced to hide in the golden world.

Su Yanni’s face has been whitish for a while. This group of people seems to have about a hundred or so. The momentum of the Bailai people’s assault is also very scary. She is just a small policeman who just got out of the police school. Hey, although Lei Zi is very capable of playing, but the number of people has reached a certain level, you can fight again. You have blocked the fists of 5 people. Are you blocking 50 people? Blocked 100 people? This is even higher with martial arts, and I am afraid that the kitchen knife is a truth. Good martial arts, you have to run, but at this time you have already had a hint of drunkenness, your feet have been soft, how to run?

"Stupidly doing something, rushing into the golden world to hide, so many people, I have one, can not care for two." Zhao Tiezhu shouted.

"Don't go." Hearing the tone of Zhao Tiezhu's command, Su Yanni's wine rushed up and shouted.

"Nervous disease..." Zhao Tiezhu said, then confronted Lei Zidao: "Don't keep your hand, go up."

"Well." Lei Zi’s eyes glowed with bloodthirsty, and they almost rushed up the crowd.

Zhao Tiezhu carried Li Linger slowly to the crowd, hehe.

The two sides are short-lived, but the number of the two parties is not at all a level.

But the result is almost horrifying the chin. I saw that Leizi’s human-like tanks generally rushed into the crowd. No matter who they were, there was no way to stop him from splitting. One punch was that one person fell, and those iron bars and the like hit the thunder. The huge anti-seismic force shattered the mouths of several people.

They don't know, Lei Zi, there is also a nickname in the underground world: "Thunder beast." Rumors, when the beast begins to tyrannical, it will tear all the things in front of it. The name of the powerful, resounding underground.

Everyone saw this sturdy big man like the ordinary Tianzun, and he was very happy. He saw Zhao Tiezhu, a Li Linger behind him, and gave up Lei Zi, like Zhao Tiezhu. In their view, this young man is a soft persimmon. Or a soft persimmon carrying another soft persimmon.

But they did not expect that this person is a more horrible shadow than the beast, the name of the shadow, on the one hand because Zhao Tiezhu’s **** is not a ghost, on the other hand, but also in a "magic" word of Zhao Tiezhu, there are rumors Zhao Tiezhu is a killer who has entered the devil. In just a few months, there have been countless kills. The shadows come, and the heavens and the earth change.

Zhao Tiezhu’s mouth showed a disdainful smile. Looking at the rushing people, one of them flashed. The people around him felt that they had lost Zhao Tiezhu’s figure for a moment, and Zhao Tiezhu’s figure appeared again in front of them. This is Zhao Tiezhu's unique trick, strobe. Powerful power makes your starting speed fast, and when you start again, use your own stealth ability. After rushing for a distance, stealth is lifted and used repeatedly several times, causing his speed to be as fast as lightning. Although the actual effect is limited, but Zhao Tiezhu seems that this trick is really handsome to be unparalleled.

Every time Zhao Tiezhu flashed, there will be a person falling down. Li Linger on Zhao Tiezhu’s back seems to have no weight, and Zhao Tiezhu flies. Li Linger showed a slight smile in his sleep, as if he had a sweet dream.