MTL - Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants-v2 Chapter 531 School flower school

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The 530th chapter school flower school grasshopper

"What is it! How do I drool? I am flustered, you tell me clearly, don't make it clear, let us know how to cook, I still tell you!" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Cut, you sue, you sue~ my sister, I am not afraid. When I go back to Lucy and Ziyi, I will tell you that you are hiding a small girl inside." Li Linger said proudly.

"Well, level off, time is not early, go back to the classroom." Zhao Tiezhu snored.

"Well, yes, iron pillars, after the school sports meeting is over, it is the school flower school grass selection competition in our school~!" Li Linger suddenly said.

“And then?” Zhao Tiezhu walked while holding a mobile phone to send a text message to Fan Jian.

"Then, that is, I also signed up for the school flower selection ~~" Li Linger said shyly.

"That's good, come on." Zhao Tiezhu said faintly.

"Well, just, I am alone, lonely and lonely, so I also gave you a name~" Li Linger stared at Zhao Tiezhu.

"You signed me a name?" Zhao Tiezhu stunned and stood in the same place watching Li Linger, "Selection of school grass?"

"Yeah yeah~ Don't you think you are handsome?" Li Linger said with a bright eye.

"This is a fact, just, Linger, you know, the external things like school grass are in my opinion, they are all clouds, and there is no first in ancient Chinese, Wu no second, this beauty selection is handsome, that is This line of text, the first place, usually will be grilled on the fire!" Zhao Tiezhu said seriously.

"This is not afraid of pulling, iron pillar brother, I believe that you will not take the first!" Li Linger said affirmatively.

"Are you complimenting me?" Zhao Tiezhu's black line.

"This, you can also understand that you praised you ~~" Li Linger said shyly.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and asked: "I remember that you are not a person who cares about this false name. How do you think about competing for this?"

"You don't understand~ This school flower election, like the previous year, will produce 4 major school flowers, and these 4 major school flowers will inherit the previous school flower position and become the school's image ambassador, every month. The salary can be taken!! The most important thing is that after becoming a school flower, the school will arrange for you to go out and take a group of locations. This year's location is chosen in Phuket, Thailand!!! It is a beautiful place. Sunshine, beach ~~~ people want to go." Li Linger said.

"If you want to go, you don't have money to go~~" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"It's not the same~ I spend my own money, and spend money on school. It's two different things. Now there are so many people. In fact, they are very rich. They don't all like public travel. It's the same reason."

"Well, well, your typical selfishness, brother despised you. What is this school election?"

"The four major schools are the first to be introduced this year. It is said that if they are all beautiful women, it will make many female high school graduates feel excluded, so there are four handsome guys who need to attract these women's high school graduates. You think, when the boys come for the beauty, the girls come for the handsome guys, and the people who want to enter this fj university will get more. When Zhejiang University did not have a college entrance examination for beauty, it seems to be Called Ye Youdao, now our principals also hope that there will be some college entrance examination champions, attracted by our beautiful guys, and come to our school."

"How do I feel... The headmaster is like a pimp..." Zhao Tiezhu said tangled.

"This, fortunately, what kind of draft is the big game now, in fact, most of them are pimps? Nothing to pull, iron pillar brother, you will participate, people want you to accompany me~" Li Linger pity Awkward pleading.

"You know, I don't like people who are in the limelight, so... I still don't participate." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Hey~~ People still think, if you can get a school grass title, then we can go to Phuket together, our four major school flowers, and the four major schools in Phuket, hehe, Under the romantic environment, I don’t know if something will happen~~” Li Linger said with regret.

"Linger, this is what you are wrong!" Zhao Tiezhu said seriously. "It is my mission to protect you. It is my mission. How can I let you go so far alone?" , yes!! So, for your safety, I also plan to participate in this school grass competition, and strive to get a name!!"

"This.. Iron column brother, you are not without money, will not go by yourself?" Li Linger laughed.

"This. Public and self-funded, there is still a difference." Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

"That's good, that's it!" The time of the game will probably be one week after the sports meeting. At that time, you can launch your friend, and vote for us~"


The two talked and went to the classroom in a short while. Fan Jian was already in the classroom at this time.

"I will give you, or else?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at Fan Jian with disdain. "If you do good things, you will not ask for a return. Do you forget the deeds of Uncle Lei Feng?"

"This.. Okay. Then you can't let me suffer!"

"No, my brother, how can you make you suffer? I will not tell you about the incident of taking a girl inside Nakai with Wu Qian, I am very interested!" said Zhao Tiezhu.

"What, obviously you!! Ok, okay, you are shameless, I can't do you!!" Fan Jian shook his head helplessly. "Go back to class."

"Fan Jian, take you to a place at night." Zhao Tiezhu suddenly said.

"Where are you going?" Fan Jian asked.

"Go to the bar and watch the Emperor go." Zhao Tiezhu smirked.

At this time, in fj a small county called Dehua.

Su Yanni was accompanied by her parents and walked in a square.

"Yan Ni, it's really fast to recover!" Ye said with a smile.

"Yeah, let's take a good look at it~" Su Yanni said with a smile.

"Yan Ni, waiting for you to recover, what are your plans? Is it going back to work or?" Su Shanghe asked.

Not long after Su Yanni went home, the fj police station sent someone to come over and told the specifics of the incident with Su Shanghe. Su Yanni also knew at this time that she was already the police of the fj police station.

"Of course, go back to work ~" Su Yanni smiled.

"Well, that's good. At that time, you can contact Zhao Tiezhu. After all, you have been living with him before."

"Look at it." Su Yanni appeared in the mind of the thin figure, then shook his head.

"Hey, Yan Ni, I can see you here." A soft voice sounded.

Su Yanni looked at her voice, and she was a young man who looked very comfortable.

"you are??"

"I? I am Sun Lei!"