MTL - Assistant Architect-Chapter 224 Funding

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Zhang Siyi expected his parents’ reactions, or blamed him for being too hasty, or proud of him, even mentioning the seaport he had boasted in the past, indicating They won't pay... but he didn't expect that their first reaction turned out to be that they didn't pay enough.

The kind of care that was made to satisfy his son's dream made Zhang Siyi feel awkward.

In particular, Zhang Fu, not only did not sneer at Zhang Siyi's impulsive behavior, but also asked Zhang mother in a panic: "How long is our family's financial fund, can we come out now?"

Ms. Zhang shot her thigh: "Hey, it’s been a year since I put it in. It’s only a few months before I put it in. I don’t know if I can get it in advance. I will go to the bank tomorrow to ask!"

Zhang Siyi is busy saying: "Dad, this money does not need you to come out, some people will come out."

Zhang’s father Zhang’s words were shocked: “Who is it?”

Zhang Siyi honestly said frankly: "Gu Yu."

The two old faces were different. Zhang’s father only twisted his eyebrows, but Zhang’s face flashed several times in a few seconds.

She screamed: "Why did he pay you tuition?"

Zhang Siyi told his parents a good excuse to talk to Gu Yu: "He said that he is a talent investment. He went abroad with me. When he graduated, he opened the office together. I have to give him free work for several years."

This reason is quite reasonable, and Zhang’s father and mother could not find any loopholes.

Ms. Zhang thought about it and asked: "Isn't Xiao Gu already registered architect, or design director, he went abroad to study, but also to learn?"

Zhang Siyi: "Learning is never ending. I have told you that A is very powerful. Every year, many architects will go there to study."

When Zhang Father listened to him, he felt relieved and couldn’t help but nod his head: "It’s good to go with Xiao Gu, and the child is reliable."

Zhang Mu is not as stupid as her father. As a rotten woman, her sensitive nerves have begun to move around, and I feel that something is not quite right.

Dinner at night, Zhang mother said: "Sisi, mother thinks, let others pay tuition is always not good, we do not lack that money, the family can also get together, why do you have to invest? You and Gu Yu Say, you can study together, but your expenses are for you."

When Zhang Siyi heard it, Zhang’s father held chopsticks and some of them were unclear: “Is it not good for Xiao Gu to invest in him?”

Zhang Siyi followed and said, "Yeah, you have to spend your money with your own money. You two will retire soon. If you are uncomfortable in the future, you should see if you have a medicine or something, and some need to spend money."

Ms. Zhang gave her son a white look: "Hey, what is sick, I am good with your father!"

Zhang Siyi surrendered: "Is it wrong if I am wrong? Then you have to go out to travel in the future. If you have a million, you can travel around the world with your dad. When you want to buy it, you can buy it. What?"

He is twenty-four, and he doesn't want to add more burdens to his parents. When he sees his parents traveling in the New Year, he is very happy. Zhang Siyi is also very happy.

The rich economic foundation can greatly improve their quality of life. This money for going abroad does not cost the family. They don’t have to worry about the fact that “the son still wants to study”.

Mama Zhang: "But..."

Zhang Siyi interrupted her: "No, I said that I didn't spend your money when I graduated from undergraduate studies. I said it was done. Right, you don't bother to buy me a wedding room. Oh, myself. Will buy it."

In the face of such a mature response from his son, Zhang’s parents have mixed feelings.

Zhang’s father first stated: “Don’t be unwilling to give you another money. You are our only child. Isn’t our money left for you? It’s just for you to make that determination, just to exercise for you. I hope that you don't want to rely on your parents when you have problems, so you will never grow up. I think that you have matured a lot in the past two years. It is a way for adults to have it. Dad is very happy. This time, you and Gu Yu went abroad. Since you have already agreed on the cost issue, I am willing to respect your decision."

Mama suddenly said: "Don't you always come to the oil and salt? Gu Yan wants to invest in your son is not a small amount of money, but millions, how do you not think about this may also be a disguised form of pleading? What if they have something to do with your family, can you help me?"

Zhang Siyi thinks that the mother who has always been sympathetic and praised Gu Yu will have such a conspiracy theory. He is impulsively trying to refute. Zhang father first opened his mouth: "You didn't remind me last time that Gu is the senior engineer Gu Mingfeng. My son? I met Gu Mingfeng more than ten years before they met. For so many years, half of Ningcheng’s large and small municipal projects were approved from me, and Gu Mingfeng’s participation accounted for nine out of ten. Can you see if he has found my relationship because of personal business? Today, I have to personally support Zhang Siyi. I may still ponder the thoughts of this person, but that is Gu Mingfeng’s son. I know that he and he Dad is the kind of person who is doing things in a down-to-earth manner. You can rest assured that even if I am wrong, in the past two years, Zhang Siyi has grown up with him and I am willing to sell him."

Mama Zhang: "..."

After listening to Zhang’s father’s words, Zhang Siyi changed his father more and more. He always thought that he and his mother were the ones. I don’t think there is any more time! It seems that the key moment is still the head of the family can master the wind!

Zhang’s father ate a few dishes and said: “Young people have young people’s cooperation. Gu Yu’s investment in Zhang Siyi is not a white investment. Doesn’t he say that Zhang Siyi will give him a few years of work after graduation? This shows your son. There is also the ability to make him fancy. On the other hand, knowing that the qualification for education is exchanged for labor in the future, it is also better to let the children cherish the opportunity to learn..."

Zhang Yue said that the more he felt that this arrangement was in line with his mind, he couldn’t help but say: "I feel very good anyway."

Ms. Zhang is speechless, but her heart is anxious like a fire, and the alarm in her mind is constantly ringing... Oh old Zhang, there are many things you don’t understand! You are going to sell your son!

Zhang’s father did not feel his wife’s worries. It’s just that she’s hurting her son’s fault. Regardless of her protesting eyes, she continued to ask Zhang Siyi: “But I’m looking at my young age, but I’m just getting a salary. Where can I invest so much money?"

Zhang Siyi quickly said Gu Kai’s “Guan Rong’s deeds” and concluded: “The liquidity he has on hand is enough for us to study abroad. The two houses in the capital still have rents. The rents are higher than my salary. I am not afraid to sit on the mountain when I am out of the country."

Zhang father sighed and sighed: "You see, the same is about 30 young people, Xiao Gu is more capable? I saw an article in the circle of friends next door, said that this young man, embarked on society One of the great fortunes is to follow the leader and follow a correct tie to change the fate of this young man's life. I think it is quite right. Let's Zhang Siyi be the right person!"

Zhang’s father was very emotional, and his face showed a look that had never been seen for a lifetime.

Zhang Siyi: "..."

Mama Zhang: "..."

When Zhang’s father’s feelings, Zhang Siyi and his mother suddenly looked up. Zhang’s mother’s eyes were like Zhang Siyi’s hair, and he quickly bowed his head to cover up his guilty conscience.

But he still couldn't escape for a long time. Before going to sleep that night, Mama came knocking on his door.

At that time, Zhang Siyi was squatting on the bed and making a video call with Gu Yu. You also told me that I couldn’t say the words of love. When I heard the knock on the door, he hurriedly greeted Gu Yu and hung up the phone. .

Mama pushed the door in and smiled. "Who is calling, you can hear you at the door."

Zhang Siyi did not know how long his mother had been eavesdropping at the door. His expression was stiff: "No, no one, no friend."

Zhang did not ask, after sitting down at the bed, Dong Laxi asked some Zhang Siyi trivia, when did he leave, when to apply for a visa, when to officially go abroad.

Listening to Zhang Siyi said that when they arrived directly from Haicheng, Zhang’s mother frowned: “Isn’t the family coming back?”

Zhang Siyi has a sad heart: "The family came back, but just went to work until the end of July. In August, I had to leave my luggage and I didn't have time to come back to live."

Ms. Zhang’s expression was a bit stunned. Zhang Siyi’s heart was concealed and inexplicably felt guilty. He comforted his mother and said, “We will come back at Christmas. You and your father can go to the UK to have time...”

As he said, Mama suddenly interrupted him: "Sisi, tell the truth to the mother, why should he support you to study? You are not the best in your company, who can't help him, why? Is it because you don't think that you are not good enough? If you are in a relationship with you, you can still be a brother-in-law, but you have a boyfriend. You are not, are you... ...and Gu Yu..."

Zhang’s mother paused and didn’t dare to say it.

She only carefully recalled the passage of Zhang Siyi and Gu Yu’s acquaintances. This does not matter, and I have to string many things together. From the two children living together in the Yuanshan Garden, Gu Yu asked Zhang Siyi to go to the New Year at home, and the mate selection criteria implied by Zhang Siyi afterwards, including the tricky movement in the car, and now, the two suddenly said that they would go abroad together...

Ms. Zhang also hopes that she will only see the human base with her own rot, but there are so many signs that the relationship between her son and Gu Yu is not simple. How can she endure it?

She grabbed Zhang Siyi's hand and held it tightly, looking at her son, trying to see something from the other's expression - she did see it.

Zhang Siyi was so nervous that he was not good at lying. He was tempted by his mother. He immediately showed his feet and his eyes were swaying. He couldn’t say clearly: "What do you think about, I, we have nothing."

Ms. Zhang does not need to ask anything to understand everything, her son, she knows best.

If it is not, Zhang Siyi will fry, will be angry, but will never be such a guilty reaction.

Her heart sank, and her mind was an incredible sense of ridiculousness and a deep sense of guilt... How could this be, did the books she had hidden in her son's room affect him?

Zhang Siyi continued to lie and tried to cover up: "Don't think about it, do you see more novels?"

Zhang's mother was in a hurry, violently opened the cupboard and pulled out a book. She began to tear it up, tearing it away, and she began to shed tears.

Zhang Siyi was scared by his mother's move, holding her hand to block: "Mom, what are you doing!"

Mama whispered as she cried and said, "My mother has harmed you, my mother has harmed you...

Zhang Siyi was blind, hugged his mother, and then dared not hide, blurted out and debut: "Mom, it doesn't matter to you!"

Ms. Zhang’s hands are shaking: “So, so you are real...”

"Hmm..." What can Zhang Siyi say? Before complaining that his mother was so slow as a rotten woman, but now the storm came, he found himself ready to bear.

Afraid of her mother's change of opinion on Gu Yu, Zhang Siyi's first reaction was to first cover the Gu Yu: "I like him first, but I chase him first, Mom, don't blame him."

He hopes that Gu Yu is still a perfect, gleaming person in the eyes of his parents, the wrong one is himself.

Ms. Zhang squinted and shook her shoulders and cried, God, how can she explain to the old Zhang family!

Zhang Siyi gently folded the book that his mother had torn, and put it back in the cabinet. He saw his mother still crying. He said painfully: "Mom, don't do this... I, I am very happy with him, he It’s very good to me, especially good. We work hard together, work hard together, but we can’t get married in the future... Sorry, Mom, I don’t know what to do, I really like him, but I dare not tell you...” Speaking and talking, I also followed the red eyes.

Mama Zhang is shaking, she is a rotten woman, can she not be touched? She believes that love has nothing to do with sex, but that is in the novel, to the reality, she still can't get through that hurdle.

At this point of the eye, the door suddenly slammed again, only listening to the voice of Zhang’s father outside: "What are you doing inside?"

At the same time, the mother and the son were shocked. In the next second, Zhang’s father pushed the door in.

Zhang Siyi was quickly scared of urine, and his face looked white to his mother. The mother and son had a tacit understanding of the comrades for more than 20 years. He believed that his mother understood what he meant - can't say it!

Seeing that both eyes are red, Zhang’s father frowns: "There is such a thing, don't cry in the middle of the night, it's not the son who said that if you want to go abroad, you will cry?"

Ms. Zhang turned her head and snorted, and Zhang’s father couldn’t help but laugh: “It’s not a country, he’s not gone, how bad the psychological qualities of your girls are!”

Mama Zhang: "..."

Zhang Fu looked at the red-eyed Zhang Siyi: "You too, your mother is crying and you are crying. Are you a little girl?"

Zhang Siyi: "..."

Zhang Fu coughed a sigh of relief: "If you do it, don't be ruthless, hurry and go to sleep." After that, he turned his back and went downstairs.

Zhang Siyi came out with a cold sweat, slowly exhaled a breath, and looked at his mother pitifully. He was planning to ask his mother not to tell Dad, but she saw Zhang’s tears, and she said: "Listen, you are absolutely Can't let your dad know, otherwise he is not angry!"